Sermons By Pastor Boffey

Our Bible Part 3

IV. Consider the nature of Scripture. A. It was given by inspiration of God. 2TI 3:16; 2PE 1:21. 1. This inspiration was direct Divine guidance of the person to Whom it was given. 2SAM 23:2; ISA 8:1; JER 36:1-2, 4. 2. This inspiration extends beyond mere general concepts to words, grammar and even diacritics. GAL 3:16, 29; MAT 5:18; 22:31-32. Our Bible 12-1-24 ...

Our Bible Part 2

F. The major events of the N.T. are: 1. The conception of Jesus Christ in the virgin Mary's womb which was God becoming a man who was the Son of God. MAT 1:23; LUK 1:35. 2. The ministry of John the Baptist who prepared Israel for Christ's public ministry and who baptized Jesus Christ. MAR 1:1-11. 3. The sinless life and public ministry of Jesus Christ which was rejected by His own people and which culminated in His crucifixion death. ACT ...

Our Bible Part 1

Our Bible I. Bible: The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. II. A collection of books; a library. II. Introductory thoughts. A. Imagine a society without a standardized code of law to which all can repair and to which all are accountable: a society where every man does what is right in his own eyes. B. Imagine a society where the code of law is continually subject to change by that society’s leaders ...


Thanksgiving A. Definitions. 1. thanksgiving: The giving of thanks; the expression of thankfulness or gratitude; esp. the act of giving thanks to God. 2. thank: v. trans. To give thanks to; to express gratitude or obligation to. 3. thank: sb. Favourable thought or feeling, good will. 3. Kindly thought or feeling entertained towards any one for favour or services received; grateful thought, gratitude. 4. ...

Haggai Part 5

G. “...the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory...” (v. 7). 1. The rebuilt temple would have a greater glory than the former one. v. 9. 2. This pertained to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. MAL 3:1. a. Christ is God's glory. ISA 40:5 c/w JOH 1:14. b. Christ is Israel's glory. LUK 2:32. c. Christ is the Gentiles' glory. ISA 11:10 c/w COL 1:27. 3. Immanuel graced th...

God's Pattern For Faithfulness In Ministry Part 2

E. If a minister wants his words and the form of them to be sound: he must go to Paul. 2TI 1:13. 1. sound: In full accordance with fact, reason, or good sense; founded on true or well-established grounds; free from error, fallacy, or logical defect; good, strong, valid. 2. If a minister wants his gospel to be the true gospel, he need only preach the gospel Paul preached because Paul got it directly from Christ. GAL 1:6-12. 3. Tha...

God's Pattern For Faithfulness in Ministry Part 1

God’s Pattern For Faithfulness In Ministry faithful: 1. Of persons, their actions, etc. : Full of or characterized by faith; believing. 2. Firm in fidelity or allegiance to a person to whom one is bound by any tie; constant, loyal, true. faithfulness: The quality of being faithful; a. Fidelity, loyalty [to a superior or friend]; trustworthiness, conscientiousness. b. Strict adherence to one’s pledged word; honesty, sincerity. I. To what or whom are ministers to be f...

Haggai Part 4

V. HAG 2:1-9. A. All the prophets gave witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and the days of the setting up of His spiritual kingdom. ACT 10:43; 3:24. B. Haggai here points the Jews to Messiah's coming and a superior glory for the house of God in order to console and animate them in their work. C. v. 2 c/w HAG 1:12. “The encouragements here are sent to the same persons to whom the reproofs in the foregoing chapter are directed; for those that are wounde...

The Church Part 11

K. With the bestowal of the office comes the right and responsibility to make specific requirements of a church. ROM 16:17; 1CO 5:11-13; 11:2; 14:40; 2CO 2:6-7; 1TI 1:3; 4:11; 5:7; 6:17; 2TI 2:14; 4:1-2. 1. A minister must command the keeping of apostolic order. 2TH 3:6-10. 2. An example of this is the command to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together (HEB 10:25). Thus, a minister has the authority and duty to regulate and enforce this issue...

Haggai Part 3

IV. HAG 1:12-15. A. Haggai's rebuke was met with a proper response: church leaders and church members united against error because they believed the rebuke was from God. v. 12 c/w 1TH 2:13-14. 1. Rebukes from God should yield our rebuke of our lusts and sins. JOB 34:31-32; 42:6 c/w ROM 6:21. 2. As God promised the remnant who would repent that He would in turn “...rebuke the devourer for your sakes.....

The Church Part 10

G. The authority which God gives to rulers of churches is not to be used to destroy the churches, but build them up. 2CO 10:8; 13:10. 1. Ministerial authority may be abused by forbidding scrutiny or challenge. JOH 9:34; ACT 4:17-18 ct/w ACT 17:11; NUM 16:5. 2. Ministerial authority may be abused by taking away the key of knowledge by dereliction of duty, faulty hermeneutic, substituting traditions of men for the word of God, or casting doubt on...

Haggai Part 2

3. When the heart by penitent conversion becomes an active temple unto God, it is a festive moment in earth and heaven. ACT 8:35-39; 16:34; LUK 15:10, 32. a. The body of a saint is God’s temple to be kept clean. 1CO 6:18-20. b. Conversion begins with belief in the heart. ACT 8:37; ROM 10:9-10. c. Obedience should be from the heart. ROM 6:17; EPH 6:6. d. Christ dwe...

Our God

Our God I. Consider some philosophical arguments for the existence of God. A. The argument from motion. 1. Anything that is moved is moved by some other thing. 2. To move is nothing else but drawing something from potentiality to actuality. 3. Nothing can be brought from potentiality into actuality except by something that is itself in actuality. 4. It is impossible that ...

Haggai Part 1

Haggai I. Haggai is a small book of a minor prophet but “...who hath despised the day of small things?” (ZEC 4:10). c/w MIC 5:2; LUK 12:32. A. Even jots, tittles and least commandments are important. MAT 5:18-19. B. This small scripture is for our learning, patience, comfort and hope. ROM 15:4. C. Haggai did have a tag-team partner since sometimes two are better than one. EZR 5:1; EXO 4:14-15; ECC 4:9-11; MAR...

The Trinity

The Trinity trinity: The state of being threefold, threefoldness, threeness. Specifically in theological use: applied to the existence of one God in three persons. I. The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that there is only one Supreme Being or God, Who exists in three Persons in undivided essence. Each of the three Persons: the Father, the Word/Son, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit is equally and wholly the one and only God. II. Some believe...

Matthew 6:10

Matthew 6:10 A. Jesus taught us to pray that the Father’s kingdom come. c/w v. 9. 1. kingdom: Kingly function, authority, or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. trans. and fig. The spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ, or the sphere over which this extends, in heaven or on earth; the spiritual state of which God is the head. 2. This involves the concept of Go...

The Church Part 9

IX. The local church is basically part of a monarchy, but no man on earth is its king. The Head or King of the church is Jesus Christ, who rules from a throne in heaven. A. Christ is the head of the church which is His kingdom. Head = king. EPH 1:22 c/w 1SAM 15:17. 1. His royal sceptre is righteousness. HEB 1:8. 2. His crown is glory and honor. HEB 2:9. 3. His throne is of grace. HEB 4:16. 4. His author...

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (John 14:1) I. Christ’s words to His disciples (JOH 14:1) were not a suggestion but an order. A. He had told them of some uncomfortable issues upcoming and that He would not be there personally for them. So sorrow had filled their hearts. JOH 16:1-6. B. They might not find much peace in their environment but they could find it in Him. JOH 16:33...

Scripture, Tradition, Final Authority

Scripture, Tradition, Final Authority I. tradition: The action of handing over (something material) to another; delivery, transfer. (Chiefly in Law.). Delivery, esp. oral delivery, of information or instruction. An ordinance or institution orally delivered. II. An important distinctive of Roman Catholicism is its position on final authority. A. It does not hold that the truth of Scripture is the final authority but rather that the Church is ...

The Church Part 8

E. It should be noted here that once a child of God has been properly baptized into a local church, he need not be re-baptized if he should seek membership in another legitimate N.T. church. 1. His baptism has shown he has a part in the redemptive and regenerative work of the Lord Jesus Christ. a. Baptism requires faith in Christ and repentance. b. Penitent believers have a regenerated nature, everlasting lif...


Redemption I. Definitions. A. redemption: Deliverance from sin and its consequences by the atonement of Jesus Christ. B. redeem: To buy back (a thing formerly possessed); to make payment for (a thing held or claimed by another); to ransom, liberate, free (a person) from bondage, captivity, or punishment; to save (one's life) by paying a ransom. II. The gospel is the good news of what Christ HA...

Concerning The Last Days

Concerning The Last Days I. We have been in the last days since Christ’s first advent. HEB 1:1-2; 1JO 2:18. A. There was a fulness of time pegged to John and Christ’s ministries. GAL 4:4-5; MAR 1:15. B. The last days/time will conclude with the last day and the last trumpet when Christ comes to raise the dead and finish the mystery. JOH 6:39-40, 44, 54; 1TH 4:14-17; 1CO 15:51-52. II. The general tren...

The Unity of the Church

The Unity of the Church I. The members of the church are declared to be one in Christ. 1CO 10:17; GAL 3:27-28. A. The Corinthians were declared to be one in Christ even though in practice they were quite divided. 1CO 3:3; 1CO 11:18. B. The Spirit of God joins baptized believers into one body. 1CO 12:12-13. C. The members of the church have the things listed in EPH 4:4-6 in common. These things unite them. ...

Knowing God

Knowing God I. In the midst of Athens’ idolatry was “ altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD...” (ACT 17:23). A. It is not that God is unknowable, but unknown to those in ignorance. Paul then declared the true God unto them in succinct fashion. ACT 17:24-31. B. God can be known. JER 9:24. C. The ability to know Him is life eternal. JOH 17:3 ct/w 2TH 1:7-8. II. The knowledge of Go...

The Church Part 7

VII. Consider the nature and structure of the N.T. gospel church. A. The local church is the house of God. 1TI 3:15. B. It is a spiritual house. 1PE 2:5. 1. This house of Peter's first epistle is the church. 2. Instruction is given for the management of church gifts. 1PE 4:10-11 c/w 1CO 12:28. 3. Warning is given concerning the primary focus of the judgments of God, the realizati...

The Church Part 6

4. reformation: Restoration (of peace). 2. Improvement in form or quality; alteration to a better form; correction or removal of defects or errors; †reparation, rebuilding. a. Christ put us back into peaceful relations with God. COL 1:20. b. His sacrifice took away the enmity that separated both Jew and Gentile from God, making a new form of church possible. EPH 2:15-16. c. The event of Calvary made way for the process of improvement. Without ...

The Church Part 5

VI. The concept of a church/congregation in this world for the glory and service of God did not start in the book of Acts. God has had a visible church/congregation in this world ever since the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt (EXO 16:1-2 c/w ACT 7:38). That church under the Sinaitic Covenant would also be His nation and kingdom on earth. EXO 19:5-6. A. Remember that the word “church” is “the naturalized equivalent of Latin ecclesia.” 1. ecclesia:...

Guidance for Young Ladies Part 2

VII. Young Christian ladies, in looking for love, dare not forget their first love: God. REV 2:4; MAT 22:36-37. A. Remember Paul’s warning about the tendency of younger widows who displace Christ from His place in their hearts. 1TI 5:11-12. B. If we covet anything more than God we have made that an idol. COL 3:5. 1. Do you covet a relationship more than God? 2. Do you covet a particular person more than God? ...

The Church Part 4

K. The local church is the body of Christ into which one is baptized by the Spirit. 1CO 12:13, 27. 1. Each local church is the body and there are many churches, thus, many bodies. 2. This is not contradicted by EPH 4:4 which refers to one in kind, not in number. a. Paul is emphasizing that there are not diverse camps for Jew and Gentile. EPH 4:4-6; 2:14-16 c/w 1CO 12:13. b. ...

The 144,000 Part 2

B. The 144,000 are sealed in their foreheads with the Father's name. REV 14:1; 22:3-4. C. The 144,000 are sealed of all the tribes of Israel. REV 7:4-8. 1. In this enumeration of the tribes, the tribes of Dan and Ephraim are missing. a. The enumeration of twelve is made up by adding the tribe of Levi and the tribe of Joseph, the father of Manasseh. b. This is not an historical ...

The 144,000 Part 1

The 144,000 (Revelation 7) I. The content of this chapter is to be understood in connection with the sixth seal which had just been opened. REV 6:12-17. II. This chapter is a description of the redeemed in glory, the full gathering/assembly of the elect. A. The language is in the style of prophecy: terms which are a sign or symbol of something. c/w REV 1:1. ...

The Church Part 3

J. Intimately connected with church discipline is the keeping of the Lord's Supper or communion. Notice that in the instructions for discipline in the church is also a warning against eating a particular feast until a known offender has been purged out (1CO 5:6-11). This feast is of course the N.T. passover kept in commemoration of the sacrifice of Christ which delivered His people, not out of Egypt but out of hell (v. 7), which later in the same epistle is dealt with ...

Jesus Christ The Cure For Sin

Jesus Christ, The Cure For Sin I. We often have noted that sinful man is totally depraved, unwilling and unable to produce good unto eternal salvation. ROM 3:9-19; PSA 39:5. A. Sin is present in conception and gestation. PSA 51:5. B. Sin is present at birth. PSA 58:3. C. Sin is present in youth. GEN 8:21. D. Sin is present in all. ECC 7:20; 1JO 1:8. E. Sin is the reigning principle of Adamic man...

King Hezekiah

King Hezekiah A. King Hezekiah’s record is in 2KI 18-20; 2CH 29-32; ISA 36-39. B. Because of the apostasy of Judah and their wicked king, Ahaz, God would allow the Assyrians to oppress the land. ISA 7:17-20. C. Fortunately for Judah, a righteous king (Hezekiah) succeeded Ahaz. 1. Hezekiah's priorities were ordered correctly. He viewed sin as the nation’s ruin and repentance and true religion as its salv...

The Church Part 2

5. A disciple must be willing to submit to the judgment of the church when it acts within the framework of its delegated authority. MAT 18:15-18. a. MAT 18:15-18 is Christ’s directive for dealing with perceived faults between brethren. It is not a formula for dealing with crimes against the law of God which demand separation from the offender even if he concedes or admits his error. ct/w 1CO 5:9-13. b. This responsibility of godly ju...

The Church Part 1

The Church I. This study sets forth what Scripture declares about “the church” and considers such things as: A. What is the church? B. What is its origin? C. What is its purpose? D. Is it a unique entity or merely another organization or association? E. How is it constructed? F. How is it governed? G. What are its responsibilities? H. What is its f...

Guidance For Young Ladies

Guidance For Young Ladies I. This message is for the encouragement and direction of young ladies, particularly believers. A. Some of this information will have relevance to young men also, particularly believers. B. This should also benefit parents in guiding their maturing children to good decisions. II. As the minister of Jesus Christ, I am mindful of the fact that He ministered to young and old, male and female. MAT 19:13...

Proof For The Canon

Proof For The Canon I. The ultimate authority which validates Scripture is the Scripture itself. A. The internal consistency of its component parts and its grand message, Jesus Christ, are undeniable. A single spirit prevails throughout. REV 19:10. B. Scripture bears the character and qualities of the God it reveals: majesty, power, wisdom, knowledge beyond our ability to comprehend, holiness, purity, beauty, ...

The Worth of Christ And His Kingdom

The Worth Of Christ And His Kingdom I. worth: The relative value of a thing in respect of its qualities or of the estimation in which it is held. II. Some thoughts on worth: A. It is subjective, according to the individual’s value system. B. The subjective nature of high worth is a “tell” of one’s heart. MAT 6:21. C. Something may have universal high worth, like life or health. JOB 2:4. D. Whatever one trades...

God's Mighty Power To Us

God’s Mighty Power To Us A. Paul prayed that believers might know the exceeding greatness of the power that is available to them. EPH 1:16-20. 1. This will assure us that we are on the winning side. 2. This will counter a defeatist attitude and a victim mentality. 3. This will breed the mindset needed to withstand Satan's attacks and to obey God. EPH 6:10-11; PHIL 4:13. 4. This power exceeds the p...

22: The Caliber of Canon

22: The Caliber of Canon A. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew which has a 22-letter alphabet. Note the sections of PSA 119. B. The Hebrew alphabet morphed into the Phoenician alphabet which morphed into the Greek alphabet which morphed into the Latin alphabet which is essentially what we use in English. C. The O.T. tabernacle was illuminated with a candlestick that consisted of seven lamps fixed on six branches and a central shaft....

Galatians Part 36 - Galatians 6:11-18

vs. 11-18. 1. Paul here sums up his letter with doctrinal and personal details. A. He notes two personal details which served to validate his ministry and gospel: he wrote the letter himself and bore the marks of suffering for what it represented. vs. 11, 17. B. In this he was as his Lord Jesus Who is validated by His writings and sufferings. LUK 24:39-48 c/w REV 19:10. 2. “Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own ha...

Galatians Part 35 - Galatians 6:6-10

vs. 6-10. 1. From “...every man shall bear his own burden” (v. 5), Paul notes an aspect of ministry in v. 6. A. Gospel ministers are burdened with the word of the Lord Who expects them to bear it or else. MAL 1:1 c/w 1CO 9:16-17. (1) Preachers are to heed their own ministry they have received of the Lord. COL 4:17 c/w 2CO 10:13-16; ROM 15:15-21. (2) Paul (and Barnabas) was particularly called to the Gentil...


Homosexuality I. homosexual: Pertaining to or characterized by sexual propensity for one's own sex. Also, sb. one who has such a propensity. II. Observations. A. Same-sex intercourse is practically as old as the human race. B. Certain cultures throughout history have glorified it. C. In Western culture, homosexuality has historically been viewed as aberrant or deviant behavior. ...

Law to Gospel

Law To Gospel 1. The Law, though good, could not save us. It could direct our motions but could not cure our corrupted nature of spiritual death. ROM 7:14; GAL 3:21. 2. “ the law is the knowledge of sin” (ROM 3:20). 3. The Old Testament, the law, precedes the New Testament, the gospel. 4. The order of Romans is to first reveal the wrath of God against the sin of man before expounding in detail God's grace. 5. It is...

The Four Classes of Israel of Romans 9-11

The Four Classes of Israel of Romans 9-11 A. In ROM 11:26, Paul says, “And so all Israel shall be saved...” Compare this with ISA 45:17, 25. 1. Some have concluded that the totality of the nation of Israel, or the totality of the posterity of Abraham will be unfailingly everlastingly saved. 2. Based upon texts like ISA 45:17, 25 the statements of Jesus of Nazareth would have been quite offensive to the Jews of His day...

Galatians Part 34 - Galatians 6:1-5

Chapter 6. vs. 1-5. 1. Paul gives further instruction about Christian living as members of the church. A. He still calls them brethren. v. 1 c/w GAL 1:11; 3:15; 4:12, 28, 31; 5:11, 13; 6:18. B. Some were spiritual (v. 1) and were accordingly tasked with restoring someone in a fault. (1) The spiritually-minded will do this moreso than the carnally-minded whose judgment is lacking. Carnal minds will not readily concede the Holy S...

Hebrews 5:1-9

Hebrews 5:1-9 A. As Paul was setting forth the superiority of Jesus Christ over all things in heaven and earth, he had impressed upon the Hebrew Christians “...the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus” (HEB 3:1). 1. He is a great high priest Who intercedes in heaven, not on earth. HEB 4:14. 2. He is the Son of God, not a son of Aaron. HEB 4:14. 3. He was without sin (HEB 4:15), and having borne o...

Galatians Part 33 - Galatians 5:19-26

vs. 19-26. 1. Paul continues his theme of “spirit v. flesh” by laying out plainly things which are the works of the flesh and things which are the fruit of the Spirit. A. These details highlight the fact that Christ’s kingdom is a spiritual kingdom not of this world. JOH 18:36; LUK 17:20-21. B. The fruit of the Spirit is expected in the kingdom of God and is actually part of the inheritance. (1) They accord...

Forward and Backward

Forward and Backward I. The Christian walk should be positive, forward, drawing closer to conformity to Jesus Christ. This is a charge of the ministry. EPH 4:12-13. A. We are to walk in newness of life. ROM 6:4. B. We should put off the old man and put on the new. COL 3:9-10. C. We should follow light, not darkness. 1TH 5:4-8. D. We should grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. 2PE 3:18; P...


Drawing I. Definitions. A. draw: trans. To cause (anything) to move toward oneself by the application of force; to pull. B. drawn: Moved by traction; dragged, hauled, pulled; attracted; extracted; protracted; strained, stretched, made thin by tension. II. The account of the woman at the well of Samaria provides an insight into God’s saving of sinners unto Himself. JOH 4:1-26. ...


Boundaries I. boundary: That which serves to indicate the bounds or limits of anything whether material or immaterial; also the limit itself. II. Legitimate boundaries are everywhere and to be respected. A. God Himself is bound by His being. 1. He is God in Three Persons, no more nor less. 1JO 5:7. 2. He cannot die, lie or deny Himself. 1TI 1:17; TIT 1:2; 2TI 2:13. B. It was...

Numbers 19:17-22

Numbers 19:17-22 A. This entire chapter deals with the preparation and application of a purifying water of separation which was infused with the ashes of a pure red heifer and kept. 1. It was “...a purification for sin” (v. 9). 2. It particularly cleansed away defilement from contact with dead persons and associated things. c/w NUM 31:21-23. 3. Paul gives the best explanation of this by relating it to the s...

Galatians Part 32 - Galatians 5:13-18

vs. 13-18. 1. The thrust of this chapter now shifts from the doctrinal error and implications of law-works justification to the practice of Christian living by and according to the Spirit. A. The basis for spiritual living in Christ is first being born of the Spirit. JOH 3:5-8. (1) This is the work of God, not sinful flesh. JOH 6:63; TIT 3:5. a. Natural generation is the principle of biogenesis: life from life. ...

Galatians 4:27

Galatians 4:27 A. GAL 4:27 is a difficult text to properly interpret, especially if one does not heed basic rules of Bible study like word definitions, comparative analysis, context, etc. 1. What is the relevance of this verse relative to the main theme of Galatians (justification)? 2. Who is “the desolate?” 3. Who is “she which hath an husband?” B. Many commentators consider this verse to be descriptive of the gre...


* Editor's note: the audio quality is poor in some spots due to apparent issues with the microphone. In most cases it is just a brief interruption. There is one case that lasted for 20-30 seconds where there was essentially no audio. This segment was removed from the recording.

Peace (ISA 52:7) How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, t...

Galatians Part 31 - Galatians 5:7-12

vs. 7-12. 1. Paul here addresses unnamed troublers. GAL 5:7, 10, 12. A. When church troublers are identified, they should be marked, named. ROM 16:17; 2TH 3:14; 2TI 2:16-18. (1) The only named “problem children” in this epistle were Peter and Barnabas who needed a friendly reproof in another situation. GAL 2:11-14. (2) Even in that case, the underlying problem was the influential portion of “the ...

The Daughters of Zelophehad

The Daughters of Zelophehad A. Zelophehad was of the tribe of Manasseh, and had no sons. NUM 26:33-34. 1. The promised inheritance of Canaan was divided by lot among the tribes of Israel. a. The tribal lands were basically provinces of the kingdom to be preserved as such in each tribe. b. The family name was to be perpetuated in estates. NUM 26:52-56. 2. The tribes of Reuben, Gad and ...

Galatians Part 30 - Galatians 5:1-6

Chapter 5. vs. 1-6. 1. The conjunctive adverb, “therefore,” ties this concluding order with what has been previously expressed. v. 1. A. In their Gentile superstitions before conversion, they were in bondage to weak and beggarly elements of the world even as others (GAL 4:3, 9) and a reversion to that bondage implied the preeminence of self over a Savior who died in vain. GAL 2:21. B. The children of promise are so through Christ, no...

Luke 11:1-13

Luke 11:1-13 vs. 1-4. A. Here Christ taught His disciples how to pray. Sometimes we need instruction concerning prayer. ROM 8:26. B. Use the plural pronoun. Pray for others of God's family as well as yourself. C. Begin by acknowledging your relationship to God as His children. You have inside help here. GAL 4:6. D. Seek the honor of God's name first. E. Express a desire for the divine governmen...

The Best Gifts

The Best Gifts I. The O.T. church was provided gifts for that economy. A. They were given circumcision as an outward token of covenant inclusion. JOH 7:22. B. They were given political/geographical nation status. 2SAM 7:23. C. They were given a king like the nations. HOS 13:11. D. They were given prophets with signs to prove their calling. PSA 74:9. E. They were given deliverance miracles and manna for fo...

Entering Canaan

Entering Canaan (Joshua 3-5) A. At the border of Canaan, Israel had to go through a virtual burial in water as was their “baptism” through the Red Sea years earlier. JOS 4:23 c/w 1CO 10:1-2. 1. This generation would again have to overcome fear of death by faith. c/w HEB 11:29. 2. A notable miracle would animate their bold obedience and this is the basis of Christian fait...

Galatians Part 29 - Galatians 4:21-31

vs. 21-31. 1. Paul here sets forth a powerful illustrative argument drawn from real history, not from a fable. A. If the Genesis account of Abraham were little more than a shepherd’s campfire story, Paul’s use of it would be as vain as the Ephesian townclerk’s reasoning in ACT 19:35-36. B. Christian faith is rooted in fact, not fable, and is not in conflict with genuine science. 2PE 1:16; 1TI 6:20. C. If you can’t trust Genesis...

Galatians Part 28 - Galatians 4:17-20

vs. 17-20. 1. vs. 17-18 set forth pros and cons of emotional thinking. A. zeal: In biblical language... denoting ardent feeling or fervour... B. The Greek word translated zealously affect(ed) is “zeloo” (SRN G2206) and means to have warmth of feeling for or against. C. The false teachers in Galatia were manipulating the emotions of the Galatians toward themselves and away from Paul and the true gospel of Jesus Christ. (1) ...

Satan and Devils Part 3

H. Satan’s power through the lie is best realized by deception, not by plain declaration. 2CO 11:3. 1. A summary of Satan’s deception of Eve in GEN 3:1-6 is that he basically conned her into thinking she could maximize her existence by acting independently of God and His truth. 2. Jesus Christ's life on earth was the model of NOT acting independently of God. JOH 5:30; 6:38, 57; 8:28, 42, 54; 14:10. 3. There is no fulness acting independently o...


Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) v. 1. Jericho had a colored history. A. It was the firstfruits of Canaan, utterly destroyed and rebuilt under a curse. JOS 6:26 c/w 1KI 16:34. 1. Sin and false religion, once destroyed in us by repentance to the truth, ought not to be rebuilt either. GAL 2:18; 4:9. 2. Christ once destroy...


Gluttony I. Definitions. A. gluttony: The vice of excessive eating. (One of the seven deadly sins.) Also rarely an instance of this. B. glutton: One who eats to excess, or who takes pleasure in immoderate eating; a gormandizer. C. gormandize: intr. To eat like a glutton; to feed voraciously. II. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are not to only beware of something that is sinful b...

The Better Way To Honor Christ's Birth

The Better Way To Honor Christ’s Birth I. Consider the birth of Jesus Christ. A. “For unto us a child is born...” (ISA 9:6). 1. He was a child prior to birth. ISA 7:14 c/w MAT 1:23; LUK 2:5. 2. This shows personhood in the womb. Christ’s prenatal state defies abortion. B. God used an imperial tax to bring Joseph and Mary to the prophesied city of Bethlehem. LUK 2:1-5 c/w MIC 5:2. C. The birt...

Satan and Devils Part 2

E. Satan can affect the thoughts of a man's heart. 1. He can put thoughts into a heart. 1CH 21:1; MAT 16:23; JOH 13:2. 2. He can fill a heart. ACT 5:3. 3. The heart of man by nature is a receptive vessel for Satan's ideas. JER 17:9. 4. When we mentally embrace Satan's ideas and make them our thoughts, we will invariably act them out. LUK 6:45; JAM 1:14-16. 5. This emphasizes the need for us to make our thoughts captive to Christ...

Seven Spirits Part 3

V. There was an overarching spirit in Israel which animated it against Christ, the apostles, and the church: the spirit of unbelief which accorded with death in sins. JOH 8:24. A. The spirit of deep sleep/slumber accords with blindness as does unbelief. ISA 29:10 c/w ROM 11:7-8; 2CO 4:3-4. B. This stood in contrast to the “...spirit of faith...” (2CO 4:13). C. Unbelief forbade them from recognizing Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah and Son of God ...

Seven Spirits Part 2

D. The parable of the pounds accords with Gill’s analysis. LUK 19:12-14. 1. Christ came unto His own nation but they rejected Him. JOH 1:11. 2. He went to heaven to secure a kingdom for Himself. REV 12:5-10. 3. He left His servants/ministers with gifts and orders. EPH 4:8-12. 4. His own nation continued their vitriol against Him by their rejection and persecution of His ministers of His ...

Satan and Devils

Satan and Devils A. Unlike God, Satan is not omnipresent. But he has conscripted a number of subordinate evil spirits (rebel angels) to duplicate omnipresence. REV 12:4. 1. Satan was an angel, now the Devil as a result of rebellion. 2. Thus, we deduce by parallel that the devils are likely the rebel angels. 3. These devils are also the unclean spirits. MAR 3:26, 30; LUK 4:33-36. B. The resurrection of Christ dealt a ...

The Better Sacrifice

The Better Sacrifice I. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ is superior to the sacrifices of the Law. A. Christ's sacrifice puts away sin. HEB 10:4, 11-18. B. It perfects the sanctified whereas the law made nothing perfect. HEB 10:1, 14; 7:19. C. It purges the conscience for full service. HEB 9:9, 13-14; 10:2. 1. Our works apart from the blood of Christ are dead works, of no effect. 2. ...

The Promised Land

The Promised Land I. The doctrine of the promised land is best understood through the teachings/writings of the N.T. A. The apostles of Jesus Christ under the Holy Ghost’s direction are the final judges of truth. 1JO 4:6. B. The O.T. prophecy must be understood through their word of prophecy. 1PE 1:10-12; 2PE 1:19-21. C. One does not need to choose between the O.T. prophets and the N.T. apostles...

Seven Spirits Part 1

Seven Spirits I. Scripture speaks of seven Spirits of God. REV 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6. A. There is literally only one Spirit of God. 1. He is the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Godhead. 1JO 5:7. 2. He is also known as the Holy Spirit, Comforter and Spirit of truth. JOH 14:15-17, 26. B. The “seven Spirits of God” in Revelation refers to the sevenfold ministry of the Spi...

Jannes and Jambres

Jannes and Jambres A. Paul wrote of two men who withstood Moses: Jannes and Jambres. 2TI 3:8. 1. Both names are of Egyptian origin. Jannes means “he vexed” and Jambres means “foamy healer.” 2. These were the magicians who challenged Aaron and Moses with rival but false miracles to discredit their message from God which had profound implications for the Egyptian government. EXO 7:11, 22; 8:7. 3. ...

Galatians Part 27 - Galatians 4:12-16

vs. 12-16. 1. Paul here assures them that the bond betweem them and himself has not been broken, though it has been stretched, and he rhetorically asks them what changed their minds. A. Paul shows himself to be a longsuffering dresser of the vineyard. c/w LUK 13:6-9. B. God is wont to preserve something largely decayed for the sake of a small amount of good still in it. GEN 18:32; ISA 65:8. C. That some churches survive is owing more to Go...

Galatians Part 26 - Galatians 4:8-11

F. The order of the O.T. was that of a servant but the order of the N.T. is that of sons, a position of excellence which shall not be abrogated but perfected eternally. EPH 3:21. (1) Remember Jesus’s words: “And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever” (JOH 8:35). (2) This agrees with what Paul addresses later in this chapter: the casting away of false cl...

Parable of the Ten Virgins

The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) I. Like the statements of Christ which precede it, the parable of the ten virgins teaches us to watch and be ready for Christ's coming which will catch the foolish unawares and undo them. MAT 24:42-51. A. This is another parable describing the nature of the kingdom of heaven, the church. The bridegroom is obviously Christ. MAT 9:15. B. Church members are as virgins ...

The Inconvenient Jesus

The Inconvenient Jesus I. It is a universal observation that if something requires little or no effort to produce or obtain, it cannot justify a high price of purchase. A. By contrast, if one values something very highly, he will spend time, effort and/or money to produce or obtain it. B. If one loves something or someone superficially, the value of that thing or person will be reflected...

Galatians Part 25 - Galatians 4:1-7

b. It is especially the property of believers (v. 22): they demonstrate rightful claim on the covenant of promise on the basis of their faith, not of circumcision or law-works justification, even as Abraham was shown to be righteous without circumcision or the Law of Moses. The promise of life is not in law but in Christ. v. 21 c/w 2TI 1:1. ...

Hebrews 6:4-6

Hebrews 6:4-6 I. The key to understanding this controversial passage is the sole, once for all, sufficient sacrifice of Christ which is never to be repeated. HEB 7:27; 9:25-28; 1PE 3:18. II. In these verses Paul leaves the principles of the doctrine of Christ to go on to perfection. HEB 6:1-3. A. Christians must progress beyond the infant stage of the principles of the doctrine of Christ. HEB 5:11-14. ...

Galatians Part 24 - Galatians 3:26-29

vs. 26-29. 1. “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” (v. 26). A. Mind that this chapter shows that the Abraham’s faith preceded the Law and was associated with the inheritance of promise. vs. 6-8, 16-18. (1) Not only did Abraham’s faith precede the Law, it preceded circumcision (the unnecessary ritual that was being imposed upon the Galatian saints for justification). ROM 4:10-11. ...


Fear I. Definitions. A. fear: The emotion of pain or uneasiness caused by the sense of impending danger, or by the prospect of some possible evil. B. dread: Extreme fear; deep awe or reverence; apprehension or anxiety as to future events. Rarely in pl. II. Fear is an emotion and, like other emotions, must be regulated by faith and knowledge. A. Christ’s disciples were hinder...

The Sheaf of the Firstfruits

The Sheaf of the Firstfruits (Leviticus 23:10-11) A. Remember that the O.T. tabernacle service and the Levitical priests' work served “...unto the example and shadow of heavenly things” (HEB 8:1-5). 1. The Levitical service was under the bondage of corruption: sinful men making offerings of sin-burdened creatures for sinful men and for the very place of sacrifice. EXO 29:36-37; L...


Names A. God has an interest in names. 1. He names the stars. PSA 147:4; ISA 40:26. 2. His angels have distinct names. LUK 1:19; JUDE 1:9. 3. His children are known by name. EXO 33:17; JOH 10:3. a. God relates to us personally; we are not mere numbers to Him. b. Our names are in heaven in the book of life. LUK 10:20; HEB 12:23; REV 13:8. c. The Beast system is impersonal, nume...

Successfully Fighting Sin Through Submission Part 5

VII. Beware of making a false god of riches since this opens a trap door of temptation. 1TI 6:9-10. A. This is a warning against covetousness, which is idolatry. COL 3:5. B. Justly acquired riches are only evil when they displace God. 1TI 6:17-18 c/w LUK 12:21. C. Work, earn, save, enjoy and share your wealth but don’t make it your first love. D. Steer between “gain is sin” and “gain is godliness.” 1TI 6:5. E. Even our thoughts about money need to ...

The Resurrection Theme

The Resurrection Theme A. resurrection: The rising again of Christ after His death and burial. 2. The rising again of mankind at the Last Day. 3. The action or fact of rising again from sleep, decay, disuse, etc.; revival; restoration to previous status or vogue. B. Resurrection (life from death) is the grand theme of revelation, salvation and history. 1. It is the general hope of the very creation. ROM 8:20-23. 2. It is the ...

Successfully Fighting Sin Through Submission Part 4

VI. Remember that we must not only acknowledge (confess) our sin, we must forsake (renounce) it; we must give it up. PRO 28:13. A. Renunciation is done with words. JOB 34:31-32; HOS 14:1-3. B. Renunciation is also done with deeds. ACT 19:18-19; 26:20. 1. Evil behavior must be replaced with good behavior. EPH 4:24-32; ROM 12:21. 2. Destroy the things that were links to your sins like books, e-mails, letters, pictures, re...

Good Borders

Good Borders A. border: A side, edge, brink, or margin; a limit, or boundary; the part of anything lying along its boundary or outline. 1. Borders are necessary lines of demarcation in this life. They establish how far one’s influences or ventures may go, and what influences or ventures should be stopped from entry. c/w JER 5:22. 2. God establishes national borders for men’s good but antichrists reject ...

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) I. atonement: spec. in Theol. Reconciliation or restoration of friendly relations between God and sinners. II. Details of this annual high day are found in EXO 30:10; LEV 16; 23:27-32; 25:9; NUM 29:7-11. A. On the tenth day of the seventh month each year, Israel’s high priest alone was to enter the most holy place in the tabernacle/temp...

Successfully Fighting Sin Through Submission Part 3

V. Do not confuse knowledge of truth or the acknowledgment of the truth with IQ levels. Satan can capture both the learned and the unlearned. ISA 29:11-12. Successfully Fighting Sin Through Submission 9-3-23 Page 4 A. Satan himself is “...full of wisdom...” (EZE 28:12-14). 1. Do not be deceived into thinking that a high IQ makes one superior in the war against sin. Worldly wisdom is rather commonly a barrier to submission ...

Successfully Fighting Sin Through Submission Part 2

IV. By submission to God, resistance of Satan and sin is an attainable reality. JAM 4:7. A. A major advance in this warfare is the abandonment of all forms of self-righteousness in favor of submission to the righteousness of God. ROM 10:3-4. Successfully Fighting Sin Through Submission 9-3-23 Page 2 1. One cannot be a victor over Satan and sin when living a lie that sinners have the power of mustering the ...

The Porter

The Porter A. porter: One who has charge of a door or gate, esp. at the entrance of a fortified town or of a castle or other large building, a public institution, etc.; a gate-keeper, door-keeper, janitor. 1. This was a lowly but important station in the O.T. tabernacle or temple. PSA 84:10 c/w 1CH 9:21; 2KI 12:9. 2. During a transitional period there were “...doorkeepers for the ark” (1CH 15:23-24). 3. ...

Successfully Fighting Sin Through Submission Part 1

Successfully Fighting Sin Through Submission (James 4:7) I. Sin is a reality in all men except Jesus Christ Who had to be legally made to be sin to save us. ROM 3:23; 2CO 5:21. A. Sin is imputed to all of Adam’s posterity. ROM 5:12. B. Sin is a genetic spiritual law working in us. ROM 7:23. C. All sin, no matter how good they are. ECC 7:20. D. To deny this is to com...

Clean Hands and Blood-guilt

Clean Hands and Blood-guilt A. The importance of having clean hands is underscored by PSA 24:3-5. 1. God rewards according to righteousness, the cleanness of the hands. PSA 18:20, 24. 2. One’s strength increases accordingly. JOB 17:9. 3. It may be observed that one’s hands may be clean because of avoiding defilement or clean by having defilement washed away. 4. The Jews turned this spiritual/moral principle...

On Old Age

On Old Age A. Scripture teaches us to honor and respect the elderly. LEV 19:32 c/w ISA 3:5; 1TI 5:1. 1. This must be instilled early in children in home life. EPH 6:1-3. 2. Among adult peers, respect may need to be earned. But this is not the case with little children: respect, honor and reverence is normally a parent’s due. Do not not allow your children to disrespect you without consequence. B. The gre...

Some Comfort of the Scriptures

Some Comfort of the Scriptures (Romans 15:4) A. Paul wrote two pastoral epistles to Timothy who oversaw the church at Ephesus for a season. 1TI 1:3; 3:15. B. Timothy was a notable man of God who had the scriptures to perfect him. 1TI 6:11; 2TI 3:16-17. 1. He could be all that God intended for him without talmuds or commentaries. 2. With an understanding of word definitions and grammar (NEH 8:8;...

The Circumcised Saint

The Circumcised Saint I. circumcise: trans. To cut off the foreskin or prepuce of (males); chiefly as a religious rite of Jews and Muslims. Also in Surgery. II. Here are some observations from Scripture about fleshly circumcision: A. It hurts. GEN 34:25. B. It is bloody. EXO 4:25-26. C. It mutilates a natural state, doesn’t grow back like a fingernail, but continues genetically. 1. There...

Philistines and Pickles

Philistines and Pickles (1 Samuel 29) I. 1SAM 29 finds David still an outcast from his own nation where the government (King Saul) and even the sentiments of the people had turned against him even though he had given Israel great victory over their oppressive occupiers, the Philistines. 1SAM 17:49-54. A. God had made Saul king as a judgment against Israel which rejected God as their ...

Jesus At God's Right Hand

Jesus At God’s Right Hand A. PSA 110 is one of the richest Messianic psalms. It prophesies (directly or implied) of: 1. the deity of Jesus Christ. 2. the dual nature of Jesus Christ: God and man. 3. the superiority of Jesus Christ over King David and the Levitical priesthood. 4. the sufferings and glory of Jesus Christ. 5. the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. 6. the coronation and reign of Jesu...

God's Other Angels

God’s Other Angels A. “Angel” in Scripture often refers to the fiery, ministering spirits of God. HEB 1:7. 1. They are God’s chariots of fire. PSA 68:17; 2KI 6:16-17. 2. They are extremely powerful. PSA 103:20; 2KI 19:35. 3. They have more power/authority than any earthly dignity. 2PE 2:11. 4. They are innumerable. HEB 12:22. 5. They have no authority to marry. MAT 22:30. 6. They are arranged into pri...

Self-Love And The Celebrity Trap

Self-Love and the Celebrity Trap I. Man by nature does not suffer from a lack of self-love. EPH 5:29. A. It is to be admitted that one cannot love neighbor as himself (GAL 5:14) if one has NO love of self or who is at least so self-deceived as to act in such a way. B. It may also be observed that if one has a perverse love of self which glories in self- destructive conduct that he cannot biblically love his neighbor as...

The Deity of Jesus Christ

The Deity of Jesus Christ believe: To have confidence in (a person), and consequently to rely upon, trust to. I. Jesus Christ bids His followers to place trust in Himself just as they place trust in God. JOH 14:1. A. If Jesus Christ is only a man, and not God, then in commanding us to trust Him He is inviting us to a curse. JER 17:5-7. B. If Jesus Christ is only a man, and not God, then to trust Him is to violate the...

Promises, Proverbs, Prayer, Patience

Promises, Proverbs, Prayer, Patience A. We ought to be a praying people who not only confess our faults to God but also petition Him with requests. PHIL 4:6. 1. Jesus spoke of asking which is answered. MAT 7:7-8; JOH 16:24. 2. We distance ourselves from benefits by not asking. JAM 4:2. 3. It is important to know how to pray, what to pray for, and what to expect. LUK 11:1; ROM 8:26; JAM 4:3; 5:16. 4. Withou...

Grace Part 3

VI. That there is a true grace (1PE 5:12; COL 1:6) presupposes that there are perversions of grace. A. Here are some facts about the true grace wherein believers stand. 1. It is rooted in God’s elective purpose in Christ. 1PE 1:2; ROM 11:5; 2TI 1:9. 2. It actually produced eternal forgiveness of sins. EPH 1:7 c/w HEB 9:12. 3. It is justification by Christ, not by the law of Moses. ACT 13:38-43. 4. It is free (giv...

Grace Part 2

V. (JOH 1:17) For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. A. Certainly, the concept of God’s grace towards man may be found in the O.T. and Moses himself recorded such a personal case. EXO 33:12-23. 1. Mind the significance of v. 19 which shows grace and mercy to be the province of God. c/w ROM 9:11-16. 2. Even in this intimate, close encounter with God, man in his corrupt nature ...

Grace Part 1

Grace grace: Favour, favourable or benignant regard or its manifestation (now only on the part of a superior); favour or goodwill, in contradistinction to right or obligation, as the ground of a concession. I. God’s grace towards sinners is the basis of every good thing in this life and the life to come. A. When God in the fulness of time became incarnate, He was described as “...full of grace and truth” (JOH 1:14). H...

Justification by Christ, Faith and Works

Justification By Christ, Faith and Works A. Definitions. 1. justified: Made just or right; made or accounted righteous; warranted; supported by evidence. 2. made: Artificially constructed or produced, artificial as opposed to ‘natural’. 3. artificial: Made by or resulting from art or artifice; contrived, compassed, or brought about by constructive skill, and not spontaneously; not natural. 4. just: That do...

1 Peter 1:8-12

1 Peter 1:8-12 v. 8. A. Believers do not now see the person of Christ in this world. 2CO 5:7. 1. Note the verb tenses: “having not seen...” and “now ye see him not.” a. These believers had never personally seen Christ but were not disadvantaged. b. They would not have been of those whom Peter elsewhere described as “...these men which have companied with us all the time th...


Manna A. Definitions. 1. manna: The substance miraculously supplied as food to the Children of Israel during their progress through the Wilderness. (See Exodus xvi.) 2. omer: A Hebrew measure of capacity equal to the tenth part of an ephah, or 5.1 pints Imperial measure. B. The first giving of the manna is detailed in EXO 16. 1. Here all other passages in Scripture where the word “manna” appe...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 6

IX. A fundamental error is when personal desire, need, weakness, pain, struggle, poor self-image, deficiency, poverty, etc. is not processed through a biblical grid. A. God may not even be a consideration, an awful harbinger. JOB 22:15-17. B. One may have improperly set affections which disorder the heart, the seat of thoughts and emotions. MAT 6:19-21; COL 3:1-2. C. One may reverse the order of MAT 6:31-33, a very common disorder. D. One...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 5

E. Never underestimate the power of false love since whatever you love you give power to over yourself to some degree. The greater your love for someone or something, the greater the power he/she/that has over you. 1. There is the false love of self which idolizes oneself. 2TI 3:2. 2. There is the false love of pleasure which substitutes for love of truth. 2TH 2:10-12. 3. There is the false love of money. 1TI 6:10. 4. There is the false love of the wo...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 4

VII. Tolerance may be virtuous or not virtuous. It must be qualified by distinctions of good and evil. A. Consider these wise axioms: 1. “If we continue to teach about tolerance and intolerance instead of good and evil, Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance 4-23-23 Page 5 we will end up with tolerance of evil.” (Dennis Prager) 2. “You will be ruled by what you tolerate... If you tolerate co...

The Wicked Husbandmen

The Wicked Husbandmen I. This parable and its application is recorded in MAT 21:33-46; MAR 12:1-12; LUK 20:9-19. II. This parable speaks of the forfeiture of the kingdom of God by natural Israel because of their cumulative sin of rejection of God’s messengers. The kingdom would be given to spiritual Israel. A. It speaks of the longsuffering of God towards the disobedient. B. But it also speaks of the limitations of His lo...

Increasing And Abounding In Love

Increasing And Abounding In Love (1Thessalonians 3:12) I. Paul here prays for both increasing and abounding in love. See “increased” in GEN 7:17-18. A. Compare the prayer of 1TH 3:12 with 1TH 4:9-10. B. We should abound in love, but divine enablement must be sought to do this. EPH 3:16-17. C. God teaches us to love one another; this is a prayer for God to strengthen what He has ...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 3

VI. The law of Christ which governs thought and conduct in His kingdom, the church, establishes the supreme order of what should be tolerated for community fellowship. A. An ungodly world may or may not agree with these principles. 1. 1CO 5:1 is an example of a moral infraction which even the heathen rejected. 2. The world will generally separate from murderers. 1PE 4:15. 3. But an unbiblical culture will permit, condone, even cele...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 2

IV. Christ’s perfect model of brotherly relating before a pure and holy God helps us in ministry and in Christian life. A. Although Paul would not compromise truth and its implications, he modeled his ministry after Christ’s dealings with His fellows. 2CO 10:1; 1TH 2:4-8. B. As brethren, Christ’s model regulates our tempers and sense of justice in consideration of the foibles of human frailty. ROM 12:10; EPH 4:2, 32; COL 3:12; GAL 6:1. V. ...

Righteous Suffering

Righteous Suffering A. Definitions. 1. righteousness: Justice, uprightness, rectitude; conformity of life to the requirements of the divine or moral law; virtue, integrity. 2. suffer: trans. To have (something painful, distressing, or injurious) inflicted or imposed upon one; to submit to with pain, distress, or grief. 3. persecution: The action of persecuting or pursuing with enmity and malignity; ...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 1

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance I. O.E.D. definitions. A. tolerate: To allow to exist or to be done or practised without authoritative interference or molestation; also gen. to allow, permit. B. charity: Christian love: a word representing caritas of the Vulgate, as a frequent rendering of ἀγάπη in N.T. Greek. With various applications: as a. God's love to man. (By early writers often i...

Belief: Its Power and Limitations Part 5

X. The eternal salvation of sinners is a covenant salvation ordered by God and faithfully performed by God. HEB 13:20 c/w 1PE 1:2-5. A. This covenant is secure in spite of the beneficiary’s flaws (2SAM 23:2-5), analogous to the named heirs of a man’s will which cannot be changed after his death. GAL 3:15. B. God made an enduring covenant with the earth and mankind that He would never again destroy either by a global flood. GEN 8:21; 9:11. ...

Predetermination v Predestination

Predetermination v. Predestination I. Did God prior to creation ordain that Adam must sin and he thus could do no other? Did God predestinate Adam’s fall? Or, did God make Adam a sinless, responsible agent under law whom God knew beforehand would sin and therefore planned a saving remedy from the effects and punishment of his sin? Who is the efficient cause of sin, the responsible actor? II. Sin could not exist without God yet He is ...

Belief: Its Power and Limitations Part 4

IX. Because many assume that the faith/belief of the sinner is the means to procure eternal forgiveness of sin and also to procure everlasting life (combined = eternal salvation), undue significance is therefore assigned to both belief and to unbelief. A. This system usually consists of two camps: those who hold that belief is always indispensably necessary to procure eternal salvation, and those who hold that belief is only necessary to procure e...

A Prophet In His Own Country

A Prophet In His Own Country A. MAT 13:53-58; MAR 6:1-6; LUK 4:16-31; JOH 4:43-46. B. (MAR 6:4) But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. C. The words of these passages were not to the credit of those in Nazareth who were offended. 1. The offence that they took to Jesus is connected with their unbelief, a sin. JOH 16:9. 2. Their contempt of Jesus&#...

Belief: Its Power and Limitations Part 3

VI. Consider some things that God’s word says about Jesus Christ and ask yourself whether man’s belief or unbelief of these things has any bearing on their reality. A. He is of the seed of David. ROM 1:3. B. He was conceived by God in the womb of the virgin, Mary. MAT 1:18-20. C. He is therefore the Son of God, uniquely so. LUK 1:35; JOH 1:18. D. He is God Incarnate. JOH 1:1-3, 14, 1TI 3:16. E. He is fully man, the Son of man: this is t...

Belief: Its Power and Limitations Part 2

E. That man’s unbelief thwarts the will of God in such examples as given above must be qualified. 1. The thwarting is not of God’s sovereign will to do as He pleases on His own terms. In that regard, God’s will is never thwarted. ISA 46:10-11. 2. The thwarting is only of God’s promises of favors towards men which are conditioned upon their belief. Such promises carry with them a caveat that God...

In Defense of Esther

In Defense of Esther A. Esther, and the Book of Esther, have been the objects of strong disagreement over the centuries. 1. Martin Luther objected to the Book of Esther, doubting its canonicity. He also had issues with Jonah, James, Revelation and was critical of Chronicles, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Hebrews and Jude. 2. Some modern professing Christian critics malign the Book and Esther. She has eve...

Communion and Fellowship

Communion and Fellowship I. Definitions. A. communion: Sharing or holding in common with others; participation; the condition of things so held, community, combination, union. B. fellowship: Partnership; membership of a society. Participation, sharing (in an action, condition, etc.); 'something in common', community of interest, sentiment, nature, etc. II. Believers can and should have fellowship...


Cyrus A. The name of Cyrus (ca. 600-530 BC), king of Persia, is mentioned 23 times in 19 verses of Scripture. He is spoken of without being named in many other verses. Historical and secular observations: 1. Primary written record of him is from Herodotus and Xenophon, ancient Greek historians. a. Xenophon, student of Socrates and a military leader, wrote Cyropaedia, a semi- historical reco...

Belief: Its Power and Limitations Part 1

Belief: Its Power and Limitations I. Definitions. A. power: Ability to do or effect something or anything, or to act upon a person or thing. B. belief: The mental action, condition, or habit, of trusting to or confiding in a person or thing; trust, dependence, reliance, confidence, faith. Const. in (to, of obs.) a person. b. absol. Trust in God; the Christian virtue of faith. 2. Mental acceptance of a...

Some Bad Marriages

Some Bad Marriages I. Scripture warns against and sometimes forbids the joining together of certain things. A. 2CO 6:14-17 lists a number of things which are to be kept separate. B. Flesh and spirit are contrary. We cannot be led by both nor blend them. GAL 5:16-17. C. Evil and good are contrary. We cannot do evil that good may come. ROM 3:8. D. God and mammon are contrary. We cannot be the servant of both. M...

2 Timothy 2:11-13

2 Timothy 2:11-13 A. This is one of four “faithful sayings” of Paul. The others are found in 1TI 1:15; 4:8-9; TIT 3:8. 1. faithful: Full of or characterized by faith, believing. 5. Of persons and their actions: That may be believed or relied upon; trustworthy, veracious. Also of things: Reliable. 6. True to the fact or original, accurate.” 2. This saying is loaded with faith, reliability, accuracy. B. Thes...

Negative Preaching

Negative Preaching I. If one preaches the Bible, he will preach a lot of negatives. His ministry will be characterized by liberal doses of Vitamin “N.” A. Note the negatives in the Ten Commandments. EXO 20:3-17. B. Note the negatives in Christ's preaching. MAT 6:1-2, 5, 7-8. C. Note the negatives in Paul's preaching. EPH 4:17, 25-30; 5:3-7. II. Christianity is a religion of controversy. ...

The Contents of the Ark

The Contents Of The Ark (Hebrews 9:4-5) A. Paul briefly summarized the ark of the covenant. HEB 9:4-5. B. There was a golden pot that had manna in it. c/w EXO 16:32-36. 1. The manna was a miraculous provision from God for their life. EXO 16:15. 2. The word “manna” means “what is this?” 3. It was angels' food. PSA 78:24-25. 4. It normally putrefied when stored but did not...

Bringing Up Children Part 4

I. Bringing up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord includes training by punishment, which is the painful consequence of a misdeed. 1. Initial observations. a. This is an area of child-training which can be both a challenge to the wisdom of men and also of your faith. b. Dr. Benjamin Spock (pro-abortion pediatrician) integrated the philosophies of Sigmund Freud and John Dewey into his errant ...


Overcomers A. Christ’s apostles, assured by His plainness of speech, believed. JOH 16:29-30. 1. Solid faith is thus built in God’s children. 2CO 3:12; 1CO 2:4-5; 14:9. 2. Weak faith may be owing to lack of learning from plain speech. 2PE 3:16-17. 3. Faith is critical to overcoming. 1JO 5:4. B. Christ went on to encourage the apostles by His own overcoming. JOH 16:31-33. 1. Mind the contrast, “ me ye migh...

Bringing Up Children Part 3

H. Here is a list of things that need to be trained into children. 1. Train the fear of God. ECC 12:13; HEB 12:28-29. a. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. PRO 1:7; 9:10. b. The fear of God is to hate evil. PRO 8:13. c. The fear of God should be greater than the fear of anything else. ISA 8:13; LUK 12:4-5; EXO 1:17. d. Teach them the omniscience and justice of God, that not...

Daniel and the Lion's Den

Daniel In The Lion’s Den (Daniel 6) vs. 1-3. A. Daniel had been made third ruler in the kingdom of Babylon, but God promoted him even higher among the Medes. PRO 22:29; 1SAM 2:30. B. Daniel was an old man by this time, having lived through the entire captivity, and yet was still blessed to have good use of his faculties. DEU 34:7. C. Blessed indeed is the person who does not out...

Bringing Up Children Part 2

5. Effective training is realized in two ways: 1. A positive aspect of bringing children to maturity through good example and advice. 2. A negative aspect of enforcing order when there is unwillingness to cooperate with parental rule. D. The mark of a godly man is that he “...ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity” (1TI 3:4). 1. Mind that “rule” in the...

Bringing Up Children Part 1

Bringing Up Children (Ephesians 6:4) A. Preliminary thoughts. 1. Children are a blessing, not a curse (PSA 127:3-5) and a society that ignores this in trouble from internal chaos and demographic shifts which represent value shifts also. 2. Children need to know that they are dearly loved by parents, safe and secure from danger. Obedience and proper character development a...

Voices From Beyond

Voices From Beyond A. It is not uncommon for people (including professing Christians) to affirm that they have heard some form of speech from the invisible realm of God, spirits or the afterlife. 1. Some affirm that God “speaks” to them in dreams to convey information to be heeded. 2. Some affirm that God “speaks” to them spiritually by way of an innate sense whereby they feel His guiding presence in a decision, etc...

Marriage Tune-Up Part 2

10. COL 3:19. The husband is not to be bitter against his wife and take out his frustrations on her. a. She may be a good sounding board, but not a dart board. b. Reserve disgruntlement for her rebellion, not for her flaws and womanly nature. c. bitter: Characterized by intense animosity or virulence of feeling or action: virulent. d. virulent: fig. Violently bitter, spiteful, or malignant; full of acrimony or ...

Faith, Reason, Emotion

Faith, Reason, Emotion A. Faith and reason are compatible and necessary partners in arriving at truth. ACT 17:2-4. 1. Love or hatred of truth does not determine it. Truth is truth and should be believed. 2. Unreasonable men lack faith, not emotion. 2TH 3:2; PRO 14:16. B. There are many human emotions mentioned in Scripture, such as joy, sadness, pleasure, love, hatred, anger, envy, fear, sorrow. C. Emotions may be good or bad d...

Marriage Tune-Up Part 1

Marriage Tune-Up I. Sometimes marriage doesn’t run properly. The default answer should not be, “Junk it” or “Trade it,” but “Diagnose it and fix it.” A. A lot of break-downs can be averted by proper maintenance. Why wait for the “idiot light” on the instrument panel to let you know you’re about to be stranded? B. A well-cared for marriage can last long enough to become a classic that isn’t taxed like ...


Transhumanism A. transhumanism: A belief that the human race can evolve beyond its current limitations, esp. by the use of science and technology. 1. The term and concept is attributed to Sir Julian Huxley (circa 1957), grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley, who has been called, “Darwin’s bulldog.” Assumptions of naturalism, materialism and biological evolution should be expected. 2. The prefix trans prim...

Concurring Testimonies About Our Doctrine And Practice Part 3

XII. Salvation. A. We affirm that Adam plunged the whole of his posterity under the condemnation of sin, which they inherit through his loins and which leaves their nature totally depraved and unable to extricate themselves in any way from out of this condition of death in trespasses and sins. This condition exists in fallen man from conception and remains unaltered unless God of His own will freely gives a person a new heart and n...

Friendly Relating To One Another In Christ

Friendly Relating To One Another In Christ I. Christians have a ministry one to another. A. We are to be “...kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love” (ROM 12:10). 1. Are we inclined toward or away from our brethren? 2. Do we view each other as brothers or strangers? 3. Do we prefer Christians? Do we make friends of them? B. Our love for one another must be expressed i...

Concurring Testimonies About Our Doctrine And Practice Part 2

VII. The holiday issue. A. We affirm that the observance of such holidays (holy days) as Christmas and Easter are, at best, foolish, man-made substitutes for the way that God in the Scriptures ordained the birth, death and resurrection of His Son to be honored. At worst, such observances are rank disobedience to the plain commands of Scripture and are the assimilation of devil- worship. 1. The observance of holy...

Concurring Testimonies About Our Doctrine And Practice Part 1

Concurring Testimonies About Our Doctrine And Practice I. This study is meant to demonstrate that we are not entirely alone on various distinguishing points of doctrine or practice. My goal is to comfort and confirm your souls by this approach. ACT 14:22; 15:32, 41; ROM 11:2-4. A. There are certain doctrinal points we hold with which “mainstream Christianity” would not find fault: the Trinity, the dual Nature of Christ (God & Man), th...

Thoughts on John 2:12-17

Thoughts on John 2:12-17 A. These events took place after the wedding feast in Cana which started the clock on the prophesied Messianic miracle season. JOH 2:11 c/w MIC 7:15 c/w ACT 7:36. 1. The Jews’ passover (v. 13) was a commemorative observance of that critical event which marked Israel’s deliverance from political bondage and oppression in Egypt. 2. God gave Israel forty years of miracles again to lead them out of spi...

Images Unto God?

Images Unto God? A. Question: Is it appropriate to make images of things as adjuncts to faith and worship? 1. image: An artificial imitation or representation of the external form of any object, esp. of a person... 2. Some maintain that idols are wrong but images of saints or angels are permitted or even recommended or required. 3. idol: An image or similitude of a deity or divinity, used as an object of...

Psalm 23

Psalm Chapter 23 A Psalm of David.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup ...

Holiday Tips

Holiday Tips I. Here are some additional considerations regarding holidays: A. Bible Christians celebrate Christ's birth, death, and resurrection by joyfully receiving the gospel by faith, repentance and baptism, by praising God, and observing the Lord's Supper. 1. Jesus Christ was incarnated and manifested to take away our sins by His death, burial and resurrection (MAT 1:21; 1JO 3:8; ...

Some Facts About Election Part 2

V. Jesus Christ is especially God’s elect, being chosen out of the people. ISA 42:1 c/w MAT 12:18; PSA 89:19-20. A. God has highly exalted Him. PHIL 2:9-11; HEB 1:3-9. B. Christ is God’s found servant, the ransom He found. JOB 33:24. C. No other man could we find who was fit to the task of conquering sin and death and to ransom/redeem sinners. REV 5:1-14. D. “God has laid help upon him, not only helped him, but treasured up help in him for us.....


Halloween A. Hallow-e’en: The eve of All Hallows or All Saints, the last night of October. In the Old Celtic calendar, the year began on 1st November, so that the last evening of October was 'old-year's night', the night of all the witches, which the Church transformed into the Eve of All Saints. (OED) B. “In the 7th century CE Pope Boniface IV established All Saints’ Day, originally on May 13, and in the following...

Some Facts About Election Part 1

Some Facts About Election I. Definitions. A. elect: v. trans. To pick out, choose (usually, for a particular purpose or function). B. elect: a. and n. Picked out, chosen; also, chosen for excellence or by preference; select, choice. Also absol. a person or persons chosen. C. election: The formal choosing of a person for an office, dignity, or position of any kind; usually by the votes of ...

Jesus Christ Is King Part 3

V. Jesus Christ now holds the key of David which key is a symbol of office, in this case the office of David, which is king. REV 3:7. A. key: 1. a. An instrument, usually of iron, for moving the bolt or bolts of a lock... 2. In pregnant sense, with reference to the power of custody, control, admission of others, etc., implied by the possession of the keys of any place; hence as a symbol of office, and fig. the office itself. B. ...

Jesus Christ is King Part 2

B. The Lord then announced His covenant with David, which contains the following promises. vs. 12-17; PSA 89:3-4; 132:11. 1. When David was sleeping with his fathers, his seed would be set up after him. 2. God would establish the kingdom of this seed of David. 3. David’s seed would build an house for God’s name. 4. God would establish the throne of David’s seed forever. 5. God would sustai...

Sums, Succinctness, Plainness

Sums, Succinctness, Plainness A. The accumulation of knowledge and wisdom includes the use of imagery, figurative language, etc. 1. Poetry and song which mingle fact and imagery are powerful methods of communication. 2. Scripture makes use of psalms, songs, proverbs, parables, figures, signs, etc. MAT 13:3; 1PE 1:11; 3:20-21. B. There are times, though, when the best way to convey information is through plain speech that is ...

Jesus Christ Is King Part 1

Jesus Christ Is King I. Jesus Christ, who was made of the seed of David, has been raised to sit on David’s throne as king. A. This is the very gospel which we confess. B. At the opening of the New Testament Jesus Christ is introduced as the Son of David. MAT 1:1. C. At the close of the New Testament Jesus Christ is presented as the root and offspring of David. REV 22:16. ...



  1. discriminate: To make or constitute a difference in or between; to distinguish, differentiate. (See EXO 11:7)

  2. Discrimination has gotten a “bad rap” because of historical and cultural errors regarding people of differing skin colors, ethnicities (and other innate, immutable characteristics) who were denied equal liberty, opportunity, representation at law, access to public benefits or consideration in policy.

    1. Some of the worst abus...

Opposing God's Minister Part 2

VI. We are especially to beware of the gainsaying of Core/Korah. JUDE 1:11; NUM 16. A. gainsay: To deny; to speak against, contradict. B. That which befell Korah and company in NUM 16 was meant to stand as a sign to the O.T. church and to us. NUM 26:10; 1CO 10:5-6. C. This disenchanted uprising followed a case of church discipline. NUM 15:32-36. D. The mutineers “rose up” against Moses. NUM 16:1-2. 1. Their real problem...

Hired Labourers

The Hired Labourers (Matthew 20:1-16) I. This parable emphasizes two major themes. A. God is sovereign and altogether just in His dealings; no charge of unfairness can be levelled against Him. B. Oftentimes the first shall be last and the last shall be first. 1. Late converts may outshine earlier ones. 2. Sometimes the least likely eleme...

Some Rules and Standards

Some Rules and Standards I. The church of Jesus Christ is a very special society with rules and standards that set it apart from the world system. JAM 1:27. A. For example: 1. We cannot affirm sodomy as an acceptable behavior/lifestyle. ROM 1:26-27. 2. We cannot affirm works of the flesh as non-issues. GAL 5:19-21. 3. We cannot affirm unjustified divorce and remarriage. MAT 19:9. ...

The Right Priorities

The Right Priorities A. Jesus plainly taught that men should prioritize their lives with God first. MAT 6:31-34. 1. kingdom: Kingly function, authority, or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. 4. trans. and fig. a. The spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ, or the sphere over which this extends, in heaven or on earth; the spiritual state of which God is the head. 2....

The Valley of Hamongog

The Valley of Hamongog A. The defeat of Gog and Magog demanded a special effort of burying the dead. EZE 39:11-16. 1. Hamongog means multitude of Gog. 2. Hamonah means multitude. There was either to be in that area a city renamed, a city founded by that name (perhaps a city of specialists: men of continual employment), or Hamonah was a metaphorical city of the dead (a massive graveyard). 3. English tra...

Opposing God's Minister Part 1

I. Ministers are closer to God’s lightnings than others. JAM 3:1. A. They are to preach what the flesh despises and this often generates opposition. 2TI 4:2-3. B. They are continual hypocrites for preaching a flawless code of righteousness. 1. This fact is not a license for uncharitably attacking or rejecting a minister or making him an offender for a word or something of little account. ISA 29:20-21. 2. Nor is it a justification for a minister to avoid preaching against his own “issues” or justifying in...

The Election of Grace

I. Scripture declares that God foresaw the fall of man and therefore set in motion a plan of salvation based upon His own will and effort, not man's. EPH 1:3-7 A. Man under sin is anything but holy and blameless. ROM 3:9-18 1. All have sin (the principle) from Adam. ROM 5:19 2. All have sinned (the deeds). ROM 3:23

B. Man's will is corrupt; he is sold under sin and free from righteousness. ROM 7:14; 6:20; PSA 10:4 C. Man's works are corrupt, even his good ones. ISA 64:6 D. Laws cannot c...

Gog and Magog Part 5

XII. Dr. Scofield affirmed that the invading forces of EZE 38-39 had to be speaking about Russia and northern European powers in the far-distant future. A. “That the primary reference is to the northern (European) powers, headed up by Russia, all agree.” (SRB on Ezekiel 38:2) B. This slant on EZE 38-39 fit better with Dr. Scofield’s premillennial dispensational theory of an end-time regathering of Israel and the final establishing of the Messianic Davidic throne therein. C. But Scofield was wrong: all do...


A. goodness: The quality or condition of being good. B. good: adj. With reference to moral character, disposition, or conduct. Morally excellent or commendable. sb. That which is good. C. Goodness is connected with righteousness and truth. EPH 5:9; 2CH 31:20-21. 1. There is much in life that passes for good which is not good. 2. If something is not right and true, it is not good. 3. We are called to mature discernment of what is actually good. 1TH 5:21; HEB 5:14. D. By nature none are go...

God's Nail

A. Jesus described the Law and the Prophets as hanging on two commandments. MAT 22:34-40. 1. These accord with the tables of the Law (the Ten Commandments) which set forth man’s relating to God before man’s relating to man. EXO 20:1-17. 2. Believers can only know that they truly love others by loving God first. 1JO 5:2. 3. Conversely, one cannot claim to love God if he doesn’t love brethren. 1JO 4:20-21. 4. The love of God both qualifies and animates the love of others.

B. Consider the Biblical bra...

Gog and Magog Part 4

X. Here are some pertinent elements relative to a near historical fulfillment of EZE 38-39 during the intertestamental period between the prophecy of Malachi and the gospel of Matthew. A. The voice of prophecy was silent during this season of hundreds of years. Therefore there is no authoritative inspired record of the events of those years. 1. This does not mean that God could not confirm His word by other means, as was the case in EZR 6:1-3. 2. There are extra-biblical historical records which do provi...

Worth Proven By Effort

A. There is a general rule of human nature and economics that says that something of genuine value is worth the effort made to obtain it, and conversely, where little or no effort is required, the thing is of little value to its seeker or holder. 1. As such, the person who has to work to obtain something is much more likely to treasure that thing but the person who obtains something without working for it is much less likely to treasure it. 2. This is true for material and relational desires. The value o...

Acts 26:12-18

A. In the midst of Paul's mad, misdirected campaign of terror against Christians (vs. 9-11), Christ arrested Paul, rebuked him, converted him and commissioned him as His minister.

B. Paul was not then seeking Christ, but he found Him anyway. c/w ISA 65:1. 1. What follows is the account of the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, not his regeneration. It is the change of his thinking, not his nature. a. It is the purging (purifying) of his ill-informed conscience which he had been dutifully honoring. A...

John 8:39-40

A. Truth can liberate (JOH 8:32) or lacerate, depending on the hearer. 1. Truth can prick one in his heart (ACT 2:37) or cut one to the heart (ACT 7:54), producing repentance in the former or resentfulness in the latter. 2. Truth can make believers free and unbelievers foes. GAL 4:16. 3. Recipitur ad modum recipientis (the reception depends upon the receiver). 4. How one responds to convicting truth says much about his nature or character. 5. Wicked men hate the light of truth (JOH 3:19-20) and would rat...

Limitations of Nature to Lead Man to Ultimate Truth Part 4

V. It has been said that God designs to instruct men by general revelation (phenomenon and logic) and by special revelation (inspired prophecy). The former deals with observable things to which human reasoning is applied, the latter deals with information communicated from the Supreme Intellect (God) directly and includes information which must be accepted by faith since it is beyond human ability to test it. A. Some analogies that have been suggested to describe these fields are: 1. They are like two bl...

Zechariah 14:16-21

A. This chapter of Zechariah has been the subject of much discussion, even controversy, as to its correct interpretation: when, who, how are these things to be understood? What I offer here is according to the degree of light I have at present. Some qualifying markers I use in sorting through such prophecies are: 1. Apostolic revelation and explanation prevails. 1JO 4:6. 2. The church of Jesus Christ under the New Testament is superior to the church of Moses under the Old Testament and has displaced it b...

Limitations of Nature to Lead Man to Ultimate Truth Part 3

J. The wisdom of God in the crucifixion death of His only begotten Son exceeds all the wisdom of the wisest creatures. 1CO 1:23-25. 1. The greatest philosopher would never have concluded that the Creator God would humble Himself to become a man that would suffer death unjustly, for such would imply that God is dead. 2. The Jews were perplexed at the notion that the Immanuel (God with us, ISA 7:14) Messiah of promise should be humiliated and die. JOH 12:34. 3. The princes of this world saw only the elimin...

On Thankfulness

A. thankful: Feeling or expressing thanks or gratitude; prompted by feelings of gratitude; grateful. Phr. thankful for small mercies. 1. Here is an area where emotion should be a prompt for our decisions. 2. True love and true joy also have their places but wisdom must discern between proper responsive emotions and faulty emotion-led decisions. PRO 3:5 ct/w PRO 28:26. 3. One may be “prompted by feelings of gratitude” to his own judgment. LUK 18:11. 4. Biblical thinking will produce the right emotions for...

Limitations of Nature to Lead Man to Ultimate Truth Part 2

H. Nature can not teach heaven nor heaven’s spiritual truth. 2CO 4:18; 5:7; HEB 11:1. 1. Observational reasoning obviously has limitations: it can only deal with phenomenon (a thing that appears or is perceived by any of the senses, or by the mind). 2. The things that are not seen (2CO 4:18) can only be known by special revelation from God Who is superior to the creation and has infinite knowledge not limited to the revealed order of things. 1CO 2:9-11. 3. The unobservable things of God revealed by the S...

Limitations of Nature to Lead Man to Ultimate Truth Part 1

I. Preliminary thoughts. A. The created order is a data set that can be analyzed. The “stuff” of creation does not lie but conclusions about it and drawn from it are subject to limited power of investigation, faulty premises and biases, assumptions, inadequate sampling, etc. B. The data of the creation is the same for both the unbeliever and the believer. The difference is in how the data is interpreted and processed. C. If the created order is an equal witness to Scripture in finding ultimate truth (God...

The Furnishing of the Temple

A. The house of God was to be “...exceeding magnifical...” (1CH 22:5), and Solomon made it so. 1. David didn’t build but made preparations for Solomon his son to build it. 2. Similarly, Christ the Son of David built what David had prepared in type: the gospel church including uncircumcised men of faith with a spiritual worship devoid of Levi. ACT 15:13-17. 3. The temple’s construction was according to God’s pattern as was the tabernacle. EXO 25:9, 40; NUM 8:4 c/w 1CH 28:11-12, 19. 4. The pattern was of h...


Fatherhood is rooted in the trinity. God is our Father. He is the Father in many ways. He is the Father of glory. EPH 1:16-17 He is the Father is spirits. HEB 12:9; JOB 1:6 c/w JOB 38:6-7 He is the Father of lights. JAS 1:17 He is the Father of all mankind. LUK 3:38; MAL 2:9-10; ACT 17:26 He is the Father of the man Christ Jesus. 1TI 3:16 Through Christ we are brought into a special relationship with God. He is our heavenly Father. He is our Father in regeneration. He is our Father in adoption. EPH 1:3-5...

Liberty By Truth

I. The gospel proclaims liberty to the captives. ISA 61:1. A. There are various liberties that concern us: political, economic, social, safety, etc. B. The greatest liberty is from the bondage of Satan’s lies, which take many forms since he is the father of all lies (JOH 8:44) and (as the saying goes), “Father knows best.” 1. father: 3. a. One who institutes, originates, calls into being; a constructor, contriver, designer, framer, originator. Also one who gives the first conspicuous or influential examp...

Times of Refreshing

(Acts 3:19-26) I. Definitions. A. refreshing: The action of the vb. in various senses; also, an instance of this; refreshment given or received. B. refreshment: The act of refreshing, or fact of being refreshed, in a mental or spiritual respect.

II. This study has a two-fold purpose: A. To show that the “times of refreshing” (v. 19), the days of which the prophets foretold (v. 24) is not referring to a future dispensation. Some affirm that these verses support the idea 1. that natural Israel will f...

Commendable Pride?

A. pride: The quality of being proud. A high or overweening opinion of one's own qualities, attainments, or estate, which gives rise to a feeling and attitude of superiority over and contempt for others; inordinate self-esteem.

B. Scripture has plenty of condemnation of human pride. 1. It will bring a man low. PRO 29:23. 2. It will bring shame. PRO 11:2. 3. It is the basis of contention. PRO 13:10. 4. It is the prelude to destruction. PRO 16:18. 5. God resists the proud. JAM 4:6. 6. “The fear o...

Gog and Magog Part 3

VII. Disclaimer: The thoughts that follow only present possible historical satisfaction of the Gog and Magog prophecy of EZE 38-39, a reasonable alternative to the Futurist interpretation according to the light I have now.

VIII. Generally, the Futurist affirms that the Gog and Magog battle of EZE 38-39 is the same as the Gog and Magog battle of REV 20:8-9 which precipitates the swift, arresting judgment of God upon the enemy of the saints and the destruction of the devil who deceived the aggressors...

Some Interesting Doubles

A. God is known to double a name, especially of someone or something under His special care to get their attention: 1. Moses. EXO 3:4. 2. Saul. ACT 9:4. 3. Martha. LUK 10:41. 4. Simon. LUK 22:31. 5. Jerusalem. MAT 23:37.

B. One of the most stirring examples of double-calling is God’s dealings with Abraham. 1. After waiting about twenty-five years for the birth of the promised son and watching him grow into a young lad, God called, “...Abraham...” and instructed him to offer Isaac. GEN 22:1-2. 2. On...

Hebrews 9:4

A. ark: A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle; esp. a. in north. dial. a large wooden bin or hutch for storing meal, bread, fruit, etc. 2. spec. in Jew. Hist. The wooden coffer containing the tables of the law, kept in the Holiest Place of the Tabernacle. Also called Ark of the Covenant, Ark of Testimony. B. What men died for trying to look into (1SAM 6:19), we may look into by faith and perceive our need for Christ. C. There was a golden pot that had manna in it. c/w EXO 16:32-36. 1....

Principles and Patterns of Scripture Study

I. The Scriptures set forth several principles and patterns of Bible study to be followed by God's flock. The following principles and patterns are limited to those that help us use the Scriptures to determine truth and to communicate that truth. A. We are to study the Scriptures to know the truth. 2TI 2:15; PRO 15:28 ct/w MAT 22:29. 1. Principle: Prove what is truth and then believe and maintain it. 1TH 5:21; EPH 5:10. a. The commandment is to prove and hold. b. This commandment assumes knowledge an...

Gog and Magog Part 2

IV. Futurists/Premillennialists have had a habit of unnecessarily assuming that certain prophecies must have future fulfillments rather than historical fulfillments since such fit better with their scheme of prophetic interpretation. A. They assume that certain prophecies of Israel’s regathering and rebuilding in their land have a distant fulfillment but Scripture shows a satisfaction of such prophecies in history. EZR 1:1-3. 1. NOTE: After the Jews returned to their land from Babylon, there is thereafte...

Avoiding Occasions for Reproach

A. reproach: A source or cause of disgrace or shame (to a person, etc.); a fact, matter, feature or quality bringing disgrace or discredit upon one.

B. A primary goal of us as Christians is to convert men to repent and follow Christ with us as members of His church in this world. 1TH 1:5-6. 1. We do this by sound reasoning from Scripture. ACT 17:2. 2. We do this by showing sinners a better way and hope. 1PE 3:15. 3. We do this by mirroring Christ in our conversation. EPH 4:13; COL 1:27-28. a. We ca...

King Josiah

  1. Josiah was the last good king of Judah prior to the Babylonian captivity.

    1. The account of his life and his good reign of 31 years are recorded in 2KI 22:1 - 23:30; 2CH 34:1 - 35:27.

      1. His father, Amon, was murdered by conspirators who themselves were slain by the people who then installed young Josiah as king, fulfilling an ancient prophecy.

        2KI 21:23-24 c/w 1KI 13:2.

      2. In spite of his heritage, Josiah went the opposite way of his fathe...

Gog and Magog Part 1

I. This study is meant to set forth an alternative to the popular assumption among some Christians that Gog and Magog (as depicted in EZE 38-39) could not have had an ancient historic fulfillment but rather refer to a culminating battle at the end of time as noted in REV 20:8-9.

A. It should be remembered that certain names in the Book of Revelation which appear in O.T. writings are not the same entities.

B. The Babylon of Revelation is not the ancient Babylon of the O.T. but rather a spiritu...

Complete in Christ

A. COL 2:9-11 sets forth great benefits that are the result of one being IN Christ.

B. “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (v. 9).

1. It pleased God that all fulness should dwell in Christ. COL 1:19.

2. The elect all receive of this fulness. JOH 1:16.

3. The great work of the gospel is to bring saints knowledgeably and practically to this fulness. EPH 3:16-19; 4:11-13.

C. Since all fulness dwells in Christ, it stands to reason that if on...

Friends of Jesus

A. JOH 15:13-15 is a unique occurrence of the word “friends” in three successive verses. 1. It is a very special identity to be known as the king’s friend. 1KI 4:5. 2. These sons of Abraham were sharing in his special relationship with God. JAM 2:23. 3. They later still called themselves servants (2PE 1:1; JAM 1:1) for the honor which Christ puts upon men should not puff them up but humble them. 1TI 1:15.

B. These verses leave no doubt as to what extent Christ’s command to brethren to love one anot...

The Apocrypha

I. This study sets forth academic information and scriptural arguments, the latter being most reliable.

II. apocrypha: A writing or statement of doubtful authorship or authenticity; spec. those books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate versions of the Old Testament, which were not originally written in Hebrew and not counted genuine by the Jews, and which, at the Reformation, were excluded from the Sacred Canon by the Protestant party, as having no well-grounded claim to inspired authorship.


Bible For Beginners Part 2

I. Read GEN 1-11 and accept it as historical narrative. It sets forth creation, the entrance of sin by Adam, and a worldwide flood which wiped out everyone except Noah and his family. 1. It establishes the proper pattern of marriage. 2. It establishes morality. 3. It establishes the need for clothing. 4. It establishes cosmology, geology, anthropology, biology and paleontology, etc. 5. If you can’t believe what God tells you of earthly things, on what basis can you believe what He tells you of heavenly t...

Wars and Rumours

A. rumour: 1. a. A (wide-spread) report of a favourable or laudatory nature. Obs. b. Talk or report of a person or thing in some way noted or distinguished. Now arch. c. The fact of being generally talked about; reputation, renown. Obs. 2. a. General talk, report, or hearsay, not based upon definite knowledge. Also phr. rumour has it. B. Believers can expect certain troubles in this troubling life. JOH 16:33; ACT 14:22.1. There will be certain persecutions to the godly in Christ. 2TI 3:12.2. There will b...

The Revelation of God

I. Nature only supplies a limited knowledge of God. ROM 1:19-20; PSA 19:1. A. The “Book of Nature” is corrupt and therefore unreliable to reveal God. ROM 8:21-22. B. Polytheistic idolatry is evidence of the vanity of knowing God from nature. To discover God by interpreting the creation is to end up where all paganism ends up: creature worship, idolatry and uncleanness. ROM 1:22-25. C. Some have thus concluded that God is inscrutable and unknowable, and that it is wrong to declare to know Him. 1. Mind tha...

Trees Of Life

A. In the Garden of Eden, God planted a tree of life to which man had access until sin entered. GEN 2:9; 3:22-24. 1. If it was still there by the time of Noah’s flood, it would have been destroyed since nobody, including Noah, had a right to touch it. GEN 3:22-24. 2. It evidently, though, was removed to glory. REV 2:7; 22:1-2, 14. 3. The Second Adam (Christ) restores man to what the first Adam lost: the right to the tree of life. ROM 5:17-18. 4. NOTE: Christ is our life (COL 3:4), made so to us by His cr...

Bible For Beginners Part 1

I. This study assumes that the individual has a regenerated spiritual nature to enable understanding. JOH 8:43, 47 c/w 1CO 2:14. A. Do not conflate spiritual death with spiritual immaturity which lacks understanding. ACT 8:30-31 c/w LUK 24:45. B. Knowledge and understanding are progressive. PRO 4:18. C. Even an unregenerate man can derive some benefit from reading Scripture inasmuch as it can acquaint him with what motivates spiritually-minded men, with historical information, with things that concur wit...

Fundamentals For Effective Evangelism

I. Preparation is needed. EPH 6:15; 1PE 3:15-16; 2TI 2:20-21. A. The minister who thus purges himself is an example to those who hear him to purge themselves. 1TI 4:12; 2CO 6:14 – 7:1. B. The Christian profession at large is like a great house with vessels unto honour and vessels unto dishonour in it. C. The vessels of gold and silver are vessels unto honour whereas the vessels of wood and earth are vessels unto dishonour. c/w LAM 4:2; 1CO 3:11-15. D. A minister must purge himself from the vessels of woo...

Some Thoughts on Warfare

I. Christians are called to spiritual warfare. A. There is a universal call to war against Satan. EPH 6:10-11. B. There is a general warfare in contending for the faith. JUDE 1:3. C. There is particular warfare of ministry to which only some are called. 1TI 1:18-20.

II. In DEU 20, Moses laid down some rules for Israel’s wars. We may here glean some insights for our duty to our own Commander and Captain of our salvation. ISA 55:4; HEB 2:10. A. These instructions pertained to the secondary wars of Is...

Ark Errors

Ark Errors A. Israel foolishly ascribed the power of salvation to the ark of the covenant. They had turned it into a talisman or charm. 1SAM 4:3. 1. The ark was a token of God’s power, presence and favor to Israel, a box crafted by sinners’ hands out of elements under the bondage of corruption. EXO 25:10. 2. Many likewise have errantly ascribed saving power to other than God in areas where He alone has power and will be glorified, ascribing power to such things as genealogy, circumcision, sacraments, eve...

Why I Minister As I Do Part 2

V. Here is a random list of other motivations and explanations for my manner of ministry.

A. A Pauline minister should be a studier. 2TI 2:15. 1. More than any other writing, I study Scripture for perfection (2TI 3:15-16): if I had no other study book but the Bible, I would have enough and plenty for the work. 2. There are plenty of books to weary my flesh (ECC 12:12), and not all of them are profitable for me or for you. 3. I may flavor my teaching with extra-scriptural knowledge as Paul did (ACT...

Tattoos, Piercings, Body Modification Part 2

Tattoos, Piercings, Body Modifications I. This study seeks to steer between extremes concerning the care and government of the body.

II. God has written into human nature a principle of nourishing and cherishing (treating with tenderness and affection) one’s flesh. EPH 5:29. A. Mind that this text implies an unnatural hating of one’s flesh is commensurate with not nourishing it or cherishing it. B. We should steer clear of idolizing the body (PHIL 3:19) as if our lives must be dedicated to a sensua...

Tattoos, Piercings, Body Modification Part 1

Tattoos, Piercings, Body Modifications I. This study seeks to steer between extremes concerning the care and government of the body.

II. God has written into human nature a principle of nourishing and cherishing (treating with tenderness and affection) one’s flesh. EPH 5:29. A. Mind that this text implies an unnatural hating of one’s flesh is commensurate with not nourishing it or cherishing it. B. We should steer clear of idolizing the body (PHIL 3:19) as if our lives must be dedicated to a sensua...

Why I Minister As I Do Part 1

I. This sermon will take on a personal aspect. A. I want to set forth the biblical basis for N.T. ministry. B. I want to set forth what drives me in this work and what my goals are. C. I want to set forth some personal reasons for ministering as I do. D. A challenge that I have faced in pondering this topic is a matter of self-examination: am I seeking to explain myself or justify myself?

II. I am totally persuaded that I have the preserved word of God at hand and that it is the ultimate authority ...

Ebedmelech Part 3

IV. JER 38:7-13. A. Ebedmelech the Ethiopian went in unto Zedekiah to intercede for Jeremiah. Given the abhorrent character of Zedekiah (EZE 21:25), it might be said that Ebedmelech went boldly unto the throne of disgrace. His compassion was love in deed and in truth. 1JO 3:17-18. B. The fact that he may have been putting himself at risk did not deter him from trying to help the man of God. He joined the ranks of the heroes of faith by his actions. HEB 11:27. C. Ebedmelech spoke out on behalf of a wrongl...

Children and Church Part 2

III. Children from infancy should be familiarized with church assembly and order to prepare them for God’s service in His kingdom. A. Inordinate concern about the challenges for the little ones cost Israel dearly at Canaan’s border and gospel duty is not grievous. NUM 14:31-32 c/w 1JO 5:3. 1. There will always be obstacles and inconveniences to any worthwhile enterprise. The value of the enterprise is largely determined by the desire, effort and dedication one has for it. MAT 13:44-46. 2. Our church serv...

Ebedmelech Part 2

C. Ebedmelech. His name means “servant of the king.” 1. He was an Ethiopian eunuch who feared the true God. a. The name “Ethiopia” is the same Hebrew word which is elsewhere translated as “Cush” (the son of Ham and father of Nimrod). b. The name “Cush” means “black” (per BDB Dictionary). c. Ethiopians were then, as now, obviously unwhite. JER 13:23. 2. As an eunuch, he could bear no familiar fruit (biologically); he was a “dry tree” (ISA 56:3). But his good deeds were fruit of another source of life with...

Children and Church Part 1

Children and Church

I. Children are the “...heritage of the Lord...” (PSA 127:3) and are to be raised by parents in trust for God Who desires a godly seed. MAL 2:15; PSA 144:11-12. A. Children are to be trained up in the way that they SHOULD go. PRO 22:6. B. The way that children should go is obviously established by God. EPH 6:4. 1. nurture: Breeding, upbringing, training, education (received or possessed by one). b. Moral training or discipline. 2. admonish: To put (a person) in mind of du...

Ebedmelech Part 1

Ebedmelech (JER 38-39) I. The Time, Place and Circumstances. A. This was during the last years of the last O.T. king of Judah. B. This was just prior to the fall of the city of Jerusalem and the subjugation of the Jews by the Babylonians. C. Much of Judah had already been taken captive by the Babylonians. D. Jerusalem had been greatly reduced by sin, then by Babylon. 1. Life was cheap. Truth and judgment had departed. JER 4:31; 5:1-4. 2. The people were only wise to do evil. JER 4:22; 9:3. 3. They abused...

Romans 10:1-11 Part 2

V. Clearly, “the righteousness which is of faith” (v. 6) CANNOT be a righteousness which relies upon something that a person DOES so that he may live (i.e., ACQUIRE life and righteousness), for that would make it a “do and live” proposition: “the righteousness which is of the law” (v. 5). A. But the sinner’s faith is something he DOES. ACT 16:30-31; 1JO 3:22-23. 1. A man may be asked, “Do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?” and, if so affirmed, the man would rightly answer, “Yes, I do.” 2. If the conc...

The Right Priorities

1. Jesus plainly taught that men should prioritize their lives with God first. MAT 6:31-34. A. kingdom: Kingly function, authority, or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. 4. trans. and fig. a. The spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ, or the sphere over which this extends, in heaven or on earth; the spiritual state of which God is the head. B. This kingdom is not secular but inward and spiritual. LUK 17:20-21; ROM 14:17. (1) We know that Jesus reigns as King with...

Romans 10:1-11 Part 1

I. faith: Belief, trust, confidence, reliance (in the ability, goodness, etc., of a person; in the efficacy or worth of a thing; or in the truth of a statement or doctrine).

II. Paul here sets in contrast various things: A. Zeal v. knowledge. B. Knowledge v. ignorance. C. God’s righteousness v. the sinner establishing his own righteousness. D. Trust in God v. trust in one’s own doing. E. The righteousness which is of faith v. the righteousness which is of the law. F. “Do and live” v. “live and do.”...


I. Expedient: Conducive to advantage in general, or to a definite purpose; fit, proper, or suitable to the circumstances of the case.

II. The N.T. is a law of liberty. JAM 1:25; 2:12; 2CO 3:17. A. It liberates believers from the fear of death. HEB 2:15. B. It liberates believers from the service of sin. ROM 6:16-18. C. It liberates believers from a marred conscience. HEB 9:14. D. It liberates believers from abolished strictures of Mosaic Law. COL 2:13-16. E. It liberates believers TO the law...

Christmas and Holidays

This is an extemporaneous message addressing the need to worship God according to his terms rather than our own.

COLOSSIANS 2:13-23 13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly...

Dealing With Dark Thoughts Part 4

Editor's note: The beginning of the message is missing from the audio recording.

VIII. Beware of placing too much value on men’s opinion of yourself (or of others). 1CO 4:3. A. It is this very error that is causing such spiritual, emotional and psychological trouble among social mediaholics, particularly younger people. Dark thoughts overtake them. B. It is one of the ironies of life that the person who is striving to do well and doesn’t worry much about his own popularity ...

Dealing with Dark Thoughts Part 3

V. Gird up the loins of your mind (1PE 1:13) against the toxin of futility. MAL 3:14. A. It may seem that conformity to God’s righteousness and expectations is futile when you are only looking at the immediate picture. PSA 73:13-18. B. It may seem that your dedication to principle and promise is not yielding the results you expected in the time and manner you expected. But faith in principle and promise must be partnered with patience. HEB 6:12. 1. This was where Abraham drifted. GEN 16:1-4. 2. This is w...

Dealing With Dark Thoughts Part 2

III. The truth of the gospel accords with soundness of mind. 2TI 1:7; ACT 26:25 A. Paul was saved from irrational, dark thoughts about decent people. ACT 8:3; 9:1; 26:11 1. He was ignorantly zealous, a dangerous premise he later denounced. ROM 10:1-3 2. His pre-conversion problem was a false belief about acceptance with God. 3. History is filled with examples of God-fearing people struck down by people with a faulty soteriology. Consider the wrath against those who refused infant baptism which was falsel...

1 Samuel 30:1-20

A. King Saul was a direct trouble to David and sometimes an indirect one, as here.

1. Saul did not earlier utterly destroy the Amalekites as commanded. 1SAM 15:3, 9.

2. Had Saul done right, David would not have had to run a campaign against them (1SAM 27:8), nor would David’s band have here been ravaged by them.

3. The costs of sparing when God says, “Spare not” may be immediate or delayed, direct or indirect. We know not what troubles we may cause by sparing inappropriately.

a. D...

Dealing With Dark Thoughts Part 1

I. Our thoughts are to be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2CO 10:5. A. The government of our thoughts is what determines our actions and character, good or bad. PRO 23:6-7; ROM 12:3. B. The thought of foolishness is sin. PRO 24:9; MAT 5:28. C. It behooves us to guard against allowing temptation to take root in our thoughts. JAM 1:14-15. D. Mind that evil thoughts proceed from the heart, not the brain. There is a moral dimension to thought beyond the cognitive, analytical aspect. MAT 15...

On Privacy Part 2

IV. Some things should be kept secret rather than openly broadcast. PRO 12:23; 25:9. A. The ability to keep a secret is an act of faithfulness. PRO 11:13. B. Be wary of a man that cannot keep a secret. C. Your closest friends with whom you share the most should be people you can trust. PSA 41:9. 1. The breach of such trust is a grievous thing: betrayal. 2. Betrayal is something that is done only where trust and closeness existed. 3. One of the most piercing, telling statements our Lord ever made was to J...

Power Over The Body

A. Preamble. 1. I am not an “anti-vaxxer” but I am pro-Christ, pro-inquiry, pro-conscience and anti-coercion when it comes to the government of a mature free person’s body. 2. Jesus Christ is the supreme example of a human Whose holiness, mind and conversation should be our aspiration, and Whose sinlessness was evident in all that He did and in what was done to Him. EPH 4:13; HEB 4:15; 1PE 2:22. 3. Man is made in the image of God (1CO 11:7; JAM 3:9) above the brute creation (PSA 8:4-8) and should not be ...

On Privacy Part 1

I. “A mistake is to assume wrongdoing on the part of an individual because they prefer their privacy. The idea that many people have, ‘if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to worry about’, is nonsense and presents the dangerous belief that one is guilty until proven innocent. I do have something to hide: my life, which is nobody's business but my God's. The right to privacy is a God given right. We demand privacy all the time, such as when going to the bathroom or taking a sh...

What Advantage Then Hath the Jew? Part 2

G. Paul had a great desire for the salvation of Israel. ROM 10:1. 1. He knew he couldn’t alter the elective purpose of God to only deem the children of the promise as the seed of Abraham. ROM 9:1-29 c/w JUDE 1:7. 2. He rather earnestly desired the conversion of the elect among Israel to the knowledge of salvation through the righteousness of One: Jesus Christ. ROM 10:2-4; 5:17-19. 3. There remained an elect remnant “Israel of God” (GAL 6:16) that needed that salvation of knowledge and faith as much as an...

Timbits 7

2CO 3:5-18. A. Paul compares the temporary glory of Moses’s shining countenance with the temporary glory of the Law. B. Moses’s face shone and was vailed as he gave the Law to Israel. EXO 34:29-35. C. Once the Law was given, we read no more of Moses’s shining face and his vail. D. Accordingly, the Law itself was a temporary glory. 1. It was added until Christ. GAL 3:19. 2. It was a schoolmaster to bring men to Christ, not a taskmaster to keep men in bondage to unbearable burdens. GAL 3:24 c/w ACT ...

The Offering of Isaac

The record of Isaac is laden with illustrations pertaining to the Lord Jesus Christ. A. Both were the long-awaited sons of promise. GEN 12:1-4 c/w 17:17 c/w GAL 4:4; LUK 1:68-70. B. Both were the beloved and only-begotten sons of their fathers. GEN 22:2 c/w JOH 3:16. C. Both were spiritually generated. MAT 1:20 c/w GAL 4:29. D. Both were persecuted by their own brethren. GEN 21:9 c/w JOH 1:11. E. The sacrifice of Isaac is particularly rich with parallels to Christ, for therein we see faithful submission ...

The Sword of Pestilence and Biblical Living

I. Definitions. A. pestilence: Any fatal epidemic disease, affecting man or beast, and destroying many victims. B. epidemic: Of a disease: ‘Prevalent among a people or a community at a special time, and produced by some special causes not generally present in the affected locality.’

II. If Covid-19 is a pestilence, we should particularly heed what Scripture says about such. A. A pestilence is a sword of God. LEV 26:25; 1CH 21:11-12. B. If God thus judges His own people, so will He jud...

Healing and Desperation

A. It is possible to despair of life. 2CO 1:8. 1. Conditions may be such that a heart fails. LUK 21:26. 2. desperate: Of a person: Having lost or abandoned hope; in despair, despairing, hopeless. Driven to desperation, reckless or infuriated from despair. Hence, Having the character of one in this condition; extremely reckless or violent, ready to run any risk or go any length. 3. Without the temper of gospel hope, desperation can drive one to irrational and/or unscriptural reactions. ACT 16:27. 4. Paul ...

God's Deliverances Part 2

V. Between the legal salvation at Calvary and the bodily salvation at Resurrection Day, the inwardly saved elect (the quickened) can experience other salvations. A. Since Christ is specially (in a special manner) the Savior of believers (1TI 4:10), by faith they may through Him be saved: 1. from vain thinking and ignorance of the true God. ACT 17:22-23; 2CO 10:5. 2. from fear of death. HEB 2:15. 3. from deceptions of lies and sins. ACT 3:26; 26:18; JOH 8:31-32; EPH 4:20-22. 4. from a stained record befor...

God's Deliverances Part 1

I. Definitions. A. save: trans. To deliver or rescue from peril or hurt; to make safe, put in safety. B. deliver: trans. To set free, liberate, release, rescue, save. C. everlasting: Lasting for ever; infinite in future duration; endless; = eternal A. 3. D. eternal: Infinite in future duration; that always will exist; everlasting, endless. E. temporal: Lasting or existing only for a time; passing, temporary. Now rare or merged in 2. Of or pertaining to time as the sphere of human life; terrestrial as opp...

What Advantage Then Hath the Jew? Part 1

(Romans 3:1) A. Definitions. 1. advantage: Benefit; enhancement, improvement; increased well-being or convenience; resulting benefit. to one's advantage: to one's benefit, beneficial to one. 2. profit: The advantage or benefit (of a person, community, or thing); use, interest; the gain, good, well-being. Formerly sometimes pl. when referring to several persons. B. Much of Paul’s epistle to the Romans was aimed at Jews (specifically Jewish Christians), to urge them from Moses and their own misconc...

2 Peter 3:1-9

A. Peter opens this last chapter by calling his brethren beloved. v. 1. 1. In Chapter 2, Peter had stressed godliness. 2. Here, he follows his own admonition to add brotherly kindness. c/w 2PE 1:7.

B. The saints are here reminded to heed the words of the prophets and those of the apostles. 1. The messages of the prophets and the apostles are in complete agreement. ACT 26:22. 2. There is a particular message pertaining to end times that apostles and prophets have always declared: God’s promised comi...

Matthew 27:38-44

A. In addition to all the physical pain Jesus endured, He also endured taunts and reproaches while on the cross from sinners whose real issue was with God in heaven. ROM 15:3. 1. These were part of His soul-sufferings of exceeding sorrow. MAT 26:38. 2. These were part of the hell He experienced before death which culminated with the Father’s forsaking Him. MAT 27:46; ACT 2:27.

B. They taunted His Sonship, “...If thou be the Son of God...” (v. 40). 1. Jesus’s public ministry began with that doubt-pr...

Thy People, My People

A. This account of resolute commitment was during the 450 year period of the judges. RUTH 1:1 c/w ACT 13:19-20. 1. In a time when “...every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (JDG 21:25), we find a woman who did right in God's eyes. 2. Ruth is the only named virtuous woman in Scripture. RUTH 3:11. 3. virtuous: 1. Distinguished by manly qualities; full of manly courage; valiant, valorous. Obs. 2. Possessing or showing virtue in life and conduct; acting with moral rectitude or in conformity ...

Isaiah 40:28-31

I. Definitions. A. renew: To make new, or as new, again; to restore to the same condition as when new, young or fresh. B. wait on (or upon): To observe, watch; to fix one's eyes upon, gaze at. In Bible phrases, to place one's hope in God.

II. For the person whose hope, trust or confidence is in God, there is a promise of reinvigoration in the face of adversity or weakness. ISA 40:28-31. A. The man of faith accepts that the Lord is his strength. PSA 6:2 c/w PSA 28:7. B. The man...

Here A Little, There A Little

I. We are to live by every word of God. LUK 4:4. A. As such, we should be ready to consider what Scripture anywhere has to say about a given verse or topic under consideration. B. Doctrine is often set forth piecemeal: It is not always concentrated in one text and one may err by not considering what Scripture has to say elsewhere about what is in a particular text. 1. Consider the doctrine of N.T. baptism. Its purpose, requirements, mode, meaning, what it does and does not accomplish, etc. is scattered t...

On Legalism

I. legalism: Theol. Applied reproachfully to the principles of those who are accused of adhering to the Law as opposed to the Gospel; the doctrine of justification by works, or teaching which savours of that doctrine. A. Confusing law/works and gospel/grace is one thing (JOH 1:17; ROM 11:6) but “teaching which savours of that doctrine” is a highly subjective thing based on presuppositions. B. One is handicapped to define sin without Law. 1JO 3:4; ROM 4:15. C. We under law to Christ. 1CO 9:21; 1TH 4:1-2.<...

Discretion and Discernment Part 2

V. We should attempt to make a distinction in things even if our standard is not flawless. A. Since we are sinners in a sinful world, our best attempts will be imperfect. 1KI 8:46. B. Because your standard is not 100% flawless does NOT mean that it is 100% flawed! C. God looks at the heart even though the outward performance may be lacking. 1KI 15:11-14; 2CH 30:18-20. D. Those who are most forward to criticize your standard are those who likely do not have a good standard themselves or who simply want to...

Discretion and Discernment Part 1

I. Definitions. A. discretion: Ability to discern or distinguish what is right, befitting, or advisable, esp. as regards one's own conduct or action; the quality of being discreet; discernment; prudence, sagacity, circumspection, sound judgement. B. discreet: Showing discernment or judgement in the guidance of one's own speech and action; judicious, prudent, circumspect, cautious; often esp. that can be silent when speech would be inconvenient. C. discernment: a. The act of discerning or perceivi...

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

peacemaker: One who makes or brings about peace; one who allays strife or reconciles opponents.

A. There are times for war and peace. ECC 3:8. 1. Believers are in an ongoing war with the world, the flesh and the devil. ROM 12:2; 8:5-8; EPH 6:11. 2. We are to earnestly contend for the faith, for the truth. JUDE 1:3; GAL 2:5, 14. 3. Yet while shunning evil and warring against it, we are to “...follow after the things which make for peace...” (ROM 14:19), and thus be assured of the blessing of ...

A Brief Review of Textual History Part 2

c. Some time needs to be here devoted to the subject of the Septuagint (LXX), a supposed Greek translation of the O.T. made prior to the incarnation of Christ. The LXX is one of the most important articles in the modern Bible- reviser's armament. This is one of the so-called “best and most ancient” manuscripts that have been used to undermine the AV 1611. Notice this interesting admission concerning it: “The LXX translators made some palpable mistakes; their knowledge of Hebrew was often inadequate; ...

Galatians Part 23 - Galatians 3:19-25

1. In these verses, Paul sets forth that: A. the Law was added after the promises were made to Abraham and Christ. B. the Law was added because of transgressions. Sin remained at large after the promises. C. the Law was good but could not give life and righteousness. D. Scripture always taught that all men are under sin. E. the Law was a temporary covenant. F. the Law was a schoolmaster directing us to Christ. G. the Law Covenant was not directly spoken to the people by God. H. a particular faith came wh...

The Conversion of Cornelius

I. To better perceive the significance of Acts 10, one must understand the difference between regeneration and conversion. A. regenerate: v. trans. In religious use: To cause to be born again in a spiritual sense; to invest with a new and higher spiritual nature. B. convert: v. trans. To turn in mind, feeling, or conduct; to bring into another state (of mind, etc.). C. Regeneration transforms the sinner’s Adamic nature from spiritual death to spiritual life. It is a quickening (making alive) by a higher ...

A Brief Review of Textual History Part 1

I. God designed to preserve His word through His churches, or disciples. ISA 8:16 c/w ACT 11:26. A. Of special mention is the fact that the Gentiles were evangelized through the ministry of the Apostle Paul, who was commissioned from Antioch of Syria. ACT 11:25-26; 13:1-2; 14:26-28. B. Syria becomes the springboard of N.T. evangelism. A translation of the Bible into Syrian appears at about 150 A.D. This is known as the Peshitto. C. The gospel soon went into Italy and further. HEB 13:24; ROM 15:28. 1. At ...

Journey Into The Heart of Mary

1. Mary’s heart was not unlike ours. PSA 33:15; PRO 27:19.

2. Mary pondered all the things she heard about Jesus in her heart. LUK 2:19, 51.

3. Mary knew her baby came by way of a unique miracle. A. She was singly and highly favored that God should indwell her in the incarnation, taking part of her into union with Himself. LUK 1:28, 35 c/w GAL 4:4. B. She “...was troubled at his saying...” (LUK 1:29), an emotion of the heart which showed her common humanity.

4. Consider what she was tol...

Concerning Mary's Salvation

1. Mary understood her need of God’s salvation. LUK 1:46-50. A. She magnified the Lord, not herself. B. She rejoiced in God her Saviour. C. She deemed herself of low estate, not Second Eve, Queen of heaven or Mother of God. D. She praised God Who had done to her great things, and implies she is the object of His mercy. (1) mercy: Forbearance and compassion shown by one person to another who is in his power and who has no claim to receive kindness; kind and compassionate treatment in a case where severity...

Galatians Part 22 - Galatians 3:15-18

D. This grafting of Gentiles into the commonwealth of Israel (EPH 2:12) on the basis of faith without regard to fleshly circumcision was, like the convicting miracles that had been worked among the uncircumcised believers (JOH 15:24-25; GAL 3:5), part of the overall package God had designed to provoke natural Israel to jealousy. ROM 10:17-21. (1) Jews saw a momentum of Divine favor shifting before their eyes. (2) They would be jealously angered (ROM 10:19), either towards the blindness of themselves and ...

Salvation By Grace Through Jesus Christ

grace: Favour, favourable or benignant regard or its manifestation (now only on the part of a superior); favour or goodwill, in contradistinction to right or obligation, as the ground of a concession.

I. The Biblical description of God is awe-inspiring. A. God is holy (free from all contamination of sin and evil, morally and spiritually perfect and unsullied). DEU 32:4; LEV 11:44. B. God is purely consistent. JAM 1:17. C. God hates sin and sinners. HAB 1:13; PSA 5:4-5. D. God must punish sin. EXO 3...

The Simplicity in Christ Part 5

G. Satan can corrupt your mind from the words of God by cares and pleasures of life and the deceitfulness of riches. MAT 13:22; LUK 8:14. 1. Under this delusion of success, only the words of Scripture that appeal to the natural man will be heeded. ROM 8:5. 2. The lust-driven will look for other teachers with sweeter stories. 2TI 4:3-4. 3. Ambition for worldly increase and worldly success can blind one to the excellency of blessed prosperity, not blasted prosperity: the difference between Abraham and Lot....

The Intersection of Church and Secular Politics Part 4

d. The dividing of Canaan by lot to the tribes of Israel (ACT 13:19-20) set up a form of a multi-state nation with a written constitution (the Law of Moses). (1) The tribal possessions were to be distinct though not all equal in size. LEV 25:23; NUM 36:7; PSA 68:27 c/w 1SAM 9:21. (2) Each tribe had its own elders, heads, judges and officers. JOS 24:1. (3) The tribes were expected to have an available militia to be called into duty as needed (NUM 1:3; 31:3), were deemed delinquent when they let their arms...

The Simplicity in Christ Part 4

B. Satan can wedge himself in between God’s words and your mind by playing word-games like the cults do in repurposing Biblical terms and concepts. 1. The Trinity of a Christian Scientist is not the “God in Three Persons” of 1JO 5:7 but rather Life, Truth, Love. 2. The Jesus Christ of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is not the Incarnate Deity of JOH 1:14; 1TI 3:16 but a created god who is really Michael the Archangel, and he did not rise and ascend bodily into heaven. 3. To the Mormon, Jesus Christ is the son of...

Other Errors Concerning Mary

I. As noted in previous studies, Mary, the mother of Jesus, has a unique, blessed and important place in God’s plan. The Biblical Mary should not be diminished. A. However, as seen in other studies, Catholicism in particular has made more of Mary than God has assigned to her according to Scripture. The current Catholic version/vision of Mary is not supported by Scripture. B. The Jews gave Abraham undue importance. LUK 3:8; ROM 9:7. 1. Jesus taught that Abraham after death could not do anything for sinner...

The Simplicity in Christ Part 3

M. Effective communication requires a clear conveyance of message from giver to receiver. 1. Consider very small children who are unable to process spoken language. a. Parents can successfully convey a message of love to them by tender care and supply of their needs, touch, smiles and positive vocal tones. b. Parents can successfully convey messages about boundaries by measured physical pain combined with a simple verbal “No.” c/w PRO 29:15. c. Do not wait for a child to develop oral language skills to b...

The Intersection of Church and Secular Politics Part 3

IV. Scripture speaks of various forms of human government. A. There are three basic dispensations of God’s dealing with mankind: Adam to Moses; Moses to Christ; Christ to Consummation (the Church age). ROM 5:14; GAL 3:19; EPH 3:21. 1. The influence of true religion in world affairs was reduced to virtually nothing by the time of Noah. 2PE 2:5. 2. Such was the end of a completely secularized society that still had dredges/remnants of basic social order. MAT 24:37-39. B. The first and foundational form is ...

The Simplicity in Christ Part 2

Update to point IV.E.2 from last week: a. The Fall began as a marital tug-of-war: Satan pulling Eve away from Adam’s headship, and she was not even a silly woman, per 2TI 3:6. b. John warns the elect lady to not entertain a deceiver. 2JO 1:10. c. Eve gave heed (careful attention, care, observation, regard) to a seducing spirit. c/w 1TI 4:1. d. There is wisdom in shutting the door to contradiction. PRO 19:27.

V. All Scripture is profitable (2TI 3:16) but the New Testament given through Christ’s apos...

The Simplicity in Christ Part 1

I. This study examines various means by which Satan frustrates the word of God, particularly in believers.

II. Definitions. A. corruption: The perversion of anything from an original state of purity. B. simplicity: The state or quality of being simple in form, structure, etc.; absence of compositeness, complexity, or intricacy. C. simple: Free from duplicity, dissimulation, or guile; innocent and harmless; undesigning, honest, open, straightforward. D. beguile: trans. To entangle or over-reach wit...

Was Mary A Perpetual Virgin?

I. This study is a supplement to a previous study, “Mary’s Other Children.” A. Jesus had other siblings. MAT 13:55-56; GAL 1:19. B. The primary definition of “brother” is one who is a son of the same parent or parents. C. Scripture knows nothing of Joseph fathering children by another woman. D. Mary only conceived miraculously once. E. Therefore, Jesus’s siblings must have been the children of Joseph and Mary by normal marital intercourse.

II. Romanists, however, hold that Mary was a perpetual virg...

The Better Covenant

Premise: The new covenant of which Christ is Mediator is a superior covenant. HEB 7:22; 8:6.

A. This covenant is made with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. HEB 8:8. 1. It embraces God's elect of all nations, Jew or Gentile. ROM 9:8; GAL 3:29; ROM 2:28-29. 2. Elect Gentiles are in Christ graft into the covenantal blessings of Israel and Judah. ROM 11:17; EPH 2:12-13.

B. By His superior priestly ministry, Christ is the mediator of this better covenant. 1. This covenant is mediate...

The Intersection of Church and Secular Politics Part 2

III. The church of Jesus Christ seeks friendly diplomatic relations with the secular government where it can. A. Its primary business is the gospel and the promotion of all applicable law from God. MAR 16:20; MAT 4:4; 2TI 3:16; PSA 119:128; COL 2:20-22. 1. It emphasizes the New Testament of the Spirit of Christ which promotes life and liberty. 2CO 3:6, 17; 1CO 7:21-23. 2. This spiritual life and liberty affirms self-discipline and self-restraint in deference to a higher purpose. GAL 5:1, 13; 1PE 2:16. 3....

Naboth the Jezreelite

I. No study of the life and times of Elijah would be complete without considering the seizure of Naboth's vineyard by Ahab and Jezebel, for it was there that God again sent Elijah to challenge the king. 1KI 21 c/w PRO 1:17-19. A. When Israel rashly desired a king like the nations, God warned them about things like this. 1SAM 8:14. B. One would think that someone with riches, prestige and power like Ahab would need no more, but man's nature is covetous. PRO 27:20; ECC 5:10. C. Ahab had an eye for ...

Marital Conflict

I. Marital conflict is normal. 1CO 7:28. A. Sometimes it stems from sin, other times from insecurities, misunderstandings, differing visions/goals, etc. B. Personality plays a role and personality issues can be innate and/or formed. Either way, personality is governable. Beware of, “I just can’t help myself...” 1. We are prone to shaping our present by reactions to our past: errors in one’s own upbringing, sin issues which have been repented of but still plague the heart, etc. 2. Beware of superimposing ...

Intersection of Church and Secular Politics Part 1

I. The domains of Christ and Caesar (secular civil power) are separate. MAT 22:21. A. Christ’s kingdom is spiritual and not of this world. LUK 17:20-21; 18:36. B. Christ’s kingdom is a nation in this world. MAT 21:43 c/w 1PE 2:9. 1. The church has a national leader: Christ. 2. The church’s Leader has an administration: the pastorate. 3. The church has ambassadors to those on the outside: evangelists, pastors. 4. The church has a body of law to regulate it: Scripture. 5. The church has regular conventions...

Concerning Intoxicants Part 2

VII. Faulty use of Scripture to advance required abstinence should remind us of the warnings against Pharisaism. MAT 16:12. A. Pharisaism tends to magnify lesser things to the disregard of important things. MAT 23:23-24. B. Pharisaism stresses outward shows of righteousness to the disregard of inward purity. MAT 23:25-28. C. Pharisaism is unwilling to conform to God's standard of righteousness and therefore substitutes artificial standards. MAR 7:1-9. 1. These man-made traditions are worthless forms ...

The Blessed Mary of Scripture

I. Mary, the wife of Joseph, is set forth as a very special person in Scripture. A. She miraculously conceived by the Holy Ghost to bring forth the sinless Jesus. LUK 1:35 c/w MAT 1:18-20 B. Miraculous conception was not unique (ROM 4:19) but virgin conception and birth were. MAT 1:23-25 C. She was hailed as "...blessed among women..." (LUK 1:28, 42) 1. Some have inferred from this that she is divine. 2. What, then, of Jael? JDG 5:24 D. Jesus is the fruit of her womb indeed. LUK 1:42 1. He was ...

Concerning Intoxicants Part 1

I. Definitions. A. intoxicant: An intoxicating substance or liquor. B. intoxicate: trans. To poison. Obs. 2. To stupefy, render unconscious or delirious, to madden or deprive of the ordinary use of the senses or reason, with a drug or alcoholic liquor; to inebriate, make drunk. C. stupefy: trans. To make stupid or torpid; to deprive of apprehension, feeling, or sensibility; to benumb, deaden. D. torpid: Benumbed; deprived or devoid of the power of motion or feeling; in which activity, animation, or devel...

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

I. The ultimate proof that Jesus is the Christ is His resurrection from the dead. ROM 1:3-4. A. All of Jesus’ other signs hinge on the ultimate sign of His resurrection. MAT 12:38-40. B. Without the resurrection, Jesus Christ and His miracles become a lie. 1CO 15:12-18. 1. Christ abides forever. JOH 12:32-34 c/w PSA 89:4; 110:4. 2. Therefore, Jesus cannot be the Christ if He is still dead.

II. There is an abundance of evidence to support faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. ACT 1:3. A. The p...

Witnesses of God

I. Consider a few philosophical arguments for the existence of God. A. The Argument from Efficient Causes. 1. Experience confirms an order of efficient causes, i.e., everything that we observe exists from a cause/effect relationship. 2. Nothing can be the cause of itself since that would imply that it was prior to itself. 3. An indefinite series of efficient causes would result in no first cause and no last effect. If there is no first cause, there could logically be no second cause, and so on. 4. There ...

The Holy Lord Jesus Christ

  1. Jesus Christ is the ultimate man. EPH 4:13.

    1. It is His image to which God has predestinated us to be conformed. ROM 8:29.

    2. A summary of failure in Christian living is when we strive to conform to other models of man.

    3. Jesus Christ was not defined by:

      1. good looks. ISA 53:2.

      2. comedy or partying. ISA 53:3.

      3. a fancy home. MAT 8:20.

      4. material wealth. 2CO 8:9.

      5. praise of men. JOH 7:18.

      6. ...

Mary's Other Children

  1. I. Scripture speaks of brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. MAT 12:46-47; 13:55-56; MAR 6:3; LUK 8:19-20; GAL 1:19.

    1. The prophecy of PSA 69:8-9 strongly implies that Jesus had blood siblings. c/w JOH 2:17; 7:3-5.

    2. JOH 2:11-12 distinguishes between His brethren and His disciples.I

  2. If Jesus had blood siblings, then Mary did not remain a virgin after His birth since He alone is the virgin-born Immanuel (MAT 1:23). Mary only conceived one child mir...

God's Chastenings Part 3

  1. L. Those who love the Lord do not rationalize evil.

    1. They hate evil. PSA 97:10.

    2. They eschew (avoid, shun, keep clear of) evil. 1PE 3:11.

    3. They delude not themselves of divine indifference or blindness of evil. PSA 94:6-10; ISA 29:15.

    4. They delude not themselves of divine approval of evil. ROM 3:8.

    5. They do not assume that they can always repent tomorrow. PRO 27:1; 29:1.

  2. M. Also avoid thinking that your ...

God's Chastenings Part 2

  1. V. God’s chastenings/punishments are never excessive (JOB 34:23) and are measured out according to His perfect judgment. JER 30:11; 21:14.

    1. Considering His holiness is such that one bite of forbidden fruit merited death and separation from Himself (GEN 2:17) and a date with the lake of fire, we should be most thankful that He even bothers to chasten us.

      1. In fact, if He were to punish us to within one millimeter of hellfire for even a “little” sin, He could not be faulted...

God's Chastenings Part 1

  1. Definitions.

    1. chasten: trans. To inflict disciplinary or corrective punishment on; to visit with affliction

      for the purpose of moral improvement; to correct, discipline, chastise. (Usually of Divine


    2. chastise: To correct (authoritatively) the faults of; to amend, reform, improve (a person or

      thing). Obs. 3. To inflict punishment or suffering upon, with a view to amendment; also simply, to punish, to inflict punishment (esp....

Joshua at Jordan


  1. The book of Joshua is the account of the O.T. church's entry and conquest of Canaan.

  2. That Canaan was the inheritance for which Israel had waited: their rest. DEU 12:10.

  3. Paul shows us a greater rest in coming in faith fully to Christ. HEB 4:1-11.

In JOS 3, Jesus/Joshua instructs his disciples in preparation for the new era of the church.

v. 1. Joshua promptly sets to the work.

  1. Having received reassurance t...

On Swearing

  1. Definitions.

    1. swear: To make a solemn declaration or statement with an appeal to God or a superhuman

      being, or to some sacred object, in confirmation of what is said; to take an oath.

    2. oath: A solemn or formal appeal to God (or to a deity or something held in reverence or

      regard), in witness of the truth of a statement, or the binding character of a promise or undertaking; an act of swearing; a statement or promise corroborated by such an appea...

The Bible: Why? How? Part 6

XI. God has ever ordained specific repositories for the preservation and transmission of Scripture.

  1. As noted earlier, the O.T. Scripture was given to and committed into the hands of the nation of Israel, the O.T. church. PSA 147:19-20; ROM 3:1-2.

    1. The law was sealed up among His disciples (ISA 8:16), especially the priestly tribe of Levi, and kept in the ark of the covenant. DEU 17:18; 31:24-26.

    2. Of them, the priesthood were especially designated teachers in the O...

Galatians Part 21 - Galatians 3:10-14

v. 10-14

  1. The law of Moses was a great blessing to its recipients (ROM 3:1-2) but when relied upon to secure eternal justification, it became a curse. v. 10 c/w ROM 3:19.

    1. “under the law” (GAL 3:23; 4:4-5, 21) = “under the curse.”

      1. (1)  “under the law” contrasts with “under grace” (ROM 6:14-15), God’s favor freely bestowed without condition upon unworthy, incapable sinners.

      2. (2)  Righteousness by the law is a frustration of grace. GAL 1:21.



  1. dung: Excrementitious and decayed matter employed to fertilize the soil; manure. 2. (As constituting the usual manure) The excrement or fæces of animals (rarely of human beings): as cow-dung, horse-dung, pig's-dung, etc.

  2. The Holy Ghost in both testaments uses candid, vulgar and sometimes graphic terms.

    1. All scripture is profitable (2TI 3:16), even the 36 occurrences of dung.

    2. Every word of God is pure. PRO 8:8; 30:5; PSA 119:140.

    3. All sc...

Ask, Seek, Knock

I. The exhortations in this passage should be understood in the context of Christ's other instructions in this sermon on the mountain.

  1. Christ had been presenting the righteousness of God which exceeds the righteousness of

    the Scribes and Pharisees. MAT 5:20.

  2. He had just taught that the kingdom of God and His righteousness should be that which we

    seek FIRST. MAT 6:33.

  3. Hence, our asking, seeking and knocking should be foremost for God's kingdo...

The Bible: Why? How? Part 5

VIII. The importance of copies.

A. The first mention of copying concerned the Ten Commandments.

1. The original autograph was smashed. EXO 32:19.

2. God simply replaced it and commanded it to be placed in the ark. DEU 10:1-5.

a. What He wrote was “...according to the first writing...” (v. 4). It was a duplicate or copy that was not to vary from the original.

b. Thus, the rule was laid down for future perpetuation of God’s words. c/w JOS 8:32-35; JER 36:27-28.

B. A copy...

Timbits 6

  1. GEN 1:1-3.

    1. God brought forth order out of darkness and disorder in creation.

    2. The grave is a place of darkness and disorder. JOB 10:22.

    3. God will have no trouble at all bringing forth glorious, ordered bodies from the grave at

      Christ's return: He knows the process well. PHIL 3:20-21.

    4. Evolutionists generally hold to a spontaneous beginning of life from inanimate matter (life

      from the dead) in the distant past which they have ...

Galatians Part 20 - Galatians 3:5-9

vs. 5-9. 1. Continuing on, Paul reminds them that the blessings and ministration of the Spirit which were peculiar to the N.T. gospel church were theirs to enjoy, not by law-works like circumcision, the “do and live” righteousness of Moses’ Law, etc., but by hearing the gospel of Christ and turning submissively to Him. This was the great lesson of ACT 10. He then makes an appropriate comparison with Abraham. 2. v. 5 asks another obvious/rhetorical question: “He therefore that ministereth to you th...

Galatians Part 19 - Galatians 3:2-4

4. As Paul carries on (v. 2), he poses an obvious question which the Galatians seem to have overlooked: had they received the Spirit by keeping law-works like circumcision or by hearing about Jesus Christ faithfully fulfilling the law for them? Had the Spirit come upon the church under the dispensation of the law/O.T. from Moses or under the dispensation of faith/grace/N.T. from Jesus Christ? JOH 1:14, 17 c/w ROM 3:21.  

A. The dispensation of the Law wound down with the dawning of the N.T. gospel ...

Galatians Part 18 - Galatians 3:1

Chapter 3

Having reminded them of the doctrine to which they had been initially converted, the precedent established at the Jerusalem council and the error of Peter at Antioch, Paul now directs his rebuke at the Galatians. In the light of such evidence and their own experience, how could they so easily be drawn into the designs of the Judaizers? It is a concern of the man of God that serious labors to show men the way of truth are received with apparent shallowness and that without constant ...

On Race Part 4

H. Some science has it figured out. 1. Researchers who put together a draft of the entire sequence of the human genome, “...unanimously declared, there is only one race---the human race...If you ask what percentage of your genes is reflected in your external appearance, the basis by which we talk about race, the answer seems to be in the range of .01 percent.” (Natalie Angier, Do Races Differ? Not Really, DNA Shows, NYT 8-22-2000) 2. “The genetic variation within each of the various ethnic groups of Homo...

How Do I Know God Loves Me?

I. love: That disposition or state of feeling with regard to a person which (arising from recognition of attractive qualities, from instincts of natural relationship, or from sympathy) manifests itself in solicitude for the welfare of the object, and usually also in delight in his or her presence and desire for his or her approval; warm affection, attachment.

II. Preliminary thoughts. A. Why should you care if God loves you or not, as long as He lands you in heaven for eternity? 1. You would be ali...

Envy Part 2

V. Beware the evil eye of envy that sees the advantage of another and cannot abide by it. MAT 6:23; 20:15. A. Saul’s envy was noted by, “...And Saul eyed David...” (1SAM 18:8-9). B. “Envy is the devil’s eye, as hypocrisy is the devil’s cloven foot.” (Unknown) C. Beware of the “unfair” claim when it comes to God’s expectations or favor. JOH 21:20-22. D. Envy of the valid advantage of another (the favor of God, success by merit, inheritance, etc.) is one thing. But it is especially vain to be envious ...

Envy Part 1

I. Definitions. A. envy: trans. To feel displeasure and ill-will at the superiority of (another person) in happiness, success, reputation, or the possession of anything desirable; to regard with discontent another's possession of (some superior advantage which one would like to have for oneself). B. covetousness: 1. Strong or inordinate desire (of). Obs. 2. Inordinate and culpable desire of possessing that which belongs to another or to which one has no right. C. emulate: 1. trans. Of persons: To strive ...

Galatians Part 17 - Galatians 2:19-21

6. In vs. 19-21, Paul emphasizes the fact that the law, with all of its ineffective sacrifices, ordinances and impossible requirements (ACT 15:10; GAL 3:10; HEB 10:1-4) had served its purpose, and its purpose was never to produce the righteousness of God in sinners. A. Sinners might be credited with righteousness for acts of righteousness that conformed to God’s law (DEU 6:24-25) but a nature of sin interrupted by occasional acts of righteousness is NOT the righteousness of God Who “ righteous in AL...

Antichrist to Come, Antichrists Within

(1 John 2:18-25) A. John warns believers about present antichrists and a future antichrist. 1. The prefix, “anti” means: opposite, against, in exchange, instead, representing, rivalling, simulating. 2. The future antichrist will simulate and rival the true Christ. c/w 2TH 2:1-12 3. The future antichrist is called the man of sin, the son of perdition, and that Wicked. a. Judas Iscariot is called the son of perdition. JOH 17:12 b. Like Judas Iscariot, the antichrist is led by the devil. LUK 22:3-6 c. L...

On Race Part 3

D. Much is being made today of “white privilege.” 1. Caution is here needed since the dominance of Western Civilization in the world is at least partially owing to the Spirit of God in directing the gospel of Jesus Christ to regions of light-skinned people. 2. Some of the so-called “privilege” is owing to the effects of the gospel in subduing men’s minds to the love of God and of neighbor. 3. The real issue is not skin but sin. Men will answer to God for their hatred of Jesus Christ, His gospel, His sove...

The Sinner's Good Versus the Saint's Good

I. For purposes of this study, the word “sinner” refers to non-elect, unregenerate persons whereas “saint” refers to elect, regenerate persons. II. Sinners neither do good nor can do good. ROM 3:9-12. III. Yet Scripture cites numerous examples of sinners choosing good things. A. Consider the scribes and Pharisees, who were not eternally saved. MAT 23:33. 1. Yet they tithed, which is a good thing commanded in the law of Moses. MAT 23:23. 2. They practiced the rite of circumcision which was given by Moses. ...

Galatians Part 16 - Galatians 2:17-18

F. Thus, saints should desire to BE found in Him having a righteousness “...which is through the faith of Christ” (PHIL 3:9), not their own faith (which is a law-work). EPH 2:8-9. (1) Compare desire “ BE found in Him...” (PHIL 3:9) with “...we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might BE justified by the faith of Christ...” (GAL 2:16). a. Compare the use of the word “be” in GAL 2:16-17 with “be” in 2CO 6:14-18; MAT 5:44-45. b. These texts are obviously not setting forth conditions to procure sonship...

Galatians Part 15 - Galatians 2:15-21

vs. 15-21. 1. Paul here says to Peter, “We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles,” (v. 15). A. Paul is certainly not insinuating that Jews have no sin. c/w ROM 3:9. B. A contrast is simply being drawn between the Jews to whom pertained the adoption, glory, covenants, law, and promises (ROM 9:4) and the late-comer Gentiles who were “...graffed in among them...” (ROM 11:17) and were spiritually Jews. ROM 2:28-29. (1) The gospel was first to the Jews informing them of Christ’s justifying work...

Numbers 6:22-27

I. This scripture contains Israel’s great benediction (The utterance of a blessing; solemn invocation of blessedness upon a person; devout expression of a wish for the happiness, prosperity, or success of a person or enterprise). A. This was instruction to the priests (Aaron and his sons) to bless Israel. B. It was a putting on Israel the name of the LORD. C. What the priests would utter in blessing, God would accordingly bless. v. 27. D. Mind that this was not a matter of priests telling God what to do so ...

The Fear of God and Foolish Children

1. A foolish child is a great grief. PRO 10:1; 15:20; 17:21, 25. A. foolish: Fool-like, wanting in sense or judgement. B. fool: One deficient in judgement or sense, one who acts or behaves stupidly, a silly person, a simpleton. (In Biblical use applied to vicious or impious persons.) C. Debating or reasoning with a foolish person yields no rest. PRO 29:9. 2. God, the perfect Parent, has rebellious children. ISA 1:2-5. A. Who would dare deem God a failure as a parent? B. If the perfect Parent has rebellious ...

Galatians Part 14 - Galatians 2:11-14

4. As Paul rehearses the determination of the Jerusalem council, he refers to James, Peter (Cephas, JOH 1:42) and John as pillars. v. 9. A. Pillars are prominent supports in great structures. So it is with the apostles. EPH 2:20; REV 21:14. B. The man who walks by faith will be made a pillar in God's house. 1JO 5:4-5 c/w REV 3:12; JER 1:18. C. It is a comfort to the faithful who overcome temptations and trials that, as in times past, the King stands by the pillar. 2KI 11:14; 23:3; ACT 27:23; 2TI 4:17; MAT 2...

Galatians - Part 13 - Galatians 2:6-10

3. The events of the Jerusalem council were important and relevant to Paul’s letter. ACT 15:6-29. A. Peter reminded the church that when he first was sent to the house of Cornelius, God made it very clear to him and his Jewish companions that He had His children among the Gentiles (ACT 15:6-9). God demonstrated His acceptance of believing, uncircumcised (and as yet unbaptized) Gentiles as brethren by giving the Holy Ghost to them as He had done to the Jewish believers at Pentecost. ACT 10:34-35, 44-45; 11:...

1 Timothy 3:16

A. (1TI 3:16) And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, received up into glory. 1. Paul declares the essence of Christian religion which sets it apart from all other religious systems or philosophies: God became man by an act of His will. 2. All false systems ultimately teach that man becomes God through an act of his will. a. That proposition was used as an appeal to spiritually alive si...

On Race Part 2

IV. The notion of a superior race in relationship to God’s righteousness has no biblical basis. A. The Jews laid heavy emphasis on descent from Abraham (JOH 8:33, 39) but the Holy Spirit negates such a confidence. MAT 3:9. 1. Paul had pure tribal descent from Benjamin (one of the twelve patriarchs of Israel) but affirmed that such a heritage was an inconsequential relic. PHIL 3:4-7. 2. Paul loved his countrymen dearly but knew their race or national identity were no guarantees of exemption from righteous...

Processing Turmoil in a Godly Way Part 2

V. As bleak as the civil forecast was in His day, Jesus also gave clear instruction to believers how to process it and all other trials. A. He commanded, “Let not your heart be troubled...” (JOH 14:1). 1. Christ would not have said this if it were impossible to do. 2. The heart must be guided and kept. PRO 23:19; 4:23. 3. Unfettered emotion is the character of madding crowds that would “cancel” the just for the sake of their manipulators (ACT 19:28-32) but believers should not be so manipulate...

Processing Turmoil in a Godly Way Part 1

I. Society is going through a period of great challenge: pandemic fears, civil unrest, violent protests, iconoclasm, erasure of history, abrogation of law and order, popularizing of anti-liberty politics, etc. A. This is to be expected when society abandons the fear of God. PSA 9:17. 1. The effects of godlessness are very tangible. ISA 59:9-15; 2CH 15:3-6. 2. True religion’s operations are very essential. B. The church is a kingdom/nation not of this world which dare not follow suit. JOH 18:36; ROM 14:17;...

Galatians Part 12 - Galatians 2:3-5

B. Regrettably, false prophets/teachers all too often find reservoirs prepared to receive their polluting doctrine. The unstable, morally weak and the disaffected are drawn to the tune of these Pied Pipers. 2PE 2:14; 2TI 4:2-4. C. Heretics (those who openly advance contrary doctrine) must be warned before rejection. TIT 3:10. (1) They may be ignorantly advancing heresy and only need compassionate correction. (2) But if they insist on opposing the truth (and themselves), they must be identified as hereti...

Galatians Part 11 - Galatians 2:1-2

Chapter 2 The first half of this chapter is Paul's account of the great church council at Jerusalem (ACT 15). That council convened because of the Judaizers’ infiltration of the Antioch church (ACT 14:26 – 15:2). It was for the express purpose of deciding what aspects of Mosaic law and ritual, (particularly circumcision) should be binding upon Gentile Christians and whether they should be conditions for eternal justification. Thus, its determinations had a direct application to the Galatians. Paul's gospel ...

On Race Part 1

I. Definitions. A. race: A group of persons, animals, or plants, connected by common descent or origin. 1. a. The offspring or posterity of a person; a set of children or descendants. Chiefly poet. 2. a. A limited group of persons descended from a common ancestor; a house, family, kindred. b. A tribe, nation, or people, regarded as of common stock. c. A group of several tribes or peoples, regarded as forming a distinct ethnical stock. d. One of the great divisions of mankind, having certain physical peculia...

Galatians Part 10 - Galatians 1:21-24

F. What Paul experienced in conversion and suffering gave rest, comfort and growth to the churches. ACT 9:30-31. (1) God knows that seasons of relief are needed. 1PE 5:10. (2) Seasons of peace should promote the building of God’s house. 1CH 22:9-10. (3) Seasons of challenge need not halt the building of God’s house. EZR 4:23-24; 5:1-2 c/w HAG 1:2-4. (4) The word of God (by which the house of God is built numerically and spiritually) is to be advanced in all seasons. 2TI 4:2. vs. 21-24. 1. Having escaped Je...

Instructing Youth About Sex and Dating Part 3

V. Here are some thoughts on physical affection and dating. A. Physical affection (as distinct from dispassionate physical contact like a fist bump or karate kick to the head) is to be an expression of love. SON 1:2. B. It is questionable, at least, for physical affection to be expressed in simple social dating because no real love is involved at the outset. 1. Undiscerning physical affection can easily become an excuse for carnal pleasure without regard to lasting commitment. Remember ROM 13:14. 2....

Instructing Youth About Sex and Dating Part 2

III. Humans are biologically designed by God to begin strong hormonal secretions around the time of adolescence which alter the body’s internal and external functions and external appearance. Concomitantly, the desire for sexual gratification becomes very strong. A. Materialism asserts that man is no more than matter as animals are no more than matter. Man is just an animal whose “love” is merely sexual desire which is only a natural expression of the flesh and no more. Promiscuity is considered normal. B...

Discretion in Prayer

I. The word of God is designed to give knowledge AND discretion. PRO 1:4. A. discretion: Ability to discern or distinguish what is right, befitting, or advisable, esp. as regards one's own conduct or action; the quality of being discreet; discernment; prudence, sagacity, circumspection, sound judgement. B. Scripture teaches us not only to pray, but how to pray, what to pray for, and what not to pray for. C. Instruction is needed in the area of prayer to facilitate discretion. LUK 11:1. 1. “...we know no...

The Unjust Steward

(Luke 16:1-13) I. The Lord Jesus Christ here instructed His disciples about faithfulness in all things (1TI 3:8-11), uncertainties (PRO 27:1), potential loss of stewardship (1CO 9:27), prudence (PRO 22:3), and the difference between being a lover of money (1TI 6:10) and a friend of money (ECC 10:19). II. Some have interpreted Christ's lesson from the unjust steward as a license for questionable or shady business dealings where practicality may override principle. A. Purloining (pilfering, misappropriat...

Instructing Youth About Sex and Dating Part 1

I. Christ’s minister is to hold fast and preach the whole counsel of God. ACT 20:27. A. Scripture addresses many things that are uneasy or delicate but all profitable. ACT 20:20 c/w 2TI 3:16. B. There is a greater risk from avoiding necessary topics than preaching them, a risk to the saints who need the information and a risk to the preacher for not giving it. 1CO 9:16. C. It has been a number of years since I have specifically addressed a topic like this. 1. Many in the congregation were little childre...

The Strait Gate and Narrow Way

The Strait Gate And Narrow Way (Matthew 7:13-14) 1. This passage shows us that all ways are NOT equally valid. A. There are essentially only two ways: the right way and the wrong way. B. All of God's ways (PSA 119:15) so harmonize as to constitute only one way. PSA 119:1, 14; JOH 14:6. C. All of the various ways of error are so many versions of the wrong way; one may as well choose one as the other. JOS 24:14-15. 2. This passage also teaches that the right way is not popular. 3. The right way is str...

Galatians Part 9 - Galatians 1:16-17

C. “...immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood” (v. 16). (1) What need is there for a conference when the instruction is clear and directly from the Source? a. “Always drink upstream from the herd. Even the Water of Life is purest before it has input from a corrupt creation.” (PWB) b. Corruptible flesh and blood (1CO 15:50) had not revealed the truth to Paul: his gospel was “...not after man...” (GAL 1:11-12) so why seek confirmation of men? c. NOTE: It is a general trend of our nature, whe...

Galatians Part 8 - Galatians 1:15-16

vs. 15-16 1. Paul here sets forth his conversion to Christ from the Jews’ religion and the bondage of sin’s deception. A. As a Pharisee trusting in his own righteousness to justify him before God, he would have been convinced that he was free. JOH 8:33. B. But his overlooking of the covetousness that condemned him before God made him also overlook that he was not free. JOH 8:34. C. “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” (J.W. von Goethe) Galatians 1-1-17 Page ...

Galatians Part 7 - Galatians 1:14

2. Paul had profited (v. 14) in his former religion, which had a tradition of equating gain with godliness and redemption. 1PE 1:18. A. profit: intr. To make progress; to advance, go forward; to improve, prosper, grow, increase (in some respect). Obs. (1) Paul had advanced in the Jews' religion, and it is a general rule that systems promote those who further their interests, not the interests of something contrary. a. He had been a Pharisee, “...the most straitest sect of our religion...” (ACT 26:5). ...

Elisha and the Syrians (2020)

(2 Kings 6-7) I. The name Elisha means “God is salvation.” The power of God to help and save is emphasized in this prophet's life and ministry. A. He was a prophet in Israel during a time of general darkness and apostasy. B. He was the successor to the great prophet Elijah, whose translation Elisha had witnessed. 2KI 2:9-15. C. Some of his dealings with Syrians were for their benefit, a fact about which the Lord Jesus Christ reminded His generation. 2KI 5 c/w LUK 4:27. D. But Elisha was first and foremost a...

That Which Works Good Part 5

That Which Works Good I. This study considers things that work good (particularly for the saint’s soul). ECC 6:3. A. This touches on the sovereignty of God: His never-thwarted government over all things, good and evil. PSA 76:10; PRO 16:4. B. God is in no way the author of sin, nor is He the positive promoter of sin. JAM 1:13-14; JER 19:5. 1. God never makes a person sin. The responsibility of sin is always attributed to the sinner. PRO 5:22; GAL 2:17-18. 2. God never makes a man to lie since, if He ...

That Which Works Good Part 4

That Which Works Good I. This study considers things that work good (particularly for the saint’s soul). ECC 6:3. A. This touches on the sovereignty of God: His never-thwarted government over all things, good and evil. PSA 76:10; PRO 16:4. B. God is in no way the author of sin, nor is He the positive promoter of sin. JAM 1:13-14; JER 19:5. 1. God never makes a person sin. The responsibility of sin is always attributed to the sinner. PRO 5:22; GAL 2:17-18. 2. God never makes a man to lie since, if He ...

That Which Works Good Part 3

That Which Works Good I. This study considers things that work good (particularly for the saint’s soul). ECC 6:3. A. This touches on the sovereignty of God: His never-thwarted government over all things, good and evil. PSA 76:10; PRO 16:4. B. God is in no way the author of sin, nor is He the positive promoter of sin. JAM 1:13-14; JER 19:5. 1. God never makes a person sin. The responsibility of sin is always attributed to the sinner. PRO 5:22; GAL 2:17-18. 2. God never makes a man to lie since, if He ...

About the Twelve Tribes

About the Twelve Tribes Question: Do the Hebrews still exist as the historic twelve tribes? 1. This is a complex question because of subtleties of distinction and commonality in the terms, Hebrew, Jew, Israelite. Here is a short overview: A. Abram is the first identified Hebrew (GEN 14:13) from whom Isaac, Jacob and the twelve patriarchs came who are the heads of the twelve tribes. DEU 27:12-13 c/w GEN 49:28. 1. This listing of twelve tribes differs from the list of the twelve tribes which would recei...

That Which Works Good Part 2

That Which Works Good I. This study considers things that work good (particularly for the saint’s soul). ECC 6:3. A. This touches on the sovereignty of God: His never-thwarted government over all things, good and evil. PSA 76:10; PRO 16:4. B. God is in no way the author of sin, nor is He the positive promoter of sin. JAM 1:13-14; JER 19:5. 1. God never makes a person sin. The responsibility of sin is always attributed to the sinner. PRO 5:22; GAL 2:17-18. 2. God never makes a man to lie since, if He ...

The Bible: Why? How? Part 4

I. The invisible God and Creator has revealed Himself by three means. A. General revelation in nature. ROM 1:20 c/w PSA 19:1; ACT 14:17. 1. Nature only reveals His existence and power (creative and destructive). 2. Nature does not reveal His purpose or will, nor does it reveal specifics about sin, forgiveness, reconciliation, the afterlife, etc. 3. Nature’s message is subject to ambiguous interpretation, as is evident by the variety of superstitions derived from natural phenomena. 4. Nature is a brok...

That Which Works Good Part 1

That Which Works Good I. This study considers things that work good (particularly for the saint’s soul). ECC 6:3. A. This touches on the sovereignty of God: His never-thwarted government over all things, good and evil. PSA 76:10; PRO 16:4. B. God is in no way the author of sin, nor is He the positive promoter of sin. JAM 1:13-14; JER 19:5. 1. God never makes a person sin. The responsibility of sin is always attributed to the sinner. PRO 5:22; GAL 2:17-18. 2. God never makes a man to lie since, if He ...

1 Timothy 2:1-6

1 Timothy 2:1-6 vs. 1-3. A. Paul here recommends heavenward pleas for all men, particularly for civil authorities. 1. He opens this section with a conjunctive adverbial phrase, “I exhort therefore...,” after having written about two disciplined brethren. 1TI 1:19-20. 2. There is a connection between rebuked brethren and civil oppression. JOH 13:21, 25-27; ACT 17:5-8. 3. It is conceivable that Hymenaeus’ and Alexander’s “blasphemy” consisted of a distorted rejection of authority (c/w 1TI 6:1), against...

The Parable of the Two Debtors

The Parable of the Two Debtors I. The parable is recorded in MAT 18:23-35. A. This is a parable pertaining to the kingdom of heaven. As such, it especially applies to conduct among brethren in the church. B. It follows on the heels of obvious church instruction in the area of personal offenses. MAT 18:15-17. C. It was prompted by Peter's inquiry about the extent or frequency of forgiving an offending brother. MAT18:21-22. II. In overview, this parable teaches us: A. we are indebted to God because ...

The Bible: Why? How? Part 3

I. The invisible God and Creator has revealed Himself by three means. A. General revelation in nature. ROM 1:20 c/w PSA 19:1; ACT 14:17. 1. Nature only reveals His existence and power (creative and destructive). 2. Nature does not reveal His purpose or will, nor does it reveal specifics about sin, forgiveness, reconciliation, the afterlife, etc. 3. Nature’s message is subject to ambiguous interpretation, as is evident by the variety of superstitions derived from natural phenomena. 4. Nature is a brok...

Am I Saved?

Am I Saved? 1. This study concerns the eternal (not temporal) salvation of sinners. 2. It should be a matter of concern to believers. A. All men are sinners and are deserving of eternal damnation. ROM 3:9, 23. B. Relatively few are God’s children. MAT 22:14; LUK 13:23-24. C. Many who think they are God’s children are not. MAT 7:21-23. D. Considering the horrors of hell heightens this concern. ROM 2:8-9. 3. Being a child of God is a matter of the greatest importance. If we can but know we are children...

Saints' Internal Responsibilities Part 4

Saints’ Internal Responsibilities (“What am I supposed to do as a member?”) I. This study focuses on the particular responsibilities of church members as a church. A. We have corporate public responsibilities that all are obliged to perform. B. We have mutual individual responsibilities in relating one to another. C. Some have special responsibilities, such as pastors or deacons (where called for). D. All are to have a service mentality. MAT 20:25-27; GAL 5:13; 2TI 2:24 c/w 2CO 4:5. 1. Those who love...

Saints' Internal Responsibilities Part 3

Saints’ Internal Responsibilities (“What am I supposed to do as a member?”) I. This study focuses on the particular responsibilities of church members as a church. A. We have corporate public responsibilities that all are obliged to perform. B. We have mutual individual responsibilities in relating one to another. C. Some have special responsibilities, such as pastors or deacons (where called for). D. All are to have a service mentality. MAT 20:25-27; GAL 5:13; 2TI 2:24 c/w 2CO 4:5. 1. Those who love...

Saints' Internal Responsibilities Part 2

Saints’ Internal Responsibilities (“What am I supposed to do as a member?”) I. This study focuses on the particular responsibilities of church members as a church. A. We have corporate public responsibilities that all are obliged to perform. B. We have mutual individual responsibilities in relating one to another. C. Some have special responsibilities, such as pastors or deacons (where called for). D. All are to have a service mentality. MAT 20:25-27; GAL 5:13; 2TI 2:24 c/w 2CO 4:5. 1. Those who love...

The Bible: Why? How? Part 2

I. The invisible God and Creator has revealed Himself by three means. A. General revelation in nature. ROM 1:20 c/w PSA 19:1; ACT 14:17. 1. Nature only reveals His existence and power (creative and destructive). 2. Nature does not reveal His purpose or will, nor does it reveal specifics about sin, forgiveness, reconciliation, the afterlife, etc. 3. Nature’s message is subject to ambiguous interpretation, as is evident by the variety of superstitions derived from natural phenomena. 4. Nature is a brok...

Saints' Internal Responsibilities Part 1

Saints’ Internal Responsibilities (“What am I supposed to do as a member?”) I. This study focuses on the particular responsibilities of church members as a church. A. We have corporate public responsibilities that all are obliged to perform. B. We have mutual individual responsibilities in relating one to another. C. Some have special responsibilities, such as pastors or deacons (where called for). D. All are to have a service mentality. MAT 20:25-27; GAL 5:13; 2TI 2:24 c/w 2CO 4:5. 1. Those who love...

Successful Christianity Now Part 4

Successful Christianity Now I. This study sets forth the importance of not letting the past impede victory and progress in the present. A. We do not live in the past and cannot change the past. B. Decision-making is for the present and has implications for the future, not the past. C. We do well to live in the present under the present law of Christ in this present evil world. GAL1:4. 1. The past law of Moses served its purpose but could perfect nothing. HEB 7:19; 9:9. 2. The entire law of the sinle...

Successful Christianity Now Part 3

Successful Christianity Now I. This study sets forth the importance of not letting the past impede victory and progress in the present. A. We do not live in the past and cannot change the past. B. Decision-making is for the present and has implications for the future, not the past. C. We do well to live in the present under the present law of Christ in this present evil world. GAL1:4. 1. The past law of Moses served its purpose but could perfect nothing. HEB 7:19; 9:9. 2. The entire law of the sinle...

Dealing With Problems

Dealing With Problems I. We will have problems in this world. JOH 16:33. II. View problems from God's perspective. A. God's dominion extends over all. DAN 4:34-35. B. There can be no problem without God's permission. JOB 1:12; 2:6. C. God has a purpose worthy of Himself in that which He permits. PSA 76:10. D. God knows and understands your problem. JOB 23:10; PSA 31:7; 147:5. E. God loves and cares for His people, and purposes to do us good even when He chastens us. 1JO 4:9-10; 1PE 5:7; HEB 12:5-11....

The Bible: Why? How? Part 1

I. The invisible God and Creator has revealed Himself by three means. A. General revelation in nature. ROM 1:20 c/w PSA 19:1; ACT 14:17. 1. Nature only reveals His existence and power (creative and destructive). 2. Nature does not reveal His purpose or will, nor does it reveal specifics about sin, forgiveness, reconciliation, the afterlife, etc. 3. Nature’s message is subject to ambiguous interpretation, as is evident by the variety of superstitions derived from natural phenomena. 4. Nature is a brok...

Religious Quid Pro Quo

Religious Quid Pro Quo I. Biblical ministry goes contrary to the theory, “You will catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” 2TI 4:2; TIT 1:13; 2:15. A. exhort: To admonish earnestly; to urge by stimulating words to conduct regarded as laudable. B. admonish: To put (a person) in mind of duties; to counsel against wrong practices; to give authoritative or warning advice; to exhort, to warn. C. rebuke: To beat down or force back; to repress or check (a person); to repulse; to reprove, reprimand, ...

Successful Christianity Now Part 2

Successful Christianity Now I. This study sets forth the importance of not letting the past impede victory and progress in the present. A. We do not live in the past and cannot change the past. B. Decision-making is for the present and has implications for the future, not the past. C. We do well to live in the present under the present law of Christ in this present evil world. GAL1:4. 1. The past law of Moses served its purpose but could perfect nothing. HEB 7:19; 9:9. 2. The entire law of the sinle...

Successful Christianity Now Part 1

Successful Christianity Now I. This study sets forth the importance of not letting the past impede victory and progress in the present. A. We do not live in the past and cannot change the past. B. Decision-making is for the present and has implications for the future, not the past. C. We do well to live in the present under the present law of Christ in this present evil world. GAL1:4. 1. The past law of Moses served its purpose but could perfect nothing. HEB 7:19; 9:9. 2. The entire law of the sinle...

On the Incarnation Part 2

On The Incarnation I. Christ was conceived and born of a virgin in fulfillment of prophecy. MAT 1:18-23 c/w ISA 7:14; LUK 1:26-38. A. virgin: Eccl. An unmarried or chaste maiden or woman, distinguished for piety or steadfastness in religion, and regarded as having a special place among the members of the Christian church on account of these merits. 2. A woman (esp. a young woman) who is, or remains, in a state of inviolate chastity; an absolutely pure maiden or maid. 1. virginity: The condition of being...

On the Incarnation Part 1

On The Incarnation I. Christ was conceived and born of a virgin in fulfillment of prophecy. MAT 1:18-23 c/w ISA 7:14; LUK 1:26-38. A. virgin: Eccl. An unmarried or chaste maiden or woman, distinguished for piety or steadfastness in religion, and regarded as having a special place among the members of the Christian church on account of these merits. 2. A woman (esp. a young woman) who is, or remains, in a state of inviolate chastity; an absolutely pure maiden or maid. 1. virginity: The condition of being...

Holidays Part 2

Holidays holiday: A consecrated day, a religious festival. Now usually written Holy-day. I. The keeping of religious holidays is virtually universal among the religions of this world. A. Certain calendar days are deemed sacred or exalted above others and are deemed vital aspects of the belief system. The deity is honored by their observance and dishonored by their omission. B. In pagan religions that took their cues from nature rather than from Scripture, the holy- days generally were keyed to the su...

Holidays Part 1

Holidays holiday: A consecrated day, a religious festival. Now usually written Holy-day. I. The keeping of religious holidays is virtually universal among the religions of this world. A. Certain calendar days are deemed sacred or exalted above others and are deemed vital aspects of the belief system. The deity is honored by their observance and dishonored by their omission. B. In pagan religions that took their cues from nature rather than from Scripture, the holy- days generally were keyed to the su...

The Church Meeting at Mizpeh

The Church Meeting at Mizpeh (1 Samuel 7:3-12) I. The ark of the covenant which was the token of God’s presence had been taken by the Philistines as a judgment of God on Israel. 1SAM 4:10-11. A. The ark housed the written law of God which was Israel’s chief advantage. HEB 9:4; ROM 3:1-2. B. Well was it said of that tragedy, “...The glory is departed from Israel...” (1SAM 4:21-22). C. The Philistines suffered a plague of emerods for demeaning the ark of God with heathenism (1SAM 5 c/w PSA 78:66). So t...

David: A Man After God's Own Heart

David: A Man After God’s Own Heart I. David was many good things: prophet, psalmist, first king of the Judaic royal line, temple planner, ancestor of Jesus Christ, example of mercy, champion of faith, etc. II. Scripture notes twice that David was a man after God’s own heart. 1SAM 13:14; ACT 13:22. A. ACT 13:22 appears to be a hybrid of 1SAM 13:14, PSA 89:20-21 et. al. B. 1SAM 13:14 was uttered when Saul “...had reigned two years over Israel” (1SAM 13:1). 1. Saul appears to have reigned forty years. ACT...


Fasting fast: To abstain from food, or to restrict oneself to a meagre diet, either as a religious observance or as a ceremonial expression of grief. To go without food and also (contextually) to go without drink. I. Israel had only one fast by divine appointment that was pegged to a calendar. LEV 16:29-31. A. Occasional other fasts were ordered by prophecy. JOEL 1:14; 2:15-16. B. The Jews appointed other fasts by their own authority for various reasons. JDG 20:26; 1SAM 7:6; 2CH 20:3; EZR 8:21; EST 4:3...

Faith Part 4

Faith I. faith: Belief, trust, confidence. Confidence, reliance, trust (in the ability, goodness, etc. of a person; in the efficacy or worth of a thing; or in the truth of a statement or doctrine. A. (HEB 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. B. Faith is a present experience with what we hope to see and receive. II. Consider the source of faith. A. Our faith comes through the righteousness of God. 2PE 1:1. B. Our faith is born of God. 1JO 5:4. C. Our f...

Faith Part 3

Faith I. faith: Belief, trust, confidence. Confidence, reliance, trust (in the ability, goodness, etc. of a person; in the efficacy or worth of a thing; or in the truth of a statement or doctrine. A. (HEB 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. B. Faith is a present experience with what we hope to see and receive. II. Consider the source of faith. A. Our faith comes through the righteousness of God. 2PE 1:1. B. Our faith is born of God. 1JO 5:4. C. Our f...

Scripture and Tradition

Scripture and Tradition I. tradition: The action of handing over (something material) to another; delivery, transfer. (Chiefly in Law.). Delivery, esp. oral delivery, of information or instruction. An ordinance or institution orally delivered. II. An important distinctive of Roman Catholicism is its position on final authority. A. It does not hold that the truth of Scripture is the final authority but rather that the Church is an infallible institution of Christ which determines inspired truth through i...

Faith Part 2

Faith I. faith: Belief, trust, confidence. Confidence, reliance, trust (in the ability, goodness, etc. of a person; in the efficacy or worth of a thing; or in the truth of a statement or doctrine. A. (HEB 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. B. Faith is a present experience with what we hope to see and receive. II. Consider the source of faith. A. Our faith comes through the righteousness of God. 2PE 1:1. B. Our faith is born of God. 1JO 5:4. C. Our f...

Faith Part 1

Faith I. faith: Belief, trust, confidence. Confidence, reliance, trust (in the ability, goodness, etc. of a person; in the efficacy or worth of a thing; or in the truth of a statement or doctrine. A. (HEB 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. B. Faith is a present experience with what we hope to see and receive. II. Consider the source of faith. A. Our faith comes through the righteousness of God. 2PE 1:1. B. Our faith is born of God. 1JO 5:4. C. Our f...

John 3:12 Earthly Things, Heavenly Things

John 3:12 Earthly things, Heavenly things A. Nicodemus was reluctant to believe on Christ from the earthly things. By contrast, Nathanael believed on Christ from earthly things he witnessed. JOH 1:47-51. 1. Earthly things are observable things of a temporal nature that agree with experimental witness as opposed to the invisible eternal things only knowable by revelation and faith. 2CO 4:18; HEB 11:1. a. There is an earthly Jerusalem and a heavenly Jerusalem which we know only by faith. GAL4:25-26. b....

1 John 3:1-3

A. John here proclaims the love of God in our adoption and the effects of that adoption. B. John sets forth the manner of God’s love. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. We are 1. 2. 3. 4. God did not simply offer His love to us; He rather bestowed it upon us! bestow upon: To confer as a gift, present, give (a person). This bestowed love constitutes us the sons of God. If God loves you, you will be called a son of God. the sons of God by adoption. EPH 1:5. adoption: The action of voluntarily taking into any relation; e...

Fantasy, Fiction, Imagination Part 3

Fantasy, Fiction, Imagination I. Definitions. A. fantasy: Imagination; the process or the faculty of forming mental representations of things not actually present. B. imagination: 1. The action of imagining, or forming a mental concept of what is not actually present to the senses (cf. sense 3); the result of this process, a mental image or idea (often with implication that the conception does not correspond to the reality of things, hence freq. vain (false, etc.) imagination). 2. The mental considerat...

Mat 10:32-33

Matthew 10:32-33 I. MAT 10:32-33 is oft interpreted by Bible readers according to their soteriologies. A. Arminians may affirm that confession is the necessary cause of one’s eternal life and if a confessor later denies Christ, he loses his eternal life. Eg. “Let it be remembered, that to be renounced by Christ is to have him neither for a Mediator nor Savior.” (Adam Clarke) B. Calvinists may affirm that conf...

The Letter to the Church at Pergamos

The Letter to the Church at Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17) A. Christ introduces himself to this church as, “...He which hath the sharp sword with two edges” (v. 12). 1. This sword projects from His mouth (REV 1:16) and thus indicates judgment with/by the word for the unrepentant. v. 16; REV 19:15. 1. Christ judges men by the word of the Scriptures. MAT 5:17-19; 2TI 3:16; 1JO 4:6. 2. Christ executes sentence upon the wicked by the spoken word of His mouth. 2TH 2:8; MAT 25:41. 2. It is a sharp sw...

Matthew 7:21-27

Matthew 7:21-27 A. Jesus had just taught about knowing the nature of someone by their fruit. MAT 7:15-20. 1. The specific case was of false prophets. vs. 15-16 c/w 2PE 2:1-3. 2. The false prophet may speak in Jesus’s name (v. 22) but will be known by ravening (voracious devouring) and not keeping Jesus’s sayings. c/w TIT 1:10-11; 2CO 11:20. 3. This discourse (MAT 7:15-29) shows that Jesus knows that such false prophets do not belong to Him, that true disciples can know that false prophets do not belon...

Fantasy, Fiction, Imagination Part 2

Fantasy, Fiction, Imagination I. Definitions. A. fantasy: Imagination; the process or the faculty of forming mental representations of things not actually present. B. imagination: 1. The action of imagining, or forming a mental concept of what is not actually present to the senses (cf. sense 3); the result of this process, a mental image or idea (often with implication that the conception does not correspond to the reality of things, hence freq. vain (false, etc.) imagination). 2. The mental considerat...

John 3:11-13

John 3:11-13 A. These words were uttered in response to Nicodemus’ perplexity. JOH 3:1-10. 1. Jesus was expounding upon the spiritual nature of the kingdom of God. a. The kingdom can only be seen or entered by being born again of the Spirit. vs. 3, 5. b. Being born of the Spirit is distinct from being born of the flesh. v. 6 c/w JOH 1:12-13. c. The Spirit’s work is regeneration and washing. v. 5. (1) Water is the Spirit’s symbol. JOH 7:37-39. (2) Washing is the Spirit’s action. TIT 3:5. d. The Spir...

Timbits 5

A. An overview of 2CH 4 shows that the furniture and instruments of the temple were numerically and dimensionally greater than what was set down in the order for the tabernacle of the congregation. 1. The temple’s construction was according to God’s pattern as was the tabernacle. EXO 25:9, 40; NUM 8:4 c/w 1CH 28:11-12, 19. 2. The pattern was of heavenly things to be cleansed by Christ. HEB 8:1-5; 9:22-23. 3. The upgrade of Solomon’s temple may have been a practical innovation since Israel had grown in ...

Church Assembly: Our Blessing and Duty of Worship Part 2

The Church Assembly: Our Blessing and Duty of Worship I. God demands that He alone be worshipped and He visits judgment upon those who fail to do so. EXO 20:3-6; MAT 4:10. A. The worship of God is also the fear of God. MAT 4:10 c/w DEU 6:13 c/w PSA 5:7. B. Since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, none are truly wise who do not worship God. PRO 9:10. C. Since the judgment for not worshipping God is visited upon succeeding generations, it is important that parents train their children to ...

Church Assembly: Our Blessing and Duty of Worship Part 1

The Church Assembly: Our Blessing and Duty of Worship I. God demands that He alone be worshipped and He visits judgment upon those who fail to do so. EXO 20:3-6; MAT 4:10. A. The worship of God is also the fear of God. MAT 4:10 c/w DEU 6:13 c/w PSA 5:7. B. Since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, none are truly wise who do not worship God. PRO 9:10. C. Since the judgment for not worshipping God is visited upon succeeding generations, it is important that parents train their children to ...

Communion: The Celebration of the Covenant of Peace

Communion: The Celebration of the Covenant of Peace A. In Scripture covenants or agreements of peace were solemnized by a meal. 1. This was the case with the covenant between Abimelech and Isaac. GEN 26:26-31. 2. This was the case with the covenant between Laban and Jacob. GEN 31:44-55. 3. This was the case with the agreement between Abner and David. 2SAM 3:20-21. 4. Sharing a meal suggests peace, friendship, and fellowship. a. In the peace offering, God, the priest, and the worshipper all partook of a ...

Fantasy, Fiction, Imagination Part 1

Fantasy, Fiction, Imagination I. Definitions. A. fantasy: Imagination; the process or the faculty of forming mental representations of things not actually present. B. imagination: 1. The action of imagining, or forming a mental concept of what is not actually present to the senses (cf. sense 3); the result of this process, a mental image or idea (often with implication that the conception does not correspond to the reality of things, hence freq. vain (false, etc.) imagination). 2. The mental considerat...

Christ's Second Coming Part 6

Christ’s Second Coming: When? How? I. Jesus Christ has promised to come again. MAT 24:30; ACT 1:11; HEB 9:28. A. Various things such as resurrection, judgment, rewards, etc. are associated with His coming. B. A correct understanding of the Second Coming should settle the heart. JOH 14:1-3; 1TH 1:9-10. C. A denial of the Second Coming is an open door to hedonism. 1CO 15:32; 2PE 3:3-6. D. A corruption of the Second Coming can unsettle the heart (2TH 2:1-2) and misdirect thought and action. 1. Example...

Christ's Second Coming Part 5

Christ’s Second Coming: When? How? I. Jesus Christ has promised to come again. MAT 24:30; ACT 1:11; HEB 9:28. A. Various things such as resurrection, judgment, rewards, etc. are associated with His coming. B. A correct understanding of the Second Coming should settle the heart. JOH 14:1-3; 1TH 1:9-10. C. A denial of the Second Coming is an open door to hedonism. 1CO 15:32; 2PE 3:3-6. D. A corruption of the Second Coming can unsettle the heart (2TH 2:1-2) and misdirect thought and action. 1. Example...

Christ's Second Coming Part 4

Christ’s Second Coming: When? How? I. Jesus Christ has promised to come again. MAT 24:30; ACT 1:11; HEB 9:28. A. Various things such as resurrection, judgment, rewards, etc. are associated with His coming. B. A correct understanding of the Second Coming should settle the heart. JOH 14:1-3; 1TH 1:9-10. C. A denial of the Second Coming is an open door to hedonism. 1CO 15:32; 2PE 3:3-6. D. A corruption of the Second Coming can unsettle the heart (2TH 2:1-2) and misdirect thought and action. 1. Example...

Reasoning out of the Scriptures Part 6

Reasoning Out of the Scriptures I. This study sets forth the Biblical method for arriving at truth, our chief pursuit. PRO 23:23; 4:7. A. It sets forth the importance of linear, connected thought that produces sound conclusions as opposed to scattered, disconnected thought that produces invalid or indeterminate conclusions. This may be expressed: 1. Valid premise + valid reasoning = valid conclusion. 2. Valid premise + invalid reasoning = invalid conclusion. 3. Invalid premise + valid reasoning = inva...

Christ's Second Coming Part 3

Christ’s Second Coming: When? How? I. Jesus Christ has promised to come again. MAT 24:30; ACT 1:11; HEB 9:28. A. Various things such as resurrection, judgment, rewards, etc. are associated with His coming. B. A correct understanding of the Second Coming should settle the heart. JOH 14:1-3; 1TH 1:9-10. C. A denial of the Second Coming is an open door to hedonism. 1CO 15:32; 2PE 3:3-6. D. A corruption of the Second Coming can unsettle the heart (2TH 2:1-2) and misdirect thought and action. 1. Example...

Christ's Second Coming Part 2

Christ’s Second Coming: When? How? I. Jesus Christ has promised to come again. MAT 24:30; ACT 1:11; HEB 9:28. A. Various things such as resurrection, judgment, rewards, etc. are associated with His coming. B. A correct understanding of the Second Coming should settle the heart. JOH 14:1-3; 1TH 1:9-10. C. A denial of the Second Coming is an open door to hedonism. 1CO 15:32; 2PE 3:3-6. D. A corruption of the Second Coming can unsettle the heart (2TH 2:1-2) and misdirect thought and action. 1. Example...

The Water of Separation

The Water of Separation (Numbers 19) I. This law provided for cleansing after contact with a dead body, bone or grave. Jesus alluded to the defilement by a grave in His poignant rebuke of the Scribes and Pharisees. LUK 11:44. A. The cleansing was primarily ceremonial as a condition to restoration to the congregation after defilement, a purification for sin (v. 9). B. As with certain other such ordinances (e.g., the law of leprosy, LEV 13-14), there were also health benefits. c/w EXO 15:26. C. The Egy...

Reasoning out of the Scriptures Part 5

Reasoning Out of the Scriptures I. This study sets forth the Biblical method for arriving at truth, our chief pursuit. PRO 23:23; 4:7. A. It sets forth the importance of linear, connected thought that produces sound conclusions as opposed to scattered, disconnected thought that produces invalid or indeterminate conclusions. This may be expressed: 1. Valid premise + valid reasoning = valid conclusion. 2. Valid premise + invalid reasoning = invalid conclusion. 3. Invalid premise + valid reasoning = inva...

Christ's Second Coming Part 1

Christ’s Second Coming: When? How? I. Jesus Christ has promised to come again. MAT 24:30; ACT 1:11; HEB 9:28. A. Various things such as resurrection, judgment, rewards, etc. are associated with His coming. B. A correct understanding of the Second Coming should settle the heart. JOH 14:1-3; 1TH 1:9-10. C. A denial of the Second Coming is an open door to hedonism. 1CO 15:32; 2PE 3:3-6. D. A corruption of the Second Coming can unsettle the heart (2TH 2:1-2) and misdirect thought and action. 1. Example...

The Believer's Hope: The Second Coming of Christ

The Believer’s Hope: The Second Coming of Christ I. The Lord Jesus promised that the faithful would not be exempted from tribulation. JOH 16:33. A. tribulation: A condition of great affliction, oppression, or misery; ‘persecution; distress; vexation; disturbance of life.’ B. Christ’s words were spoken to men who would suffer greatly for their faith. JOH 16:1-2. C. The fates of the apostles and the annals of history bear witness to terrible tribulation that saints have faced. 1. One school of propheti...

1 Timothy 3:14-16

1 Timothy 3:14-16 A. The theme of this epistle is summarized here. It was written to guide the behavior of the minister in his oversight of a local church. 1. The Biblical method of propagating and preparing ministers is by one minister teaching and ordaining a fit candidate for the office. 2TI 2:2; TIT 1:5-9. 2. Scripture knows nothing of seminary training where aspiring preachers are taught, classroom-style, for assumed ministries. 3. Under the Biblical system, if one preacher is doctrinally unsound...


Giving I. The way a Christian conducts his affairs in the area of mammon says much about his character. LUK 16:10-14. II. Giving A. Our giving rests upon the foundation of Christ's gift. 2CO 8:9. B. Under the law, a specific amount was commanded to be set aside for God. 1. There was a tithe each year for the Levite. NUM 18:21. 2. There was also an annual tithe for feasts of worship. DEU 14:22-27. 3. There was also a tithe every third year for the Levite and the poor. DEU 14:28-29. 4. Israel was obl...


Repentance I. Repentance is a tenet of the gospel. MAT 3:1-2; MAR 1:14-15; LUK 24:46-47; ACT 20:20-21. II. repent: To affect (oneself) with contrition or regret for something done; to change one's mind with regard to past action or conduct through dissatisfaction with it or its results. A. Repentance involves sorrow over what was done, not just sorrow over consequence. 2CO 7:9-11; GEN 4:13-14. B. It involves a change of mind. 1KI 8:46-48; MAT 21:28-31. III. Repentance is obedience to a commandment of ...

Reasoning out of the Scriptures Part 4

Reasoning Out of the Scriptures I. This study sets forth the Biblical method for arriving at truth, our chief pursuit. PRO 23:23; 4:7. A. It sets forth the importance of linear, connected thought that produces sound conclusions as opposed to scattered, disconnected thought that produces invalid or indeterminate conclusions. This may be expressed: 1. Valid premise + valid reasoning = valid conclusion. 2. Valid premise + invalid reasoning = invalid conclusion. 3. Invalid premise + valid reasoning = inva...

Getting By, Getting Along, Getting Even

Getting By Getting By, Getting Along, Getting Even (A Minimal Guide for Life) 1. Keep the Ten Commandments (EXO 20:3-17; DEU 4:13), the Sabbath command by full faith in and submission to Christ. HEB 4:3, 10-11. 2. Emphasize the most important virtues. MIC 6:8; MAT 23:23; 1CO 13:13. 3. Eschew pride. PRO 16:18; JAM 4:6. 4. Desire God’s honor, not man’s. 1SAM 2:30; JOH 5:44. 5. Fear God more than man. MAT 10:28. 6. Be wise about good. ROM 16:19. 7. Maintain a clear conscience. ACT 24:16; 1PE 3:16. 8...

Zechariah 3

Zechariah 3 I. The prophecy of Zechariah came during the rebuilding effort after the return from Babylon. It was contemporary with the prophecy of Haggai. The restoration of true religion in a rebuilt house of God was at stake. A. This book is rich with prophecies of Christ. ZEC 2:10; 3:8-9; 6:12-13; 9:9; 11:12-13; 12:10; 13:1, 6-7; 14:8-9. B. It was written to reprove the returned remnant but also to comfort them. ZEC 1:1-6, 12-13; 8:13-15. C. The appointed seventy years of Babylonian captivity (JER ...

Withdrawing Oneself

Withdrawing Oneself I. withdraw: To remove oneself from a place or position. To go away, depart, or retire from. II. Believers have a duty to separate from the ungodly and cleave to what is true and right. A. There is a moral/personal aspect to this. 1PE 4:3-4. B. There is a doctrinal/ecclesial aspect to this. ROM 16:17; 2TH 3:6, 14-15; 1TI 6:3-5; 2TI 3:5. 1. Churches are under judgment for retaining known sin and error. REV 2:20-23; 1CO 5:1-2. 2. This ordered separation pertains not to the world at...

The Unconverted Elect

A. convert: To turn in position or direction. B. Conversion requires Scripture and teaching. PSA 19:7; 51:13. C. Conversion involves seeing, hearing and understanding, which requires regeneration. MAT 13:15; JOH 8:43, 47; 1CO 2:14. D. Consider some examples of the conversion of already born-again (regenerated) persons. LUK 22:32 c/w MAT 16:16 c/w 1JO 5:1; JAM 5:19-20. E. The unconverted elect may be categorized thus: 1. Those not yet regenerated, and therefore unable to be converted. 2. Those regenerated, ...

Reasoning out of the Scriptures Part 3

Reasoning Out of the Scriptures I. This study sets forth the Biblical method for arriving at truth, our chief pursuit. PRO 23:23; 4:7. A. It sets forth the importance of linear, connected thought that produces sound conclusions as opposed to scattered, disconnected thought that produces invalid or indeterminate conclusions. This may be expressed: 1. Valid premise + valid reasoning = valid conclusion. 2. Valid premise + invalid reasoning = invalid conclusion. 3. Invalid premise + valid reasoning = inva...

Temporal Salvation

Temporal Salvation I. This study highlights the distinction between eternal salvation which delivers from the penalty of sin and establishes life and relationship with God; and temporal salvation which delivers from the power of sin and establishes active fellowship with God by hearing, belief and obedience of the gospel. A. “Word of God” refers not only to the written/preached Scripture. It may also refer to: 1. the Divine Person of Jesus Christ. 1JO 5:7; REV 19:13. 2. Christ’s effectual voice which ha...

Advice for Fledgelings

Advice for Fledgelings 1. Do not forget God and all His benefits. PSA 103:2-5 ct/w 2CH 32:25; ROM 1:21. 2. Fear God. This is your duty, the beginning of wisdom, and moral restraint. ECC 12:13-14; PRO 9:10; NEH 5:15. a. Hate what God hates. DEU 16:22; PSA 11:5; 97:10; PRO 6:16-19; 8:13. b. Love what God loves. PSA 11:7; JER 9:24; MIC 6:8; PSA 87:2. c. Do not confuse these (ISA 5:20). There are absolutes. Grey is not possible without black and white: “...Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which i...

Cults And Their Appeal Part 5

Cults and Their Appeal “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” (Ephesians 4:14) I. cult: A particular form or system of religious worship; esp. in reference to its external rites and ceremonies. Now commonly, a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. A. The term “cult” has such a ne...

The Bread of Life

The Bread of Life (John 6:32-58) I. Our Lord Jesus had recently multiplied loaves and fishes for a multitude. JOH 6:5-13. A. This had generated an association with the manna given to Israel under Moses. JOH 6:30-31. B. Jesus’ audience consisted of “the Jews” (JOH 6:41, 52) and “his disciples” (JOH 6:60-61). C. Jesus here sets Himself forth as the superior bread of life of Whom only some partake unto eternal life, fully entered at “the last day” (JOH 6:39-40, 44, 53-54). D. To those who partake of H...

Reasoning out of the Scriptures Part 2

Reasoning Out of the Scriptures I. This study sets forth the Biblical method for arriving at truth, our chief pursuit. PRO 23:23; 4:7. A. It sets forth the importance of linear, connected thought that produces sound conclusions as opposed to scattered, disconnected thought that produces invalid or indeterminate conclusions. This may be expressed: 1. Valid premise + valid reasoning = valid conclusion. 2. Valid premise + invalid reasoning = invalid conclusion. 3. Invalid premise + valid reasoning = inva...

Cults And Their Appeal Part 4

Cults and Their Appeal “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” (Ephesians 4:14) I. cult: A particular form or system of religious worship; esp. in reference to its external rites and ceremonies. Now commonly, a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. A. The term “cult” has such a ne...

Cults And Their Appeal Part 3

Cults and Their Appeal “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” (Ephesians 4:14) I. cult: A particular form or system of religious worship; esp. in reference to its external rites and ceremonies. Now commonly, a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. A. The term “cult” has such a ne...

Cults And Their Appeal Part 2

Cults and Their Appeal “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” (Ephesians 4:14) I. cult: A particular form or system of religious worship; esp. in reference to its external rites and ceremonies. Now commonly, a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. A. The term “cult” has such a ne...

By Grace Through Faith to Faith

By Grace Through Faith to Faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) I. Errors and lies about eternal life and God’s favor are both old and common. GEN 3:4-5; MAT 3:9; 1PE 1:18-19; JOH 5:39. II. EPH 2:8-9 is one of the best known texts of Scripture but one of the most misunderstood. Observe what can be concluded from this text: A. There is a current salvation that the Ephesian saints have by grace. B. This grace is channelled to them through faith. C. This salvation is not of works. D. This salvation excludes human bo...

Reasoning out of the Scriptures Part 1

Reasoning Out of the Scriptures I. This study sets forth the Biblical method for arriving at truth, our chief pursuit. PRO 23:23; 4:7. A. It sets forth the importance of linear, connected thought that produces sound conclusions as opposed to scattered, disconnected thought that produces invalid or indeterminate conclusions. This may be expressed: 1. Valid premise + valid reasoning = valid conclusion. 2. Valid premise + invalid reasoning = invalid conclusion. 3. Invalid premise + valid reasoning = inva...

Cults And Their Appeal Part 1

Cults and Their Appeal “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” (Ephesians 4:14) I. cult: A particular form or system of religious worship; esp. in reference to its external rites and ceremonies. Now commonly, a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. A. The term “cult” has such a ne...

The Identity of True Faith and Practice

The Identity of True Faith and Practice I. Error begins with accepting some other standard for faith and practice than the word of God. GEN 3:1-6; 2CO 11:3. II. Personal feelings and thoughts do not determine truth. PRO 28:26; 14:12. A. It is possible to be completely convinced that one is doing right though in error. JOH 16:2; ACT 26:9-10. 1. Dedication to an error does not justify the error. 2. Zeal is not necessarily a good thing. GAL 4:17-18. B. It is possible to be in ignorance about wrongdoing...

Modest Apparel

Modest Apparel (1TI 2:9-10) I. A Biblical ministry is characterized by a balanced emphasis on grace and practical holiness. 2TI 2:19. A. “All holiness” leaves the soul overburdened and without relief or hope. B. “All grace” leaves the soul without conviction or defined direction. It opens the door to a false liberty. ROM 6:1-2 c/w JUDE 1:4. II. It should be obvious to any reasonable person that we are living in a society that is in an increasing state of undress. A. A beach party one hundred years ag...

Usury Part 2

Usury I. usury: The fact or practice of lending money at interest; esp. in later use, the practice of charging, taking, or contracting to receive, excessive or illegal rates of interest for money on loan. II. There are three basic reasons for usury: A. The Reason of Time-Preference. 1. A man forfeits the use of his money for a period of time during which it is unavailable for expenditure or investment for profit. 2. Since present goods are more valuable to men than future goods, men discount future goo...

The Christian and Moses' Law (An Overview)

The Christian and Moses’ Law (An Overview) I. Of what value is the O.T. to a N.T. Christian? A. It is Scripture and therefore profitable. 2TI 3:16. B. It is for our learning, patience and comfort. ROM 15:4. C. It testifies of Christ. JOH 5:39, 46. II. This study is an overview of what parts of the O.T. are still relevant and binding upon us. A. Are we still obliged to pay tithes, observe dietary law and feast days, and do no work on the seventh day? B. What about O.T. laws about idolatry, morality,...

Church Discipline Part 3

Church Discipline I. Churches are held accountable before God for whom they retain in their membership. A church must decide whose companionship they prefer: a disorderly member’s or the Lord's. JOS 7:11-13; REV 2:14-15. II. When a church member stands in violation of N.T. commandments which require exclusion from the body, and such transgression is commonly reported, only then must a severance result, lest it be “named among” the saints. 1CO 5:1-2; EPH 5:3. A. commonly: After a fashion or in a way com...

Church Discipline Part 2

Church Discipline I. Churches are held accountable before God for whom they retain in their membership. A church must decide whose companionship they prefer: a disorderly member’s or the Lord's. JOS 7:11-13; REV 2:14-15. II. When a church member stands in violation of N.T. commandments which require exclusion from the body, and such transgression is commonly reported, only then must a severance result, lest it be “named among” the saints. 1CO 5:1-2; EPH 5:3. A. commonly: After a fashion or in a way com...

Usury Part 1

Usury I. usury: The fact or practice of lending money at interest; esp. in later use, the practice of charging, taking, or contracting to receive, excessive or illegal rates of interest for money on loan. II. There are three basic reasons for usury: A. The Reason of Time-Preference. 1. A man forfeits the use of his money for a period of time during which it is unavailable for expenditure or investment for profit. 2. Since present goods are more valuable to men than future goods, men discount future goo...

Church Discipline Part 1

Church Discipline I. Churches are held accountable before God for whom they retain in their membership. A church must decide whose companionship they prefer: a disorderly member’s or the Lord's. JOS 7:11-13; REV 2:14-15. II. When a church member stands in violation of N.T. commandments which require exclusion from the body, and such transgression is commonly reported, only then must a severance result, lest it be “named among” the saints. 1CO 5:1-2; EPH 5:3. A. commonly: After a fashion or in a way com...

Responsibility to Others Part 3

Responsibility to Others I. This study addresses our duties according to the second table of the Law (Ten Commandments). A. There is general instruction for dealings with all men. B. There is particular instruction for brethren in the church. II. Introductory thoughts. A. No man is an island. B. Love of self must yield to love of others. C. There is a positive manner of covering sin. D. There is a negative manner of covering sin. E. There is a need for positive encouragement of others. F. There is...

Responsibility to Others Part 2

Responsibility to Others I. This study addresses our duties according to the second table of the Law (Ten Commandments). A. There is general instruction for dealings with all men. B. There is particular instruction for brethren in the church. II. Introductory thoughts. A. No man is an island. B. Love of self must yield to love of others. C. There is a positive manner of covering sin. D. There is a negative manner of covering sin. E. There is a need for positive encouragement of others. F. There is...

Better Promises

Better Promises (Hebrews 8:6) I. The new covenant is here declared to be superior to the old covenant by virtue of its establishment upon better promises. HEB 8:6. II. Some promises of God are conditioned upon the performance of the people to whom He makes them. If the condition be not met, God may break His promise. A. The old covenant was based on this type of promise: one which required the faith and obedience of its heirs. A promised land was theirs IF they fulfilled a condition of continual faith...

Responsibility to Others (Part 1)

Responsibility to Others I. This study addresses our duties according to the second table of the Law (Ten Commandments). A. There is general instruction for dealings with all men. B. There is particular instruction for brethren in the church. II. Introductory thoughts. A. No man is an island. B. Love of self must yield to love of others. C. There is a positive manner of covering sin. D. There is a negative manner of covering sin. E. There is a need for positive encouragement of others. F. There is...

24 Reasons Refuted (Part 2)

24 Reasons Refuted The following 24 Reasons have been used as justification for a N.T. bishop (Jonathan R. Crosby) to retain or return to ministry after being biblically put out of the church for sin (adultery). But 1TI 3:2; TIT 1:6-7 say that a bishop must be blameless. The O.E.D. defines blame as “The action of censuring... censure...” and censure is “A judicial sentence...” (the judges in this case being the church members, per 1CO 5:11-13). Refutations follow each Reason. Be it understood that restorat...


Joy I. Definitions. A. joy: A vivid emotion of pleasure arising from a sense of well-being or satisfaction; the feeling or state of being highly pleased or delighted; exultation of spirit; gladness, delight. B. rejoice: trans. To enjoy by possessing; to have full possession and use of (a thing). Obs. 2. To gladden, make joyful, exhilarate (a person, his spirits, etc.). II. Rejoicing is not optional. It is a command of God. PHIL 3:1. A. B. C. D. III. Not all A. B. C. D. It is not a momentary req...

Noah in the New World

Noah in the New World I. Everything prior to the Flood is described as “...the world that then was...” (2PE 3:6). A. This is set in contrast to “...the heavens and the earth, which are now...” (2PE 3:7), a “new world” in which there are many things different but constructed of the same basic materials and conditions of the “old world,” including unrighteousness. B. There is a “ to come...” (HEB 2:5) in which all things will be new (REV 21:5) and unrighteousness gone. 2PE 3:13. II. Consider li...

The Post-Flood Covenant

The Post-Flood Covenant (GEN 8:20-9:17) A. The earth and humanity were experiencing a true Reformation. 1. This Reformation (as others) did not actually change the nature of sinful man. GEN 6:5 c/w GEN 8:21; PSA 58:3; PRO 22:15. 2. Outward judgments may terrify and restrain men, but cannot renew their nature. 3. The change of man’s nature requires creation or resurrection power, not reformation. 2CO 5:17 c/w EPH 1:19-20; 2:1, 4-5, 10; 1CO 15:52. B. By the Flood, God showed that He can destroy and st...

Leaving the Ark

Leaving the Ark (Genesis 8:13-22) A. A little over a year from the start of the Flood, Noah and all left the ark. GEN 7:11 c/w GEN 8:13-19. 1. All that went alive into the ark came off the ark alive according to the commandment. GEN 6:18-20. 2. All that were given to the righteous man were preserved unto a new world. c/w 1TH 5:23-24. 3. There is no better nor safer place than the place where Christ is. B. Noah did not leave until God gave him leave. So Christ remained in the tomb until God’s order o...

24 Reasons Refuted Part 1

24 Reasons Refuted The following 24 Reasons have been used as justification for a N.T. bishop (Jonathan R. Crosby) to retain or return to ministry after being biblically put out of the church for sin (adultery). But 1TI 3:2; TIT 1:6-7 say that a bishop must be blameless. The O.E.D. defines blame as “The action of censuring... censure...” and censure is “A judicial sentence...” (the judges in this case being the church members, per 1CO 5:11-13). Refutations follow each Reason. Be it understood that restorat...

The Flood Ends (Genesis 8)

The Flood Ends (Genesis 8) A. The Flood shows that unchecked sin will not go forever unjudged; it rathers builds up a treasure of wrath. ROM 2:5. 1. When men provoke God far enough, it may well be too far for a stay of judgment. c/w 2CH 36:16; PRO 29:1. 2. God says of such times, “I will ease me of mine adversaries...” (ISA 1:24). 3. Sin having been judged, God's wrath was now appeased and it gave way to mercy. c/w HAB 3:2. 4. When God's wrath against His elect's sin was satisfied by Christ, the Old ...

The Flood Comes (Genesis 7)

The Flood Comes (Genesis 7) A. Heretofore the ark was “...a preparing...” according to God’s longsuffering. 1PE 3:20. 1. It was not a matter of the world not yet being worthy of judgment: the judgment had already been decreed (GEN 6:6-7) but sentence delayed until salvation was prepared. 2. So also mankind that fell under sin was preserved until Christ was prepared. HEB 10:5. 3. NOTE: God-fearing men view His longsuffering as a window of mercy but fools despise and exploit it. MAT 24:48-51; ROM 2:3-6...

Solemn Assembly

Solemn Assembly (Joel 1:14) Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD, (Joel 2:15-18) Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: (16) Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. (17) Let the priests, the ministers of...

Honouring Parents Part 2

Honouring Parents (Exodus 20:12) I. honour: High respect, esteem, or reverence, accorded to exalted worth or rank; deferential admiration or approbation. A. deference: Courteous regard such as is rendered to a superior, or to one to whom respect is due; the manifestation of a disposition to yield to the claims or wishes of another. B. due: That is owing or payable, as an enforceable obligation or debt. C. Children OWE their parents honour and parents have a right under God to demand payment (and err g...

Defining the Words of the Kingdom

Defining the Words of the Kingdom I. By defining the word “kingdom” and related words, it can be determined that the local N.T. church is the kingdom of heaven, a spiritual nation-state with a unique constitution and governmental system (boldface added below for emphasis). A. kingdom: Kingly function, authority, or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. An organized community having a king as its head; a monarchical state or government. B. king: The usual title of t...

Honouring Parents Part 1

(Exodus 20:12) I. honour: High respect, esteem, or reverence, accorded to exalted worth or rank; deferential admiration or approbation. A. deference: Courteous regard such as is rendered to a superior, or to one to whom respect is due; the manifestation of a disposition to yield to the claims or wishes of another. B. due: That is owing or payable, as an enforceable obligation or debt. C. Children OWE their parents honour and parents have a right under God to demand payment (and err greatly to not demand...

The Ark and Its Preparation

The Ark and Its Preparation A. By the ark, salvation was prepared for the righteous before the judgment. 1. This is the essence of Christ’s work in putting away our sin and ascending to heaven on our behalf before final judgment. HEB 9:25-28. 2. Remember that God’s saving grace to all the children of promise is likened to Noah and the ark. ISA 54:1, 7-10 c/w GAL 4:26-28. B. God gave Noah specific instructions for the building of the ark. GEN 6:14-16. 1. “Make thee an ARK...” (v. 14). a. ark: A chest...

The Message of Genesis 6-9

The Message of Genesis 6-9 I. We do well to remember that Jesus Christ is the central Person of scripture, and all scripture speaks of Him. JOH 5:39. A. The account of Noah, the flood and the ark is a figure of Christ’s salvation. 1PE 3:20-21. B. Jesus Christ deemed the account to be historical fact. MAT 24:37-39. C. If GEN 6-9 is not historical fact, then Christ was wrong, was little more than a heathen philosopher advancing moral lessons from a fable, and He has not provided a sure word of prophe...

Noah's Flood: Global or Local?

Noah's Flood: Global or Local? A. Various people who study Scripture conclude that the Flood of Noah was not a global deluge. B. Gap Theorists and Christian Identity types (Two-Seeders) are examples of Bible-readers who may believe that Noah's flood was a local event. 1. Gap Theorists such as C.I. Scofield tend to believe in life and death before Adam in a world which was destroyed by a catastrophic judgmental flood. a. A local Noahic Flood better supports their accommodationist theological framework...

Justice and Judgment Part 5

Justice and Judgment I. Sometimes we are called upon to render judgment in the court of the church and we may be called upon to sit on a jury in a civil court. A. As a church we have judicial authority over our individual members. 1CO 5:12; 6:1-5. 1. 2. 3. B. In 1. 2. 3. Our power only extends to separating company from an offender. Church membership is voluntary and apostates are free to leave. JOH 6:66-68. This is a power of free association that can only be harmed by church incorporation, not hel...

Dealing With the Death of a Loved One

Dealing With the Death of a Loved One I. Saying goodbye is hard. A. The disciples were sad when Jesus told them that He would be leaving them. JOH 16:5-6. B. The brethren wept when Paul left and would see them no more. ACT 20:36-38. C. Mary and Martha were filled with grief when their brother died. JOH 11:32-33. 1. They were deeply saddened even though they knew that he was in heaven and that they would see him again. JOH 11:23-27. 2. Jesus Himself wept when Lazarus died. JOH 11:33-35. D. When you l...

Before the Flood: The Other Factor (Genesis 6:1-4)

Before the Flood, the Other Factor (GEN 6:1) And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, (GEN 6:2) That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. (GEN 6:3) And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. (GEN 6:4) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,...

Before the Flood: Another Factor? (Genesis 6:1-4)

Before the Flood: Another Factor? (Genesis 6:1-4) I. Some affirm that GEN 6:1-4 describes “unequal yoke” marriages of godly Sethite men to unbelieving women, and that such unions corrupted true religion along the lines of DEU 7:3-4. A. It is not to be denied that a believer may be adversely affected by an unbelieving spouse, and that a believer who selects a spouse based upon looks rather than character is particularly susceptible since they are lacking discretion even before marriage. B. This issue i...

Why the Flood? Part 1

Why the Flood? A. (GEN 6:11) The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 1. corrupt: as pa. pple. Corrupted, depraved, spoiled. a. The total depravity of man was on full display. ROM 3:9, 15-18. b. True religion was, except for Noah, gone. Corrupt religion lends itself to violence. GEN 4:8; PSA 106:35-38. c. The condition was universal: “...all flesh had corrupted his way...” (GEN 6:12). 2. Prior to the Flood, there had been no law given for capital punishment. GEN...

Justice and Judgment Part 4

Justice and Judgment I. Sometimes we are called upon to render judgment in the court of the church and we may be called upon to sit on a jury in a civil court. A. As a church we have judicial authority over our individual members. 1CO 5:12; 6:1-5. 1. 2. 3. B. In 1. 2. 3. Our power only extends to separating company from an offender. Church membership is voluntary and apostates are free to leave. JOH 6:66-68. This is a power of free association that can only be harmed by church incorporation, not hel...

Noah, the Faithful Preacher

Noah, the Faithful Preacher A. Noah was a preacher of righteousness. 2PE 2:5. 1. He preached unto his wicked generation by the Spirit of God. 2PE 1:21 c/w 1PE 3:18-20. a. NOTE: heaven is a place of the spirits of just men made perfect (HEB 12:23), but hell is a place of the spirits of unjust men made prisoners. b. There they must wait with chained fallen angels “...unto the judgment of the great day” (JUDE 1:6 c/w REV 20:13). c. Noah ministered while on an ark-building project. Vital family or busin...

Coping With Dying

Coping With Dying I. Until Christ returns, we must come to terms with death. 1CO 15:54. A. The grave is man’s long home. ECC 12:5; JOB 17:13. B. We have no guarantee of tomorrow. PRO 27:1. C. Fools assume too much about their prosperity and longevity. LUK 12:19-21; JAM 4:13-14. D. Some in history have had a prescribed window of time to prepare for death (according to estimates of physicians, etc.) but only a few have had a prophetic word from God about their impending death, as Hezekiah. ISA 38:1. 1....

The Dry Valley Filled With Water

The Dry Valley Filled With Water (2 Kings 3) 1. This event takes place during the days of the prophet Elisha. A. Elisha's name means, “God is my salvation.” B. As a prophet, he was indwelt by the spirit of Christ. 1PE 1:10-11. C. Thus we can see Christ in his life, ministry and miracles. JOH 5:39. 2. This narrative begins by introducing the reign of Jehoram the son of Ahab, over Israel. vs. 1-3. A. Although his wickedness was not to the degree of his parents, he still wrought evil in God's sight. B....

The Power In Salvation

The Power in Salvation (ROM 5:6) For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. I. Consider the scheme of the eternal salvation of sinners generally proffered by gospel preachers. A. Jesus Christ died for all sinners without exception. B. His atonement did not eternally save anyone but only made this salvation a possibility. C. The acquisition of this salvation is conditioned upon the sinner's belief of the gospel. D. Only the accepters end up in heaven. Others end up ...

Profiting From Your Bible Part 5

Profiting From Your Bible (1TI 4:15) Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. I. This series assumes Scripture to be God’s inspired revelation in written form. 2TI 3:16-17. A. This also assumes that Scripture is preserved. PSA 12:6-7. B. This also assumes that Scripture is pure. PRO 30:5. II. Profiting from Scripture depends upon: A. having the true Scripture. 2CO 2:17. B. believing it is the true Scripture. 1TH 2:13. C. having necessary spiritua...

Profiting From Your Bible Part 4

Profiting From Your Bible (1TI 4:15) Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. I. This series assumes Scripture to be God’s inspired revelation in written form. 2TI 3:16-17. A. This also assumes that Scripture is preserved. PSA 12:6-7. B. This also assumes that Scripture is pure. PRO 30:5. II. Profiting from Scripture depends upon: A. having the true Scripture. 2CO 2:17. B. believing it is the true Scripture. 1TH 2:13. C. having necessary spiritua...

Profiting From Your Bible Part 3

Profiting From Your Bible (1TI 4:15) Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. I. This series assumes Scripture to be God’s inspired revelation in written form. 2TI 3:16-17. A. This also assumes that Scripture is preserved. PSA 12:6-7. B. This also assumes that Scripture is pure. PRO 30:5. II. Profiting from Scripture depends upon: A. having the true Scripture. 2CO 2:17. B. believing it is the true Scripture. 1TH 2:13. C. having necessary spiritua...

Profiting From Your Bible Part 2

Profiting From Your Bible (1TI 4:15) Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. I. This series assumes Scripture to be God’s inspired revelation in written form. 2TI 3:16-17. A. This also assumes that Scripture is preserved. PSA 12:6-7. B. This also assumes that Scripture is pure. PRO 30:5. II. Profiting from Scripture depends upon: A. having the true Scripture. 2CO 2:17. B. believing it is the true Scripture. 1TH 2:13. C. having necessary spiritua...

Justice and Judgment Part 3

Justice and Judgment I. Sometimes we are called upon to render judgment in the court of the church and we may be called upon to sit on a jury in a civil court. A. As a church we have judicial authority over our individual members. 1CO 5:12; 6:1-5. 1. 2. 3. B. In 1. 2. 3. Our power only extends to separating company from an offender. Church membership is voluntary and apostates are free to leave. JOH 6:66-68. This is a power of free association that can only be harmed by church incorporation, not hel...

Profiting From Your Bible Part 1

Profiting From Your Bible (1TI 4:15) Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. I. This series assumes Scripture to be God’s inspired revelation in written form. 2TI 3:16-17. A. This also assumes that Scripture is preserved. PSA 12:6-7. B. This also assumes that Scripture is pure. PRO 30:5. II. Profiting from Scripture depends upon: A. having the true Scripture. 2CO 2:17. B. believing it is the true Scripture. 1TH 2:13. C. having necessary spiritua...

Proving From the Scriptures That Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God Part 2

Proving From Scripture That Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God I. The Premise: Imagine that you are a Jew living in the mid-first century in or around Jerusalem. Your country seems to be heading towards an increasing political turmoil. The sentiments for independence from Rome are growing stronger. A. You are an informed individual and consider yourself a good citizen. B. Like most of your countrymen, you have looked forward to a restoration of the liberty and prosperity which the rabbis have taught is ...

Proving From the Scriptures That Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God Part 1

Proving From Scripture That Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God I. The Premise: Imagine that you are a Jew living in the mid-first century in or around Jerusalem. Your country seems to be heading towards an increasing political turmoil. The sentiments for independence from Rome are growing stronger. A. You are an informed individual and consider yourself a good citizen. B. Like most of your countrymen, you have looked forward to a restoration of the liberty and prosperity which the rabbis have taught is ...

1 Corinthians 15: The Gospel Declared Part 3

1 Corinthians 15 The Gospel Declared 1. declare: To make clear or plain (anything that is obscure or imperfectly understood); to clear up, explain, expound, interpret, elucidate. 2. This is the same gospel that Paul had preached to the Corinthians and that they had also received. v. 1 c/w ACT 18:1-11. A. It was Paul’s gospel that converted them. He was the father of their conversion. 1CO 4:15; 2CO 11:1-2. B. In his absence, they had strayed from Paul’s gospel to the point that they might accept any go...

Justice and Judgment Part 2

Justice and Judgment I. Sometimes we are called upon to render judgment in the court of the church and we may be called upon to sit on a jury in a civil court. A. As a church we have judicial authority over our individual members. 1CO 5:12; 6:1-5. 1. 2. 3. B. In 1. 2. 3. Our power only extends to separating company from an offender. Church membership is voluntary and apostates are free to leave. JOH 6:66-68. This is a power of free association that can only be harmed by church incorporation, not hel...

1 Corinthians 15: The Gospel Declared Part 2

1 Corinthians 15 The Gospel Declared 1. declare: To make clear or plain (anything that is obscure or imperfectly understood); to clear up, explain, expound, interpret, elucidate. 2. This is the same gospel that Paul had preached to the Corinthians and that they had also received. v. 1 c/w ACT 18:1-11. A. It was Paul’s gospel that converted them. He was the father of their conversion. 1CO 4:15; 2CO 11:1-2. B. In his absence, they had strayed from Paul’s gospel to the point that they might accept any go...

1 Corinthians 15: The Gospel Declared Part 1

1 Corinthians 15 The Gospel Declared 1. declare: To make clear or plain (anything that is obscure or imperfectly understood); to clear up, explain, expound, interpret, elucidate. 2. This is the same gospel that Paul had preached to the Corinthians and that they had also received. v. 1 c/w ACT 18:1-11. A. It was Paul’s gospel that converted them. He was the father of their conversion. 1CO 4:15; 2CO 11:1-2. B. In his absence, they had strayed from Paul’s gospel to the point that they might accept any go...

The First Christians

The First Christians (Acts 11:25) Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: (Acts 11:26) And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. This is the first of only three occurrences in Scripture of the word “Christian(s).” The other two are in 1PE 4:16 and ACT 26:28. From 1PE 4:16, we see that one should not be ashamed for su...

On Becoming an Adult Part 7

On Becoming an Independent, Responsible, Successful Adult I. If God gives grace, there comes a time for all to transition from childhood to adulthood. A. The adult puts away childish ways. 1CO 13:11. B. This doesn’t happen overnight nor is it pegged to a birthday. An 18-year old may or may not be ready for independence: it depends upon the level of maturity. C. Youth needs to gradually develop mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to prepare for being an independent, responsible, successfu...

Justice and Judgment Part 1

Justice and Judgment I. Sometimes we are called upon to render judgment in the court of the church and we may be called upon to sit on a jury in a civil court. A. As a church we have judicial authority over our individual members. 1CO 5:12; 6:1-5. 1. 2. 3. B. In 1. 2. 3. Our power only extends to separating company from an offender. Church membership is voluntary and apostates are free to leave. JOH 6:66-68. This is a power of free association that can only be harmed by church incorporation, not hel...


Resolutions (LUK 16:4) I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. resolve: A determination or resolution. 2. Firmness or steadfastness of purpose. (vb) To determine or decide upon a course of action. determine: To direct to some end or conclusion; to come to some conclusion. refl. To bring oneself to a decision; to come to the resolve ( to do something). intr. (for refl.) To come to the decision; to resolve definitely (to do something). In...

Signs and Wonders

Signs and Wonders I. Anyone desiring an encounter with signs and wonders should consider all of what Scripture says about them. MAT 4:4. II. Scripture does declare the imparting of supernatural gifts to men. LUK 9:1; 10:1, 17-20. A. LUK 10:20 shows that salvation is better than gifts. 1. Judas Iscariot was given such power yet he is the son of perdition and a devil. JOH 6:70-71; 17:12. 2. Election into the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world (REV 13:8; 17:8) trumps any sensational gi...

Numbers 21

Numbers 21:1-9 (1CO 10:9) Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. vs. 1-3. A. Not only was Israel not allowed to take the shortcut through Edom to the promised land, they then were beset upon by Arad (SRN H6166: fugitive, a wild ass). 1. Here was a Canaanite bad enough that he didn’t fit among Canaanites. 2. Wayward Christians may be captured by opposition that is not even acceptable among carnal unbelievers. 1CO 5:1. 3. Satan has many agents, darts ...

Feminism Part 3

Feminism I. For at least fifty years, there has been an increased emphasis on women’s rights and the terms women’s rights movement, feminist movement, women’s liberation, etc., have become part of our cultural jargon coincidental with an increased struggle between the sexes. A. What is a Christian approach to feminism? B. Does Scripture address the issue? C. This study seeks to sort out the good and bad of the feminist movement. II. Definitions. A. feminism: Advocacy of the rights of women (based on t...

Be Not Discouraged

Numbers 20 (A warning against discouragement) I. Israel's trials and failures are set forth for our benefit. 1CO 10:5-12. II. Numbers 20 is a concentrated period of melancholy for the church and its leaders. A. In this chapter Moses (and Aaron) are denied access into the promised land. B. In this chapter Miriam dies. C. In this chapter Aaron her brother and the High Priest of Israel dies. D. These three siblings are all noted as leaders in Israel's exodus. MIC 6:4. III. The events of these pages occ...

Baptism Part 3

Baptism I. There are one hundred references to baptism in its noun and verb forms in the New Testament (excluding references to the word “Baptist”). Only twenty-three of these references speak of something other than the baptism of believers in water. A. Fourteen times the word refers to Christ’s sufferings. MAT 20:20-23; MAR 10:38-39; LUK 12:50. B. Two times the word refers to baptism with the Spirit and fire. MAT 3:11; LUK 3:16. C. Four times it refers to baptism with the Spirit only. MAR 1:8; ACT 1:...

Baptism Part 2

Baptism I. There are one hundred references to baptism in its noun and verb forms in the New Testament (excluding references to the word “Baptist”). Only twenty-three of these references speak of something other than the baptism of believers in water. A. Fourteen times the word refers to Christ’s sufferings. MAT 20:20-23; MAR 10:38-39; LUK 12:50. B. Two times the word refers to baptism with the Spirit and fire. MAT 3:11; LUK 3:16. C. Four times it refers to baptism with the Spirit only. MAR 1:8; ACT 1:...

Baptism Part 1

Baptism I. There are one hundred references to baptism in its noun and verb forms in the New Testament (excluding references to the word “Baptist”). Only twenty-three of these references speak of something other than the baptism of believers in water. A. Fourteen times the word refers to Christ’s sufferings. MAT 20:20-23; MAR 10:38-39; LUK 12:50. B. Two times the word refers to baptism with the Spirit and fire. MAT 3:11; LUK 3:16. C. Four times it refers to baptism with the Spirit only. MAR 1:8; ACT 1:...

Feminism Part 2

Feminism I. For at least fifty years, there has been an increased emphasis on women’s rights and the terms women’s rights movement, feminist movement, women’s liberation, etc., have become part of our cultural jargon coincidental with an increased struggle between the sexes. A. What is a Christian approach to feminism? B. Does Scripture address the issue? C. This study seeks to sort out the good and bad of the feminist movement. II. Definitions. A. feminism: Advocacy of the rights of women (based on t...

On Becoming An Adult Part 6

On Becoming an Independent, Responsible, Successful Adult I. If God gives grace, there comes a time for all to transition from childhood to adulthood. A. The adult puts away childish ways. 1CO 13:11. B. This doesn’t happen overnight nor is it pegged to a birthday. An 18-year old may or may not be ready for independence: it depends upon the level of maturity. C. Youth needs to gradually develop mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to prepare for being an independent, responsible, successfu...

On Becoming An Adult Part 5

On Becoming an Independent, Responsible, Successful Adult I. If God gives grace, there comes a time for all to transition from childhood to adulthood. A. The adult puts away childish ways. 1CO 13:11. B. This doesn’t happen overnight nor is it pegged to a birthday. An 18-year old may or may not be ready for independence: it depends upon the level of maturity. C. Youth needs to gradually develop mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to prepare for being an independent, responsible, successfu...

On Becoming An Adult Part 4

On Becoming an Independent, Responsible, Successful Adult I. If God gives grace, there comes a time for all to transition from childhood to adulthood. A. The adult puts away childish ways. 1CO 13:11. B. This doesn’t happen overnight nor is it pegged to a birthday. An 18-year old may or may not be ready for independence: it depends upon the level of maturity. C. Youth needs to gradually develop mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to prepare for being an independent, responsible, successfu...

Philippians 2:1-2

Philippians 2:1-2 A. These verses highlight a basic difference between the character of Christian life in the church and the natural way of this world. 1. Christian life is not survival of the fittest, a desperate clamor of self-interests which weeds out the weak. 2. Christian life is not self-promotion by exploiting the weak or uninformed (as Scientology). 3. Christian life is not the Intellectual elite regulating the blind force (as Freemasonry). 4. Christian life is not a beehive, a compartmentalize...

Feminism Part 1

Feminism I. For at least fifty years, there has been an increased emphasis on women’s rights and the terms women’s rights movement, feminist movement, women’s liberation, etc., have become part of our cultural jargon coincidental with an increased struggle between the sexes. A. What is a Christian approach to feminism? B. Does Scripture address the issue? C. This study seeks to sort out the good and bad of the feminist movement. II. Definitions. A. feminism: Advocacy of the rights of women (based on t...

Swept and Garnished

Swept and Garnished (Luke 11:24-26) A. These words were a rebuttal of the gainsayers who had just attributed Jesus' casting out of a devil to the power of Beelzebub, chief of devils (vs. 14-16) as if He were nothing more than a Jannes or Jambres (2TI 3:8). 1. MAT 12:24, 38 shows that the scribes and Pharisees were the particular offenders and objects of Jesus' rebuttal. 2. Their sons were presuming to cast out devils also. v. 19 c/w ACT 19:13-17. 3. Beelzebub seems to be alive and active today in tele...

On Becoming An Adult Part 3

On Becoming an Independent, Responsible, Successful Adult I. If God gives grace, there comes a time for all to transition from childhood to adulthood. A. The adult puts away childish ways. 1CO 13:11. B. This doesn’t happen overnight nor is it pegged to a birthday. An 18-year old may or may not be ready for independence: it depends upon the level of maturity. C. Youth needs to gradually develop mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to prepare for being an independent, responsible, successfu...

On Becoming An Adult Part 2

On Becoming an Independent, Responsible, Successful Adult I. If God gives grace, there comes a time for all to transition from childhood to adulthood. A. The adult puts away childish ways. 1CO 13:11. B. This doesn’t happen overnight nor is it pegged to a birthday. An 18-year old may or may not be ready for independence: it depends upon the level of maturity. C. Youth needs to gradually develop mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to prepare for being an independent, responsible, successfu...

Psalm 28

Psalm 28 A. This psalm sees David transition from distress to praise, from militant saint to triumphant saint. B. He speaks to God, pleads for God to reply in kind, and trusts that since God has claimed him as His own peculiar treasure that He will answer with salvation. c/w PSA 119:94. C. No appeal is here made on the basis of David's goodness but only God's. It is a bold approach to the throne of grace for mercy and grace to help in time of need. HEB 4:16. D. This is an effectual, fervent prayer of ...

On Becoming an Independent, Responsible, Successful Adult Part 1

On Becoming an Independent, Responsible, Successful Adult I. If God gives grace, there comes a time for all to transition from childhood to adulthood. A. The adult puts away childish ways. 1CO 13:11. B. This doesn’t happen overnight nor is it pegged to a birthday. An 18-year old may or may not be ready for independence: it depends upon the level of maturity. C. Youth needs to gradually develop mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to prepare for being an independent, responsible, successfu...

False Religion's Tactics Part 6

False Religion's Tactics I. This study investigates the methods of Satan to draw men into false worship where God's truth takes a back seat to something else. A. Make no mistake about it: Satan wants to be worshipped. ISA 14:12-14; MAT 4:8-9; 2TH 2:3-4. B. The obvious “circus acts” like the Church of Satan and Anton Lavey are only a small part of the problem. C. Ignorant superstition thinks it worships God but is actually worshipping devils. 1CO 10:20. D. The more subtle “white collar” tactics of Sat...

False Religion's Tactics Part 5

False Religion's Tactics I. This study investigates the methods of Satan to draw men into false worship where God's truth takes a back seat to something else. A. Make no mistake about it: Satan wants to be worshipped. ISA 14:12-14; MAT 4:8-9; 2TH 2:3-4. B. The obvious “circus acts” like the Church of Satan and Anton Lavey are only a small part of the problem. C. Ignorant superstition thinks it worships God but is actually worshipping devils. 1CO 10:20. D. The more subtle “white collar” tactics of Sat...

False Religion's Tactics Part 4

False Religion's Tactics I. This study investigates the methods of Satan to draw men into false worship where God's truth takes a back seat to something else. A. Make no mistake about it: Satan wants to be worshipped. ISA 14:12-14; MAT 4:8-9; 2TH 2:3-4. B. The obvious “circus acts” like the Church of Satan and Anton Lavey are only a small part of the problem. C. Ignorant superstition thinks it worships God but is actually worshipping devils. 1CO 10:20. D. The more subtle “white collar” tactics of Sat...

False Religion's Tactics Part 3

False Religion's Tactics I. This study investigates the methods of Satan to draw men into false worship where God's truth takes a back seat to something else. A. Make no mistake about it: Satan wants to be worshipped. ISA 14:12-14; MAT 4:8-9; 2TH 2:3-4. B. The obvious “circus acts” like the Church of Satan and Anton Lavey are only a small part of the problem. C. Ignorant superstition thinks it worships God but is actually worshipping devils. 1CO 10:20. D. The more subtle “white collar” tactics of Sat...

False Religion's Tactics Part 2

False Religion's Tactics I. This study investigates the methods of Satan to draw men into false worship where God's truth takes a back seat to something else. A. Make no mistake about it: Satan wants to be worshipped. ISA 14:12-14; MAT 4:8-9; 2TH 2:3-4. B. The obvious “circus acts” like the Church of Satan and Anton Lavey are only a small part of the problem. C. Ignorant superstition thinks it worships God but is actually worshipping devils. 1CO 10:20. D. The more subtle “white collar” tactics of Sat...

Promptness In Obedience

Promptness in Obedience I. The commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ are not grievous. 1JO 5:3. A. Christ's yoke is easy and His burden bearable. MAT 11:28-30. B. Pharisee religion is not so. MAT 23:3-4. C. We should be wary of unscriptural or utterly impractical demands supposedly from God. D. Zeal is good with qualifications. GAL 4:18; ECC 7:16. 1. We are warned against being heady (Headlong, precipitate, impetuous, violent; passionate; headstrong; ‘hurried on with passion’ (J.). a. Of motion, actio...

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians Part 6

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians 1. Historically, the Galatians as a people had come into the central highlands of what is now Turkey around the Third Century B.C. as part of an ongoing great Celtic migration out of central Europe. This migration extended also across western Europe and into what is now known as the British Isles and their language is still spoken in portions thereof. Historical records show an overlap of the terms Celtic and Gallic. Their region was once called Gallo Graecia and was made a ...

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians Part 4

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians 1. Historically, the Galatians as a people had come into the central highlands of what is now Turkey around the Third Century B.C. as part of an ongoing great Celtic migration out of central Europe. This migration extended also across western Europe and into what is now known as the British Isles and their language is still spoken in portions thereof. Historical records show an overlap of the terms Celtic and Gallic. Their region was once called Gallo Graecia and was made a ...


Perseverance I. At times in Christian experience, for various reasons, a Christian's zeal for God, His word, His house, His service and His people might wear thin or grow cold. Ministers need to consider that and act accordingly. ISA 50:4. A. In a culture where sin abounds and temptation is on every side, true love may become cold. MAT 24:12. 1. Perilous times are not defined by political or economic trouble but by rampant sin. 2TI 3:1-5. 2. An inordinate affection for the world and the flesh can chok...

Sunday School

Sunday School I. Does the Bible teach a Sunday School system such as one sees in modern day Christendom? II. First of all, we are commanded to prove all things, which includes Sunday school. 1TH 5:21. A. prove: To make trial of, try, test. B. The Bible is the SOLE standard of truth whereby all things are to be proved. PSA 119:1-3, 11, 104-105, 128; ACT 17:11; ROM 3:4. 1. Personal feelings and thoughts are not the standard for church practice. ACT 26:9-10. a. (PRO 14:12) There is a way which seemeth ...

Regeneration and Conversion

Regeneration and Conversion I. It is commonly assumed that regeneration and conversion are referring to the one and the same thing: the change of man's inward nature which brings him out of death in trespasses and sins into a state of grace and spiritual life. II. Definitions. A. regenerate: In religious use; to cause to be born again in a spiritual sense; to invest with a new and higher spiritual nature. B. convert: To turn in position or direction. To turn (a thing or oneself) about, to give a diffe...

For The Righteous Sake

For the Righteous Sake I. One of the great themes of Scripture is God's willingness to spare men for the sake of someone else's righteousness. 2CO 5:21 c/w ROM 5:19. A. There are numerous examples of where even the imperfect righteousness of one (or a few) was remembered by God and others were accordingly delivered. B. There are other cases where one's righteousness would spare only himself. II. Sodom, Gomorrah and their neighboring cities became so wicked that God eventually destroyed them. GEN 13:13;...

Love, Knowledge, Judgment

Love, Knowledge, Judgment (Philippians 1:9-11) A. There is very little correction in Paul's letter to the church at Philippi, and the corrections are mildly tempered. PHIL 2:30 c/w PHIL 4:10; PHIL 4:2. 1. The tone of the letter is a positive one. 2. Paul thanked God every time he remembered them. PHIL 1:3 ct/w 1CO 1:14-15. 3. They were faithful in his absence. PHIL 2:12 ct/w GAL 1:6. 4. They had been concerned about Epaphroditus' health. PHIL 2:26. 5. They had been forward in supporting Paul in his l...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 11

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...

The Holy Kiss

The Holy Kiss Here are the N.T. verses which command the brethren to kiss: (Rom 16:16) Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you. (1Co 16:20) All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one another with an holy kiss. (2Co 13:12) Greet one another with an holy kiss. (1Th 5:26) Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss. (1Pe 5:14) Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen. There are two important terms to define: kiss: A touc...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 10

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...

John 19:23-24

John 19:23-24 (John 19:23) Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part; and also his coat: now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout. (John 19:24) They said therefore among themselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be: that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did. Here is...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 9

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 8

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 7

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...


But I. Any scheme to recover a sinner from his condemnation under sin (ROM 5:12, 18) which depends on the sinner is futile. A. Perhaps if his good works outweigh his bad works on God's scale, man can recover himself from condemnation. But, ISA 64:6; ROM 3:10. B. Perhaps if he performs an appointed ritual, man can recover himself from condemnation. But, GAL 5:3. C. Perhaps sacrifice will recover him from condemnation. But, ROM 8:21-22; HEB 10:1, 4. D. Perhaps if he changes his nature so that he might do...


Martyrs I. martyr: Eccl. The specific designation of honour (connoting the highest degree of saintship) for: One who voluntarily undergoes the penalty of death for refusing to renounce the Christian faith or any article of it, for perseverance in any Christian virtue, or for obedience to any law or command of the Church. A. Forms of martyr are found only in ACT 22:20; REV 2:13; REV 17:6. B. Martyr translates the Greek word martus (Strong's G3144), which means witness and is so translated in 29 places. ...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 6

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 5

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 4

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 3

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...

Abortion Part 2

Abortion I. abortion: The act of giving untimely birth to offspring, premature delivery, miscarriage; the procuring of premature delivery so as to destroy offspring. (In Med. abortion is limited to a delivery so premature that the offspring cannot live, i.e. in the case of the human fœtus before the sixth month.) A. miscarriage: Untimely delivery (of a woman)... c/w JOB 3:16; ECC 6:3. B. procure: To bring about by care or pains; also (more vaguely) to bring about, cause, effect, produce. C. A distincti...

Thoughts on Making Decisions Part 1

Thoughts on Making Decisions I. We know we are to walk by faith, not sight. 2CO 5:7. A. We are to trust God rather than our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. B. We read in Scripture of God's providential direction of men's lives and may even have experienced the same in our own lives. C. We may be persuaded that because God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives, we are relieved of the responsibility of personal decisions, and, after all, God makes all things work together for our good. D. This...

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians Part 3

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians 1. Historically, the Galatians as a people had come into the central highlands of what is now Turkey around the Third Century B.C. as part of an ongoing great Celtic migration out of central Europe. This migration extended also across western Europe and into what is now known as the British Isles and their language is still spoken in portions thereof. Historical records show an overlap of the terms Celtic and Gallic. Their region was once called Gallo Graecia and...

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians Part 2

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians 1. Historically, the Galatians as a people had come into the central highlands of what is now Turkey around the Third Century B.C. as part of an ongoing great Celtic migration out of central Europe. This migration extended also across western Europe and into what is now known as the British Isles and their language is still spoken in portions thereof. Historical records show an overlap of the terms Celtic and Gallic. Their region was once called Gallo Graecia and was made a ...

Why A Church Does Not Grow

Why a Church Doesn't Grow I. Churches go through seasons during which there is little or no numerical growth. A. The ongoing deferral of expected reaping can dampen the spirit. PRO 13:12. B. Much effort may be expended and no results seem forthcoming, which can cause tension and doubts. GEN 30:1-2. II. There is growth and there is growth. A. If you love God, His truth and His church, you want ONLY the increase which God gives. 1CO 3:6; ACT 2:47; COL 2:19. B. Cancers, tumors and weeds grow--- effortl...

Abortion - Part 1

Abortion I. abortion: The act of giving untimely birth to offspring, premature delivery, miscarriage; the procuring of premature delivery so as to destroy offspring. (In Med. abortion is limited to a delivery so premature that the offspring cannot live, i.e. in the case of the human fœtus before the sixth month.) A. miscarriage: Untimely delivery (of a woman)... c/w JOB 3:16; ECC 6:3. B. procure: To bring about by care or pains; also (more vaguely) to bring about, cause, effect, produce. C. A distincti...

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians Part 1

Paul's Epistle to the Galatians 1. Historically, the Galatians as a people had come into the central highlands of what is now Turkey around the Third Century B.C. as part of an ongoing great Celtic migration out of central Europe. This migration extended also across western Europe and into what is now known as the British Isles and their language is still spoken in portions thereof. Historical records show an overlap of the terms Celtic and Gallic. Their region was once called Gallo Graecia and was made a ...

Our Beautiful Savior

Our Beautiful Savior (Isaiah 53:1) Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? (Isaiah 53:2) For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. The Book of Isaiah is so replete with references to Jesus Christ and His work of redemption that it could almost be called “The Gospel of Isaiah.” Such a conclusion would not be unwarranted, for...

Our High Priest's Order

Our High Priest's Order (Hebrews 5:10) I. A study like this is difficult to teach to those who are dull of hearing. HEB 5:11. A. For various reasons, their ears received not doctrine. HEB 5:12 c/w 2TI 4:3-4. B. Sharpness rebukes dullness; sharpening overcomes it. 2CO 13:10; PRO 27:17. C. Many of the Hebrew Christians were still overmuch zealous of the law (ACT 21:20) and its Levitical priesthood. To pry them from Levi, Paul sets forth something better. II. Christ's priesthood is after the ...

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God (Part 7)

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 9:10) I. Definitions. A. kingdom: Kingly function, authority or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. B. power: II. As a person, body or thing. One who or that which is possessed of or exercises power, influence, or government; an influential or governing person, body or thing; in early use, one in authority, a ruler, governor. C. The kingdom of God is the government of God. D. government: The action of ruling; con...

Five Phases of Salvation from Sin

The Five Phases of Salvation From Sin “...and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” (MAT 1:21) I. The Planning Phase: Salvation from the plan of sin. A. EPH 1:3-5. 1. God planned that mankind would be represented in Adam. Knowing that Adam would fall, He purposed to impute Adam's sin to the human race. ROM 5:12-19; 1CO 15:22. 2. God chose a people and purposed to make them holy, thus saving them from the effects of the fall. B. The time of the planning phase: ...

Romans 4:17-22 (Part 2)

Romans 4:17-22 1. In this chapter, Paul sets forth the kind of faith which is counted for/imputed to/reckoned for righteousness. A. This kind of faith excludes the concept of acquiring righteousness by obligating God by a debt for work performed. ROM 4:4. B. This kind of faith excludes circumcision since it preceded circumcision and circumcision is a work. ROM 4:9-11. C. This kind of faith excludes the Law of Moses since it preceded the Law of Moses and the Law of Moses is works-oriented. ROM 4:13-14 c/...

Romans 4:17-22 (Part 1)

Romans 4:17-22 1. In this chapter, Paul sets forth the kind of faith which is counted for/imputed to/reckoned for righteousness. A. This kind of faith excludes the concept of acquiring righteousness by obligating God by a debt for work performed. ROM 4:4. B. This kind of faith excludes circumcision since it preceded circumcision and circumcision is a work. ROM 4:9-11. C. This kind of faith excludes the Law of Moses since it preceded the Law of Moses and the Law of Moses is works-oriented. ROM 4:13-14 c/...

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace grace: Favour, favourable or benignant regard or its manifestation (now only on the part of a superior); favour or goodwill, in contradistinction to right or obligation, as the ground of a concession. I. It is said that “...the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (JOH 1:17). A. This is not to imply that there was no grace or truth in the O.T. PSA 119:151; GEN 6:8; ROM 11:5. B. However, Moses was the mediator of the law covenant of works, a “do and live” syste...

Transgenderism (Part 3)

Transgenderism I. The terms associated with this topic are many and are often invented outgrowths of the basic issue. This study will focus on basics. A. “Transgender” is itself a relatively novel term. It does not appear in my hardcover OED (1971 edition). 1. A newer CD-ROM version of OED defines transgender: “adj. Of, relating to, or designating a person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender, but combines or moves between these; transgendered.”...

Transgenderism (Part 2)

Transgenderism I. The terms associated with this topic are many and are often invented outgrowths of the basic issue. This study will focus on basics. A. “Transgender” is itself a relatively novel term. It does not appear in my hardcover OED (1971 edition). 1. A newer CD-ROM version of OED defines transgender: “adj. Of, relating to, or designating a person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender, but combines or moves between these; transgendered.”...

Transgenderism (Part 1)

1. 2. 3. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines transsexual: “a person born with the physical characteristics of one sex who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex.” The use of transsexual or transgender to describe essentially the same group is somewhat controversial within that group. “Distinctions between the terms transgender and transsexual are commonly based on distinctions between gender (psychological, social) and sex (physical).[34][35] Hence, transsexual...

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God (Part 6)

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 9:10) I. Definitions. A. kingdom: Kingly function, authority or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. B. power: II. As a person, body or thing. One who or that which is possessed of or exercises power, influence, or government; an influential or governing person, body or thing; in early use, one in authority, a ruler, governor. C. The kingdom of God is the government of God. D. government: The action of ruling; con...

Some Thoughts on Abraham

Some Thoughts on Abraham 1. God called Abram alone out of Ur. GEN 12:1; ISA 51:2. A. Prior to his calling, Abram was an idolater as were his family. JOS 24:2, 14-15. B. His father, Terah, took the family out of Ur because of what God had said to Abram. GEN 12:1 c/w GEN 11:31 c/w ACT 7:2-3. C. Blessed is that man whose calling from God motivates those around him in spite of their natural opposition. c/w MAT 13:55-57. D. Mind that God called Abram, not the other family members. Over time, Terah died (GE...

The Fear of God

The Fear of God I. Our God is love (1JO 4:8) but also a consuming fire (HEB 12:28-29) Who “...ought to be feared” (PSA 76:11). A. The fear of God was implied before sin entered the world. GEN 2:17. B. Adam was afraid of God after sin entered (GEN 3:10) but this fear could not prevent judgment. 1. Had Adam's love of God been perfect, this latter fear would not have come. 1JO 4:18; 3:21. 2. Such is the consequence of not loving God above all as we should. MAT 22:37. C. Adam chose to not fear God when ...

The Fellowship of the Truth

The Fellowship of the Truth (2 Corinthians 13:8) For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. I. fellowship: Partnership; membership of a society. Participation, sharing (in an action, condition, etc.); 'something in common', community of interest, sentiment, nature, etc. II. Few things in Christian life can compare with the comfort, satisfaction and sense of belonging that we derive from fellowshipping with others with whom we have something in common. A. We need the mutual support and c...

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage I. The covenantal nature of marriage. A. Two people are so bound as to be considered one. MAT 19:4-6. B. No other is to be looked upon or thought upon as the object of marital love. JOB 31:1 c/w GEN 20:16. C. A spouse is deemed such by covenant or vow. MAL 2:14. D. Husband and wife are bound together in marriage. ROM 7:1-3. E. Marriage is a God-ordered contract, vow, or covenant between a man and a woman. Both are bound by the law of God to be faithful to the contract a...

2 Peter 1:1

2 Peter 1:1 A. Peter is an apostle--one of the select disciples which would be the foundation of the church (EPH 2:20). But he considers himself first a servant. 1. No man is a good leader who himself does not know how to be a good servant to his superior. MAT 8:8-10; 10:24-25. 2. Greatness embraces service. MAT 20:25-28. 3. The Lord's servant must have a compassionate eye towards the Lord's flock. 2TI 2:24-25. 4. But the Lord's servant must not compromise truth. GAL 1:10; 1PE 4:11. B. Peter denounce...

Tips for Witnessing to a Cultist

Tips For Witnessing to a Cultist I. This study should help you to engage someone involved in a cult. A. The label “cult” can be misleading. Sometimes what are considered the earmarks of a cult can also apply to mainstream religion. B. Keep in mind that, to an ignorant and unbelieving world, the way of righteousness is a heretical cult. ACT 24:5, 14. C. For this study's purposes, “cult” refers to pseudo-Christian groups which use Christian terminology but twist the definitions and which commonly have ...


Conscience I. What is a conscience? A. The English word “conscience” translates the Greek word “suneidesis” meaning co- perception, i.e. moral consciousness. B. conscience: I. Inward knowledge; consciousness; inmost thought, mind. II. Consciousness of right and wrong; moral sense. The internal acknowledgement or recognition of the moral quality of one’s motives and actions; the sense of right and wrong as regards things for which one is responsible; the faculty or principle which pronounces upon the mo...

1 Peter 1:13-16

1 Peter 1:13-16 I. The Christian is to gird up the loins of his mind. A. gird: To surround, encircle with a belt or girdle, esp. for the purpose of confining the garments and allowing freer action to the body. Fig. To prepare for action; to brace up for, to, or to do something. B. Note the usage of gird in EXO 12:11; LUK 12:35-37. C. The believer should not allow his thoughts to roam without restraint. 2CO 10:3-5; PHIL 4:6-8. D. The believer's mind is to be in a state of preparation for the coming o...

From Tent to Triumph

From Tent to Triumph Numbers 29:12-40 (12) And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month ye shall have an holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work, and ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: (13) And ye shall offer a burnt offering, a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD; thirteen young bullocks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of the first year; they shall be without blemish: (14) And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil, three tenth deals unto every bullo...

Let Thine Eyes Look Right On

Let Thine Eyes Look Right On (Proverbs 4:25) I. Disorganized and ineffective people have a problem getting focused or staying focused. A. They have a problem concentrating their energies and resources on one thing and seeing it through to completion. B. They are easily distracted. II. PRO 4:25-27 exhorts us to be focused and warns us against being sidetracked: A. To ponder our path means to consider our direction carefully. B. Established ways are settled or fixed. C. Looking right on, straight bef...

Three Mighty Men

Three Mighty Men 2 Samuel 23:14-17 (14) And David was then in an hold, and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem. (15) And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate! (16) And the three mighty men brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: nevertheless he would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto the LORD. ...

The Faith of Jesus Christ

The Faith of Jesus Christ I. faith - I. Belief, trust, confidence. 1. a. Confidence, reliance, trust (in the ability, goodness, etc., of a person; in the efficacy or worth of a thing; or in the truth of a statement or doctrine). II. Jesus Christ was a man of great faith. A. Some will object to this idea because they say that because Jesus was God, He didn't have faith since God doesn't have faith. 1. First of all, Jesus was/is fully God (JOH 1:1, 14) and fully man. 1TI 2:5. a. Men are commanded to hav...

The New Life Within

The New Life Within Judges 13:2-5 (2) And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bare not. (3) And the angel of the LORD appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. (4) Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing: (5) For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall co...

Truining Children (Part 1) Introduction

Truining Children I. Truining is a made-up word implying a training of children that is ruinous. II. The proper training of children is necessary owing to their nature. PRO 22:15. A. Do not expect a child to develop properly on its own. PRO 17:25; 29:15. B. Children are like photo film images: negative until processed. C. You don't need to train children to become fools since they are pre-programmed to folly but bad training will expedite that. III. Both parents are responsible to train the child pro...

2 Timothy 1:9-10

2 Timothy 1:9-10 v. 9. 1. Paul here declares salvation which God accomplished for His elect: He hath saved, hath called us. A. This is the eternal salvation that is declared in the gospel, per v. 10. B. The gospel is the declaration of what God HAS done about sin and its consequence, death. C. This salvation is according to His purpose, grace and work, not according to our works. D. Since this eternal salvation is God's finished work, it is a secure salvation. JOH 10:27-29. E. This fact makes the aff...

Zeal for God's House

Zeal for God's House I. It was said that zeal for God's house consumed our Lord Jesus Christ. JOH 2:17. A. David penned those words which the N.T. applies to Christ. PSA 69:9 c/w ROM 15:3. B. The Holy Spirit thus encourages us to consider David's attitude towards God's house. C. What David did for God's house was done with all his might. 1CH 29:2; PSA 132:3-5. II. The gospel church is God's house. 1TI 3:15; EPH 2:19-22; 1PE 2:5. A. It is God's kingdom on earth. MAT 16:18-19; LUK 22:29-30 c/w 1CO 10 & ...

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God (Part 3)

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 9:10) I. Definitions. A. kingdom: Kingly function, authority or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. B. power: II. As a person, body or thing. One who or that which is possessed of or exercises power, influence, or government; an influential or governing person, body or thing; in early use, one in authority, a ruler, governor. C. The kingdom of God is the government of God. D. government: The action of ruling; con...

Guidelines for Effective Study

Guidelines For Effective Study I. Definitions. A. study: To apply the mind to the acquisition of learning; to think intently; to meditate; to reflect, try to recollect something or to come to a decision. B. meditate: To muse over or reflect upon; to consider, study, ponder. C. ponder: To ascertain the weight of; to weigh. Also. fig. 4. To weigh (a matter, words, etc.) mentally; to give due weight to and consider carefully; to think over, meditate upon. II. God expects us to study and meditate, especi...

The Two Provisions of the Cross

The Two Provisions of the Cross I. Have you ever heard an evangelist present Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sins and eternal life to sinners as an offer? A. He might declare, “There's nothing you can do...” B. He might also declare, “But all you have to do is...” C. Which declaration is the sinner to believe? II. The cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ has provided for two forgivenesses for God's elect. A. The blood atonement provides for a judicial, unconditional forgiveness of sins. This forgiveness:...

Possessing Edom

Possessing Edom Obadiah 1:17-21 (17) But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. (18) And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. (19) And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the plain the Philistin...

Emotion vs Faith

Emotion v. Faith 1. emotion: Psychology. A mental ‘feeling’ or ‘affection’ (e.g. of pleasure or pain, desire or aversion, surprise, hope or fear, etc.), as distinguished from cognitive (of or pertaining to the action or process of knowing) or volitional (pertaining or relating to the action of willing) states of consciousness. 2. faith: Belief, trust, confidence. Confidence, reliance, trust (in the ability, goodness, etc. of a person; in the efficacy or worth of a thing; or in the truth of a statement or ...

Being Established

Being Established (Acts 16:5) And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily. I. Definitions. A. establish: To render stable or firm. a) To strengthen by material support. b) To ratify, confirm, validate. c) To confirm, settle (what is weak or wavering); to restore (health) permanently; to give calmness or steadiness (to the mind). d) To calm (anger), to settle (doubts). B. confirm: To make firm or more firm; to add strength to, to settle; establish firmly. C. enticin...

Elijah and the Widow (2016)

Elijah and the Widow (1 Kings 17:8-24) I. At this point in their history, Israel was overrun with Baalism/paganism which had been introduced by Jezebel and Ahab. 1KI 16:30-33; 18:19. A. Elijah dared to announce that an age-old curse was about to become effective. DEU 11:16-17; 1KI 17:1. B. Israel would be without dew or rain for three and a half years. LUK 4:25. C. God then told Elijah to leave and hide himself. 1KI 17:2-3 c/w ACT 22:18; MAT 2:13. D. God sustained him while in hiding by unusual means...

1 John 1:1-4

1 John 1:1-4 I. The epistle begins with a declaration of the apostolic witness of Jesus Christ, the Word of life. A. John begins this epistle as he began his gospel by setting forth Jesus Christ as the Word. JOH 1:1-3. B. The Word is the name of Jesus Christ’s divine nature as God. 1JO 5:7; REV 19:13. C. The apostles were especially chosen witnesses of Jesus Christ. MAR 3:14; JOH 15:27; ACT 10:40-41. D. The Word became flesh and thus made Himself manifest to the senses of hearing, sight, and touch. J...

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God (Part 2)

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 9:10) I. Definitions. A. kingdom: Kingly function, authority or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. B. power: II. As a person, body or thing. One who or that which is possessed of or exercises power, influence, or government; an influential or governing person, body or thing; in early use, one in authority, a ruler, governor. C. The kingdom of God is the government of God. D. government: The action of ruling; con...

Pleasing God

Pleasing God A. We are to keep God's commandments and do things that are pleasing in His sight. 1JO 3:22. 1. “Thou shalt...” and “Thou shalt not...” commandments are “no-brainers.” 2. What about areas not so clearly defined? How does one please God in general? 3. This study is only of value to someone who is genuinely concerned about pleasing God. B. We should seek knowledge as to how to walk and to please God. 1TH 4:1; COL 1:10. 1. Without knowledge, one may wrongly think he is pleasing God. JOH 16:...

Nehemiah 8

Nehemiah 8 vs. 1-12. The people here attended to the reading and exposition of the law of Moses. A. There was congregational unity in the matter: they “...gathered themselves together as one man...” (v. 1). c/w PHIL 1:27; 1CO 1:10. 1. Their cooperation and unity of purpose in the building of the wall carried over into spiritual areas. Good character rightly manifests itself in all areas of life. 2. Such a unified group is well fitted against falling before the enemy. ct/w MAT 12:25. B. There was congr...

On Pastoring (Part 2)

On Pastoring 1. As recently preached, a N.T. pastor has the office of elder/bishop/overseer/steward. A. The rule of the church is committed to him. HEB 13:7, 17. B. rule: To control, guide, direct, exercise sway or influence over... C. control: To check or verify, and hence to regulate... 4. To exercise restraint or direction upon the free action of; to hold sway over, exercise power or authority over, dominate, command. D. check: To stop (action, growth, exhibition of feeling, and the like); to stay...

The Evening Sacrifice

The Evening Sacrifice 1. In his journey to the cross, Jesus Christ was led as a lamb to the slaughter. ISA 53:7 c/w ACT 8:32 c/w MAT 26:57; 27:2, 31. 2. There was a particular hour to which He was appointed. JOH 12:27; 13:1. 3. Jesus died shortly after the ninth hour (3:00 p.m.). MAT 27:45-50. A. This was the time of the appointed daily evening sacrifice in Moses' Law. EXO 29:38-39. B. It was at the time of the evening sacrifice when the prophecy of Messiah's coming to be cut off was given to Daniel. ...

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God

The Reformation of the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 9:10) I. Definitions. A. kingdom: Kingly function, authority or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. B. power: II. As a person, body or thing. One who or that which is possessed of or exercises power, influence, or government; an influential or governing person, body or thing; in early use, one in authority, a ruler, governor. C. The kingdom of God is the government of God. D. government: The action of ruling; con...

On Pastoring

On Pastoring 1. As recently preached, a N.T. pastor has the office of elder/bishop/overseer/steward. A. The rule of the church is committed to him. HEB 13:7, 17. B. rule: To control, guide, direct, exercise sway or influence over... C. control: To check or verify, and hence to regulate... 4. To exercise restraint or direction upon the free action of; to hold sway over, exercise power or authority over, dominate, command. D. check: To stop (action, growth, exhibition of feeling, and the like); to stay...

The Office of Elder

The Office of Elder I. Consider the names of the pastoral office. ACT 20:17, 28; TIT 1:5, 7; EPH 4:11; 1CO 4:1-2. A. elder: An elder person, lit. or fig.; a parent; an ancestor, forefather; a person superior in age, senior. B. presbuteros (Strong's G4245): Also means a term or rank or office. Among the Christians, those who presided over the churches. (TDNT) C. A pastor is senior by virtue of office rather than age. D. An elder may be a young man. 1TI 4:12. II. Consider the following definitions: A...

Choosing Wise Burdens

Choosing Wise Burdens I. Christians do well to seek to understand God’s will for their lives. EPH 5:17; ROM 12:2. A. God’s precepts are the benchmark of understanding. PSA 119:34, 104, 128. B. Proper understanding should give us a holy love of biblical burdens and a holy loathing of unbiblical burdens. C. The teachings of Christ and His apostles are the supreme guide for a life that is well- pleasing to God. 1TH 4:1-2. II. Christ’s burden is light. MAT 11:28-30; LUK 10:40-42. A. By contrast, Pharise...


Thanksgiving 1. Definitions. A. thank: v. To give thanks to; to express gratitude or obligation to. B. thank: sb. 1. Thought. 2. Favourable thought or feeling, good will. 3. Kindly thought or feeling entertained towards any one for favour or services received; grateful thought, gratitude. 4. The expression of gratitude; the grateful acknowledgement of a benefit or favour. C. gratitude: The quality or condition of being grateful; a warm sense of appreciation of kindness received, involving a feeling of ...

The Faithful Saying of 2 Timothy 2:11-13

The Faithful Saying of 2 Timothy 2:11-13 1. This is one of four faithful sayings that Paul gives. The others are found in 1TI 1:15; 1TI 4:8-9; TIT 3:8. 2. These verses comprise the faithful saying that Paul introduces in v. 11. A. faithful: Full of or characterized by faith, believing. 5. Of persons and their actions: That may be believed or relied upon; trustworthy, veracious. Also of things: Reliable. 6. True to the fact or original, accurate. B. This saying sums up God's faithful dealings with His ...

Timbits 4

Timbits 4 1. 2SAM 12:24-25. Solomon's arrival and names are briefly noted here. A. David named his son Solomon according to the word of God (1CH 22:7-9) and Nathan named him Jedidiah. (1) Solomon means, “peaceable or peaceful.” (2) Jedidiah means, “beloved of the LORD.” (3) This child/seed of David was an eminent type of Christ, the son of David (MAT 1:1) of Whom the LORD said, “...This is my beloved Son...” (MAT 3:17) and Who is named, “...The Prince of Peace” (ISA 9:6). (4) The beloved Son is als...

On Death (Part 8)

On Death I. Scripture refers to various things as death: A. Spiritual death in trespasses and sin. GEN 2:17; EPH 2:1. B. Separation from fellowship and accord with God. JAM 5:19-20; EPH 5:14; 1TI 5:6; REV 3:1. C. Physical death. JAM 2:26. D. Reproductive death. ROM 4:19. E. The second death or eternal separation from God in the lake of fire. REV 20:14; 21:8. F. Death of delusions of righteousness. ROM 7:7-9. G. Legal death TO sin and practical mortification (depriving of life) of self and flesh. R...

Psalm 6

Psalm 6 I. This is one of the Penitential Psalms, others being Psalms 32, 38, 51, 130. II. Although David does not specifically mention his iniquities, he is describing one who has sinned and is under judgment. c/w PSA 38:1-10. A. The Psalmist feels himself an object of God's intense anger. 1. God's wrath is revealed against sin. ROM 1:18. 2. God's wrath is VERY dreadful. NAH 1:6; PSA 76:7; ISA 57:16; HEB 10:30-31. B. He confesses weakness which results from sin. PSA 31:10. C. His bones and his soul ...

Romans 4:5

Romans 4:5 I. ROM 4:5 is commonly theorized to teach that the sinner's faith is not a work on the part of the sinner since work is there juxtaposed to belief. A. The same crowd commonly affirms that eternal life is gained by grace and not works. B. They also affirm that the unsaved sinner is regenerated and acquires righteousness because of his belief. C. However, if ROM 4:5 is teaching that faith and work are always mutually exclusive concepts, then it is also teaching that a person should never do go...

Mental Defect vs Responsibility Part 2

Mental Defect v. Responsibility 1. Question: Can one who has been diagnosed as mentally sick be held responsible for his behavior? 2. This entire issue comes down to a fundamental difference between Christianity and the modern medical model. A. When these two schools of thought come into conflict, we must yield to God's school: Scripture. PSA 119:128; ROM 3:4. B. The medical model reduces all behavior to biological factors. Mental problems should be treated in the same way the body is treated. C. By...

On Death (Part 6)

5. The body is sown in weakness and raised in power. a. As the body ages it becomes weaker until it succumbs to death which is the ultimate weakness, for the dead can do nothing. ECC 8:8; 9:10. b. The resurrection body will have power such that the present body has never had. c. The children of the resurrection will be equal to the angels of heaven who excel in strength. LUK 20:36; PSA 103:20. (1) One angel slew 185,000 men. 2KI 19:35. (2) They can hold the wind. REV 7:1. (3) They can fly swiftly. ...

On Death (Part 5)

X. Death and the grave met their match in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was manifest to destroy the works of the devil, and did so. 1JO 3:8 c/w HEB 2:14-15. A. Only Christ, by virtue of a perfect, sinless life had power to lay down His life and take it up again. JOH 10:17-18; ACT 2:24. B. As a show of His mighty power, the bodies of many sleeping saints arose likewise. MAT 27:51-53 c/w COL 2:15. C. In destroying the works of the devil, Christ took away: 1. the dominion of death. ROM 6:9. 2. ...

On Death (Part 3)

VIII. What happens when someone dies? Is that the end of existence or does something continue on? Do souls migrate after death or reincarnate? Do souls hibernate or “sleep” in an unconscious state when one dies? Is there a kind of “half-way house” after death for saints (e.g., purgatory)? A. LUK 16:19-31 provides insight which counters soul sleep, soul mortality, soul migration, soul detention, soul annihilation, reincarnation and purgatory. 1. Some (like Jehovah's Witnesses) affirm that this account is ...

On Death (Part 2)

V. Death and the grave are the great leveller of men. They are the common home of all, good or bad. On Death 8-29-15 Page 2 They are unimpressed by earthly distinctions and accomplishments. ECC 9:2-3; JOB 21:23-26; 3:16-19. A. The grave is man's long home. JOB 17:13; ECC 12:5. B. It is a land of darkness and disorder from which no sinner can will his spirit back. 2SAM 12:23; 14:14; JOB 10:21-22; ECC 8:8. C. Then, the grand thoughts of man perish. PSA 146:4 c/w JAM 4:13-14. 1. All of natural man's sch...

On Death (Part 1)

On Death I. Scripture refers to various things as death: A. Spiritual death in trespasses and sin. GEN 2:17; EPH 2:1. B. Separation from fellowship and accord with God. JAM 5:19-20; EPH 5:14; 1TI 5:6; REV 3:1. C. Physical death. JAM 2:26. D. Reproductive death. ROM 4:19. E. The second death or eternal separation from God in the lake of fire. REV 20:14; 21:8. F. Death of delusions of righteousness. ROM 7:7-9. G. Legal death TO sin and practical mortification (depriving of life) of self and flesh. R...

The Deception of Goodness

The Deception of Goodness 1. This study is in no way intended to discourage the pursuit of goodness. But it is designed to show that many justify a rejection of truth on the ground of their own goodness. Such persons reason that they are too good to be so wrong. This study is designed to teach believers to see that beyond the veneer of an impressive goodness often lurks proud rebellion against God. 2. This study is extremely important because we can be tempted to lessen our estimation of the importance of...

John 3:18

John 3:18 I. Those who affirm that the sinner's faith is an indispensable requirement and condition for acquiring eternal life commonly suppose JOH 3:18 supports their case. A. It is assumed that the sinner's faith causes one to be delivered from eternal condemnation and conversely that unbelief causes eternal condemnation. B. Other scriptures demand that the foregoing explanation cannot be the correct interpretation of the passage. 1. Remember that all Scripture is to considered. 2TI 3:16. 2. Rememb...

Marriage (Part 6)

Marriage I. This study is meant to be a refresher-course on what the Bible says about marriage and it is also somewhat of a book review. A. I recently read, “Loving Your Wife As Christ Loves the Church” by Larry E. McCall, pastor of Christ's Covenant Church in Winona Lake, Indiana. B. The book focuses on the husband's role in marriage, that he should follow the model of Jesus Christ Who loves His bride, the church. EPH 5:25-27. C. The book has a mixture of godly and practical advice for successful husba...

Marriage (Part 5)

XIV. Consider the duty of the husband to love his wife. EPH 5:25-31. A. Loving a wife should be an instinctive thing but Paul nevertheless commands it. 1. love: v. To bear love to. 2. love: sb. That disposition or state of feeling with regard to a person which (arising from recognition of attractive qualities, from instincts of natural relationship, or from sympathy) manifests itself in solicitude for the welfare of the object, and usually also in delight in his presence and desire for his approval; war...

God's Discrimination

God's Discrimination I. discriminate: To make or constitute a difference in or between; to distinguish, differentiate. (See EXO 11:7) II. Why do men find fault with God's discrimination when they regularly discriminate? A. Men make discriminating choices in religion, values, political leaders, purchases, associations, foods, residences, communities, charities, jobs, commitments, etc. B. Men choose one spouse to the disregard of many others. C. Men choose to adopt one needy child out of many. III. Thi...

Marriage (Part 4)

XIII. Consider A. “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord” (v. 22). the duty of the wife to submit to her husband. EPH 5:22-24. Marriage Page 9  1. submit: To place oneself under the control of a person in authority or power; to become subject, surrender oneself, or yield to a person or his rule, etc. 2. Mind how this counters a tendency for a wife to be more willing to be submissive to a married male employer or law enforcement officer than her own husband. B. “Wives, sub...

True Repentance

True Repentance I. repent: intr. To feel contrition, compunction, sorrow or regret for something one has done or left undone; to change one's mind with regard to past action or conduct through dissatisfaction with it or its results. A. Repentance involves emotion. 1. Shame obviously plays a vital role in repentance. JDG 18:7. 2. shame: The painful emotion arising from the consciousness of something dishonouring, ridiculous, or indecorous in one's own conduct or circumstances (or in those of others whos...

Marriage (Part 2)

B. There is, though, a qualification needed. 1. In EPH 5:25, Paul is speaking about the one-time death of Jesus Christ out of love to a spotted, unholy, blemished object. This is unconditional. EPH 5:26-27. 2. This was the covenant's legal establishment. As noted above, that aspect of Christ's love to the church will never be withdrawn. 3. Christ will never put away His bride. He has committed to love her. The marriage bond is eternal. 4. Husbands are to love their wives “ Christ LOVED the church, ...

1 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 13 charity: Christian love: a. God's love to man; b. Man's love of God and his neighbour, commanded as the fulfilling of the Law, Matt. xxii. 37, 39; c. esp. The Christian love of our fellow-man; Christian benignity of disposition expressing itself in Christ-like conduct; one of the 'three Christian graces' fully described by St. Paul, 1 Cor. xiii. (Oxford English Dictionary) I. This chapter is renowned as the “love chapter” of Scripture. A. It was not that Paul just thought it would be nic...

Commitment to the Truth

Commitment to the Truth I. A gospel ministry should reflect that of the Lord Jesus Christ's. A. He is the truth. JOH 14:6. B. He came to bear witness of the truth. JOH 18:37; ROM 15:8. C. His ministers are charged to teach and command what He taught and commanded. MAT 28:19-20 c/w ROM 9:1; GAL 2:14. D. Truth and its minister will not always be popular. JOH 3:20-21; GAL 4:16. 1. One may be called to stand alone for the truth's sake. 1KI 18:19; JER 15:17. 2. One cannot please men and serve Christ. GAL...

Abram's Shield and Reward

v. 1. Abram's Shield and Reward (Genesis 15:1-6) A. “After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram...” B. Abram had just completed a successful armed engagement against the confederacy of kings which had taken Lot captive. GEN 14:1-16. 1. What the military of corrupt Sodom and Gomorrah had not been able to accomplish (GEN 14:10-11), a small trained force under God-honoring leadership had done. GEN 14:14-16. 2. An observation: a. God's compromising children, like Lot, are likely to be tak...

The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) 1. Christ here makes a conniving lawyer come to terms with the just application of the law. A. The account of the good Samaritan was due to the lawyer's leading questions. vs. 25, 29. B. The lawyer was more interested in justifying himself than God---an attitude which keeps one out of the kingdom of God. LUK 7:29-30. C. The lawyer's crafty ways are turned back upon himself; his own mouth was witness against himself. 1CO 3:19; LUK 19:22. D. By sound reasoning the mo...

The General Epistle of James (Part 24)

vs. 19-20. A. James here encourages brethren to vigilance and mutual accountability to the truth, i.e., “...the truth of the gospel” (COL 1:5), not scientific, political, historical or philosophical “truth.” 1. These instructions contrast Cain's attitude, “...Am I my brother's keeper?” (GEN 4:9). 2. We are accountable to God for deliberately ignoring the destructive pathway of an erring brother. PRO 24:11-12; EZE 3:18. 3. It is an a. b. c. d. e. act of hatred to willingly suffer sin upon a brother....

The General Epistle of James (Part 23)

vs. 13-20. A. Against all the errant uses of the tongue that James has addressed, the epistle closes by setting forth godly uses of the tongue in afflictions, merriness, sickness, faults and errors. B. v. 13 instructs believers as to how to respond to affliction or merriness. 1. This world is for us a mixture of affliction and joy. ECC 3:4; 7:14. a. Constant affliction discourages hope and hearing. EXO 6:9. b. Constant mirth stifles our development. ECC 7:2-6. 2. afflicted: Cast down, depressed, oppre...

The General Epistle of James (Part 22)

v. 12. A. James gives warning against swearing. 1. swear: To make a solemn declaration or statement with an appeal to God or a superhuman being, or to some sacred object, in confirmation of what is said; to take an oath. 2. James' words are what Jesus taught. MAT 5:33-37. 3. Part of the Holy Ghost's work in the apostles was to “...bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (JOH 14:26) so they could fulfill their commission from Christ. MAT 28:20. B. “But above all things....

The General Epistle of James (Part 21)

vs. 7-11. A. James here sets forth the proper reaction to the injustices of life that might provoke the believer to fret, do something foolish, or abandon faith. ECC 5:8 c/w PSA 37:1-8. 1. The Psalmist admitted that he had almost slipped when he saw the prosperity of the wicked. PSA73:1-3. a. What saved him was the “big picture” of God's rewards to the righteous and to the wicked. PSA73:17-28. b. Jesus taught that God intends to bear long with His elect before He avenges them of injustices in this wo...

The General Epistle of James (Part 20)

Chapter 5. vs. 1-6. A. James here rebukes the ungodly rich who oppress. 1. Such as these drew the poor brethren before the judgment seats. JAM 2:6. 2. Such as these were given preferential treatment in the assembly. JAM 2:1-4. 3. Such as these blasphemed the name of Christ. JAM 2:7. 4. Such as these exploited their brethren for financial gain. JAM 5:4. 5. Such as these were defined by pleasure and voluptuousness. JAM 5:5. 6. Such as these were responsible for the death of just brethren. JAM 5:6. 7....

Psalm 112:4

Psalm 112:4 Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness... I. Light is a very desirable thing. PRO 15:30; ECC 11:7. A. light: The natural agent or influence which evokes the functional activity of the organs of sight. B. To be without light is to be without direction. JOB 12:24-25; JOH 11:9-10; 12:35; 1JO 2:9-11. C. We need a vision to guide us or we perish. PRO 29:18. D. God's light leads us through the darkness that we experience in this world. JOB 29:1-5. II. Although darkness is a prob...

The General Epistle of James (Part 19)

vs. 11-12. A. Instruction is given again about speech. Brethren are commanded to not speak evil of one another. 1. Evil speaking consists of such things as false witness, false accusation, slander, whispering, backbiting, talebearing, cursing, deceit (which were noted previously). 2. Given the ambitious materialism and envy which was afoot, it is likely that defamatory speech had been a major issue in the exploitation of their own brethren. JAM 5:6. 3. Such evil speaking is commensurate with the earth...

The General Epistle of James (Part 18)

vs. 6-10. A. Set forth here is the antidote to this world and an escape from the corruption that is in it through lusts (2PE 1:4). 1. Mind that Jesus did not pray that disciples should be prematurely taken out of this world as an antidote (JOH 17:15). We are rather to occupy till He comes. LUK 19:13 c/w JAM 5:7. 2. Neither are we to deem lawful things as unlawful and defiling, including lawful diets, relationships or efforts in personal advancement in life. 1TI 4:1-3; LUK 16:9. 3. Neither are we to p...

The General Epistle of James (Part 17)

Chapter 4. vs. 1-5. A. Consider the dynamics which James addressed in this epistle relative to class differential. 1. There were rich of high degree and poor of low degree. JAM 1:9-10. 2. Partiality was being shown to the rich. JAM 2:1-4. 3. The wicked rich were oppressing the poor at law and in employment. JAM 2:6; 5:4-6. 4. The worldly-wise were given to envy and strife. JAM 3:14-16. 5. The worldly-wise who were not rich wanted a bigger slice of life but rather than acquire it by godly means like p...


Feetwashing I. Feetwashing was ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ. JOH 13:1-17. A. This rite is particularly intended for the church, inasmuch as it was done to disciples (v. 5) as an example of something to be done amongst themselves. vs. 14-15. B. Christ's disciples were commanded to do as He had done unto them. 1. He had washed their feet. 2. He had then wiped their feet with the towel wherewith He was girded. 3. THIS is what disciples are to do one to another. C. Jesus said they would be happy in...

Deuteronomy 23:1

Deuteronomy 23:1 I. It will be helpful to remember that we are under a New Covenant. HEB 12:24. A. The first covenant has thus been made the old covenant. HEB 8:13. B. The old covenant is abolished by Christ's death. EPH 2:15. C. No such regulation as DEU 23:1 exists under the New Covenant. II. This law forbade a male with a physical defect in his genitalia from entering into the congregation of the LORD. A. A bastard (one begotten and born out of wedlock; an illegitimate or natural child) was likewi...

The General Epistle of James (Part 16)

vs. 13-18. A. James continues with his warnings against inconsistency of source and product, setting in contrast again the different sources of good and evil. c/w JAM 1:13-17. 1. Expressed wisdom and knowledge may be born of envy and strife, sourced from below. 2. Expressed wisdom and knowledge may be born of meekness and purity, sourced from above. 3. If a man be born from above (JAM 1:18), his expressed wisdom and knowledge should accord with that and NOT be “...earthly, sensual, devilish” (v. 15). ...

The General Epistle of James (Part 15)

vs. 3-12. A. James continues his discourse on the government of the tongue by rich illustrations of observable things and phenomena. 1. The controlled tongue means a controlled body. JAM 3:2. 2. The uncontrolled tongue defiles the whole body. v. 6 c/w ECC 5:6; MAT 15:17-20. a. Sinful passions of the heart when vented by the tongue can empower bodily sins. b. (1CO 15:33) Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 3. What is said here about the tongue's influence upon man's natural body ...

How God Saved Us

How God Saved Us “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus...” (1CO 1:30) I. Scripture declares that God foresaw the fall of man and so set in motion a plan of salvation based upon His own will and effort, not man's. EPH 1:3-7. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Man under sin is anything but holy and blameless. ROM 3:9-18. Man's will is corrupt; he is sold under sin and free from righteousness. ROM 7:14; 6:20; PSA 10:4. Man's works are corrupt, even his good ones. ISA 64:6. Laws cannot change his nature nor be kept fl...

The General Epistle of James (Part 14)

Chapter 3 A. This chapter has the most concentrated discourse in Scripture on the government of the tongue. B. Outside of this chapter, this epistle addresses speech issues many times (1:6; 1:13; 1:19; 1:26; 2:3; 2:7; 2:12; 2:16; 2:18; 4:3; 4:11; 4:13; 4:15; 4:16; 5:12; 5:13; 5:14; 5:15; 5:16; 5:17; 5:18). C. James is continuing his warning against vain religion, the tongue being very central to that. JAM 1:19, 26. D. James continues his theme about worthless superficialities in religion. 1. Hearing ...

When God Says "No"

a. b. c. God's will is revealed in His word. EPH 5:17 c/w PSA 119:104. The Lord Jesus connected effectual prayer with His words abiding in us. JOH 15:7. When we pray according to the Scriptures we may be assured that our prayers When God Says “No” A. Consider that God not giving you what you ask for now may not mean that God has altogether said “no.” God’s answer may be “not now.” 1. Although God promises to answer prayers that are according to His will, He answers them in His time. 2. It is the sc...

The Downside and Dangers of the Digital Age (Part 5)

L. Video games are highly addictive and some have serious consequences. 1. Dr. Hart in The Digital Invasion had this to say about video game playing and addiction: “As we write this book, it is estimated that 95 to 97 percent of our youth are playing video games of one sort or another.” (Dr. Archibald D. Hart, The Digital Invasion, p. 124) 2. “Video game addiction, also known as video game overuse is the extreme use of video games to the extent that it interferes with daily life. Gaming addiction is a f...

The Downside and Dangers of the Digital Age (Part 4)

XII. Having recently addressed the pornography problem in general and the clear dangers that the internet represents in that regard, including sexting, I choose here to limit my comments to the matter of cyber-sex and cyber-affairs. A. As a pastor, I have already seen the destruction of one marriage as a result of online behavior, and this was over ten years ago before the onset of today's mobile devices. B. “A recent study shows as many as one in five divorces now involve Facebook affairs.” (Dr. Archib...

The Word-Faith Movement (Part 2)

D. Another common doctrine of Word-Faith teaching is that Jesus died not only physically but spiritually and was born again. His spiritual death consisted of being separated from God, becoming sin, and suffering in hell (per ACT 2:27, 31). Jesus was born again in hell and then rose from the dead (per COL 1:18). 1. “Why did he need to be begotten, or born? Because He became like we are, separated from God. Because He tasted spiritual death for every man. His spirit, His inner man, went to hell in our place....

The Downside and Dangers of the Digital Age (Part 3)

VIII. The digital revolution has provided an easy platform to say, share, and gossip too much online. A. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are venues where one can from the “secure island” of his computer blab things he should not and would not normally have the opportunity to in real life. B. The definition of twitter is telling. 1. twitter: Of a bird: To utter a succession of light tremulous notes; to chirp continuously with a tremulous effect. b. transf. Of a person: To sing after th...

The Downside and Dangers of the Digital Age (Part 2)

VI. Man was A. Man was made in God's image (GEN 1:26) and He is God in Three Persons. 1JO 5:7. B. The church is built of mutually supporting members. 1CO 12:21. C. This new digital world with its social networking, emails, and texts boasts itself a utopia for human connection. 1. We can now connect with long-lost relatives, friends, co-workers, and classmates from around the country or world. 2. People commonly have hundreds of “friends” on Facebook or LinkedIn. 3. But has all this digital connectio...

The Downside and Dangers of the Digital Age (Part 1)

The Downside and Dangers of the Digital Age I. (PRO 8:12) I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. A. invention: The thing invented. Something devised; a method of action, etc., contrived by the mind; a device, contrivance, design, plan, scheme. B. Mind that Wisdom does not restrict itself to developing witty inventions. 1. This passage speaks of finding out knowledge of witty inventions. 2. This is as much an appeal to discernment as it is to engineering. 3. We do we...

The General Epistle of James (Part 13)

vs. 14-26. A. James sets forth the doctrine of justification by works. 1. This seems to contradict Paul's teaching. ROM 3:20; GAL 2:16. 2. Martin Luther once condemned this epistle because of this seeming contradiction. 3. There are no contradictions in God's word. 2PE 1:20. B. These verses expand the theme of how to have the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ (v. 1) and not be guilty of vain religion. v. 20. 1. They should not have it with respect of persons. v. 1. 2. They should not have it without wor...

The General Epistle of James (Part 12)

vs. 8-13. A. James continues with his rebuke of their partiality to the rich which was: 1. a matter of “...having men's persons in admiration because of advantage” (JUDE 1:16). 2. a disregard of the low estate of the Lord Jesus Christ while on earth. 3. a disregard of the equality of brethren in Christ. 4. a disregard of the fact that the rich oppressed them. 5. a disregard of the fact that the rich blasphemed Christ. 6. a despising of their poorer brethren. 7. sin. v. 9. B. Their respect of person...

The General Epistle of James (Part 11)

Chapter 2 vs. 1-7. A. James here rebukes the sin of having respect of persons in the church. 1. Solomon said that respect of persons sets one up to commit sin. PRO 28:21. 2. James makes clear that respect of persons is sin against the second great commandment. JAM 2:8-9. B. As noted earlier, the word “assembly” (v. 2) translates the Greek word “sunagogue” which is the basis of the word “synagogue.” 1. This is the only clear occurrence of “sunagogue” in a Christian context. 2. As the Christian system...

Avoid the Scam!

Avoid the Scam! I. James makes clear that failure in resisting temptation is owing to our allowing lust to lead us. JAM 1:14-15. A. Lust by definition is pleasure, delight, desire. These are emotions. B. Remember that lust is deceitful. EPH 4:22. C. Remember that the trio of trouble is “...the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life...” (1JO 2:16). D. Lust is a con-artist's friend by which he reels in his catch. 2TI 3:6. II. The danger of being led by the lusts of the flesh...

The General Epistle of James (Part 10)

vs. 26-27. A. James here contrasts vain religion and pure religion. From these verses, we observe: 1. 2. 3. 6. B. This is 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. One may seem to be religious but not truly religious. An unbridled tongue “vanitizes” religion; it makes for a defiled religion. Pure religion is more about godly benevolence and godly living than outward show or words. Benevolence is not the sole definition of pure religion. a. One may give goods to the poor but not have true charity. 1CO 13:3. b. One ...

The General Epistle of James (Part 9)

vs. 22-25. A. James escalates from the importance of hearing the word (vs. 19-21) to the next level of doing the word. 1. This theme is enlarged upon in the next chapter where he rebukes the vain man for the absence of good works. JAM 2:20. 2. It is addressed again later where he shows that the absence of good works in the face of knowledge is sin. JAM 4:17. 3. He further shows in JAM 4-5 that there was not only an absence of good works among the professing believers, there was an abundance of evil work...


Holidays holiday: A consecrated day, a religious festival. Now usually written Holy-day. I. The keeping of religious holidays is virtually universal among the religions of this world. A. Certain calendar days are deemed sacred or exalted above others and are deemed vital aspects of the belief system. The deity is honored by their observance and dishonored by their omission. B. Mind that the kingdom of Jesus Christ is “...not of this world” (JOH 18:36). 1. The religion of Jesus Christ is at odds with ...

The General Epistle of James (Part 8)

d. Mind that the Biblical classification of creatures is everything “...after his kind...” (GEN 1). (1) Collectively, humanity is mankind. JAM 3:7. (2) The distinction between the elect and the non-elect is described as a separation of kinds at Christ's Second Coming which is the general resurrection. MAT 13:47-50 c/w JOH 5:28-29. (3) The elect are of the same kind as Christ “...the firstfruits of them that slept” (1CO 15:20), being begotten by God out of death in sin with him (COL 2:13) Who is “...t...

The General Epistle of James (Part 7)

vs. 17-18. A. Having just made clear that God is not the origin of temptation and sin (evil), James presents God as being the origin of “Every good gift and every perfect gift...” (v. 17). 1. Adam gave us sin, death, shame, sorrow and the curse (GEN 3; ROM 5:12-19), hardly what could be called good and perfect gifts. Those are evil gifts from below, not above. 2. From God above comes every good gift and every perfect gift. a. That there are good gifts implies that they please God and benefit us. b. Th...

Parables in Matthew 13:24-52

Parables in Matthew 13:24-52 I. The parable of the tares shows that evil men spring up with the good in the kingdom of heaven. MAT 13:24-30, 36-43. A. The good seed are the children of the kingdom or the righteous. B. Jesus Christ, the Son of man, sows the good seed in the world. C. The devil, the enemy of Christ, sows the tares AMONG the wheat. D. The tares are the children of the devil, the wicked one. 1. They are the things that offend and they which do iniquity. 2. Satan's children are his by na...

The General Epistle of James (Part 6)

v.12. A. James pronounces blessing upon those who endure temptation. 1. bless: To declare to be supernaturally favoured; to pronounce or make happy. To pronounce words that confer (or are held to confer) supernatural favour and well-being. 2. Mind the verb tense, “Blessed IS...” Though there is a future promised crown, the blessedness is current. a. Compare this with MAT 5:3-12. b. Note especially MAT 5:10-12. Those who are tried because of righteousness are blessed now and have expectation of futur...

The General Epistle of James (Part 5)

vs. 9-11. A. These verses set forth the practical outworking of LUK 1:52, the denial of class superiority or privilege among the true servants of God. Set forth here are the rich poor and the poor rich. 1. The “brother of low degree” is a poor man by virtue of his contrast with “the rich.” (c/w 1CH 17:17). Mind, though, that he is “a BROTHER.” 2. Rich and poor are “...altogether lighter than vanity...” (PSA 62:9-10). 3. One has not more holiness or claim on God because of riches or poverty. a. There i...

Timbits 3

Timbits 3 1. 2SAM 7:6. God here described His presence in Israel as having “...walked in a tent and in a tabernacle.” A. This refers to God's presence in Israel from Moses' time and forward as He indwelt the tabernacle. EXO 40:18-19, 34. B. Mind that His presence was then not a fixed but a mobile one. His mobility, among other things, distinguished him from the idol gods of fools. REV 9:20. C. God walked in the midst of the camp to deliver them and make them victorious as long as they remained holy. DEU...

The General Epistle of James (Part 4)

vs. 5-8. A. Having encouraged the believers to expect and bear patiently the pressures that might challenge their stedfastness of faith, James points them to wisdom. 1. wisdom: Capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct; soundness of judgment in the choice of means and ends; sometimes, less strictly, sound sense, esp. in practical affairs. 2. Obviously, strength is needed to bear something. NEH 4:10; ROM 15:1. 3. Wisdom accords with and increases strength. PRO 24:5; ECC 7:19. ...

The General Epistle of James (Part 3)

D. James begins with how to properly respond to stress, which all believers face. vs. 2-4. 1. Until we are fully delivered from the general curse of Adam, we will groan in pain. ROM 8:22-23 c/w REV 22:3. 2. James speaks of temptations that are to be received with joy and borne patiently. a. Our tendency is to react to such temptations with passion, panic or paralysis. b. Our attitude has much to do with our success or failure as maturing believers. 3. tempt: I. To try, make trial of, put to the test o...

The General Epistle of James (Part 2)

III. James has much to say against the deceitfulness and corrupting influence of riches. JAM 1:9-10; 2:1-6; 4:13-16; 5:1-6. A. An indicator of genuine conversion and faith for the Jewish believers was abandoning their traditional notions of redemption with money. 1PE 1:18-19. B. James essentially continues the historic teaching of the Jewish prophets which set in contrast vain trust in riches with vital trust in a Redeemer. PSA 49:6-17. C. The gospel of wealth versus the gospel of grace was the cause of...

The General Epistle of James (Part 1)

The General Epistle of James I. The epistle is authored by James, whose identity is difficult to determine. A. There were definitely two of the original twelve apostles named James. MAT 10:2-4. B. James, the son of Zebedee (and sibling of John) was slain by Herod. ACT 12:1-2. 1. Jesus surnamed them Boanerges (the sons of thunder). MAR 3:17. 2. They were zealous for Christ's honor. LUK 9:52-54. 3. They both drank of Jesus' cup of tribulation. MAR 10:35-39. C. James, the Lord's brother, was an apostle,...

The Pleasures of This Life

The Pleasures of This Life I. pleasure: The condition of consciousness or sensation induced by the enjoyment or anticipation of what is felt or viewed as good or desirable; enjoyment, delight, gratification. The opposite of pain. II. Discernment is needed concerning the pleasures of this life. A. Pleasures of this life may be good. DEU 14:26. B. Pleasures of this life may be evil. 2TH 2:12; HEB 11:25. C. The factors that determine pleasure's good or evil are: 1. The nature of the pleasure. a. Is it a...

Psalm 72 The Character of the Reign of Christ

Psalm 72 The Character of the Reign of Christ A. PSA 72 is a psalm for Solomon. B. Solomon was the son of David, king of Israel. So too, the Lord Jesus Christ. JER 23:5; MAR 12:35-37; LUK 1:32-33; JOH 19:19. 1. Solomon in many ways was a type of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. Some prophecies have a fulfillment in both Solomon and Christ. 2SAM 7:12-14 c/w 1CH 22:9-10; HEB 1:5. 3. The prophecy of Solomon's reign adumbrates the reign of Christ. 4. The Jewish Targum (spoken paraphrases and explanations of S...

Death or Life and Peace (Part 2)

I. This is A. B. C. D. Death or Life and Peace (Romans 8:4-8) a study in self-examination: are we predominantly spiritually minded or carnally minded? minded: Qualified by advs. (forming combinations which when used attrib. are often hyphened): Having one's habitual thoughts, tastes, or sympathies, inclined in a certain direction. mind: To bend one's attention to (e.g. something that one is doing or occupied with); to direct or apply oneself to, bring one's mind or energies to bear upon, or practice di...

Philippians 1:3-8

Philippians 1:3-8 A. Paul was pleased with the Philippian church for they had not only received the gospel but kept it, even in his absence. vs. 3-5 c/w PHIL 2:12. 1. They were not “...hearers only...” but doers. JAM 1:22. 2. They had not received “...the grace of God in vain” (2CO 6:1) as do some who bring forth no lasting fruit unto perfection. MAT 13:19-22. 3. They were not as the Galatians who first ran well but succumbed to the influence of false teaching which appealed to the flesh. GAL 5:7; 4:8...

On Pornography (Part 2)

On Pornography I. The word pornography is a compound word from Greek: A. Porno is from a Greek root meaning “harlotry, fornication, indulgence in unlawful lust of either sex.” B. Graphy is from a Greek root meaning “document, writing, etc.” C. Strictly speaking, pornography treats of lewd or obscene writing but contemporary usage has broadened it to include (almost exclusively) imagery. D. Pornography is essentially a vehicle for fornication with the eyes and the heart rather than physical contact w...

1 Peter 1:5-7

1 Peter 1:5-7 v. 5. A. This verse teaches the final preservation of the elect. PSA 37:28. B. It is the power of GOD that keeps His people. JOH 10:27-29. 1. God is greater than all. 2. Thus, His keeping power is irresistible: “...NO man is able to pluck them out...” C. This keeping is through faith. 1. If this is the faith of God's children, then there is a danger that they will not be kept since they do not always have faith. 2. These passages set forth examples of children of God without faith: MA...

Flesh Destroyed, Spirit Saved

Flesh Destroyed, Spirit Saved (A Revisiting of Israel in the Wilderness) I. Bible readers everywhere are familiar with the story of Israel's wilderness experience and the judgments that befell them at that time because of their disobedience. A. There are references to such in the law. The books of Moses are his personal witness. B. There are references to such in the prophets. EZE 20:13-17. C. There are references to such in the psalms. PSA 78:17-22. D. There are references to such in the N.T. A...

Reflections on the Deity of The Lord Jesus Christ

Reflections On The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ 1 Timothy 3:16 1. 1TI 3:16 And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, received up into glory. A. Paul is here setting forth the essence of Christian religion which sets it apart from all other religious systems or philosophies: God became man. B. All false systems ultimately teach that man becomes God. (1) Arminianism affirms that fal...

The Bible on Wealth (Part 3)

F. Inasmuch as Jesus in LUK 19:23 advised of the option of simply putting money into a bank which payed interest (usury), some basic information about banking is in order. 1. As understood in the formative laws of the United States, money was gold and The Bible on Wealth 5-4-14 Page 4 silver. For safekeeping, gold and silver could be stored in banks for a fee. The bank was thus essentially a contracted secure warehouse for money. 2. The warehouse (bank) issues receipts representing the store of gold or...

The Bible on Wealth (Part 2)

III. Giving of your wealth is an investment that the Lord recompenses. ACT 20:35; LUK 6:38. A. The Lord is to be remembered with the FIRSTfruits. PRO 3:9-10. B. Poverty is not necessarily an excuse for not giving. MAR 12:41-44; 2CO 8:1-4. C. Give generously and cheerfully. 2CO 8:12; 9:6-7. D. Give for the support of: 1. the ministry. GAL 6:6; 1TI 5:17-18. 2. the poor. PRO 28:27; LUK 12:33; GAL 2:10. E. Liberality to the poor is to be regulated according to need. DEU 15:7-8; 1JO 3:17. 1. Giving to th...

The Bible on Wealth (Part 1)

The Bible on Wealth I. Your attitude about and treatment of wealth reveals a lot about your character. LUK 16:10-11. A. Do not set your heart on wealth, nor trust in uncertain riches. PSA 62:10; PRO 23:4-5; 1TI 6:5-10, 17. B. What one values most is where his heart will be. MAT 6:19-21. C. Examine yourself in the light of the following passages: 1. PSA 4:6-7. What brings you the greatest joy? 2. PSA 84:10. How highly do you value God's house? 3. PSA 119:72. Do you esteem God's law above your...

Baptism With or By the Holy Ghost

Baptism With or By The Holy Ghost I. Some clarity is needed concerning the doctrine of the Holy Ghost/Spirit. A. Scripture speaks of gifts of the Holy Ghost which He distributes. 1CO 12. B. Scripture speaks of gifts of the Holy Ghost in which He is the gift. LUK 11:13. C. Scripture speaks of baptism with the Holy Ghost. MAR 1:8. D. Scripture speaks of baptism by the Holy Ghost. 1CO 12:13. E. Scripture speaks of visible manifestation of the Holy Ghost. LUK 3:22. F. Scripture speaks of invisible operat...

Not Easily Provoked

Not Easily Provoked 1Corinthians 13:4-8 (4) Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, (5) Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; (6) Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; (7) Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. (8) Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall...

Concerning Worship (Part 2)

VIII. All of the above examples show that worship entails bringing an offering before the Lord. PSA 96:7-9. A. In worship we give to God what He has first given to us thus acknowledging our dependence upon Him. ROM 11:35-36; 1CH 29:14-16. B. Since worship entails an offering to God, then the greatest act of worship was the sacrifice of Christ. EPH 5:2. 1. There was a time: see JOH 7:6, 30; 12:27; MAT 26:18. 2. There was a place: see LUK 9:51; HEB 13:11-12. 3. There was a method: see ACT 3:18; 1CO 15:3...

Exhortations and Warnings for Youth (Part 7)

XVI. Other faulty messages that are at war with God's words are the corruptions of what being a man or woman is all about. A. Our culture in general teaches boys the wrong ideas about manliness. Television and movies are particularly loud voices in this area but they are not the only ones. Public education is exerting tremendous influence upon developing males to be other than what God intends for them. 1. One message is that being a man means that one must be a mannerless lout, a discourteous badger, or ...

Quit You Like Men (Part 2)

V. Scripture enjoins men to be men. A. The Philistines understood the importance of manliness. 1SAM 4:9. 1. Mind that the Philistines were afraid. 1SAM 4:7. 2. “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear---not absence of fear.” (Mark Twain) 3. If unbelieving, idolatrous Philistines could overcome fear and wax valiant in fight, how much more should men of faith in the living God do so? HEB 11:34. a. wax: To change by growth or increase, to become, turn. (Sometimes used with reference to a sudden o...

Quit You Like Men

Quit You Like Men I. Paul told the church at Corinth, “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong” (1CO 16:13). A. This is paralleled in the charge that the Philistines were given in advance of battle. 1SAM 4:9. B. Christian living is described in terms of struggle. 1. Consider the work of Christ's ministers. a. They are to endure hardness as good soldiers of Christ in warfare. 2TI 2:3-4. b. They are to fight the good fight of faith. 1TI 6:12. c. They are to raze opposition to ...

Exhortations and Warnings for Youth (Part 6)

D. Friends may pressure you to go to other churches that teach different doctrine, or to not go to church at all. 1. They may pressure you to go to a different church which has more programs, entertainment, groups and friends, etc., and where religion is easy. 2. Church is for the praise of God in spirit and truth (JOH 4:23-24), for the feeding of sheep, not the amusing of goats. And true religion was never meant to be “easy.” MAT 7:13-14. 3. Hold fast to the faith you have been taught in church and ...

Exhortations and Warnings for Youth (Part 5)

XIV. Young people! This culture is waging a war for the control of your minds. A. This war is being prosecuted by many forces: politics, education, entertainment, technology, mass media, ignorant relatives and friends, false religion, etc. which advance false messages that oppose God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, decency and common sense. B. Consider some of the false messages that are out there: 1. There is no God and therefore no absolute standard of good, nor accountability to God. 2. There was no divi...

Jonah (Part 5)

Chapter 4 vs. 1-9. A. Apostles (ACT 14:15) and prophets (JAM 5:17) were men of passions as other men; they were not supermen. 1. passion: Any kind of feeling by which the mind is powerfully affected or moved; a vehement, commanding or overpowering emotion. 2. Jonah was particularly driven by passion: displeased exceedingly, very angry (v. 1); despondent (v. 3); exceeding glad (v. 6); despondent, angry (v. 9). 3. His emotionalism put him in a position not unlike that which he seems to have hoped wou...

The Day of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Day of the Lord Jesus Christ I. Probably the most common scheme of eschatology (study of end-time events) in professing Christendom today is premillennialism. This doctrine basically affirms the footnotes of the Scofield Reference Bible wherein Dr. C.I. Scofield promoted a prophetic outline which looks forward to a 1000-year reign of Christ upon David's throne on earth. It is basically thus: A. The Second Coming of Christ is in two stages: 1. The Rapture: Christ will return secretly at the conclusion...

Exhortations and Warnings for Youth (Part 3)

IX. Fathers! It is your solemn duty to provide leadership conducive to your children reaching the maturity herein described (EPH 6:4). Consider (again) some salient points about effective fathering and leadership. A. The Biblical ideal for effective fathering and wholesome family life is DEU 6:4-9. 1. Normal life is to be saturated with the plan, presence and love of God. 2. Life at home should be so appealing that all else is eclipsed by comparison. 3. This exhortation was timely in view of what would ...

The Better Covenant

The Better Covenant Premise: The new covenant of which Christ is Mediator is a superior covenant. HEB 7:22; 8:6. A. This covenant is made with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. HEB 8:8. 1. It embraces God's elect of all nations, Jew or Gentile. ROM 9:8; GAL 3:29; ROM 2:28-29. 2. Elect Gentiles are in Christ graft into the covenantal blessings of Israel and Judah. ROM 11:17; EPH 2:12-13. B. By His superior priestly ministry, Christ is the mediator of this better covenant. 1. This covenant i...

Jonah (Part 4)

Chapter 3 vs. 1-4. Jonah 9-7-13 Page 6 A. Jonah's duty still awaited him. NOTE: 1. Rebellion against known duty does not excuse us from that duty nor from chastening but only from blessings. JAM 4:17 c/w LUK 12:47. 2. Punishment for rebellion against known duty does not excuse us from that duty. 3. Deliverance from punishment for rebellion against known duty does not excuse us from that duty. 4. If God be reconciled to the wayward who failed in duty and they, like Peter, be given a second chance, l...

Exhortations and Warnings for Youth (Part 2)

Exhortations and Warnings for Youth I. Definitions. A. exhort: To admonish earnestly; to urge by stimulating words to conduct regarded as laudable. B. admonish: To put (a person) in mind of duties; to counsel against wrong practices; to give authoritative or warning advice; to exhort, to warn. C. warn: To make aware, to put on one's guard. To give timely notice to (a person) of impending danger or misfortune. D. youth: The fact or state of being young; youngness. (Often blending with sense 2.) 2. Th...

Exhortations and Warnings for Youth (Part 1)

Exhortations and Warnings for Youth I. Definitions. A. exhort: To admonish earnestly; to urge by stimulating words to conduct regarded as laudable. B. admonish: To put (a person) in mind of duties; to counsel against wrong practices; to give authoritative or warning advice; to exhort, to warn. C. warn: To make aware, to put on one's guard. To give timely notice to (a person) of impending danger or misfortune. D. youth: The fact or state of being young; youngness. (Often blending with sense 2.) 2. Th...

Some Instruction on Prayer (Part 2)

F. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen” (v. 13). 1. This is a prayer that is based upon a correct understanding of God. a. God will never lead someone into temptation in the sense of alluring them to do evil. JAM 1:12-14. b. God will lead us into temptation in the sense of putting us in a position of testing. GEN 22:1, 12 c/w HEB 11:17; MAT 4:1; 1PE 1:6-7. 2. Temptations should be expected and defended against...

Some Instruction on Prayer (Part 1)

Some Instruction on Prayer I. Scripture has much to say about discretion (ability to discern or distinguish what is right, befitting or advisable, esp. as regards one's own conduct or action; the quality of being discreet; discernment; prudence, sagacity, circumspection, sound judgment). A. The word of God is designed to give knowledge AND discretion. PRO 1:4. B. Discretion has a preserving quality. PRO 2:11. C. Discretion tempers one's response to offenses. PRO 19:11. D. Discretion regulates one's dis...

Passing Between the Pieces

Passing Between the Pieces (GEN 15:7-21) I. The “word of the LORD” had just come to Abram in a vision. GEN 15:1. A. The “word of the LORD” is plainly identified as the Person speaking to him in v. 5 and Who had brought him out of Ur in v. 7. B. Having heard this Person speak, the Holy Spirit records that Abram “believed in the LORD....” (v. 6), that is, Jehovah God. C. For Abram, therefore, “the Word was God” (JOH 1:1) the Creator of all (JOH 1:2-3). D. Abram's belief in the LORD had just been count...

Jonah (Part 3)

v. 17. A. God prepared a great fish to receive Jonah, even as He later prepared a grave for Christ. JOH 19:41. 1. 2. 3. B. This is 1. MAT 12:39-40; 1PE 1:3-4; ROM 4:25. 1. Mind that the whale was a tomb for Jonah yet also a place of salvation. 2. As the whale's belly could not consume nor continually hold Jonah, so the grave could not corrupt nor hold Jesus Christ. ACT 2:24-27. 3. Jonah's being cast into the sea should have been his death but that a prepared whale's mouth and belly received him f...

Judgment, Repentance, Restoration (Part 2)

V. An excluded brother may only be restored if he is genuinely penitent, for it is on the terms of repentance that God and heaven receives sinners. ISA 55:7; LUK 15:7. A. penitent: That repents, with serious purpose to amend the sin or wrongdoing; repentant, contrite. B. contrite: Crushed or broken in spirit by a sense of sin, and so brought to complete penitence. C. These terms fit with the description of the brother at Corinth whom Paul ordered to be restored. 2CO 2:6-11. 1. He was on the verge of ...

Judgment, Repentance, Restoration (Part 1)

Judgment, Repentance, Restoration I. Consider what Scripture says about someone who justly is punitively separated from the church of Jesus Christ. A. He is delivered “...unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh...” (1CO 5:5). B. His brethren must withdraw from him. 2TH 3:6. C. He is put away from the church as a wicked person. 1CO 5:13. D. He is cut off from the Lord's Table. 1CO 5:11. E. His brethren must not company with him that he may be ashamed. 2TH 3:14. F. He loses his inheritance in God's...

The Importance of a Harmonious Bible to Profitable Study (Part 3)

. Example: Comparative analysis shows that the world of JOH 3:16 is the world of those chosen in Christ. EPH 1:4; JOH 17:2. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. The ruined race of the present heaven and earth under the headship of the first Adam are called “the world” in ROM 3:19. The redeemed race under the headship of the last Adam (1CO 15:22, 45) are the heirs of a new heaven and a new earth (REV 21:1) which is called “that world” (LUK 20:34-35). Why should it be thought a thing incredible that they (the elect) ...

The Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper (A Meditation on Communion) I. The communion service of the church (Lord’s Supper / Lord’s Table) is the New Testament counterpart to the Passover feast of the Old Testament. 1CO 5:7-8. A. The Passover was a memorial of God’s great work of judgment and deliverance. EXO 12:14. B. The church’s communion is similarly a memorial of God’s great work of judgment and deliverance. 1CO 5:8. C. The Old Testament Passover became the New Testament Communion by Christ’s appointment. LUK 22:15-20....

The Importance of a Harmonious Bible to Profitable Study (Part 2)

IV. Consider how other rules of Bible study relate to the rule of No Contradictions. A. Compare spiritual things with spiritual. 1CO 2:13. 1. This rule is essentially the application of the No Contradictions rule of study. Since every part of Scripture must harmonize with the rest, then comparing Scripture with Scripture must be done. 2. Subjects in the Bible are presented piecemeal (ISA 28:10). Various passages must be collected and compared to get the whole picture. Example: a. All the particulars for...

The Importance of a Harmonious Bible to Profitable Study (Part 1)

The Importance of a Harmonious Bible To Profitable Study I. Consider some principles of communication and thought. A. In order for information to be profitably communicated, it must be in a language common to source and receiver. B. Information in written form is virtually useless to an illiterate man and is only useful in a literate man to the degree that he is able to understand it. C. Clarity and precision in language best express its intent and facilitate its profitable reception. D. Things that...

Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do? (Part 2)

4. The gospel of Jesus, which gives us the basic knowledge of Jesus (that He is the Son of God who died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures), is described as a light shining in our hearts. 2CO 4:4-6. a. This gospel was first shined into the hearts of the apostles by the Holy Ghost directly. JOH 14:26; 2PE 1:19. b. They in turn gave that light to others through preaching. 1PE 1:12; TIT 1:3. c. This is the gospel ministry, manifesting the truth about Jesus to...

Jonah (Part 2)

Chapter 1 vs. 1-3. A. Jonah was clearly called to cry against Nineveh. v. 2. 1. cry: To entreat, beg, beseech, implore, in a loud and emoved or excited voice. 2. Rebuking prophets were to “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet...” (ISA 58:1). 3. N.T. ministers are similarly called to rebuke sinners. 2TI 4:2. a. rebuke: To beat down or force back; to repress or check (a person); to repulse. 2. To reprove, reprimand, chide severely. b. chide: To give loud or impassioned utterance to a...

Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do? (Part 1)

Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do? A. Paul’s primary conversion experience is recorded for us in ACT 9:1-9. 1. conversion: I. Turning in position, direction, destination. II. Change in character, nature, form, or function. The bringing of any one over to a specified religious faith, profession, or party, esp. to one regarded as true, from what is regarded as falsehood or error. Theol. The turning of sinners to God; a spiritual change from sinfulness, ungodliness or worldliness to love of God and pursu...

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment I. Definitions. A. capital: Of or pertaining to the head or top. 2. Affecting, or involving loss of, the head or life. B. punishment: The action of punishing or the fact of being punished; the infliction of a penalty in retribution for an offence; also, that which is inflicted as a penalty; a penalty imposed to ensure the application and enforcement of a law. C. punish: As an act of a superior or of public authority: To cause (an offender) to suffer for an offence; to subject to j...

Self-Esteem (Part 5)

XII. As seen earlier, Scripture assumes that men have an inherent love of self and thus a favorable or superior opinion of themselves. EPH 5:28-29; PRO 20:6; 21:2. A. However, one's opinion of oneself can be a complete delusion. PRO 30:12; GAL 6:3. B. A good man may even by score-keeping himself for his own goodness come to this conclusion. JOB 33:9. C. Remember that the Pharisees were big on self-esteem / self-righteousness. LUK 18:9. 1. But they were blind to the fact of their own corruption and hypo...

Self-Esteem (Part 4)

X. A major current cultural example of the love of self and the bad psychology of self-esteem is the media-driven Hydra of the cult of celebrity. A. Consider some of the current benchmarks for entertainment like American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, reality shows, etc., etc., etc. What is the driving force behind the desire for celebrity (the condition of being much extolled or talked about; famousness, notoriety)? 1. “The short answer is ego. Insatiable ego....The desire to become a star requires an i...

Self-Esteem (Part 3)

IX. The first characteristic of the perilous times of the last days is love of self. 2TI 3:1-5. A. The love of self is the basis of the other sins listed here. B. People who are driven by self-love will trample on whatever gets in the way of their own desires. C. The end (satisfaction of one's own desires) will justify the means. D. Consider how self-love relates to the other sins. 1. Covetousness is when you can't stand not having the possessions, looks or attainments that another has because you mea...

Self-Esteem (Part 2)

VII. If low self-esteem is as important as the world says it is, where is the emphasis on it in Scripture? A. Scripture is void of commanding or recommending self-esteem. B. Scripture does, however, teach that we should esteem: 1. God highly. DEU 32:15. 2. God's word. JOB 23:12; PSA 119:128; 138:2. 3. others better than ourselves. PHIL 2:3. 4. pastors. 1TH 5:13. 5. the reproach of Christ. HEB 11:26; ACT 5:41. C. Consider LUK 16:15. 1. This was spoken to the Pharisees. LUK 16:14. 2. They had all th...


Self-Esteem I. The following definitions are relevant to this study. A. self-esteem: Favourable appreciation or opinion of oneself. B. esteem: (v) To estimate the value of, assign (a value) to; to value, assess, appraise. In favourable sense: To regard as valuable; to think highly of; to feel regard for, respect. C. esteem: (n) Estimate, valuation, in phr. to make an esteem. b. Estimated value, valuation. c. to put, set (an) esteem, a high, low esteem upon: to set a value upon, cause to be esteemed (...

The Holy Lord Jesus Christ

The Holy Lord Jesus Christ I. Jesus Christ is the ultimate man. EPH 4:13. A. It is His image to which God has predestinated us to be conformed. ROM 8:29. B. A summary of failure in Christian living is when we strive to conform to other models of man. C. Jesus Christ was not defined by: 1. good looks. ISA 53:2. 2. comedy or partying. ISA 53:3. 3. a fancy home. MAT 8:20. 4. material wealth. 2CO 8:9. 5. praise of men. JOH 5:42-44. 6. high acclaim. PHIL 2:7. 7. the “right” friends. MAT 11:19. 8. pe...

Major League Failures (Joshua 9, Part 4)

5. The account of the Gibeonites illustrates a basic fact about church: some people get into the church for less than sincere reasons. a. The O.T. church saw its share of members who joined for practical advantages, not because of devotion to Israel's God. EXO 12:38; EST 8:17. b. The N.T. church would likewise see its share of members who joined for various reasons other than sincere devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. Major L...

Against Idleness

Against Idleness I. Definitions. A. idleness: The state or condition of being idle or unoccupied; want of occupation; habitual avoidance of work, inactivity, indolence; an instance of this. B. bread of idleness: bread not earned by labour. C. business: The state of being busily engaged in anything. Industry, diligence. D. diligent: Of persons: Constant in application, persevering in endeavour, assiduous, industrious; not idle, not negligent, not lazy. E. honestly: In an honourable or respectable man...

Psalm 23 (Part 2)

v. 3. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. A. “He restoreth my soul...” 1. restore: To give back, to make return or restitution of (anything previously taken away or lost). c/w JOB 33:27-30. 2. The best of sheep are prone to wander off and get lost (PSA 119:176) and therefore need to be returned by conversion. PSA 19:7; JAM 5:19-20. 3. Upon return, the joy of salvation may also be restored. PSA 51:12. B. “...He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness...

Psalm 23 (Part 1)

Psalm 23 v. 1. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. A. David had been a shepherd of sheep made into a shepherd of men. PSA 78:70-72. 1. He was a shepherd who needed a shepherd and claimed none less than Almighty God as his Shepherd who fed and guided him. 2. The LORD is Israel's shepherd (PSA 80:1) but he is personally David's shepherd. Our relationship with our God is all the more special when it is personal. GAL 2:20. 3. David the shepherd and shepherd-king would feed, guide and reign again i...

Major League Failures (Joshua 9), Part 3

Major League Failures (Joshua 9) league: A military, political, or commercial covenant or compact made between parties for their mutual protection and assistance against a common enemy; the prosecution or safeguarding of joint interests, and the like; a body of states or persons associated in such a covenant, a confederacy. Intro. A. Joshua is the same name as Jesus (ACT 7:45); both mean “Jehovah is salvation.” B. Joshua was Moses' successor who brought natural Israel into their earthly inheritance, ...

On Being and Doing Good

On Being and Doing Good 1. good: adj. With reference to moral character, disposition, or conduct. Morally excellent or commendable. sb. That which is good. 2. goodness: The quality or condition of being good. 3. Goodness is connected with righteousness and truth. EPH 5:9; 2CH 31:20-21. A. There is much in life that passes for good which is not good. B. If something is not right and true, it is not good. C. We are called to mature discernment of what is actually good. 1TH 5:21; HEB 5:14. 4. By nature...

Faithfulness (Part 4)

Faithfulness faithfulness: The quality of being faithful. a. Fidelity, loyalty (to a superior or friend); trustworthiness, conscientiousness. b. Strict adherence to one's pledged word; honesty, sincerity. c. Exact correspondence to an original or fact. faithful: Of persons, their actions, etc.: Full of or characterized by faith (sense 3); believing. 3. True to one's word or professed belief, abiding by a covenant or promise. fidelity: The quality of being faithful; faithfulness, loyalty, unswerving al...

Faithfulness, Part 3

Faithfulness faithfulness: The quality of being faithful. a. Fidelity, loyalty (to a superior or friend); trustworthiness, conscientiousness. b. Strict adherence to one's pledged word; honesty, sincerity. c. Exact correspondence to an original or fact. faithful: Of persons, their actions, etc.: Full of or characterized by faith (sense 3); believing. 3. True to one's word or professed belief, abiding by a covenant or promise. fidelity: The quality of being faithful; faithfulness, loyalty, unswerving al...

Faithfulness, Part 2

Faithfulness faithfulness: The quality of being faithful. a. Fidelity, loyalty (to a superior or friend); trustworthiness, conscientiousness. b. Strict adherence to one's pledged word; honesty, sincerity. c. Exact correspondence to an original or fact. faithful: Of persons, their actions, etc.: Full of or characterized by faith (sense 3); believing. 3. True to one's word or professed belief, abiding by a covenant or promise. fidelity: The quality of being faithful; faithfulness, loyalty, unswerving al...

2 Peter 3

The Promise of Christ's Coming (2 Peter 3) vs. 1-8. A. Peter here reminds his readers to not neglect the Scriptures in view of a problem which he foresees: the delay of the day of judgment prompting scoffers to rebel against the truth. ECC 8:11. B. The last days have been in effect since the first advent of Christ. GAL 4:4; HEB 1:1-2; 9:26; 1JO 2:18. C. The attitude of these scoffers is what the Savior warned the disciples about on the Mount of Olives. MAT 24:48. D. Note that the thing to which the...

Major League Failures (Joshua 9), Part 2

Major League Failures (Joshua 9) league: A military, political, or commercial covenant or compact made between parties for their mutual protection and assistance against a common enemy; the prosecution or safeguarding of joint interests, and the like; a body of states or persons associated in such a covenant, a confederacy. Intro. A. Joshua is the same name as Jesus (ACT 7:45); both mean “Jehovah is salvation.” B. Joshua was Moses' successor who brought natural Israel into their earthly inheritance, ...


Faithfulness faithfulness: The quality of being faithful. a. Fidelity, loyalty (to a superior or friend); trustworthiness, conscientiousness. b. Strict adherence to one's pledged word; honesty, sincerity. c. Exact correspondence to an original or fact. faithful: Of persons, their actions, etc.: Full of or characterized by faith (sense 3); believing. 3. True to one's word or professed belief, abiding by a covenant or promise. fidelity: The quality of being faithful; faithfulness, loyalty, unswerving al...

Hebrews 2

Hebrews 2 I. Paul had just explained that Christ is greater in power and station than the angels. HEB 1:4-8. II. Because Christ is superior to the angels, His words merit greater attention. HEB 2:1-4. A. The Old Covenant came via the ministry of angels. ACT 7:53; GAL 3:19. B. Angels are more powerful than any earthly dignitary whom men might fear (2PE 2:11), yet Christ is greater than them. C. Paul is showing these Hebrews the superiority of the New Covenant of which Christ is the Mediator. D. A sup...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 11)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is or should be...

Psalm 116 (Part 3)

Psalm 116 I. This is a psalm of thanksgiving to God for answers to prayers for help and deliverance. II. This psalm does not bear the subheading, “A Psalm of David” seen in many other psalms. A. Not all of David's psalms have that subheading. PSA 2:1 c/w ACT 4:25; HEB 4:7 c/w PSA 95:7. B. The psalmist here describes himself to God as “...the son of thine handmaid...” (v. 16), a term which only refers to David's mother in the psalms. PSA 86:16. C. This psalm well fits David's experience. III. At the very lea...

Major League Failures (Joshua 9), Part 1

Major League Failures (Joshua 9) league: A military, political, or commercial covenant or compact made between parties for their mutual protection and assistance against a common enemy; the prosecution or safeguarding of joint interests, and the like; a body of states or persons associated in such a covenant, a confederacy. Intro. A. Joshua is the same name as Jesus (ACT 7:45); both mean “Jehovah is salvation.” B. Joshua was Moses' successor who brought natural Israel into their earthly inheritance, ...

Psalm 116 (Part 2)

Psalm 116 I. This is a psalm of thanksgiving to God for answers to prayers for help and deliverance. II. This psalm does not bear the subheading, “A Psalm of David” seen in many other psalms. A. Not all of David's psalms have that subheading. PSA 2:1 c/w ACT 4:25; HEB 4:7 c/w PSA 95:7. B. The psalmist here describes himself to God as “...the son of thine handmaid...” (v. 16), a term which only refers to David's mother in the psalms. PSA 86:16. C. This psalm well fits David's experience. III. At the ...

Psalm 116 (Part 1)

Psalm 116 I. This is a psalm of thanksgiving to God for answers to prayers for help and deliverance. II. This psalm does not bear the subheading, “A Psalm of David” seen in many other psalms. A. Not all of David's psalms have that subheading. PSA 2:1 c/w ACT 4:25; HEB 4:7 c/w PSA 95:7. B. The psalmist here describes himself to God as “...the son of thine handmaid...” (v. 16), a term which only refers to David's mother in the psalms. PSA 86:16. C. This psalm well fits David's experience. III. At the ...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 10)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is or should be...


Changes I. Everything about this world is subject to change. A. God designed the world from the beginning to operate on a day/night cycle and to have seasons. GEN 1:14. 1. These regular changes are fixed as long as this earth endures. GEN 8:22. 2. Times and seasons may change but the ordinances that established them are immovable. JER 33:20-21. B. Once sin entered into the world, so did death, which only exacerbated change. ROM 5:12. 1. Death speaks of decay. 2. Decay speaks of change. 3. Sin brou...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 9)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is or should be...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 8)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is or should be...

The Thousand-Year Reign (Revelation 20)

The Thousand-Year Reign (Revelation 20) A. Fundamental rules of Bible Study are particularly important to a proper understanding of this chapter. 1. There are no contradictions in Scripture. 2PE 1:20; PRO 8:8. 2. Compare spiritual things with spiritual things. 1CO 2:13. 3. Figurative or parabolic utterances must be in harmony with plain statements since light is superior to darkness. 2PE 1:19. 4. Fact: The phrase, “thousand years” only appears in three other places outside of Revelation 20 and each ...

Ordination of Chad Wagner

Ordination By The Laying On Of Hands I. ordain: To appoint, decree, destine, order. To appoint (a person, etc.) to a charge, duty, or office. II. The ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ is perpetuated by one elder/bishop/pastor/minister/steward instructing qualified able men and ordaining them. 2TI 2:2 c/w TIT 1:5-9. A. The office of N.T. ministry began with Jesus Christ ordaining the apostles (MAR 3:14) who were also elders (1PE 5:1) as well as seventy others. LUK 10:1. B. The N.T. shows the apostles ...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 7)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is or should be...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 6)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is ...

Husbands and Wives

Husbands and Wives I. In the covenant of marriage there is a reuniting (of sorts) of that which God divided in the garden of Eden. GEN 2:18, 21-24 c/w MAT 19:4-6. A. cleave: To adhere to or cling to; to remain attached, devoted or faithful to. B. Marriage characterizes Christ's love for His church. EPH 5:25-32. C. Only in the intimacy of marriage has God sanctioned a state of existence that approximates the state of innocency before sin entered. GEN 2:25 c/w HEB 13:4. D. Marriage is contractual...

Ezra (Part 9)

Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple I. The Book of Ezra deals with the return of a great number of the Jews from Babylon to rebuild the temple of God at Jerusalem. A. The present age of the gospel was prophesied of as a time of rebuilding old wastes. ISA 61:1-4; ACT 15:15-16. B. The gospel church is the reformation of the existing church which had fallen into gross disrepair. HEB 9:10; ROM 11:11-21. II. Like its counterpart book which deals with the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Nehemiah), Ezra sets...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 5)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is or shou...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 4)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is or should be...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 3)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is or shou...

Ezra (Part 8)

Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple I. The Book of Ezra deals with the return of a great number of the Jews from Babylon to rebuild the temple of God at Jerusalem. A. The present age of the gospel was prophesied of as a time of rebuilding old wastes. ISA 61:1-4; ACT 15:15-16. B. The gospel church is the reformation of the existing church which had fallen into gross disrepair. HEB 9:10; ROM 11:11-21. II. Like its counterpart book which deals with the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Nehemiah), Ezra sets...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 2)

Christian Faith 101 I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is ...

Christian Faith 101 (Part 1)

I. This study assumes that the King James Version of the Bible (the Authorized Version of 1611 and its subsequent orthographic updates) is the preserved, perfect word of God the Creator in the English language. A. This is a reasoned assumption; it is not without a preponderance of evidence. B. An overview of this issue will be considered later in this outline. II. This study is designed to plainly and simply set forth the fundamentals of Christian faith (that which is or should be believed). A. This faith ...

The Garden of Hope

The Garden of Hope I. Man was originally placed in a garden. GEN 2:8-10. A. In this garden man could walk with God. GEN 3:8. B. Sin demanded man's expulsion from the garden. GEN 3:23-24. C. The desire for a blissful garden state did not die with man's expulsion. Consider: 1. Consider the many parks and gardens man has cultivated for his pleasure. 2. Consider how many things in a home suggest a garden: floral arrangements, potted plants, pictures, vases, designs on tablecloths, upholstery, curta...

Timbits 2

1. Ezekiel beheld the appearance of the glory of the LORD as a bow in the cloud. EZE 1:28. A. Compare this with REV 4:3. B. The bow speaks of great mercy and hope of survival inasmuch as it was a token by which God would remember His everlasting covenant with earth and flesh. GEN 9:16. C. God needed to look no further than Himself to remember His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the land upon Israel's repentance. LEV 26:40-45. (1) The salvation that Israel would realize would not be for th...

God Only Wise, The Only Wise God

God Only Wise, The Only Wise God I. There is an attribute of God that particularly comforts and encourages me as a Christian and as a pastor and it also has an excellent practical application. It is the wisdom of our God. A. There is much in this life concerning which we don’t understand the whys and the wherefores, yet we are commanded to “...have faith in God” (MAR 11:22). B. We are to trust in God with all our heart rather than lean unto our own understanding. PRO 3:5-6. C. As a pastor, th...

Ezra (Part 7)

Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple I. The Book of Ezra deals with the return of a great number of the Jews from Babylon to rebuild the temple of God at Jerusalem. A. The present age of the gospel was prophesied of as a time of rebuilding old wastes. ISA 61:1-4; ACT 15:15-16. B. The gospel church is the reformation of the existing church which had fallen into gross disrepair. HEB 9:10; ROM 11:11-21. II. Like its counterpart book which deals with the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Nehemiah), Ezra sets...

The Hope of His Coming

The Hope of His Coming I. Consider this sampling of life's deficiencies and troubles for which the Second Coming of Christ is the antidote: A. Limited knowledge of God. 1CO 13:12; 1JO 3:1-2. B. Sin and failure. ROM 7:21-24 c/w PHIL 3:20-21. C. Pain and sorrow. REV 21:4. D. Ostracism and loss of goods. HEB 10:32-37. E. Persecution. 2TH 1:6-7. F. Incomplete and unrighteous judgment. ACT 17:31; JUDE 1:14-15. G. Physical corruption and death. JOB 19:25-27. II. The grief of death is re...

On Widows

On Widows I. The following definitions are relevant to this study: A. widow: A woman whose husband is dead (and who has not married again); a wife bereaved of her husband. B. bereaved: Deprived or robbed; taken away by force; spec. deprived by death of a near relative, or of one connected by some endearing tie. C. widowhood: The state or condition of a widow or widower, or (contextually) the time during which one is a widow or widower; the condition of a wife bereaved of her husband, or of a...

Ezra (Part 6)

Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple I. The Book of Ezra deals with the return of a great number of the Jews from Babylon to rebuild the temple of God at Jerusalem. A. The present age of the gospel was prophesied of as a time of rebuilding old wastes. ISA 61:1-4; ACT 15:15-16. B. The gospel church is the reformation of the existing church which had fallen into gross disrepair. HEB 9:10; ROM 11:11-21. II. Like its counterpart book which deals with the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Nehemiah), Ezra sets...

On Humility

On Humility I. Definitions. A. humility: The quality of being humble or having a lowly opinion of oneself, meekness, lowliness, humbleness: the opposite of pride or haughtiness. B. humble: (adj.) Having a low estimate of one's importance, worthiness, or merits; marked by the absence of self-assertion or self-exaltation; lowly: the opposite of proud. C. haughty: High in one's own estimation; lofty and disdainful in feeling or demeanour; proud, arrogant, supercilious. D. pride: The quality of...

Abounding in Love

Abounding In Love I. Paul prayed that the Thessalonian saints would “...increase and abound in love...” (1TH 3:12). A. Compare this prayer with 1TH 4:9-10. B. Christians are responsible to abound in love, but divine enablement must be sought to do this. EPH 3:16-17. C. God teaches us to love one another; this is a prayer for God to strengthen what He has wrought in us. PSA 68:28. D. Paul commended these Thessalonians for loving indeed, which is loving in actual fact, in reality, in truth. 1...

1 Peter 1:1-5

1 Peter 1:1-5 I. Peter's first epistle was meant to be a testimony of the true grace of God. 1PE 5:12. A. There is a popular testimony in the world of a false grace which scorns election or mingles it with works, which thing cannot be. ROM 11:6. B. The apostle's testimony of God's true grace begins with election! C. The epistle is addressed “ the strangers...” (v. 1). God's election causes one to be a stranger in this world and to this world. JOH 15:19; 1PE 4:4. II. Saints are elect...

Lust (Part 3)

Lust I. Definitions. A. lust: (noun) Pleasure, delight. 3. spec. in Biblical and Theological use: Sensuous appetite or desire, considered as sinful or leading to sin. B. lust: (intransitive verb) To delight in (something); To desire, choose, wish; To have a strong, excessive, or inordinate desire. C. inordinate: Not 'ordered'; devoid of order or regularity; deviating from right or rule; irregular, disorderly; not regulated, controlled, or restrained. D. concupiscence: Eager or vehement des...

The Argument from Silence (Part 2)

The Argument From Silence I. The argument from silence may basically be stated: Where the Scripture speaks to direct, it also speaks to forbid conclusions other than its direction. II. That the Scripture argues from silence can be seen from HEB 7:12-14. A. Moses said nothing about Judah concerning priesthood. 1. From this, Paul reasoned that no man from that tribe gave attendance at the altar. 2. Mind that the fact that God gave the priesthood to the tribe of Levi without stating that Ju...

The Argument from Silence (Part 1)

The Argument From Silence I. The argument from silence may basically be stated: Where the Scripture speaks to direct, it also speaks to forbid conclusions other than its direction. II. That the Scripture argues from silence can be seen from HEB 7:12-14. A. Moses said nothing about Judah concerning priesthood. 1. From this, Paul reasoned that no man from that tribe gave attendance at the altar. 2. Mind that the fact that God gave the priesthood to the tribe of Levi without stating that Ju...

The Parable of the Talents

The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) This parable is relevant to the Second Coming of Christ. A. This parable teaches us to utilize what Christ has given us in anticipation of His return. B. It is descriptive of the kingdom of heaven, the church under the heavenly Messianic reign of Jesus Christ. 1. In the church there would be found good and faithful servants, and wicked and slothful servants. 2. The lord of the servants represents the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ was as a man travel...

The Seventy Weeks (Part 4)

The Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27) I. In the last few chapters of the Book of Daniel, God showed Daniel a number of events that would occur before God finished dealing with natural Israel. DAN 12:7. A. This season is called “...the latter days” (DAN 10:14; HOS 3:4-5; JER 23:20) and includes the historical events of the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. B. These latter days are the post-Babylon era of Israel which culminate in the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, the desolating of Judea and the...

The Seventy Weeks (Part 3)

The Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27) In the last few chapters of the Book of Daniel, God showed Daniel a number of events that would occur before God finished dealing with natural Israel. DAN 12:7. A. This season is called “...the latter days” (DAN 10:14; HOS 3:4-5; JER 23:20) and includes the historical events of the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. B. These latter days are the post-Babylon era of Israel which culminate in the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, the desolating of Judea and the scatt...

The Seventy Weeks (Part 2)

The Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27) In the last few chapters of the Book of Daniel, God showed Daniel a number of events that would occur before God finished dealing with natural Israel. DAN 12:7. A. This season is called “...the latter days” (DAN 10:14; HOS 3:4-5; JER 23:20) and includes the historical events of the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. B. These latter days are the post-Babylon era of Israel which culminate in the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, the desolating of Judea and the scatt...

Ezra (Part 5)

Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple The Book of Ezra deals with the return of a great number of the Jews from Babylon to rebuild the temple of God at Jerusalem. A. The present age of the gospel was prophesied of as a time of rebuilding old wastes. ISA 61:1-4; ACT 15:15-16. B. The gospel church is the reformation of the existing church which had fallen into gross disrepair. HEB 9:10; ROM 11:11-21. Like its counterpart book which deals with the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Nehemiah), Ezra sets forth tacti...

The Seventy Weeks (Part 1)

The Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27) I. In the last few chapters of the Book of Daniel, God showed Daniel a number of events that would occur before God finished dealing with natural Israel. DAN 12:7. A. This season is called “...the latter days” (DAN 10:14; HOS 3:4-5; JER 23:20) and includes the historical events of the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. B. These latter days are the post-Babylon era of Israel which culminate in the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, the desolating of Judea and the sc...

The Letter to Philadelphia

The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13) A. Like the letter to Smyrna (and no other), there is no censure---only commendation, encouragement and promise. B. Like the church at Smyrna, Philadelphia was troubled by unbelieving Jews (the synagogue of Satan), to wit, pseudo-Jews by the measure of God. v. 9. 1. Philadelphia was evidently not of the mind that subsidizing, capitulating to, or showing partiality to Scripture-rejecting, Christ-denying Jews was the means to curr...

On Healthy Relationships (Part 3)

On Healthy Relationships I. Scripture has much to say about human relationships (the state of being related; a condition or character based upon this; kinship). A. In sinless innocency, God declared it not good that man should be alone. GEN 2:18. B. There are great benefits in the healthy companionship of others. PRO 15:22; 27:17; ECC 4:9-10. C. There are also potential pitfalls in all relationships except one. 1. The supreme relationship that any human can have is with God, and He has rightly ...

On Healthy Relationships (Part 2)

On Healthy Relationships I. Scripture has much to say about human relationships (the state of being related; a condition or character based upon this; kinship). A. In sinless innocency, God declared it not good that man should be alone. GEN 2:18. B. There are great benefits in the healthy companionship of others. PRO 15:22; 27:17; ECC 4:9-10. C. There are also potential pitfalls in all relationships except one. 1. The supreme relationship that any human can have is with God, and He has rightly ...

On Healthy Relationships (Part 1)

On Healthy Relationships I. Scripture has much to say about human relationships (the state of being related; a condition or character based upon this; kinship). A. In sinless innocency, God declared it not good that man should be alone. GEN 2:18. B. There are great benefits in the healthy companionship of others. PRO 15:22; 27:17; ECC 4:9-10. C. There are also potential pitfalls in all relationships except one. (1) The supreme relationship that any human can have is with God, and He has rightly...

Gideon (Part 4)

Gideon 1. Gideon is listed among the heroes of faith for the encouragement of our faith. HEB 11:32-34. 2. His account is in JDG 6-8. 3. The judges were called saviours. NEH 9:27. 4. Gideon was a judge and saviour by an imperfect faith compared to Christ, the Judge and Saviour of perfect faith. JOH 8:29 c/w HEB 11:6; HEB 2:13; LUK 23:46. 5. Gideon is a study of how even a little faith may be used of God and blessed with increase. MAT 8:26; 14:31 c/w LUK 17:5. 6. The story of Gideon shows God's ...

Gideon (Part 3)

Gideon 1. Gideon is listed among the heroes of faith for the encouragement of our faith. HEB 11:32-34. 2. His account is in JDG 6-8. 3. The judges were called saviours. NEH 9:27. 4. Gideon was a judge and saviour by an imperfect faith compared to Christ, the Judge and Saviour of perfect faith. JOH 8:29 c/w HEB 11:6; HEB 2:13; LUK 23:46. 5. Gideon is a study of how even a little faith may be used of God and blessed with increase. MAT 8:26; 14:31 c/w LUK 17:5. 6. The story of Gideon shows God's ...

Gideon (Part 2)

Gideon 1. Gideon is listed among the heroes of faith for the encouragement of our faith. HEB 11:32-34. 2. His account is in JDG 6-8. 3. The judges were called saviours. NEH 9:27. 4. Gideon was a judge and saviour by an imperfect faith compared to Christ, the Judge and Saviour of perfect faith. JOH 8:29 c/w HEB 11:6; HEB 2:13; LUK 23:46. 5. Gideon is a study of how even a little faith may be used of God and blessed with increase. MAT 8:26; 14:31 c/w LUK 17:5. 6. The story of Gideon shows God's ...

Ezra (Part 4)

Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple I. The Book of Ezra deals with the return of a great number of the Jews from Babylon to rebuild the temple of God at Jerusalem. A. The present age of the gospel was prophesied of as a time of rebuilding old wastes. ISA 61:1-4; ACT 15:15-16. B. The gospel church is the reformation of the existing church which had fallen into gross disrepair. HEB 9:10; ROM 11:11-21. II. Like its counterpart book which deals with the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Nehemiah), Ezra sets forth...

Gideon (Part 1)

Gideon 1. Gideon is listed among the heroes of faith for the encouragement of our faith. HEB 11:32-34. 2. His account is in JDG 6-8. 3. The judges were called saviours. NEH 9:27. 4. Gideon was a judge and saviour by an imperfect faith compared to Christ, the Judge and Saviour of perfect faith. JOH 8:29 c/w HEB 11:6; HEB 2:13; LUK 23:46. 5. Gideon is a study of how even a little faith may be used of God and blessed with increase. MAT 8:26; 14:31 c/w LUK 17:5. 6. The story of Gideon shows God's ...

The Gifts of the Spirit

The Gifts of the Spirit The gifts of the Spirit are listed in 1CO 12:8-10, 28; EPH 4:11; ROM 12:6-8 and may be categorized as follows: A. The Revelatory Gifts. 1. Both the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge came by way of revelation to the possessor of the gift. 1CO 2:6-13. 2. Prophecy involves the revelation of truth from God. AMO 3:7; 1CO 14:29-30; EPH 3:5. 3. The discerning of spirits enabled one to discern false prophets or lying wonders. ACT 13:6-10; 16:16-18. 4. Th...

Faith and Facts (Part 3)

Faith and Facts I. Scripture calls on men to believe truth and NOT believe error. 1JO 4:1-6. A. Belief of a lie is an unsound faith whereas rejection of a lie is a healthy unbelief. 2TH 2:11-13. B. Therefore, Biblical faith requires the usage of one’s reason and critical faculties to discern the truth that one is to believe. C. Reason is compatible with faith. 1. Paul reasoned out of the Scriptures in an effort to persuade men to believe that Jesus is the Christ. ACT 17:2-4; 18:4. 2. ...

Faith and Facts (Part 2)

Faith and Facts I. Scripture calls on men to believe truth and NOT believe error. 1JO 4:1-6. A. Belief of a lie is an unsound faith whereas rejection of a lie is a healthy unbelief. 2TH 2:11-13. B. Therefore, Biblical faith requires the usage of one’s reason and critical faculties to discern the truth that one is to believe. C. Reason is compatible with faith. 1. Paul reasoned out of the Scriptures in an effort to persuade men to believe that Jesus is the Christ. ACT 17:2-4; 18:4. 2. ...

Faith and Facts (Part 1)

Faith and Facts I. Scripture calls on men to believe truth and NOT believe error. 1JO 4:1-6. A. Belief of a lie is an unsound faith whereas rejection of a lie is a healthy unbelief. 2TH 2:11-13. B. Therefore, Biblical faith requires the usage of one’s reason and critical faculties to discern the truth that one is to believe. C. Reason is compatible with faith. 1. Paul reasoned out of the Scriptures in an effort to persuade men to believe that Jesus is the Christ. ACT 17:2-4; 18:4. 2. ...

Good Thought, God's Peace, God's Presence

Good Thoughts, God's Peace, God's Presence (Philippians 4:8-9) A. These verses are actually a continuation of Paul's prescription for peace (vs. 6-7), introduced by the adverb, “Finally.” 1. finally: In the end, lastly, at last, ultimately. b. Indicating the last point or conclusion of a discourse, treatise, etc. 2. These are Paul's closing arguments on attaining the “...peace of God which passeth all understanding...” (PHIL 4:7). B. He starts by addressing the believer's thought life. Re...

Cryin', Lyin', Lion, Dyin'

Cryin,' Lyin,' Lion, Dyin' (1 Kings 13) The Background A. The kingdom had recently divided over the reckless attitude of Solomon's son, Rehoboam. 1KI 12:12-19. B. The split was actually due to Solomon's idolatry. 1KI 11:9-13. C. By the order of God, Jeroboam was made king over the ten tribes. 1KI 11:31; 12:20. D. Jeroboam promptly turned Israel to idolatry. 1KI 12:28-30. 1. Jeroboam gained an ongoing notoriety for this wickedness. 2. No less than 20 times are forms of the phrase, “...wh...

Ezra (Part 2)

Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple I. The Book of Ezra deals with the return of a great number of the Jews from Babylon to rebuild the temple of God at Jerusalem. A. The present age of the gospel was prophesied of as a time of rebuilding old wastes. ISA 61:1-4; ACT 15:15-16. B. The gospel church is the reformation of the existing church which had fallen into gross disrepair. HEB 9:10; ROM 11:11-21. II. Like its counterpart book which deals with the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Nehemiah), Ezra sets forth...

The Sovereign Dominion of God (Part 4)

The Sovereign Dominion of God I. This study sets forth what Scripture teaches about the government of the most high God. The manner in which God's will is accomplished will be considered. Certain questions need to be addressed, some of which are: A. Is God active in the events of history, or has He simply created all things and left the creation to plot its own course? B. Does the universe function completely passively, as a glove on the hand of God? C. Is God's will ever not done? D. Is Go...

The Sovereign Dominion of God (Part 2)

The Sovereign Dominion of God I. This study sets forth what Scripture teaches about the government of the most high God. The manner in which God's will is accomplished will be considered. Certain questions need to be addressed, some of which are: A. Is God active in the events of history, or has He simply created all things and left the creation to plot its own course? B. Does the universe function completely passively, as a glove on the hand of God? C. Is God's will ever not done? D. Is Go...

The Sovereign Dominion of God (Part 1)

The Sovereign Dominion of God I. This study sets forth what Scripture teaches about the government of the most high God. The manner in which God's will is accomplished will be considered. Certain questions need to be addressed, some of which are: A. Is God active in the events of history, or has He simply created all things and left the creation to plot its own course? B. Does the universe function completely passively, as a glove on the hand of God? C. Is God's will ever not done? D. Is Go...

Ezra (Part 1)

Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple I. The Book of Ezra deals with the return of a great number of the Jews from Babylon to rebuild the temple of God at Jerusalem. A. The present age of the gospel was prophesied of as a time of rebuilding old wastes. ISA 61:1-4; ACT 15:15-16. B. The gospel church is the reformation of the existing church which had fallen into gross disrepair. HEB 9:10; ROM 11:11-21. II. Like its counterpart book which deals with the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Nehemiah), Ezra sets forth...

Believe Me Not

Believe Me Not! I. Men are to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. ACT 16:31. A. There are “...lords many...” (1CO 8:5). B. There is “...another Jesus...” (2CO 11:4). C. There are “...false Christs...” (MAT 24:24). D. It is therefore necessary to qualify which lord, which Jesus, which Christ is to be the object of true faith and worship. II. The Lord Jesus Christ of the Scriptures is the One Who does the work of His Father. JOH 10:37. A. Everything He ever did was a work of His Father. JOH ...

Fighting Satan and Sin (Part 5)

Fighting Satan and Sin I. We must not be ignorant of Satan's devices lest he take advantage of us. 2CO 2:11. A. Satan brings us into bondage by exploiting the strengths of his ally which is our flesh and blinding us to the ugliness and sinfulness of sin. EPH 2:3; TIT 3:3; ROM 6:19-21. B. Satan holds us in bondage by blinding us to the truth about deliverance and liberty. C. Satan's entire operation is based upon one concept: the lie. He is the father of lies. JOH 8:44. 1. His power is in the...

Fighting Satan and Sin (Part 4)

Fighting Satan and Sin I. We must not be ignorant of Satan's devices lest he take advantage of us. 2CO 2:11. A. Satan brings us into bondage by exploiting the strengths of his ally which is our flesh and blinding us to the ugliness and sinfulness of sin. EPH 2:3; TIT 3:3; ROM 6:19-21. B. Satan holds us in bondage by blinding us to the truth about deliverance and liberty. C. Satan's entire operation is based upon one concept: the lie. He is the father of lies. JOH 8:44. 1. His power is in the...

Fighting Satan and Sin (Part 3)

Fighting Satan and Sin I. We must not be ignorant of Satan's devices lest he take advantage of us. 2CO 2:11. A. Satan brings us into bondage by exploiting the strengths of his ally which is our flesh and blinding us to the ugliness and sinfulness of sin. EPH 2:3; TIT 3:3; ROM 6:19-21. B. Satan holds us in bondage by blinding us to the truth about deliverance and liberty. C. Satan's entire operation is based upon one concept: the lie. He is the father of lies. JOH 8:44. 1. His power is in the lie: the te...

Fighting Satan and Sin (Part 2)

Fighting Satan and Sin I. We must not be ignorant of Satan's devices lest he take advantage of us. 2CO 2:11. A. Satan brings us into bondage by exploiting the strengths of his ally which is our flesh and blinding us to the ugliness and sinfulness of sin. EPH 2:3; TIT 3:3; ROM 6:19-21. B. Satan holds us in bondage by blinding us to the truth about deliverance and liberty. C. Satan's entire operation is based upon one concept: the lie. He is the father of lies. JOH 8:44. 1. His power is in the...

Fighting Satan and Sin (Part 1)

Fighting Satan and Sin I. We must not be ignorant of Satan's devices lest he take advantage of us. 2CO 2:11. A. Satan brings us into bondage by exploiting the strengths of his ally which is our flesh and blinding us to the ugliness and sinfulness of sin. EPH 2:3; TIT 3:3; ROM 6:19-21. B. Satan holds us in bondage by blinding us to the truth about deliverance and liberty. C. Satan's entire operation is based upon one concept: the lie. He is the father of lies. JOH 8:44. 1. His power is in the...

The Church and Its Minister

The Church and its Minister I. All sinners have a problem with submitting to authority. A. “...sin is the transgression of the law” (1JO 3:4). B. law: A rule of conduct imposed by authority. C. For someone to say that he has no problem with authority is to say that he has no sin, which is self-deception and in effect charges God with lying. 1JO 1:8, 10. D. Honesty and sincerity demand that we admit that we have a natural reluctance to submit to godly authority because it gets in the way of our si...

Whispering, Backbiting, Talebearing

Whispering, Backbiting, Talebearing I. The tongue has a capacity for good and evil. JAM 3:9-12; PRO 18:21. A. Of all the parts of the body, it is the most difficult to tame. JAM 3:2-8. 1. It is easier to tame a lion than the tongue. 2. It has the capacity to condemn oneself. LUK 19:22. 3. It has the capacity to spue venom to another's injury. PSA 140:3. B. One's religion is invalidated by an unbridled tongue. JAM 1:26. C. To tame one's tongue requires taming one's heart. MAT 12:34-35....

Leviticus 10 (Part 6)

Leviticus 10 A. Leviticus sets forth the laws that governed the priesthood which sprang from Levi. B. Leviticus was Israel's order of divine service. HEB 9:1. C. Among other things, Leviticus provides us with principles and patterns of service to God, and is therefore profitable and educational. HEB 8:4-5; 2TI 3:16; ROM 15:4. 1. Baptized believers are a holy, royal priesthood of God's spiritual house, the church. 1PE 2:5, 9 c/w 1TI 3:15. 2. There is a limited correspondence between O.T. pries...

The Day of Atonement

The Day of Atonement Leviticus 16 I. Though a daily sacrifice was made for sin under the Law (HEB 7:27; 10:11), God ordained an annual day of atonement for Israel. LEV 16:29-34. A. Unlike the other sacrifices, this was to be done only by the high priest once each year in the holiest place of the tabernacle (where the ark and God's presence dwelt). HEB 9:6-7. B. As the high priest alone made an atonement in the holy place, Christ BY HIMSELF purged our sins. HEB 1:3; 1PE 2:24. C. The Lev...

Leviticus 10 (Part 5)

Leviticus 10 A. Leviticus sets forth the laws that governed the priesthood which sprang from Levi. B. Leviticus was Israel's order of divine service. HEB 9:1. C. Among other things, Leviticus provides us with principles and patterns of service to God, and is therefore profitable and educational. HEB 8:4-5; 2TI 3:16; ROM 15:4. 1. Baptized believers are a holy, royal priesthood of God's spiritual house, the church. 1PE 2:5, 9 c/w 1TI 3:15. 2. There is a limited correspondence between O.T. pries...

Leviticus 10 (Part 3)

Leviticus 10 A. Leviticus sets forth the laws that governed the priesthood which sprang from Levi. B. Leviticus was Israel's order of divine service. HEB 9:1. C. Among other things, Leviticus provides us with principles and patterns of service to God, and is therefore profitable and educational. HEB 8:4-5; 2TI 3:16; ROM 15:4. 1. Baptized believers are a holy, royal priesthood of God's spiritual house, the church. 1PE 2:5, 9 c/w 1TI 3:15. 2. There is a limited correspondence between O.T. pries...

Leviticus 10 (Part 2)

Leviticus 10 A. Leviticus sets forth the laws that governed the priesthood which sprang from Levi. B. Leviticus was Israel's order of divine service. HEB 9:1. C. Among other things, Leviticus provides us with principles and patterns of service to God, and is therefore profitable and educational. HEB 8:4-5; 2TI 3:16; ROM 15:4. 1. Baptized believers are a holy, royal priesthood of God's spiritual house, the church. 1PE 2:5, 9 c/w 1TI 3:15. 2. There is a limited correspondence between O.T. pries...

Leviticus 10 (Part 1)

Leviticus 10 A. Leviticus sets forth the laws that governed the priesthood which sprang from Levi. B. Leviticus was Israel's order of divine service. HEB 9:1. C. Among other things, Leviticus provides us with principles and patterns of service to God, and is therefore profitable and educational. HEB 8:4-5; 2TI 3:16; ROM 15:4. 1. Baptized believers are a holy, royal priesthood of God's spiritual house, the church. 1PE 2:5, 9 c/w 1TI 3:15. 2. There is a limited correspondence between O.T. pries...

The Sonship of Christ (Part 2)

The Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ I. The importance of understanding the Sonship of Christ is not to be trivialized. God is known through His Son (MAT 11:27; 1JO 5:20) and therefore a correct understanding of the nature of His Sonship is critical to knowing the true God. A. Is Jesus Christ an eternally begotten Son of God in His divine nature, a timely begotten Son of God in His human nature, or both? B. Men are exhorted to believe on the ONLY begotten Son of God. JOH 3:16-18. C. Denial o...

How to Deal With Problems

How To Deal With Problems I. We will have problems in this world. JOH 16:33. II. View problems from God's perspective. A. God's dominion extends over all. DAN 4:34-35. B. There can be no problem without God's permission. JOB 1:12; 2:6; 1CO 10:13. C. God has a purpose worthy of Himself in that which He permits. PSA 76:10. D. God knows all about your problem. JOB 23:10; PSA 139:1-3; 31:7; 147:5. E. God loves and cares for His people, and purposes to do us good even when He chastens us. 1JO...

Election of Grace

The Election of Grace I. Scripture affirms that eternal salvation is a matter of free grace: God extending mercy to unworthy sinners in their fallen, sinful state of spiritual death. God acted in love and mercy before man did anything to improve himself. EPH 2:1-6. A. God sent His only begotten Son into the world to fulfill His law for them, since they could not do so themselves. ROM 8:3, 7-8. B. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, bore the guilt of their sins in His body and suffered the pe...

Christ v. Moses (Hebrews 3)

Christ v. Moses (Hebrews 3) A. Paul devoted a substantial portion of the Epistle to the Hebrews setting forth the superiority of Christ to all things. 1. In this text, Paul shows Christ's superiority to Moses. 2. This was a very important message for the Hebrews since they had such a high regard for Moses. JOH 9:28-29. a. The high regard for Moses was for many Hebrews merely token. JOH 5:45-47. b. Paul's words here, though, would have a special importance for these Hebrews who were “...holy br...

Philippians 4:4-6

Philippians 4:4-6 v. 4. A. Paul had already commanded saints to rejoice in the Lord. c/w PHIL 3:1. B. This reminder comes on the heels of mentioning those gospel labourers whose names are in the book of life. c/w LUK 10:20. C. Here Paul adds “alway.” c/w 1TH 5:16. 1. alway: All along, all the time, perpetually, throughout all time. 2. evermore: For all future time. 3. Rejoicing in the Lord will never become outdated. REV 19:7. D. Mark the seasons of the saint's rejoicing in the Lord:...


Patience I. Definitions. A. patience: The suffering or enduring (of pain, trouble, or evil) with calmness and composure; the quality or capacity of so suffering or enduring. c. The calm abiding of the issue of time, processes, etc.; quiet and self-possessed waiting for something; the quality of expecting long without rage or discontent. B. patient: Bearing or enduring (pain, affliction, trouble, or evil of any kind) with composure, without discontent or complaint; having the quality or capacity...

Rebuke and Reproof

Rebuke and Reproof I. The way of Christ is a strait (constricted, tight, difficult) way which repulses many. MAT 7:13-14; JOH 6:64-66. A. The primary characteristic of Christ's kingdom is not fun, sweetness or daintiness but righteousness. MAT 6:33; ROM 14:17. B. When a pastor is fulfilling his duty in the stead of Christ by pressing King Jesus' claims upon others, that will grate against their nature. But he must do it. JER 48:10. C. Every pastor must decide if his ...

Philemon (Part 4)

The Epistle of Paul to Philemon Introduction. 1. The letter to Philemon is the shortest of Paul’s epistles and along with the epistles to Timothy and Titus, it is written primarily to a single person. 2. The occasion of the epistle was this: Philemon, a Christian brother from the city of Colosse, had a servant (v. 16) named Onesimus, who, having apparently purloined some of his master’s goods, ran away and ended up in Rome. A. Servant: A person of either sex who is in the service of a master...

Philemon (Part 3)

The Epistle of Paul to Philemon Introduction. 1. The letter to Philemon is the shortest of Paul’s epistles and along with the epistles to Timothy and Titus, it is written primarily to a single person. 2. The occasion of the epistle was this: Philemon, a Christian brother from the city of Colosse, had a servant (v. 16) named Onesimus, who, having apparently purloined some of his master’s goods, ran away and ended up in Rome. A. Servant: A person of either sex who is in the service of a master...

Naboth the Jezreelite

Naboth the Jezreelite (1 Kings 21) I. No study of the life and times of Elijah would be complete without considering the seizure of Naboth's vineyard by Ahab and Jezebel, for it was there that God again sent Elijah to challenge the king. 1KI 21 c/w PRO 1:17-19. A. When Israel rashly desired a king like the nations, God warned them about things like this. 1SAM 8:14. B. One would think that someone with riches, prestige and power like Ahab would need no more, but man's nature is covetous. P...

Philemon (Part 2)

The Epistle of Paul to Philemon Introduction. 1. The letter to Philemon is the shortest of Paul’s epistles and along with the epistles to Timothy and Titus, it is written primarily to a single person. 2. The occasion of the epistle was this: Philemon, a Christian brother from the city of Colosse, had a servant (v. 16) named Onesimus, who, having apparently purloined some of his master’s goods, ran away and ended up in Rome. A. Servant: A person of either sex who is in the service of a master...

Philemon (Part 1)

The Epistle of Paul to Philemon Introduction. 1. The letter to Philemon is the shortest of Paul’s epistles and along with the epistles to Timothy and Titus, it is written primarily to a single person. 2. The occasion of the epistle was this: Philemon, a Christian brother from the city of Colosse, had a servant (v. 16) named Onesimus, who, having apparently purloined some of his master’s goods, ran away and ended up in Rome. A. Servant: A person of either sex who is in the service of a mast...

Bought and Damned

Bought and Damned (2 Peter 2) A. As surely as God had holy men as His true prophets, the Adversary had his counterfeit false prophets among the people. v. 1. 1. Balaam was a hireling prophet WITHOUT the congregation. NUM 22-24. 2. But there were various false prophets that arose from among the people. These were the real danger. 1KI 22:6; JER 5:31; ZEC 13:3-4. 3. God would allow false prophets to arise as a test of His people's faith and mettle. DEU 13:1-3. 4. God would even send false ...


Pleasure I. Pleasure: (From old Romanic plasere---to please). The condition of consciousness or sensation induced by the enjoyment or anticipation of what is felt or viewed as good or desirable; enjoyment, delight, gratification. The opposite of pain. II. Earthly pleasure is a gift of God. 1TI 6:17; ECC 3:13. A. Pleasure may be good. PSA 40:8. B. Pleasure may be evil. PSA 62:4; ISA 66:3. C. The unqualified pursuit of pleasure is therefore a great error. III. What one views as most good is wh...

Loving Confrontation and Its Hateful Alternatives

Loving Confrontation and its Hateful Alternatives A Study of Leviticus 19:16-18 I. These instructions are twice enforced by the expression “I am the LORD.” A. This is God's instruction, not a man's opinion. B. God Himself will hold us accountable to follow these instructions. C. These instruction had better be heard and followed! II. A hateful alternative to loving confrontation is going up and down as a talebearer. A. Talebearer: “One who officiously carries reports of private matters to gratify ma...

Salvation of the Philippian Jailer

The Salvation of the Philippian Jailor (Acts 16:22-40) A. Paul and Silas were stripped, beaten and cast in stocks into prison at Philippi without trial. Paul later described this as being “shamefully entreated” (1TH 2:2). 1. Though their treatment was shameful, they had no reason to be ashamed for it. 1PE 4:16. 2. True Christianity may well mean such suffering. PHIL 1:29; 2TI 3:12. B. Instead of fretting about their treatment, Paul and Silas prayed and praised God. v.25 c/w JOB 35:10; PSA 42:7-8. C....

The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 8)

The Parables of Matthew 13 I. There are eight parables in Matthew 13 that speak of the kingdom of heaven. A. There is the parable of the sower. vs. 3-8. B. There is the parable of the wheat and tares. vs. 24-30. C. There is the parable of mustard seed. vs. 31-32. D. There is the parable of the leavened meal. v. 33. E. There is the parable of the treasure hid in a field. v. 44. F. There is the parable of the pearl of great price. vs. 45-46. G. There is the parable of the net. vs. 47-50. H. There is ...

The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen

The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen I. This parable and its application is recorded in MAT 21:33-46; MAR 12:1-12; LUK 20:9-19. II. This parable speaks of the surrender of the kingdom of God from natural Israel to the spiritual gospel church of the N.T. A. It speaks of the longsuffering of God towards the disobedient. B. But it also speaks of the limitations of His forbearance. C. It provided an appropriate parallel for the way that the nation of Israel (especially their elders) had generally treated...

The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 7)

The Parables of Matthew 13 I. There are eight parables in Matthew 13 that speak of the kingdom of heaven. A. There is the parable of the sower. vs. 3-8. B. There is the parable of the wheat and tares. vs. 24-30. C. There is the parable of mustard seed. vs. 31-32. D. There is the parable of the leavened meal. v. 33. E. There is the parable of the treasure hid in a field. v. 44. F. There is the parable of the pearl of great price. vs. 45-46. G. There is the parable of the net. vs. 47-50. ...

The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 6)

The Parables of Matthew 13 I. There are eight parables in Matthew 13 that speak of the kingdom of heaven. A. There is the parable of the sower. vs. 3-8. B. There is the parable of the wheat and tares. vs. 24-30. C. There is the parable of mustard seed. vs. 31-32. D. There is the parable of the leavened meal. v. 33. E. There is the parable of the treasure hid in a field. v. 44. F. There is the parable of the pearl of great price. vs. 45-46. G. There is the parable of the net. vs. 47-50. ...

The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 5)

The Parables of Matthew 13 I. There are eight parables in Matthew 13 that speak of the kingdom of heaven. A. There is the parable of the sower. vs. 3-8. B. There is the parable of the wheat and tares. vs. 24-30. C. There is the parable of mustard seed. vs. 31-32. D. There is the parable of the leavened meal. v. 33. E. There is the parable of the treasure hid in a field. v. 44. F. There is the parable of the pearl of great price. vs. 45-46. G. There is the parable of the net. vs. 47-50. ...

The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 4)

The Parables of Matthew 13 I. There are eight parables in Matthew 13 that speak of the kingdom of heaven. A. There is the parable of the sower. vs. 3-8. B. There is the parable of the wheat and tares. vs. 24-30. C. There is the parable of mustard seed. vs. 31-32. D. There is the parable of the leavened meal. v. 33. E. There is the parable of the treasure hid in a field. v. 44. F. There is the parable of the pearl of great price. vs. 45-46. G. There is the parable of the net. vs. 47-50. ...

Thoughts on Evangelism

Thoughts on Evangelism I. The minister of Jesus Christ is to do the work of an evangelist. 2TI 4:5. A. Evangelist: gen. One who preaches the gospel. B. The deacon Philip was also an evangelist. ACT 6:5 c/w ACT 21:8. 1. Philip travelled to Samaria and bore witness of Christ. ACT 8:4-6. 2. Believers were baptized. ACT 8:12. 3. Baptism is a ministerial function, not a diaconal function. MAT 28:19-20. 4. NOTE: Evangelism looks to convert and baptize, and therefore “church” men. C. Like other...

The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 3)

The Parables of Matthew 13 I. There are eight parables in Matthew 13 that speak of the kingdom of heaven. A. There is the parable of the sower. vs. 3-8. B. There is the parable of the wheat and tares. vs. 24-30. C. There is the parable of mustard seed. vs. 31-32. D. There is the parable of the leavened meal. v. 33. E. There is the parable of the treasure hid in a field. v. 44. F. There is the parable of the pearl of great price. vs. 45-46. G. There is the parable of the net. vs. 47-50. ...

The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 2)

The Parables of Matthew 13 I. There are eight parables in Matthew 13 that speak of the kingdom of heaven. A. There is the parable of the sower. vs. 3-8. B. There is the parable of the wheat and tares. vs. 24-30. C. There is the parable of mustard seed. vs. 31-32. D. There is the parable of the leavened meal. v. 33. E. There is the parable of the treasure hid in a field. v. 44. F. There is the parable of the pearl of great price. vs. 45-46. G. There is the parable of the net. vs. 47-50. ...

The Bible Concerning Salvation (Part 6)

The Bible Concerning Salvation I. Man is presented in three states in Scripture. A. Man in a state of innocency but capable of falling. GEN 1:26-28, 31; 2:15-17. B. Man in a state of sin and incapable of recovery. 1. GEN 2:17. Man died the day he partook of the forbidden fruit. EPH 2:1-3. 2. The total posterity of Adam is affected. GEN 5:1-3; ROM 5:12, 17-19. 3. Men are sinners by NATURE (EPH 2:3). All are sinners from: a. youth. GEN 8:21; PRO 22:15. b. birth. PSA 58:3. c. conception. ...

The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 1)

The Parables of Matthew 13 I. There are eight parables in Matthew 13 that speak of the kingdom of heaven. A. There is the parable of the sower. vs. 3-8. B. There is the parable of the wheat and tares. vs. 24-30. C. There is the parable of mustard seed. vs. 31-32. D. There is the parable of the leavened meal. v. 33. E. There is the parable of the treasure hid in a field. v. 44. F. There is the parable of the pearl of great price. vs. 45-46. G. There is the parable of the net. vs. 47-50. ...

1 Timothy 4:1-6

1 Timothy 4:1-6 A. Paul had just summed up the “mystery of godliness” (1TI 3:16). He here essentially contrasts that with a detailing of the “mystery of iniquity” (2TH 2:7). What follows is an expressly spoken prophecy pertinent to the latter times. 1. Expressly: In full detail; in direct or plain terms, clearly, explicitly, definitely. 2. Latter: Belonging to a subsequent or comparatively advanced period; later. 3. There is no way from this text alone to be specific as to what exact time fram...

The Bible Concerning Salvation (Part 5)

The Bible Concerning Salvation I. Man is presented in three states in Scripture. A. Man in a state of innocency but capable of falling. GEN 1:26-28, 31; 2:15-17. B. Man in a state of sin and incapable of recovery. 1. GEN 2:17. Man died the day he partook of the forbidden fruit. EPH 2:1-3. 2. The total posterity of Adam is affected. GEN 5:1-3; ROM 5:12, 17-19. 3. Men are sinners by NATURE (EPH 2:3). All are sinners from: a. youth. GEN 8:21; PRO 22:15. b. birth. PSA 58:3. c. conception. ...

Moses' Priorities of Faith

Moses' Priorities of Faith I. Moses' faith led him to prioritize things properly. HEB 11:24-27. II. Moses chose Christ, His people and suffering over luxury, power and pleasure. HEB 11:24-26. A. “By faith...” (v. 24). Moses acted upon the word of God. ROM 10:17. 1. It is by faith that we have a good report. vs. 2, 39 c/w 3JO 1:12. 2. Faith is obedience to divine instruction that does not depend on human reason or experience. 2CO 4:18; 5:7; HEB 11:1-3, 7-8, 27. 3. Faith is at least as mu...

The Christian and Moses' Law (Part 5)

The Christian and Moses' Law I. This lesson deals with the relationship that N.T. Christians have with that covenant that God made with the nation of Israel at Mt. Sinai in Horeb through the ministry of Moses. DEU 5:1-4; NEH 9:13-14; MAL 4:4. A. Covenant: A mutual agreement between two or more persons to do or refrain from doing certain acts; a compact, contract, bargain; sometimes, the undertaking, pledge or promise of one of the parties. B. See EXO 19:1-8. C. This covenant included the law...

The Christian and Moses' Law (Part 2)

The Christian and Moses' Law I. This lesson deals with the relationship that N.T. Christians have with that covenant that God made with the nation of Israel at Mt. Sinai in Horeb through the ministry of Moses. DEU 5:1-4; NEH 9:13-14; MAL 4:4. A. Covenant: A mutual agreement between two or more persons to do or refrain from doing certain acts; a compact, contract, bargain; sometimes, the undertaking, pledge or promise of one of the parties. B. See EXO 19:1-8. C. This covenant included the law...

The Christian and Moses' Law (Part 1)

The Christian and Moses' Law I. This lesson deals with the relationship that N.T. Christians have with that covenant that God made with the nation of Israel at Mt. Sinai in Horeb through the ministry of Moses. DEU 5:1-4; NEH 9:13-14; MAL 4:4. A. Covenant: A mutual agreement between two or more persons to do or refrain from doing certain acts; a compact, contract, bargain; sometimes, the undertaking, pledge or promise of one of the parties. B. See EXO 19:1-8. C. This covenant included the law...

The Bible Concerning Salvation (Part 4)

The Bible Concerning Salvation I. Man is presented in three states in Scripture. A. Man in a state of innocency but capable of falling. GEN 1:26-28, 31; 2:15-17. B. Man in a state of sin and incapable of recovery. 1. GEN 2:17. Man died the day he partook of the forbidden fruit. EPH 2:1-3. 2. The total posterity of Adam is affected. GEN 5:1-3; ROM 5:12, 17-19. 3. Men are sinners by NATURE (EPH 2:3). All are sinners from: a. youth. GEN 8:21; PRO 22:15. b. birth. PSA 58:3. c. conception. ...

Apparel (Part 2)

Apparel I. The successful presentation, reception and application of a study about apparel will largely depend on whether or not one thinks that discretion should influence Christian conduct. A. Scripture commends the exercise of discretion. PSA 112:5; PRO 1:1-4; 2:10-20; 3:21-22. 1. Discretion: The action of separating or distinguishing, or condition of being distinguished or disjunct; separation, disjunction, distinction. 2. Discreet: Showing discernment or judgement in the guidance of one's...

Apparel (Part 1)

Apparel I. The successful presentation, reception and application of a study about apparel will largely depend on whether or not one thinks that discretion should influence Christian conduct. A. Scripture commends the exercise of discretion. PSA 112:5; PRO 1:1-4; 2:10-20; 3:21-22. 1. Discretion: The action of separating or distinguishing, or condition of being distinguished or disjunct; separation, disjunction, distinction. 2. Discreet: Showing discernment or judgement in the guidance of one's...

The Superior Sacrifice of Jesus Christ

The Superior Sacrifice of Jesus Christ I. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ is superior to the sacrifices of the law. A. Christ's sacrifice puts away sin. HEB 10:4, 11-18, 1:3. B. It perfects the sanctified. HEB 10:1, 14. C. It vitally purges the conscience rather than merely ceremonially purging. HEB 9:9, 13-14; 10:2. 1. Our works apart from the blood of Christ are dead works, of no effect. 2. Christ did not die to exempt us from service to God, but to make our service acceptable. D. The of...

The Bible Concerning Salvation (Part 3)

The Bible Concerning Salvation I. Man is presented in three states in Scripture. A. Man in a state of innocency but capable of falling. GEN 1:26-28, 31; 2:15-17. B. Man in a state of sin and incapable of recovery. 1. GEN 2:17. Man died the day he partook of the forbidden fruit. EPH 2:1-3. 2. The total posterity of Adam is affected. GEN 5:1-3; ROM 5:12, 17-19. 3. Men are sinners by NATURE (EPH 2:3). All are sinners from: a. youth. GEN 8:21; PRO 22:15. b. birth. PSA 58:3. c. conception. ...

Daniel 4

Daniel 4 A. This chapter is a profound lesson against pride. v. 37. B. These are the words of a pagan king which the Holy Spirit chose to include in the Scriptural record. 1. That Nebuchadnezzars' words are recorded as part of Scripture here (and good words they are!) is one thing, but to be adamant that he was a child of God is entirely another. Balaam, the false prophet, likewise spoke great swelling words concerning God which were recorded for our comfort, patience and admonition (NUM 23-24). B...

Concerning Prayer (Part 5)

Concerning Prayer I. Instruction is needed concerning prayer. LUK 11:1; MAR 11:17; ROM 8:26. A. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God could not possibly stoop to hear their request. JOB 15:15-16; 9:16, 32-33 ct/w HEB 4:15-16; 1JO 2:1. B. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God will automatically grant any request. MAT 7:7; 18:19 ct/w PRO 1:21, 28; 2CO 12:7-9. C. Without proper instruction, people may pray for things that they ought not to pray for. JAM 4:3. D....

Concerning Prayer (Part 4)

Concerning Prayer I. Instruction is needed concerning prayer. LUK 11:1; MAR 11:17; ROM 8:26. A. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God could not possibly stoop to hear their request. JOB 15:15-16; 9:16, 32-33 ct/w HEB 4:15-16; 1JO 2:1. B. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God will automatically grant any request. MAT 7:7; 18:19 ct/w PRO 1:21, 28; 2CO 12:7-9. C. Without proper instruction, people may pray for things that they ought not to pray for. JAM 4:3. D. With...

Concerning Prayer (Part 3)

Concerning Prayer Instruction is needed concerning prayer. LUK 11:1; MAR 11:17; ROM 8:26. A. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God could not possibly stoop to hear their request. JOB 15:15-16; 9:16, 32-33 ct/w HEB 4:15-16; 1JO 2:1. B. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God will automatically grant any request. MAT 7:7; 18:19 ct/w PRO 1:21, 28; 2CO 12:7-9. C. Without proper instruction, people may pray for things that they ought not to pray for. JAM 4:3. D. With...

Concerning Prayer (Part 2)

Concerning Prayer Instruction is needed concerning prayer. LUK 11:1; MAR 11:17; ROM 8:26. A. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God could not possibly stoop to hear their request. JOB 15:15-16; 9:16, 32-33 ct/w HEB 4:15-16; 1JO 2:1. B. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God will automatically grant any request. MAT 7:7; 18:19 ct/w PRO 1:21, 28; 2CO 12:7-9. C. Without proper instruction, people may pray for things that they ought not to pray for. JAM 4:3. D. With...

Concerning Prayer (Part 1)

Concerning Prayer Concerning Prayer Instruction is needed concerning prayer. LUK 11:1; MAR 11:17; ROM 8:26. A. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God could not possibly stoop to hear their request. JOB 15:15-16; 9:16, 32-33 ct/w HEB 4:15-16; 1JO 2:1. B. Without proper instruction, people may assume that God will automatically grant any request. MAT 7:7; 18:19 ct/w PRO 1:21, 28; 2CO 12:7-9. C. Without proper instruction, people may pray for things that they ought not to pray for...

Biblical Mode of Baptism (Part 3)

The Biblical Mode of Baptism I. This study is an answer to a challenge by a Pedobaptist preacher (Pastor Jon Smith) who affirms that the Bible does not teach immersion as the proper form of Christian baptism but rather sprinkling or pouring. Other Pedobaptist arguments will also be considered and answered. II. Consider some evidence from definitions and usage. A. Baptize: (etym.) “to immerse, bathe, wash, drench,’ in Christian use appropriated to the religious rite, dip, plunge, bathe.” (O.E...

Biblical Mode of Baptism (Part 2)

The Biblical Mode of Baptism I. This study is an answer to a challenge by a Pedobaptist preacher (Pastor Jon Smith) who affirms that the Bible does not teach immersion as the proper form of Christian baptism but rather sprinkling or pouring. Other Pedobaptist arguments will also be considered and answered. II. Consider some evidence from definitions and usage. A. Baptize: (etym.) “to immerse, bathe, wash, drench,’ in Christian use appropriated to the religious rite, dip, plunge, bathe.” (O.E...

Biblical Mode of Baptism (Part 1)

The Biblical Mode of Baptism I. This study is an answer to a challenge by a Pedobaptist preacher (Pastor Jon Smith) who affirms that the Bible does not teach immersion as the proper form of Christian baptism but rather sprinkling or pouring. Other Pedobaptist arguments will also be considered and answered. II. Consider some evidence from definitions and usage. A. Baptize: (etym.) “to immerse, bathe, wash, drench,’ in Christian use appropriated to the religious rite, dip, plunge, bathe.” (O.E...

Social Relationships

Social Relationships I. Discretion is a necessary aspect of our faith. PSA 112:5; PRO 1:1-4; 2:10-20; 3:21-22. A. Discretion: The action of separating or distinguishing, or condition of being distinguished or disjunct; separation, disjunction, distinction. B. We are to distinguish between good and evil by proving all things. 1TH 5:21. 1. Prove: To make trial of, try, test. 2. This proving process is to determine what is good and therefore acceptable to God. EPH 5:8-10. 3. In holding fast that ...

The Healing of the Palsied Man

The Healing of the Palsied Man (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26) I. Mark 2:1-12 will be the basis of this study. II. Palsy: “A disease of the nervous system, characterized by impairment or suspension of muscular action or sensation, esp. of voluntary motion, and, in some forms, by involuntary tremors of the limbs; paralysis.” III. This event took place at Capernaum which was then Jesus' home town. MAR 2:1 c/w MAT 9:1; 4:13. A. Jesus had just left the land of the Gadarenes where He was...

The Reign of Antichrist

The Reign of Antichrist I. We do not need to know the times and the seasons. 1TH 5:1. II. The time of the day of the Lord is unknown. 1TH 5:2; MAT 24:42-44; MAR 13:32. III. The day of the Lord brings destruction upon the antichrist system. 1TH 5:3. IV. 1JO 2:18 prophesies of the coming of antichrist. Anti is a prefix meaning “opposite, against, in exchange, instead, representing, rivalling or simulating.” There is coming a Christ who will simulate and rival the true Christ. V. 2TH 2:1-12 sets fo...

Psalm 42

Psalm 42 I. This Psalm contains the expressions of a soul that loves God, which is the heart of true religion. MAT 22:37-40; 1CO 13:1-3; 1JO 4:8, 16. A. It is commonly supposed that David penned it when he was driven by Absalom's rebellion from Jerusalem and beyond Jordan. 2SAM 17:22. B. Whether David penned this Psalm or not, it is certainly applicable to his experience. C. Matthew Henry said that this Psalm expressed “...a conflict between sense and faith, sense objecting and faith answering.” ...

Serving God From The Heart

SERVING GOD FROM THE HEART I. Jesus Christ knows men's hearts. JOH 2:25 c/w MAT 9:4; HEB 4:12. A. He routinely searches and proves His people's hearts. REV 2:23; DEU 8:2. B. Outward appearances do not carry much weight with God. 1SAM 16:7; JOH 7:24. C. He is at least as interested in inward devotion and motivation as He is in outward obedience. MAR 12:32-34. D. Obedience should come from the heart. EPH 6:5-6; ROM 6:17. 1. From one's heart: “Out of the depths of one's soul, with the sincerest ...

Communion or The Lord's Supper

Communion or The Lord's Supper Communion: “Sharing or holding in common with others; participation; the condition of things so held, community, combination, union.” I. The following passages give instruction regarding this ordinance. MAT 26:26-29; MAR 14:22- 25; LUK 22:14-20; JOH 13:1-4; ACT 2:42, 46; 20:6-7, 11; 1CO 5:6-8, 11; 10:16-22; 11:18-34; 2CO 6:14-18. II. The commandment is set forth by Paul's order from Christ. 1CO 11:2, 23-25. III. The content of the ordinance is the eating of the bre...

The Angels of God

THE ANGELS OF GOD I. The Nature of Angels. A. They are invisible to unaided human eyesight. NUM 22:31; 2KI 6:17 c/w PSA 68:17 & HEB 1:7. B. They are creatures just as much as anything visible. HEB 1:7; COL 1:16. C. They are spirits. HEB 1:7. D. They are a flame of fire. HEB 1:7; 2KI 6:17; EZE 1:13-14. E. They are impervious to fire. JDG 13:20; REV 19:17. F. Their raiment is white and their countenance is brilliant. DAN 10:5-6; REV 15:6; MAT 28:2-4. G. They do NOT marry. MAT 22:30. H. T...

Coming to Christ

Coming to Christ I. Men are variously bidden to come to Christ. MAT 11:28; LUK 14:26; JOH 7:37; 14:6; HEB 4:16. II. Those who would truly come to Christ must have faith. HEB 11:6. A. Faith is a fruit of God's Spirit obtained as a gift through the righteousness of Christ. GAL 5:22; PHIL 1:29; 2PE 1:1; 1JO 5:4. B. True faith is proven by righteous works of obedience. JAM 2:17-20. C. The believer in the gospel is commanded to be baptized. MAR 16:16; ACT 8:35-38. D. He who truly believes will b...


THE LOCAL CHURCH IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN? I. We begin by defining the word kingdom and related words to determine if a local church fits t hese definitions. A. Kingdom: “Kingly function, authority, or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. An organized community having a king as its head; a monarchial state or government.” B. King: “The usual title of the male sovereign ruler of an independent state.” C. State: “Commonwealth (the whole body of people constitut...

Joshua v. Jericho (Joshua 6)

JOSHUA v. JERICHO (Joshua 6) I. Joshua is spelled Jesus in the N.T. ACT 7:45; HEB 4:8. A. Joshua's life and leadership of Israel in securing them a habitation in Canaan much typifies Jesus Christ's work in: 1. securing our eternal habitation in the heavenly Canaan, something the law of Moses could never do. ROM 8:3. 2. using the N.T. church to conquer the Gentiles with the gospel. 3. purging the heavenly Canaan of contrary elements to make it a fit and accessible haven of rest for the saints....

What the Bible Says About the Jew

What the Bible Says About the Jew I. Oxford English Dictionary defines a Jew as “a person of Hebrew race; an Israelite. Originally a Hebrew of the Kingdom of Judah, as opposed to those of the ten tribes of Israel; later, any Israelite who adhered to the worship of Jehovah as conducted at Jerusalem.” A. The term “Jew” is derived from the name of the royal tribe of Israel which bore the name of the patriarch Judah, a son of Jacob. 1. The name “Judah” means “praise.” GEN 29:35. 2. The Lord Jesus C...

Pastoral Authority

PASTORAL AUTHORITY Authority: “Power or right to enforce obedience; moral or legal supremacy; the right to command, or give an ultimate decision.” I. Our age is much characterized by a breakdown of authority. A. Consider the defiant rebellion against God's order promoted by women's liberation and feminism. GEN 3:16; 1CO 11:3, 7-9; ISA 3:12. B. Consider the exaltation of “children's rights” in a time when children increasingly defy parental authority. 2TI 3:1-2. C. Consider the exaltation of “w...

Easter (Part 2)

Easter (Part 2) EASTER (The Resurrection of a Pagan Fertility Festival as a Whorish “christian” Holyday) I. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is the core of the gospel. 1CO 15:1-6, 13-20. A. The true gospel will save you if kept in memory. No such promise attends “another gospel” (GAL 1:6-7). B. The saving gospel consists of Christ's death, burial and resurrection “according to the Scriptures” (1CO 15:3-4). II. The religion and worship of God must be grounded in truth. JOH 4:23-24. A....

Easter (Part 1)

Easter (Part 1) EASTER (The Resurrection of a Pagan Fertility Festival as a Whorish “christian” Holyday) I. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is the core of the gospel. 1CO 15:1-6, 13-20. A. The true gospel will save you if kept in memory. No such promise attends “another gospel” (GAL 1:6-7). B. The saving gospel consists of Christ's death, burial and resurrection “according to the Scriptures” (1CO 15:3-4). II. The religion and worship of God must be grounded in truth. JOH 4:23-24. A....

God's Three Calls

GOD'S THREE CALLS I. This study sets forth the necessary right divisions of the word of truth (2TI 2:15) pertaining to the work of God in calling men to salvation. II. These three calls under consideration are: A. The call from spiritual death in sins to new life in Christ Jesus. This call is the new birth and: 1. is by the VOICE of the Son of God Himself according to His will. The creature is passive in answering it. 1PE 5:10; JOH 5:21; EPH 2:1. 2. is discriminate in its scope. It is for the...

The Blasted Christian Life (Part 2)

The Blasted Christian Life (Part 2) The Blasted Christian Life I. The story of Lot is a study of a child of God who was delivered from the errors of his religious upbringing but not from the cares and pleasures of the flesh. A. Lot's decisions in areas of liberty were based upon the satisfaction of the flesh more than the soul. B. Lot is a study in the fulfillment of the old Latin saying, “Licitus perimus omnes” (These lawful things undo us). See 1CO 6:12. C. Lot's credibility was in question ...

The Blasted Christian Life (Part 1)

The Blasted Christian Life (Part 1) The Blasted Christian Life I. The story of Lot is a study of a child of God who was delivered from the errors of his religious upbringing but not from the cares and pleasures of the flesh. A. Lot's decisions in areas of liberty were based upon the satisfaction of the flesh more than the soul. B. Lot is a study in the fulfillment of the old Latin saying, “Licitus perimus omnes” (These lawful things undo us). See 1CO 6:12. C. Lot's credibility was in question ...

Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth (Part 4)

Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth (Part 4) I. Truth makes us free. JOH 8:32. A. Truth is our first line of defense against Satan. EPH 6:14. B. Truth (when received and obeyed) sanctifies and purifies us. PSA 119:9; PRO 16:6; JOH 17:17; 1PE 1:22. C. If we have not a love of the truth, we are liable to be turned over to delusion. 2TH 2:10-11. D. Since delusion and deception are Satan's power over men, nothing less than repentance to the acknowledging of truth will set someone free. 2TI 2...

Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth (Part 3)

Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth (Part 3) Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth I. Truth makes us free. JOH 8:32. A. Truth is our first line of defense against Satan. EPH 6:14. B. Truth (when received and obeyed) sanctifies and purifies us. PSA 119:9; PRO 16:6; JOH 17:17; 1PE 1:22. C. If we have not a love of the truth, we are liable to be turned over to delusion. 2TH 2:10-11. D. Since delusion and deception are Satan's power over men, nothing less than repentance to the acknowledging...

Music In The Church

I. Music: “That one of the fine arts which is concerned with the combination of sounds with a view to beauty of form and the expression of emotion; also, the science of the laws or principles by which this art is regulated.” II. God's commandments forbid additions or diminutions. DEU 4:2; REV 1:3 c/w 22:18-19; MAT 28:20; 1CO 11:1-2; PHIL 4:9. A. LEV 10:1-2 is an example of addition. B. 1SAM 15:3, 9, 20-24 is an example of diminution. C. NUM 20:7-12 is an example of both. D. Scripture argues from silence. W...

Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth (Part 2)

Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth (Part 2) Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth I. Truth makes us free. JOH 8:32. A. Truth is our first line of defence against Satan. EPH 6:14. B. Truth (when received and obeyed) sanctifies and purifies us. PSA 119:9; PRO 16:6; JOH 17:17; 1PE 1:22. C. If we have not a love of the truth, we are liable to be turned over to delusion. 2TH 2:10-11. D. Since delusion and deception are Satan's power over men, nothing less than repentance to the acknowledging...

Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth (Part 1)

Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth (Part 1) Bondage or Liberty; Deception or Truth I. Truth makes us free. JOH 8:32. A. Truth is our first line of defence against Satan. EPH 6:14. B. Truth (when received and obeyed) sanctifies and purifies us. PSA 119:9; PRO 16:6; JOH 17:17; 1PE 1:22. C. If we have not a love of the truth, we are liable to be turned over to delusion. 2TH 2:10-11. D. Since delusion and deception are Satan's power over men, nothing less than repentance to the acknowledging...

Salvation by Work -- Whose Work?

Salvation By Work --- Whose Work? 1. The salvation of a sinner unto eternal life and righteousness is not conditioned upon the sinner's works. ROM 3:20; 4:6; 9:11; EPH 2:8-9; 2TI 1:9; TIT 3:5. A. Work: “Something that is or was done; what a person does or did.” B. Work is anything that man does, good or evil. ROM 9:11. i. Preaching is a work. EPH 4:12. ii. Baptism is a work. ACT 2:38 c/w ACT 26:20. iii. Repentance is a work. JON 3:10 c/w MAT 12:41. iv. Faith is a work. ACT 16:30-31; HEB 4:11. C. ...

Mystery, Babylon the Great (Part 4)

Mystery, Babylon the Great (Part 4) I. The N.T. warns in various places that apostasy would come. A. Paul was concerned about believers being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2CO 11:3. B. Paul warned about believers forsaking sound doctrine for fables. 2TI 4:3-4. C. Paul warned about believers in the latter times departing from the faith. 1TI 4:1. D. Peter warned about false teachers arising who would draw away many. 2PE 2:1-2. E. Paul warned about a falling away (Gr. apostasia)...

Sexual Purity

SEXUAL PURITY I. It should be evident to any God-fearing person that the trend of human sexual experience is increasingly departing from the Biblical standard. II. For generations it has been understood that sexual connection is to be reserved for marriage. Anything else is fornication. A. This standard though has been all but discarded. B. Pre-marital sexual relations are becoming the accepted norm of society. This condition is on an upwardly spiraling increase. 1. A 1990 survey by Indiana U...

Mystery, Babylon the Great (Part 3)

Mystery, Babylon the Great I. The N.T. warns in various places that apostasy would come. A. Paul was concerned about believers being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2CO 11:3. B. Paul warned about believers forsaking sound doctrine for fables. 2TI 4:3-4. C. Paul warned about believers in the latter times departing from the faith. 1TI 4:1. D. Peter warned about false teachers arising who would draw away many. 2PE 2:1-2. E. Paul warned about a falling away (Gr. apostasia) that wou...

Mystery, Babylon the Great (Part 2)

Mystery Babylon (Part 2) Mystery, Babylon the Great I. The N.T. warns in various places that apostasy would come. A. Paul was concerned about believers being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2CO 11:3. B. Paul warned about believers forsaking sound doctrine for fables. 2TI 4:3-4. C. Paul warned about believers in the latter times departing from the faith. 1TI 4:1. D. Peter warned about false teachers arising who would draw away many. 2PE 2:1-2. E. Paul warned about a falling a...

Regeneration and Conversion

REGENERATION & CONVERSION I. It is commonly assumed that regeneration and conversion are referring to the one and the same thing: the change of man's inward nature which brings him out of death in trespasses and sins into a state of grace and spiritual life. II. Definitions. A. Regenerate: “In religious use; to cause to be born again in a spiritual sense; to invest with a new and higher spiritual nature.” B. Convert: “To turn in position or direction. To turn (a thing or oneself) about, to give a...

Mystery, Babylon the Great (Part 1)

Mystery Babylon (Part 1) Mystery, Babylon the Great I. The N.T. warns in various places that apostasy would come. A. Paul was concerned about believers being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2CO 11:3. B. Paul warned about believers forsaking sound doctrine for fables. 2TI 4:3-4. C. Paul warned about believers in the latter times departing from the faith. 1TI 4:1. D. Peter warned about false teachers arising who would draw away many. 2PE 2:1-2. E. Paul warned about a falling a...

The Order of Melchisedec

The Order of Melchisedec I. A study of Melchisedec and his order of priesthood sets in sharp relief the deficient nature of the Levitical priesthood which was set aside in favor of a better priesthood for a better testament. HEB 7:21-22. A. In the book of Hebrews, Paul presents a powerful argument that would help the Hebrew Christians come to grips with the fact that the traditional priesthood of their nation (the Levitical priesthood) was set aside. B. The Levites' priesthood was appointed of G...

Self Restraint

SELF-RESTRAINT Sober: “Moderate, temperate, avoiding excess, in respect of the use of food and drink; not given to the indulgence of appetite. Of demeanor, speech, etc.: Grave, serious, solemn, indicating or implying a serious mind or purpose.” Moderation: “Limitation, restriction; a fixed limit; a restricting provision or clause. Control, rule, governance.” Temperance: “The practice or habit of restraining oneself in provocation, passion, desire, etc.; rational self-restraint.” I. There is a pro...

Psalm 56

Psalm 56 Psalm 56 The Chapiter: To the chief Musician upon Jonathelemrechokim, Michtam of David, when the Philistines took him in Gath. A. Jonathelemrechokim denotes “the silent dove of far-off places.” 1. David, like the dove, was forced to take flight from his homeland to save himself. A. Saul had determined evil against David and intended to slay him. 1SAM 20:33. B. David sought refuge amongst the Philistines and eventually found it. 1SAM 27:1-4. (1) Elijah would later be received by a Zi...

Giving (Part 3)

Giving (Part 3) GIVING I. The way a Christian conducts his affairs in the area of finances says much about his character. LUK 16:10-12. II. Everything that we possess should be viewed as ultimately belonging to God, Who created wealth and the ability to acquire it. PSA 24:1; ACT 17:24-25; JOB 1:21; DEU 8:17-18. A. As such, God reserves the right to regulate the use of His resources which He has entrusted to His creatures. B. Giving for righteous causes should be looked upon as a return of prop...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 8)

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 8) THE CONSPIRACY OF THE AGES Conspire: “To combine privily for an evil or unlawful purpose; to agree together to do something criminal, illegal, or reprehensible." (All English word definitions in this study taken from the Oxford English Dictionary) I. Theories about conspiracy relative to human government are many and varied. A. Of particular interest to many theorists is the specter of a world government that renders national boundaries irrelevant. B. Th...

Giving (Part 2)

Giving (Part 2) GIVING I. The way a Christian conducts his affairs in the area of finances says much about his character. LUK 16:10-12. II. Everything that we possess should be viewed as ultimately belonging to God, Who created wealth and the ability to acquire it. PSA 24:1; ACT 17:24-25; JOB 1:21; DEU 8:17-18. A. As such, God reserves the right to regulate the use of His resources which He has entrusted to His creatures. B. Giving for righteous causes should be looked upon as a return of prop...

Giving (Part 1)

Giving (Part 1) GIVING I. The way a Christian conducts his affairs in the area of finances says much about his character. LUK 16:10-12. II. Everything that we possess should be viewed as ultimately belonging to God, Who created wealth and the ability to acquire it. PSA 24:1; ACT 17:24-25; JOB 1:21; DEU 8:17-18. A. As such, God reserves the right to regulate the use of His resources which He has entrusted to His creatures. B. Giving for righteous causes should be looked upon as a return of prop...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 7)

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 7) THE CONSPIRACY OF THE AGES Conspire: “To combine privily for an evil or unlawful purpose; to agree together to do something criminal, illegal, or reprehensible." (All English word definitions in this study taken from the Oxford English Dictionary) I. Theories about conspiracy relative to human government are many and varied. A. Of particular interest to many theorists is the specter of a world government that renders national boundaries irrelevant. B. This study ass...


Discretion On Having Discretion I. Scripture commends the exercise of discretion. PSA 112:5; PRO 1:1-4; 2:10-20; 3:21-22. A. Discretion: “The action of separating or distinguishing....The action of discerning or judging; judgement; decision, discrimination.” B. Discern: “To separate (things, or one thing from another) as distinct; to distinguish and divide.” C. There is a distinction to be made in things! EZE 22:26. D. Hence, standards need to be maintained so we can distinguish between acceptable...

Sealed with That Holy Spirit of Promise (Eph 1:12-14)

Sealed with That Holy Spirit of Promise (Eph 1:12-14) SEALED WITH THAT HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE (EPH 1:12-14) I. This passage is often used to prove that regeneration follows hearing and believing the gospel. A. This passage is NOT a proof text of that position. B. The words "born again," "begotten again," "regenerate," "quicken" and such like are NOT in the passage. II. Those who first trusted in Christ were the Jews. Those who also trusted in Christ are the Gentiles. ROM 1:16; LUK 24:47; ROM 11...

The Ark of the Covenant (Part 4)

The Ark of the Covenant (Part 4) The Ark of the Covenant I. Ark: “A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle; esp. a. in north. dial. a large wooden bin or hutch for storing meal, bread, fruit, etc. 2. spec. in Jew. Hist. The wooden coffer containing the tables of the law, kept in the Holiest Place of the Tabernacle. Also called Ark of the Covenant, Ark of Testimony. II. Principal passages that treat of the ark of the covenant are EXO 25:10-22; 37:1-9; DEU 10:1-5; HEB 9:4-5. III. Th...

The Ark of the Covenant (Part 3)

The Ark of the Covenant (Part 3) The Ark of the Covenant I. Ark: “A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle; esp. a. in north. dial. a large wooden bin or hutch for storing meal, bread, fruit, etc. 2. spec. in Jew. Hist. The wooden coffer containing the tables of the law, kept in the Holiest Place of the Tabernacle. Also called Ark of the Covenant, Ark of Testimony. II. Principal passages that treat of the ark of the covenant are EXO 25:10-22; 37:1-9; DEU 10:1-5; HEB 9:4-5. III. Th...

The Ark of the Covenant (Part 2)

The Ark of the Covenant (Part 2) The Ark of the Covenant I. Ark: “A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle; esp. a. in north. dial. a large wooden bin or hutch for storing meal, bread, fruit, etc. 2. spec. in Jew. Hist. The wooden coffer containing the tables of the law, kept in the Holiest Place of the Tabernacle. Also called Ark of the Covenant, Ark of Testimony. II. Principal passages that treat of the ark of the covenant are EXO 25:10-22; 37:1-9; DEU 10:1-5; HEB 9:4-5. III. Th...

A Faithful Saying

A Faithful Saying (1TI 1:15) This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. I. This is the first of Paul’s “faithful sayings” as they are given in order in our Bible. A. The faithful saying of 1TI 4:9 addresses the importance of godly exercise. B. The faithful saying of 2TI 2:11 addresses the sure promises of Christ towards us. C. The faithful saying of TIT 3:8 addresses the need for us to build upon faith and grace...

The Ark of the Covenant (Part 1)

The Ark of the Covenant (Part 1) I. Ark: “A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle; esp. a. in north. dial. a large wooden bin or hutch for storing meal, bread, fruit, etc. 2. spec. in Jew. Hist. The wooden coffer containing the tables of the law, kept in the Holiest Place of the Tabernacle. Also called Ark of the Covenant, Ark of Testimony. II. Principal passages that treat of the ark of the covenant are EXO 25:10-22; 37:1-9; DEU 10:1-5; HEB 9:4-5. III. The ark of the cov...

The Cleansing of Naaman (2 Kings 5)

The Cleansing of Naaman (2 Kings 5) 1. Jesus referred to the cleansing of Naaman, the leprous Syrian, in LUK 4:27-28. A. Naaman was cleansed at a time when many lepers in Israel were not cleansed. (1) Naaman was a Gentile. (2) Naaman was a proficient military leader who had had success against Israel. (3) Naaman was a leper, a societal outcast by Israel's law. NUM 5:2. B. The Jews were outraged as a result of Jesus bringing this to their attention. Mind that all Jesus was doing was pointing ...

Luke 15

Luke 15 I. These teachings of Christ encourage us to seek mercy when we go astray. A. We all have the tendency to get lost. PSA 119:10, 176. B. All three of these stories deal with something lost being found. C. All three of these stories show how ready God is to restore us. D. God delights in showing mercy to penitent sinners. MIC 7:18; EZE 33:11; 2PE 3:9. II. The murmuring of the Pharisees and scribes occasioned the parable of the lost sheep. vs.3-7. A. This narrative also occurs in MAT 18...

The Parable of the Great Supper

THE PARABLE OF THE GREAT SUPPER I. This parable is recorded in MAT 22:1-14 and LUK 14:15-24. II. This is a parable of the kingdom of heaven/God. It treats of circumstances that would pertain to the government of Christ upon the heavenly throne of David, as Head over all things to the church. EPH 1:22. A. It treats of the rejection of Christ and His gospel by the Jews and their subsequent judgment and loss of God's kingdom. B. It treats of the incorporation of the unlikely elements of societ...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 6)

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 6) THE CONSPIRACY OF THE AGES Conspire: “To combine privily for an evil or unlawful purpose; to agree together to do something criminal, illegal, or reprehensible." (All English word definitions in this study taken from the Oxford English Dictionary) I. Theories about conspiracy relative to human government are many and varied. A. Of particular interest to many theorists is the specter of a world government that renders national boundaries irrelevant. B. This study ass...

The Assurance of Eternal Salvation

THE ASSURANCE OF ETERNAL SALVATION 1. This is a matter of concern to Bible believers. 2. It should be a matter of concern. A. All men are sinners and are deserving of eternal damnation. ROM 3:9, 23. (1) Adam’s one sin was sufficient to damn the entire human race. ROM 5:18. (2) Consider those who will be consigned to the lake of fire (REV 21:8). Have you ever been guilty of these crimes? B. Not all are the children of God. MAT 25:41; REV 20:15. C. Relatively few are God’s children. MAT 22:14; LUK 13:...


ZEAL Zeal: “In Biblical language....denoting ardent feeling or fervour (taking the form of love, wrath, jealousy or righteous indignation), with contextual tendency to unfavourable implications (emulation, rivalry, partisanship). Intense ardour in the pursuit of some end; passionate eagerness in favour of a person or cause; enthusiasm as displayed in action.” I. From time to time, believers need to be encouraged in their devotion to God. It is all too easy to allow the fires of initial conver...

The Creation Week and the Age of the Earth (Part 2)

The Creation Week and The Age of the Earth I. There are four possibilities to explain the existence of the universe. A. The universe spontaneously emerged from nothing. Nothing does NOT produce anything. B. The universe is eternal. This is refuted by the law of entropy which affirms that all things are wearing out. C. The universe does not exist. This is insanity: the inability to cope with reality. D. A force greater than the universe brought it into existence. In other words, “In the ...

The Creation Week and the Age of the Earth (Part 1)

The Creation Week and The Age of the Earth I. There are four possibilities to explain the existence of the universe. A. The universe spontaneously emerged from nothing. Nothing does NOT produce anything. B. The universe is eternal. This is refuted by the law of entropy which affirms that all things are wearing out. C. The universe does not exist. This is insanity: the inability to cope with reality. D. A force greater than the universe brought it into existence. In other words, “In the ...

Ruling and Training Children (Part 2)

Ruling and Training Children I. We are living in times of a general disrespect of authority and also a lack of its proper exercise. A. Police do not command the respect that they once did. B. Civil leaders and magistrates are too often unfairly vilified. C. The Supreme Law of the Land (Constitution) is trampled on by members of all three branches of civil power. D. Schoolteachers are too often mocked by students, unsupported by parents and hobbled in their duties by ridiculous policies. E. C...

Temporal Salvation

TEMPORAL SALVATION I. Temporal: “Lasting or existing only for a time; passing, temporary. Of or pertaining to time as the sphere of human life; terrestrial as opposed to heavenly; of man's present life as distinguished from a future existence; concerning or involving merely the material interests of this world; worldly, earthly. (Opp. to eternal or spiritual).” See 2CO 4:18. II. The question is often asked, “Are you saved?” A. A legitimate answer to the question is “From what?” Salvation mus...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 5)

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 5) THE CONSPIRACY OF THE AGES Conspire: “To combine privily for an evil or unlawful purpose; to agree together to do something criminal, illegal, or reprehensible." (All English word definitions in this study taken from the Oxford English Dictionary) I. Theories about conspiracy relative to human government are many and varied. A. Of particular interest to many theorists is the specter of a world government that renders national boundaries irrelevant. B. This study ass...

Hebrews 6:4-6

Hebrews 6:4-6 I. The key to understanding this controversial passage is the sole, once for all, sufficient sacrifice of Christ which is never to be repeated. HEB 7:27; 9:25-28; 1PE 3:18. II. In these verses Paul leaves the principles of the doctrine of Christ to go on to perfection. HEB 6:1-3. A. Christians must progress beyond the infant stage of the principles of the doctrine of Christ. HEB 5:11-14. B. Principle: “Origin, source; beginning; that fr...

The Identity of True Faith and Practice

THE IDENTITY OF TRUE FAITH AND PRACTICE I. Error begins with accepting some other standard for faith and practice than the word of God. GEN 3:1-6; 2CO 11:3. II. Personal feelings and thoughts do not determine truth. PRO 28:26; 14:12. A. It is possible to be completely convinced that one is doing right though in error. JOH 16:2; ACT 26:9-10. 1. Dedication to an error does not justify the error. 2. Zeal is not necessarily be a good thing. 2SA 21:2; GAL 4:17-18. B. It is possible to b...

1 John 5:6-11

1 JOHN 5:6-11 I . John is here setting forth the witnesses to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, both in heaven and in earth. A. The witness described in these verses is the witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 1JO 5:5, 9-10. B. The faith with which John deals in the first five verses is based on this testimony or witness to Jesus Christ, the Son of God. II. The three that bear record in heaven are the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. A. The doctrine of the Trinity is plainly declare...

The Kingdom of God is at Hand

The Kingdom of God Is At Hand (Mark 1:15) Kingdom: “Kingly function, authority or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship.” I. In the words of John the Baptist (MAT 3:2) and the Lord Jesus Christ, the kingdom of heaven/God was “ hand.” A. The system of eschatology represented by the footnotes of the Scofield Reference Bible affirms that the promised Messianic/Davidic king and kingdom which the Jews awaited were thwarted by the Jewish rejection of the M...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 4)

J. Satan's dilemma: The key to world government is the elimination of God's word which declares his defeat and exposes his agenda, supplanting his own doctrine in its place. But God has promised to preserve His words forever. PSA 12:6-7; 119:152, 160; MAT 24:35. 1. Remember that the only people for whom the word of God has a beneficial and effectual working are God's children who receive it in faith as God's word. 1CO 1:18; 2:14; 1TH 2:13. 2. Believers are the salt of the earth by which i...

2 TIMOTHY (Part 31)

vs.6-8. 1. In these verses Paul anticipates his death (which was apparently imminent), reflects upon the course of his ministry and rests in the hope of the believer: the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. The word “for” suggests that it was in view of his death that Paul was here especially exhorting Timothy to carry on the work of the ministry. c/w DEU 31:14; 1KI 2:1-4. 3. Paul speaks with certainty about his end. A. “...the time of my departure is at hand” (v.6). B. “...I have...


Gethsemane A. The Gethsemane experience of Jesus Christ is recorded in MAT 26:36-46; MAR 14:32-42 and LUK 22:39-46. B. Prior to His bodily sufferings climaxing in His crucifixion, Jesus entered into a garden (JOH 18:1) called Gethsemane to acquaint His soul with grief. 1. Man consists of body, soul and spirit. 1TH 5:23. 2. The soul belongs to the inward parts. JOB 14:22. 3. The soul of Jesus Christ was included in His ordained sufferings. ISA 53:10-12. 4. Death's entrance into the world...

Unconditional Election

Unconditional Election Election: “The action of choosing: in various specific applications. The formal choosing of a person for an office, dignity, or position of any kind; usually by the votes of a constituent body. Theol. The exercise of God's sovereign will in choosing some of His creatures in preference to others for blessings temporal or spiritual, esp. for eternal salvation.” I. Man is presented in three states in Scripture. A. Man in a state of innocency but capable of falling. GEN ...

2 Timothy (Part 30)

9. Against the inevitability and the aftermath of apostates, Paul commands Timothy to watch, endure, work, and prove his ministry. v.5. A. Regardless of the waywardness of others, he must stay the course. EXO 23:2. B. Gospel work must go on in spite of desertions and disappointments. (1) There is a tendency in ministry to think one is failing at the work if some abandon the truth. (2) That some saints abandon the truth is not so much a sign that the minister is failing at the work as it is...

Forgiving Others

On Forgiving Others A. Definitions. 1. Forgive: “trans. To give, grant. Obs.” 2. Forgiveness: “The action of forgiving; pardon of a fault, remission of a debt, etc. †In OE. also: Indulgent permission.” B. A popular position on forgiveness says that we should automatically forgive unconditionally those who have committed offenses against our persons or our society. 1. This has led some to conclude that we should not hold it against the killers at the schools in Columbine or Paducah, or the...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 3)

C. REV 20 is describing a time when the devil would be bound for a period referred to as a “thousand years.” 1. This binding would put a stop to his on-going deceptive tactics with the nations for the duration of the thousand years. 2. After the thousand years expires, the devil would be loosed to revive his game plan, deceiving the nations once more to ultimately destroy all opposition to his government. 3. NOTE: If the devil were able to eradicate the churches of God (of which the m...

2 Timothy (Part 28)

Chapter 4 vs.1-5. 1. Paul here gives Timothy his final formal charge recorded in Scripture. A. He had once charged him to fight with faith and a good conscience. 1TI 1:18-19. B. He also had charged him to govern the church impartially. 1TI 5:21. C. He charged him to continue the fight until Christ's appearing. 1TI 6:12-14. D. This charge burdens Timothy with the single most defining and important work of ministry: “Preach the word...” (1) It is by preaching that unbelievers h...

The Day of Atonement

THE DAY OF ATONEMENT I. Under the law, God gave Israel numerous religious ceremonies which spoke of the sinfulness of sin, the need for atonement and the price of deliverance (death & bloodshed). A. However, these things never actually took away sins. HEB 10:1-4, 11. B. The tabernacle system of worship set forth only an outward purification of the flesh in time designed to be a pattern of the perfect inward purification in eternity wrought in Christ. HEB 8:4-5; 9:13-15, 22-23. C. The law...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 2)

VI. ISA 14:14 shows that Lucifer (Satan) desires to be “like the most High.” A survey of some of the attributes of God sheds light on that to which Satan aspires. A. God owns and distributes all wealth at His pleasure. 1CH 29:11-12. B. God is the only Potentate (a person endowed with independent power) and Distributer of power. 1TI 6:14-15; 1CH 29:12. C. God's will is always done in heaven and earth. DAN 4:35; 2CH 20:6. D. God requires unique and universal worship. MAT 4:10; ISA 45:22-...


Bitterness 1. Believers are warned to be on guard against any root of bitterness. HEB 12:15; EPH 4:31-32. A. Bitterness: “The quality or state of being bitter: a. to taste; b. to the mind or feelings; c. deep sorrow or anguish of heart; d. animosity, acrimony of temper, action, or words; e. intensity of frost or cold wind.” (1) Of particular concern is bitterness as regarding animosity, acrimony of temper, action or words. (2) Acrimony: “Biting sharpness to the taste or other bodily se...

2 Timothy (Part 26)

vs.14-15. 1. Against the corruption and deception that would define the perilous times, Paul commands Timothy to hold fast to doctrine and Scripture. A. He does not tell Timothy to ignore the potential threat of wicked influences and simply trust that God would not let His people be affected. B. He does not tell Timothy to look for state support to counter these things. C. He does not tell Timothy to educate himself in the wisdom of this world so as to better deal with worldly people. D. He ...

2 Timothy (Part 27)

vs.16-17. 1. These verses set forth the authorship, transmission, utility and sufficiency of the holy scriptures. 2. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God...” A. If something is scripture, it was given by inspiration of God. If something was not given by inspiration of God, it could not be scripture. B. Some modern versions alter this text. (1) The A.S.V. and the R.V. render this phrase, “Every scripture inspired of God...” (2) This wording implies that some scriptures may not be inspired o...

2 Timothy (Part 24)

vs.6-9. 1. Paul here warns of sham ministers that victimize silly women. 2. From the type of men guilty of Paul's description in vs.2-5 would arise teachers to support it. Ministers of a very base nature would arise. c/w 2KI 17:32-33. A. “For of this sort...” refers to the kind characterized previously from which Timothy was to turn away. B. Therefore, Timothy is also to turn away from these teachers/ministers. (1) They promote a non-committal, non-judgmental, free-living religion where p...

2 Timothy (Part 22)

Chapter 3 v.1 1. Paul here warns Timothy of perilous times that shall come in the last days. A. Perilous: “Fraught with peril; causing or occasioning great danger; full of risk; dangerous; hazardous.” B. The last days are the days since the first advent of Jesus Christ. HEB 1:2; 1PE 1:20; ACT 2:16-17; 1CO 10:11; 1JO 2:18. C. What would be the point of Paul here teaching Timothy how to cope with the perilous times of the last days if there was no chance of Timothy living in them? D. Time...

Believers' Sabbath

The Believer's Sabbath Day I. Believers are now under a faultless new covenant/testament which made the first one old. 1CO 11:25 c/w HEB 8:6-13. A. The old covenant is annulled and abolished by the new. HEB 7:18; 2CO 3:13; EPH 2:15. B. The season of ordained holy days, including sabbaths, died with Christ on the cross. COL 2:14-16 c/w GAL 4:9-10. 1. The sabbath law was peculiar to Israel. EXO 31:15-17. 2. The sabbath was part of the Sinaitic covenant not made with the nations. PSA 147:19-...

Mormonism (Part 2)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: A Rebuttal A. Other names: Mormons, LDS. B. Spin-offs: About 100 splinter groups, the largest of which is the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints. C. Principal players: Joseph Smith Jr., Samuel & Hyrum Smith (brothers), Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery, David & Peter Whitmer, Brigham Young. D. Official Publications: Church News (weekly newsletter); Ensign (monthly magazine). E. Scriptures: Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of ...

2 Timothy (Part 20)

vs.20-21. 1. These verses draw from the illustration of a great house to demonstrate a need in Christianity to identify undesirable elements and separate from them. A. The gold and silver are vessels unto honor; the wood and earth are vessels unto dishonor. LAM 4:2; 1CO 3:11-15. B. Note that even in a great house not everything is gold, silver or honorable. There is bound to be some wood and dirt also. C. There is some comfort in this on an individual basis. The best of men are men at bes...

Mormonism (Part 1)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: A Rebuttal A. Other names: Mormons, LDS. B. Spin-offs: About 100 splinter groups, the largest of which is the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints. C. Principal players: Joseph Smith Jr., Samuel & Hyrum Smith (brothers), Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery, David & Peter Whitmer, Brigham Young. D. Official Publications: Church News (weekly newsletter); Ensign (monthly magazine). E. Scriptures: Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of ...

Burnout (Part 4)

VII. Consider Scriptural preventatives against burnout. A. Implementing these steps can prevent burnout and also help the burnout victim to recover. B. Faith in Jesus Christ is a great antidote to burnout. JOH 14:1-3. 1. To relieve him of the burden of guilt, the believer is assured of justification. a. There is mercy to cover the inevitable imperfections of our performance. 1JO 2:1-2; HEB 8:12. b. To avoid burnout, this mercy must be the ground of our hope. PSA 130. 2. Countering the fear o...

Burnout (Part 3)

VII. Consider Scriptural preventatives against burnout. A. Implementing these steps can prevent burnout and also help the burnout victim to recover. B. Faith in Jesus Christ is a great antidote to burnout. JOH 14:1-3. 1. To relieve him of the burden of guilt, the believer is assured of justification. a. There is mercy to cover the inevitable imperfections of our performance. 1JO 2:1-2; HEB 8:12. b. To avoid burnout, this mercy must be the ground of our hope. PSA 130. 2. Countering the fear of death ...

Burnout (Part 2)

BURNOUT I. Burnout is the exhaustion of physical or emotional strength brought on by continued stress; it is a loss of enthusiasm, energy, idealism, perspective, and purpose. A. Scripture calls it despair which is the loss of hope. 1SAM 27:1. 1. Without hope we are lost . ROM 8:24. 2. Without hope we are adrift without an anchor. HEB 6:18-20. 3. Without hope we are defenseless, without a helmet. 1TH 5:8. 4. Without hope we are insecure. JOB 11:18-19. 5. Without anticipation we have noth...

Burnout (Part 1)

I. Burnout is the exhaustion of physical or emotional strength brought on by continued stress; it is a loss of enthusiasm, energy, idealism, perspective, and purpose. A. Scripture calls it despair which is the loss of hope. 1SAM 27:1. 1. Without hope we are lost . ROM 8:24. 2. Without hope we are adrift without an anchor. HEB 6:18-20. 3. Without hope we are defenseless, without a helmet. 1TH 5:8. 4. Without hope we are insecure. JOB 11:18-19. 5. Without anticipation we have nothing to liv...

2 Timothy (Part 19)

vs.16-18. 1. In contrast with a shameless right dividing of the word of truth, Paul here warns against cancerous words which spring from wrongly dividing the word of truth. 2. Hymenaeus and Philetus acknowledged the biblical doctrine of the resurrection but they had erred from the truth and wrongly divided it. A. The doctrine of the resurrection includes the resurrection of Jesus Christ (a past event, v.8), the similar future resurrection of His seed (ROM 8:11) and the simultaneous resurrecti...

2 Timothy (Part 18)

v.15. 1. A chief priority and attribute of an effective gospel minister is that he should be a man of study so as to avoid being ashamed. A. Study: “To apply the mind to the acquisition of learning...” (1) The studying in context is that of the word of truth, the Scripture. (2) Not all studying is profitable for godliness and godly wisdom. PRO 24:2; COL 2:8, 18; PRO 19:27; ROM 16:19. (3) Christian faith need not fear rational inquiry and investigation of non-Scriptural disciplines but of n...

Psalm 28

Psalm 28 Intro: This prayer psalm sees David transition from distress to praise, from the militant saint to the triumphant saint. A. He speaks to God, pleads for God to reply in kind, and trusts that since God has claimed him as His own peculiar treasure that He will answer with salvation. c/w PSA 119:94. B. No appeal is here made on the basis of David's goodness but only God's. It is a bold approach to the throne of grace for mercy and grace to help in time of need. HEB 4:16. C. This is an...

2 Timothy (Part 17)

v.14. 1. Timothy had been instructed to commit the things heard from Paul to faithful men who would be able to instruct others. 2TI 2:2. A. Paul here instructs Timothy to remind them about these things. B. This shows that they had previously been taught these things. C. It is negligence to NOT remind saints of things which they have previously heard. 2PE 1:12. D. Bringing former lessons to remembrance is a profitable method of stirring up the minds of the saints. 2PE 1:13; 3:1-2. (1) Sain...

Negative Preaching

NEGATIVE PREACHING I. If one preaches the Bible, he will preach a lot of negatives. His ministry will be characterized by liberal doses of Vitamin "N." A. Note the negatives in the Ten Commandments. EXO 20:3-17. B. Note the negatives in Christ's preaching. MAT 6:1-2, 5, 7-8. C. Note the negatives in Paul's preaching. EPH 4:17, 25-30; 5:3-7. II. Christianity is a religion of controversy. A. Jesus did not come to send peace on earth, but a divisive sword. MAT 10:34-37; LUK 12:51. B...

2 Timothy (Part 14)

8. The ministry is likened to an athletic contest. v.5. A. Mastery: “The state or condition of being master, controller or ruler; authority, sway, dominion; an instance of this. 2. Superiority or ascendancy in competition or strife; 'upper-hand'; victory...” B. God has ordained the minister as the ruler (under Christ) of the church. HEB 13:7, 17; 1TH 5:12-13. (1) This is a crown which must be achieved lawfully. (2) Achieving such preeminence by carnal means invites judgment. ACT 8:18-20....

Meticulosity, Scrupulosity & Perfectionism

METICULOSITY, SCRUPULOSITY AND PERFECTIONISM I. Definitions. A. Meticulous: “1. Fearful, timid. Obs. 2. Over-careful about minute details, over- scrupulous.” B. Scrupulous: “Troubled with doubts or scruples of conscience: over-nice or meticulous in matters of right and wrong. Also (of things, actions, etc.), characterized by such scruples. b. Prone to hesitate or doubt; distrustful; cautious or meticulous in acting, deciding, etc..... 4. Of actions, etc.: Rigidly directed by the dicta...

2 Timothy (Part 13)

vs.3-6. 1. In these verses Paul likens the ministry to soldiering, athletic competition and husbandry (care, cultivation and breeding of crops and animals). A. These three comparisons underscore three facts about ministry and Christian life in general: (1) There are fights to be fought. (2) There are rules that must be kept. (3) There is labour that must be done. B. As much as our flesh would like to avoid these, they are part and parcel of genuine Christianity. MAT 7:13-14; ACT 14:22. ...

2 Timothy (Part 12)

Chapter 2 v.1. 1. Timothy is here commanded to be strong in a particular manner, “ the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” A. This is not an order for a rigid physical discipline so as to enable Timothy to be a better Christian and minister. 1TI 4:7-8. (1) Physical strength without God's blessing avails little. JDG 16:20. (2) Physical strength does not impress God (PSA 147:10) but neither does foolish or wilful neglect of the body, albeit under pretext of a higher spiritual purpose. 1...

2 Timothy (Part 11)

vs.15-18. 1. The close of this first chapter is a call to faithfulness in relationships. A. As a good minister, Paul deserved better treatment than abandonment in a time of tribulation by those to whom he had ministered. B. Onesiphorus stood apart from others and set a good example of fidelity. C. What applied here in a relation to a minister would also apply in a general sense in everyday relationships. 2. All those in Asia who had once identified with Paul had turned away from him. A. Pa...

2 Timothy (Part 10)

v.13. 1. Paul commands Timothy to hold fast (firmly) the sound words that he had heard. A. Here a second-generation minister is being charged to stick to the apostolic doctrine. (1) This hardly supports the idea of continuing and novel prophecy. (2) This opposes the introduction of extra-biblical knowledge, ex cathedra utterances, philosophies or “...oppositions of science falsely so called” (1TI 6:20). (3) “...the SAME commit thou to faithful men” (2TI 2:2). (4) Embellishments, ...

Seeking A Mate (Part 6)

This is the last message in the series on Seeking A Mate. It contains Biblical teaching on important issues affecting everyone, especially young adults, that is seldom found but often needed. Walking Purely and Chastely 1. A study like this would be incomplete without addressing the sexual aspect. A. Next to the instinct for survival, the sex drive is the most powerful force of human nature. It is part of life with which Christians must deal and it is best that they do so from a Biblical persp...


VIRTUE I. Here is every text that uses the word virtue or virtuous(ly): RUTH 3:11; PRO 12:4; 31:10, 29; MAR 5:30; LUK 6:19; 8:46; PHI 4:8; 2PE 1:3, 5. II. Consider the definitions relevant to this study. A. Virtue: (ad. L. virtus manliness, valour, worth, etc. f. vir man) - 1. The power or operative influence inherent in a supernatural or divine being. 2. Conformity of life and conduct with the principles of morality; voluntary observance of the recognized moral laws or standards of right c...


Christ's Second Coming and the End of the World (2 Peter 3) I. This study is a short refutation of the preterist. A. Preterist: Theol. One who holds that the prophecies of the Apocalypse have been already (wholly or in great part) fulfilled. B. The preterist holds that the prophecies of the second coming of Christ, the resurrection and the final judgment were fulfilled in connection with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. 1. “Does any one expect Tacitus, or Suetonius, or Josephus, or an...


THE CITIES OF REFUGE 1. Under the law of Moses, cities of refuge were established in Israel. A. Refuge: “Shelter or protection from danger or trouble; succour sought by, or rendered to, a person.” B. Detailed information about these cities of refuge are found in EXO 21:12-14; NUM 35:9-34; DEU 4:41-43; 19:1-13; JOS 20:1-9. 2. Note the fact of progressive revelation in the accounts of these cities. A. In EXO 21:12-14 a place is appointed but not named. B. In NUM 35:9-34 six cities are to be appointed ...

Seeking A Mate (Part 3)

1. This study is primarily for the benefit of single, available adult Christians. 2. Have questions or issues like this crossed your mind?: A. Am I doomed to life-long single-living and celibacy? B. Is there a God-ordained special someone for everyone? C. How do I go about getting a mate? D. How do I attract a mate? E. What constitutes godly decorum in pre-marital relationships? F. Should I have to sacrifice any of my ideals in order to be married? G. Is marriage even for me? H. The "pick...

Seeking A Mate (Part 2)

1. This study is primarily for the benefit of single, available adult Christians. 2. Have questions or issues like this crossed your mind?: A. Am I doomed to life-long single-living and celibacy? B. Is there a God-ordained special someone for everyone? C. How do I go about getting a mate? D. How do I attract a mate? E. What constitutes godly decorum in pre-marital relationships? F. Should I have to sacrifice any of my ideals in order to be married? G. Is marriage even for me? H. The "pick...

Seeking A Mate

1. This study is primarily for the benefit of single, available adult Christians. 2. Have questions or issues like this crossed your mind?: A. Am I doomed to life-long single-living and celibacy? B. Is there a God-ordained special someone for everyone? C. How do I go about getting a mate? D. How do I attract a mate? E. What constitutes godly decorum in pre-marital relationships? F. Should I have to sacrifice any of my ideals in order to be married? G. Is marriage even for me? H. The "pickin...

Communion and Fellowship

Communion: "Sharing or holding in common with others; participation; the condition of things so held, community, combination, union." Fellowship: "Partnership; membership of a society. Participation, sharing (in an action, condition, etc.); 'something in common', community of interest, sentiment, nature, etc." I. Believers can and should have fellowship with Christ and other believers. A. Through the Holy Spirit we have fellowship with the Father and with Jesus Christ. 1JO 1:3 c/w JOH 14:1...

Sin Unto Death

1. Having dealt with the subject of prayer (vs. 14-15), John gives direction in prayer in reference to the sins of others. vs. 16-17. 2. John treats here of a sin not unto death and a sin that is unto death. 3. By definition, a sin unto death is a sin that results in death whereas a sin not unto death does not result in death. A. Death is the result of sin, any sin. ROM 6:23; JAM 1:15. B. In general, then, we all die because of sin. C. This passage is dealing with death that is visited upon u...

1 John 2:12-14

A. John's first epistle was written that believers' joy might be full. 1JO 1:3-4. 1. The epistle emphasizes the Person of Christ and true Christian love while giving much warning against deception and apostasy. 2. Jesus equated fulness of joy with abiding in His love, which is keeping His commandments. JOH 15:10-11. 3. Therefore to be deceived so as to break His commandments or to apostatize from His commandments would be antithetical to full joy. 4. The comprehended reception of the l...

2 Timothy (Part 9)

v.12. 1. Paul suffered for the cause of the gospel. 2. Paul's sufferings did not make him ashamed of the gospel. He set a good example for Timothy in light of the exhortation of v.8. A. There is cause for shame owing to ignorance of the gospel when its information is readily available. ACT 2:37-38; 3:17 c/w 1CO 15:34. B. There is cause for shame owing to lack of study of the gospel for its defense. 1PE 3:15; 2TI 2:15; HEB 5:12. C. There is cause for shame when a lack of application of th...

2 Timothy (Part 8)

v.10. 1. At His appearing, Christ executed that which God planned before the world began. 2. Jesus Christ is designated Saviour; He is the God Who hath saved us. ISA 43:11. 3. Jesus Christ HATH abolished death. A. He overcame death Himself; it has no power over Him. ROM 6:9. B. He has removed the sting of death. 1CO 15:55-57. C. He destroyed him that had the power of death (the devil). HEB 2:14. 4. Immortality is the condition of not being subject to death. A. Being raised fr...

2 Timothy (Part 7)

v.8. 1. Because Timothy had the spirit of power and not of fear (v.7), Paul exhorts him "therefore" to not be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord. A. Testimony: "Personal or documentary evidence or attestation in support of a fact or statement; hence, any form of evidence or proof." B. Those who saw Jesus Christ gave the personal evidence of Him and His claims. ACT 10:37-43; 1CO 15:5-8; 1JO 1:1-4. C. The Scriptures are the documentary evidence of Jesus Christ. REV 19:10; 2P...

2 Timothy (Part 6)

v.7. 1. Having exhorted Timothy to stir up the gift of God, Paul points to the resource of the indwelling Holy Spirit to perform this duty. c/w v.14. 2. The spirit of fear generates bondage. ROM 8:15; HEB 2:15. 3. The Spirit of God produces power, which is "the ability to do or effect something or anything, or to act upon a person or thing." ACT 1:8. A. This power stands in contrast to the spirit of fear. (1) Fear debilitates a man in that it causes faintness and cowardice. D...

2 Timothy (Part 5)

v.5. 1. Timothy possessed an unfeigned faith. A. Unfeigned: "Not feigned, pretended, or simulated; sincere, genuine, true, real." B. Timothy's faith was not "form only" (c/w 2TI 3:5), an outward shew of piety with no basis in the heart. c/w MAR 7:6. C. Timothy's faith was not devoid of good works. JAM 2:17 c/w TIT 1:15-16. D. Timothy's faith was not a sham pretext for gaining influence amongst the saints. ACT 15:5 c/w GAL 2:4. E. Timothy's faith was obviously based upon conviction of...

Education (Part 1)

EDUCATION I. Education: "The systematic instruction, schooling or training system given to the young in preparation for the work of life; by extension, similar instruction or training obtained in adult age. Also, the whole course of scholastic instruction which a person has received." II. This study is relevant to disciples of Christ. A. Disciple: "One who follows or attends upon another for the purpose of learning from him; a pupil, scholar." See LUK 14:26-27. B. Discipleship is a...

2 Timothy (Part 4)

2 TIMOTHY 1. This is the Apostle Paul's second epistle to Timothy, his "son" in conversion and ordination. A. Paul had begotten Timothy unto his (Paul's) ways in Christ. ACT 16:1-3 c/w 1CO 4:14-17. B. Paul had ordained Timothy into the office of the ministry. 2TI 1:6. C. Paul had charged Timothy with the oversight of the church at Ephesus. 1TI 1:3. D. This epistle follows up on the fatherly guidance and order of the first epistle relative to ministerial rule in the church. 1TI 3:1...

Psalm 41

PSALM 41 1. This is a psalm of David, the "sweet psalmist of Israel" (2SA 23:1). 2. As with other psalms, there is a prophetic perspective that applies to Jesus Christ. v.9 c/w JOH 13:18; PSA 40:6-8 c/w HEB 10:5-7. A. Some things in such psalms may apply to the psalmist only. v.4. B. Some things in such psalms may apply to Christ only. PSA 16:8-11 c/w ACT 2:25-31. C. Some things in such psalms may apply to both the psalmist and Christ. v.9 c/w 2SA 15:12; JOH 13:18; MAT 26:50. D. Th...

The Resurrection (part 2)

THE RESURRECTION I. Physical death and the grave are, to the natural eye, the culmination of the wages of sin. ROM 6:23. A. This is the appointment that Adam made for every man. 1CO 15:21-22 c/w HEB 9:27. B. This is man's home. JOB 17:13; ECC 12:5. C. It is the last enemy that shall be destroyed. 1CO 15:26. II. Mind the consistency of Biblical truth. Death by sin was realized in three distinct stages and the remedial saving calls were accordingly ordered in three stages. A. F...

The Resurrection (Part 1)

THE RESURRECTION I. Physical death and the grave are, to the natural eye, the culmination of the wages of sin. ROM 6:23. A. This is the appointment that Adam made for every man. 1CO 15:21-22 c/w HEB 9:27. B. This is man's home. JOB 17:13; ECC 12:5. C. It is the last enemy that shall be destroyed. 1CO 15:26. II. Mind the consistency of Biblical truth. Death by sin was realized in three distinct stages and the remedial saving calls were accordingly ordered in three stages. A. F...

What the Gospel is For

WHAT THE GOSPEL IS FOR I. Scripture shows that "gospel" means "glad tidings" or "good news." ISA 61:1 c/w LUK 4:18-19; ISA 52:7 c/w ROM 10:15. A. The word "tidings" in ISA 61:1 and ISA 52:7 is from the Hebrew "basar" (SRN #1319), which means "to bear news, bear tidings, publish, preach, show forth." B. Therefore the gospel is the glad tidings or good news of something. It is the declaration of some fact or event that should be a cause for rejoicing. It is not the thing itself. ...

Nehemiah: Lessons in Building (Part 13)

Nehemiah 13 vs.1-3. The mixed multitude was separated from the people in compliance with the law read on that day. A. This is the essence of true revival and rebuilding: a submissive return to the precepts and commandments of the word of God. REV 2:5; 1CO 11:1-2. 1. There is no peace where the order of the law is abandoned. 2CH 15:3-5 ct/w PHIL 4:9. 2. Is the church in disrepair or disorder and wondering how to make sense of its own confusion? Go back to the Scripture and obey...

Friends or Lovers? (Our Relationship to the Mammon of Unrighteousness)

FRIENDS OR LOVERS? (Our Relationship to the Mammon of Unrighteousness) I. The Lord Jesus Christ instructed His disciples about a necessary balance of faithfulness in both righteous things and unrighteous things. LUK 16:1-13. II. Some have interpretted Christ's lesson from the unjust steward as a license for questionable or shady business dealings where practicality or profit may override principle. A. Purloining (pilfering, misappropriation of resources, especially where there is a...

Togetherness (Part 3)

TOGETHERNESS I. God has ordained that men be in company with others. A. Before sin's entrance, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. GEN 2:18. B. God has thus ordained families, nations, friend and churches. C. The locusts are commended for their wisdom in going forth by bands. PRO 30:27. D. Jesus sent His disciples out by twos. MAR 6:7. E. Paul emphasized the importance to him of his companions. ROM 16:1-4, 6, 9; PHIL 2:25; COL 4:11; 2TI 1:16; PHM 1:20. F. Mark the f...

Nehemiah: Lessons in Building (Part 12)

Nehemiah 12 vs.1-26. Record is here given of the priests and the Levites. A. The Spirit is careful to note not only the number but the names of the righteous who put their hand to the work of God. c/w ROM 16:3-15. 1. God knows the number of His saints (REV 7:9) but is pleased to know us also intimately by names which He carefully has recorded in a book. JOH 10:3 c/w PHIL 4:3. 2. A good name gotten by good character is worth noting. PRO 22:1; PSA 112:6 c/w PRO 10:7. B. There w...

Togetherness (Part 2)

TOGETHERNESS I. God has ordained that men be in company with others. A. Before sin's entrance, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. GEN 2:18. B. God has thus ordained families, nations, friend and churches. C. The locusts are commended for their wisdom in going forth by bands. PRO 30:27. D. Jesus sent His disciples out by twos. MAR 6:7. E. Paul emphasized the importance to him of his companions. ROM 16:1-4, 6, 9; PHIL 2:25; COL 4:11; 2TI 1:16; PHM 1:20. F. Mark the f...

Togetherness (Part 1)

TOGETHERNESS I. God has ordained that men be in company with others. A. Before sin's entrance, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. GEN 2:18. B. God has thus ordained families, nations, friend and churches. C. The locusts are commended for their wisdom in going forth by bands. PRO 30:27. D. Jesus sent His disciples out by twos. MAR 6:7. E. Paul emphasized the importance to him of his companions. ROM 16:1-4, 6, 9; PHIL 2:25; COL 4:11; 2TI 1:16; PHM 1:20. F. Mark the f...

Sparks in the Home (Part 2)

SPARKS IN THE HOME I. Married couples may expect to undergo trying times in their relationships. 1CO 7:28. A. Trials that come against a couple from outside sources tend to bring the couple closer together. B. It is the trial that develops in the battle of wills within the marriage that drives couples apart. II. Marital conflict can be a useful tool in maintaining mutual respect and enforcing mutual accountability. PRO 27:17. A. Virtually noone respects a pushover. B. C...

Sparks in the Home (Part 1)

SPARKS IN THE HOME I. Married couples may expect to undergo trying times in their relationships. 1CO 7:28. A. Trials that come against a couple from outside sources tend to bring the couple closer together. B. It is the trial that develops in the battle of wills within the marriage that drives couples apart. II. Marital conflict can be a useful tool in maintaining mutual respect and enforcing mutual accountability. PRO 27:17. A. Virtually noone respects a pushover. B. C...

The First Destruction of Jerusalem (Part 2)

THE FIRST DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM I. The cup of Judah's iniquity was full. They had disregarded the conditions of the covenant which God had given them for the possession of the land. They had neglected His warnings which had come via His lesser judgments and the rebukes of the prophets. They had gone too far and there was now no remedy from the judgment which would befall them. 2CH 36:14-16. A. Where God makes a conditional promise, He reserves the right to break His part of the agreement if the oth...

The Christian's Responsibility to Moses' Law

THE CHRISTIAN'S RELATIONSHIP TO MOSES' LAW I. The question is sometimes asked, "How much of the Old Testament (O.T.) is still binding upon Christians today?" A. Is all of the O.T. still binding? B. Is any of the O.T. still binding? C. Is everything not specifically excluded in the New Testament (N.T.) still binding? D. Is only that portion of the O.T. which is specifically identified as N.T. law still in effect? II. When we speak of "the Old Testament," we sometimes call all ...

The First Destruction of Jerusalem (Part 1)

THE FIRST DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM I. The cup of Judah's iniquity was full. They had disregarded the conditions of the covenant which God had given them for the possession of the land. They had neglected His warnings which had come via His lesser judgments and the rebukes of the prophets. They had gone too far and there was now no remedy from the judgment which would befall them. 2CH 36:14-16. A. Where God makes a conditional promise, He reserves the right to break His part of the agre...

Separation and Withdrawal

SEPARATION AND WITHDRAWAL I. Separation from acquaintances whose conversation or doctrine opposes Scripture is not optional. A. There is a moral aspect to this. 1PE 4:1-4. B. There is a doctrinal/theological aspect to this. ROM 16:17; 2TH 3:6, 14-15; 1TI 6:3-5; 2TI 3:5. II. The gospel calls God's people from diverse errors to singularity of purpose and unity of belief. MAR 1:15; ACT 17:30; 2CO 10:3-5. A. No project or program accomplishes much where there are internal opposing ...

Olivet Discourse

THE OLIVET DISCOURSE A. The Olivet Discourse treats of two separate events. 1. The time of one event (the destruction of the temple and great tribulation in Judea) could be known and thus escape was possible. 2. The time of the other event (the coming of Christ and the end of the world) would be unknown and inescapable, thus demanding continual vigilance. 3. These two events are separated by a period referred to in LUK 21:24 as "...the times of the Gentiles..." 4. This is one p...

The Unruly Evil

THE UNRULY EVIL I. Man's tongue is his glory. PSA 30:12; 16:8-9 c/w ACT 2:25-26. A. Man is distinguished from the brute creation by his faculty of diverse and complex oral communication. 1. Man has the capacity to think concretely and abstractly and to communicate both orally to others. 2. When was the last time anyone heard a chimpanzee explain a reasoned process to his neighbor or paint a touching word picture of his love for his mate or tell a fairy tale? B. Man was m...


BUT I. All men are infected with Adam's sin. ROM 5:12; 3:9, 23. A. All are by nature spiritually dead and under God's wrath against sin. EPH 2:1-3; GEN 8:21; PSA 51:5. B. All are by nature worthless before God's holy law: 1. individually. PSA 39:5. 2. collectively. ISA 40:17; ROM 3:9. II. Any recovery scheme which hinges on man's resolve or action is futile. A. Perhaps if his good works outweigh his bad works on God's scale, man can recover himself from condemnatio...

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

THE PARABLE OF THE TEN VIRGINS (Matthew 25:1-13) I. Like the statements of Christ which precede it, the parable of the ten virgins teaches us to watch and be ready for Christ's coming which will catch the foolish unawares and undo them. MAT 24:42-51. A. This is another parable describing the nature of the kingdom of heaven, the church. The bridegroom is obviously Christ. MAT 9:15. B. In the church there is a mixture of wise and foolish to be divided at the coming of Chris...

Nehemiah: Lessons in Building (Part 11)

Nehemiah 11 vs.1-19. These verses set forth a lottery for the inhabiting of Jerusalem and a honorable record of those who did so. A. It was noted (v.1) that "...the rulers of the people dwelt at Jerusalem." 1. This was appropriate since God had ordained thrones of judgment to be set in Jerusalem. PSA 122:5. 2. The "holy city" on earth in the N.T. is the gospel church and it is likewise the place where the rulers of the people of God should dwell. a. N.T. rule is entrusted to th...

The End of Faith Without Sight

THE END OF FAITH WITHOUT SIGHT (1 Peter 1:8-12) v.8. A. Believers do not now see Christ in this world. 2CO 5:7. 1. Note the verb tenses: "having not seen..." and "now ye see him not." a. These believers had never personally seen Christ. b. They would not have been of those whom Peter elsewhere described as "these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us" (ACT 1:21). c. Paul said, "And last of all he wa...

The Heart and Emotions


1.	The heart of man is by nature corrupt and evil.  GEN 6:5; 8:21; ECC 9:3.
2.	It is deceivable, deceitful and desperately wicked.  ISA 44:20; JER 17:9.
3.	It is a fool that trusts his heart over against wisdom.  PRO 28:26.
4.	heart -  As the seat of feeling, understanding, and thought. = MIND, in the widest
	sense, including the function of feeling, volition, and intellect.  The seat of one's 
	inmost thoughts and secret feelings; one's inmost being; the depths of the ...

Nehemiah: Lessons in Building (Part 10)

Nehemiah 10

vs.1-31.  The people in accord with their leaders covenanted to obey the law of God.
A.	The leaders (Nehemiah being first mentioned, v.1) set the tone and example for the people by sealing this covenant.  
		1.	Church teachers must also be church leaders and examples.
			1PE 5:3 c/w 1TI 4:12.
2.	Forwardness in church leaders inspires confidence and godly conduct in church members.  PHIL 1:12-14.
		3.	Both leaders and people bound themselves to the same law.  There was 
			not a d...

The Mystery of Godliness

THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS (1 Timothy 3:16) 1. 1TI 3:16 And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, received up into glory. A. Paul is here setting forth the essence of Christian religion which sets it apart from all other religious systems or philosophies: God became man. B. All false systems ultimately teach that man becomes God throug...

Putting On Christ (Part 2)

PUTTING ON CHRIST (Galatians 3:27) I. Scripture clearly affirms that the eternal salvation of sinners is entirely of God, independent of the will and work of man. This is true grace. ROM 5:19; 9:15-16; 2TIM 1:9; TIT 3:5; 1PE 5:10-12. II. Grace, however, demands that the child of God should pursue personal holiness and righteousness in practice. TIT 2:11-13. A. The elective purpose of God and the sacrificial atonement of Christ are not only for the deliverance of the elect from the penalty o...

When Faith Foiled Fire (Daniel 3)

WHEN FAITH FOILED FIRE (Daniel 3) v.1. A. Nebuchadnezzar had just been shown a vision of a great image, in which he and his kingdom were depicted by a head of gold. DAN 2:32, 38. B. As if that were a cue, he here erected a monstrous golden image of worship. C. Ironically, the vision he had seen spoke of the overthrow of idol empires. D. Consider the vain responses and conclusions carnal men arrive at from superficial exposure to true religion. ACT 8:18-20; 19:11-16. E. It was th...

Submission & Resistance (Part 2)

1.  In order to resist the devil, we must first deny self and submit self to God.   

      MAT 16:24; JAM 4:5-7.

      A. Deny:  "(To say 'no' to the claims of)  To refuse to recognize or acknowledge   (a person or thing) as having a certain character or certain claims; to disown,


Basic Bible Interpretation (Part 1)

I. NEH 8:7-8, 12 sets forth the basic principles of Bible interpretation.  A. The method the Levites employed caused the people to understand the law.  B. First, "they read in the book in the law of God." 1. No one should try to decipher what the Bible means until he first   knows what the Bible says. 2. They read in the law, not in commentaries. 3. By reading the words of Scripture we come to understand Scripture. EPH 3:3-4; PSA 119:104, 1...

Nehemiah: Lessons In Building (Part 8)

vs.1-12. The people here attended to the reading and exposition of the law of Moses. A.There was congregational unity in the matter: they "...gathered themselves together as one man..." (v.1). c/w PHIL 1:27; 1CO 1:10. 1.Their cooperation and unity of purpose in the building of the wall carried over into spiritual areas. Good character rightly manifests itself in all facets of life. 2.Such a unified group is well fitted against falling befor...

A Biblical Primer on Wealth (Part 3)

A BIBLICAL PRIMER ON WEALTH I. How you handle your wealth reveals a lot about your character. LUK 16:10-11. A. Do not set your heart on wealth, nor trust in uncertain riches. PSA 62:10; 1TI 6:5-10, 17. B. MAT 6:19-21. What one values most is where his heart will be. Examine yourself in the light of the following passages: 1. PSA 4:6-7. What brings you the greatest joy? 2. PSA 84:10; 137:6. How highly do you value God's house? ...

A Biblical Primer on Wealth (Part 2)

A BIBLICAL PRIMER ON WEALTH I. How you handle your wealth reveals a lot about your character. LUK 16:10-11. A. Do not set your heart on wealth, nor trust in uncertain riches. PSA 62:10; 1TI 6:5-10, 17. B. MAT 6:19-21. What one values most is where his heart will be. Examine yourself in the light of the following passages: 1. PSA 4:6-7. What brings you the greatest joy? 2. PSA 84:10; 137:6. How highly do you value God's house? ...

A Biblical Primer on Wealth

I. How you handle your wealth reveals a lot about your character. LUK 16:10-11. A. Do not set your heart on wealth, nor trust in uncertain riches. PSA 62:10; 1TI 6:5-10, 17. B. MAT 6:19-21. What one values most is where his heart will be. Examine yourself in the light of the following passages: 1. PSA 4:6-7. What brings you the greatest joy? 2. PSA 84:10; 137:6. How highly do you value God's house? 3. PSA 119:72<...

The Power of God Unto Salvation (Part 2)

F. Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is a work. JOH 6:28-29. 1. Mere faith without works is dead. JAM 2:26. 2. Such a faith is powerless, for death is the ultimate of inability and powerlessness. 3. Such a faith amounts to no more than the faith of devils. JAM 2:19. G. Conclusion: When a man teaches that one must believe the gospel in order to be eternally saved, he is teaching salvation by law works because faith in the gospel is required by the law. ...

The Power of God Unto Salvation (Part 1)

Power: "The ABILITY to do or effect something or anything, or to act upon a person or thing." I. The word "gospel" means good tidings. ISA 61:1 c/w LUK 4:18. II. The common explanation of ROM 1:16 is that the good tidings itself is the power of God unto salvation. The gospel itself is deemed to have the ability to effect the salvation of a sinner from death in trespasses and sins. A. Note that the verse does not say that the gospel is the pow...



I.  God intends that there be distinctions between the sexes and those distinctions are  not to be confused. They extend to:

 A.  Apparel. DEU 22:5.

 B.  Sexual relations. LEV 18:22; ROM 1:27.

 C.  Authority. 1CO 11:7-10; EPH 5:22-24; 1TIM 2:12.

 D.  Mannerisms. 1CO 6:9.


Christ, Our Greater Tabernacle


I. As central as the religious system of the Law was to Israel, Paul nevertheless emphasizes its shortcomings and how that it was only typical of the reality of Christ and His redemptive work. HEB 10:1-4, 11; 8:1-5.

II. HEB 9:1-7. Paul describes the layout and order of the O.T. tabernacle/service.

A. It was a worldly sanctuary that corresponded to the first/old covenant which had been phased out. v.1 c/w HEB 8:13; 2CO 3:13.<...

Nehemiah: Lessons In Building (Part 6)

Nehemiah 6

vs.1-9. The enemies here made repeated attempts to draw Nehemiah from the work but Nehemiah yielded not to temptation and thus avoided the trap that the enemies set  for him.

      A.  The enemies were desperate to do something before it was too late to stop the   work of God, and so identified with the devil. NEH 6:1-2 c/w REV 12:12.


Judge Not


A. In this portion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives instruction concerning judgment.

1. Judge: "To form an opinion about; to pronounce an opinion upon, to criticize; esp. to pronounce an adverse opinion upon, to condemn." See LUK 6:37.

2. This portion of Scripture is often wrested to mean that it is never proper to judge (criticize, condemn) others' belief sy...

A More Sure Word (2 Peter 1:19-21)

A MORE SURE WORD (2 Peter 1:19-21) 

A.  Not only did Peter experience a superior mountain encounter with the Almighty  than did Israel in Moses' day (vs.16-18), he says of the apostles, "we have ALSO a  more sure word of prophecy...."  v.19.

B.  In these verses, Peter sets the inferior glory of the O.T. revelation over against the  superior glory of the N.T. revelatio...

2 Peter 1:16-18 -- The Majesty of Jesus

2 PETER 1:16-18 -- THE MAJESTY OF JESUS A. Peter here defends the basis of the faith he declares. "We have not followed cunningly devised fables...." (v.16). 1. Fable: "A fictitious narrative or statement; a story not founded on fact. b. esp. A fictitious story relating to supernatural or extraordinary persons or incidents, and more or less current in popular belief; a myth or legend." 2. Mark the various warnings in Scripture about fables. 1TI 1:4; 4:7; 2TI 4:4; TIT 1:...

The Support of the Ministry

I.  It is a godly duty to financially support the minister of God. 1CO 9:7-14.

      A. Benefactors of spiritual things are properly rewarded with carnal things by

            the beneficiaries. ROM 15:27 c/w LUK 8:2-3.

 B.  Special consideration should be given to able elders whose life's work is in    the wor...

The Holy Spirit (Part 1)

I.  The Holy Spirit (or Spirit of God) is also called the Holy Ghost.

 MAT 3:16 c/w LUK 3:22.

II.  The Spirit has personality; hence, He is not just a force.

 1CO 2:10-11; ROM 8:26-27; 1TI 4:1; JOH 14:16-17.

III.  The Holy Spirit is declared Deity. 

      ACT 5:3-4; ISA 6:5, 8-10 c/w ACT 28:25-27.

IV.  Consider the diverse operations of the ...

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage

I.  The covenantal nature of marriage.

 A.  Two people are so bound as to be considered one. MAT 19:4-6.

 B.  No other is to be looked upon or thought upon as the object of marital love.    JOB 31:1 c/w GEN 20:16.

 C.  A spouse is deemed such by covenant or vow. MAL 2:14.

 D.  Husband and wife are bound together in marriage. ROM 7:1-3...

Nehemiah : Lessons In Building (Part 3)

Note: These are the study notes for the full series in Nehemiah so far (not just part three).

I.  Believers have a ministry of building.

 A.  They are commanded to build themselves up on their most holy faith. 

            JUDE 1:20.

 B.  To edify means to build up.

  1.  Ministers are to edify the body of Christ. ...

The Age of Accountability? (Part 2)


Accountable: "Liable to be called to account, or to answer for responsibilities or conduct; answerable, responsible."

I.  Some affirm a doctrine called the "age of accountability."

 A.  This doctrine is designed to give a comforting explanation about the final    state of young children who die, particularly those who die without the    gospel. <...

Better Promises (Hebrews 8:6)


I.  The new covenant is here declared to be superior to the old covenant by virtue of its

 establishment upon on better promises. HEB 8:6.

II.  Some promises of God are conditioned upon the performance of the people with  whom He makes them. If the condition be not met, God may break His promise.

      A. The old covenant was...

Study of God

I. Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of God.

      A. The Argument from Motion.

            1. Anything that is moved is moved by some other thing.

            2. To move is nothing else but drawing something from potentiality to     actuality.


The End of the Commandment (1Ti.1:5-11)


(1 Timothy 1:5-11)

A.  In these verses, Paul advises of the relevance of the Law of God to the Christian.

      1. Paul had been given a commandment to preach God's word. 

            1TI 1:1 c/w TIT 1:3.

      2. The...

Stedfast & Stablished (Part 1)

STEDFAST AND STABLISHED (COL 2:5-7) I. Consider the definitions of these and related terms. A. Stedfast: "Fixed or secure in position. Of a person, esp. a soldier in battle: Maintaining his ground. Of persons: Unshaken, immovable in faith, resolution, friendship, etc. Also said of belief, purpose, or affection." See RUT 1:18; 1CO 7:37. B. Stablish: "To place or set (a material thing) firmly in position; to station (a person) in a place. To set (a person, etc.) permanently in an...

Bearing Fruit (John 15:1-8, Part 3)

BEARING FRUIT (JOHN 15:1-8) I. These verses emphasize the need for saints to be characterized by the bearing of (spiritual) fruit. A. The ordinance FOR the first Adam (and his seed) was one of natural fruitfulness to subdue the earth. GEN 1:28; GEN 9:1; GEN 9:7. B. The ordinance FROM the Last Adam (to His seed) is one of spiritual fruitfulness to subdue the flesh. ROM 6:22. C. The fruit of the Spirit are such things as mentioned in GAL 5:22-24. D. NOTE: Root precedes fruit! MAT ...

Bearing Fruit (John 15:1-8, Part 2)

BEARING FRUIT (JOHN 15:1-8) I. These verses emphasize the need for saints to be characterized by the bearing of (spiritual) fruit. A. The ordinance FOR the first Adam (and his seed) was one of natural fruitfulness to subdue the earth. GEN 1:28; GEN 9:1; GEN 9:7. B. The ordinance FROM the Last Adam (to His seed) is one of spiritual fruitfulness to subdue the flesh. ROM 6:22. C. The fruit of the Spirit are such things as mentioned in GAL 5:22-24. D. NOTE: Root precedes fruit!...

Bearing Fruit (John 15:1-8)

I. These verses emphasize the need for saints to be characterized by the bearing of (spiritual) fruit. A. The ordinance FOR the first Adam (and his seed) was one of natural fruitfulness to subdue the earth. GEN 1:28; GEN 9:1; GEN 9:7. B. The ordinance FROM the Last Adam (to His seed) is one of spiritual fruitfulness to subdue the flesh. ROM 6:22. C. The fruit of the Spirit are such things as mentioned in GAL 5:22-24. D. NOTE: Root precedes fruit! MAT 7:17-19. II. JOH 15:1. ...

Living the Good Life


I.  Good days do not mean an absence of tribulation. JOH 16:33; ROM 8:18-23.

II.  Good days result from good behavior. 1PE 3:10-13.

III. Ungodliness clearly can have direct negative physical consequences.

 PRO 23:29-30; ROM 1:27.

IV.  Sin can also generate emotional problems which produce their own health issues. 


The Unity of the Church

I.  The members of the church are declared to be one in Christ. 1CO 10:17; GAL 3:27-28.

 A.  The Corinthians were declared to be one in Christ even though in practice they    were quite divided. 1CO 3:3; 1CO 11:18.

 B.  The Spirit of God joins baptized believers into one body. 1CO 12:12-13.

 C.  The members of the c...

Psalm 120

A Song of Degrees 1. Degree: "A step in an ascent or descent." 2. We find in the composition of Psalms 120-134 what is called an ascent: a preceding word is repeated and then rises to something further. Verse 1 1. Distress: "Strain, stress, pressure." 2. The Psalmist looks up from his stress to the LORD. 3. The prayer of this Psalm is assured of an answer. 4. Prayers to other than the LORD have no such assurance of an answer. 1KI 18:29. Verse 2 1. This Psalm reflects the desire o...

Isaiah 40:28-31

Renew:  "To make new, or as new, again; to restore to the same condition as when new, young or fresh."

Wait on (or upon):  "To observe, watch; to fix one's eyes upon, gaze at.  In Bible phrases, to place one's hope in God."

I. 	For the person whose hope, trust or confidence is in God, there is a promise of reinvigoration in the 	face of adversity or weakness.  ISA 40:28-31.
 	A. 	The man of faith accepts that the Lord is his strength.  PSA 6:2 c/w PSA 28:7.
	B. 	The man of flesh looks to fles...

Signs & Wonders

The topic of signs and wonders, or miracles, is a hotly debated issue in our day.  The association between miracles and religious faith has been strong throughout all history.  This is not only true of Christianity, but of all world religions.  Extra-revelatory knowledge or supernatural gifts are accepted as being of divine origin and are promoted as proof of the validity of a particular theology or leader.

Amongst professing Christendom, one group in particular has always claimed divine sanction ...

Psalm 130

Psalm 130 directs saints towards the true hope of God's Israel, which is redemption from ALL iniquities. This psalm somewhat parallels the converion experience of many saints: deeply burdened by sins they cry unto God; they realize the absolute holiness of God which condemns sinners; they are relieved by the knowledge of God's mercy and forgiveness which prompts them to serve Him with godly fear; they trust in the promises of his word and patiently long for him; their hope is in God, his mercies and his re...

It Begins At Home Part 6

  1. XIV. The training of children is a solemn responsibility of parents. Pro.22:6 c/w Pro.1:8; Eph.6:1.

    1. The successful training of children is very dependent upon the parents' presuppositions about their children.

      1. Here is an "A - Z" list of unhealthy presuppositions about children.

        1. Children are naturally pure, innocent and without innate capacity to sin.

        2. Children will naturally develop good character without guidance.

        3. ...

It Begins At Home Part 5

  1. C. The day to day order of the household rests very much on the shoulders of the woman.

    1. 1. Men, it is our responsibility to support our wive's efforts to keep an ordered home, not frustrate them by our own bad habits.

    2. 2. Men, do not complicate your wives' efforts at keeping an ordered home by allowing excessive "stuff" to overwhelm the place.

    3. 3. Men, do not impose unreasonable expectations of perfection and cleanliness upon your wives,...

It Begins At Home Part 4

  1. X. Reverence of a spouse is not the sole responsibility of the wife.

    1. Husbands are to be "giving HONOUR unto the wife..." (1 Pe.3:7).

    2. Honour: "High respect, esteem or REVERENCE, accorded to exalted worth or rank; deferential admiration or approbation."

    3. There is therefore to be a mutual reverence and respect within marriage and without this a marriage is in trouble.

      1. The wife reverences her husband as her head, strength an...

It Begins At Home Part 3

  1. Men of faith command their household. Gen.18:19.

    1. Command: "To order, enjoin, bid with authority or influence."

    2. Household: "The inmates of a house collectively; an organized family, including

      servants or attendants, dwelling in a house; a domestic establishment."

    3. A wife is part of "an organized family" and is therefore subject to the commands

      of her husband.

    4. This is reinforced by the fact that the ...

It Begins At Home Part 2

  1. The relevance of authority authored, authority given, authority exercised and authority submitted to is not to be trivialized.

    1. We are living in a wicked time when respect for authority is under assault.

      1. Police powers no longer command the respect they once did.

      2. Biblical ministers who rule God's house (Heb.13:7, 17) are slandered as tyrants.

      3. Children are corrupted by social forces and delinquent parents to defy parental authority.

It Begins At Home Part 1

  1. This study addresses family matters.

    1. It will treat of husband/wife relationships.

    2. It will treat of the parent/child relationships and the solemn duty of training children.

    3. It will treat of children's responsibility to honor and obey parents.

    4. It will treat of God's order for the home in general, including immediate and extended


    5. It will have a direct relevance to married couples.

    6. It will h...

Modest Apparel

MODEST APPAREL (1 Ti.2:9-10) I. A Biblical ministry is characterized by a balanced emphasis on grace and practical holiness. 2 Ti.2:19. A. "All holiness" leaves the soul overburdened and without relief or hope. B. "All grace" leaves the soul without conviction or defined direction. II. It should be obvious to any reasonable person that we are living in a society that is in an increasing state of undress. A. A beach party one hundred years ago would have looked decidedly different th...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.