Togetherness (Part 1)

TOGETHERNESS I. God has ordained that men be in company with others. A. Before sin's entrance, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. GEN 2:18. B. God has thus ordained families, nations, friend and churches. C. The locusts are commended for their wisdom in going forth by bands. PRO 30:27. D. Jesus sent His disciples out by twos. MAR 6:7. E. Paul emphasized the importance to him of his companions. ROM 16:1-4, 6, 9; PHIL 2:25; COL 4:11; 2TI 1:16; PHM 1:20. F. Mark the four benefits of togetherness taught in ECC 4:7-12. 1. There is good reward of our labor when it is shared with another. 2. Another can help us when we fail. 3. Another can provide us with a greater potential to achieve a goal. 4. Having another provides us with greater defense. G. Mark these additional benefits of interacting with others. 1. It provides opportunity to give and receive love. PRO 17:17. 2. It stimulates us to duty. HEB 10:24-25. 3. We receive needed counsel and correction. PRO 27:5-6, 9; 15:22. 4. It sharpens our countenance (bearing, demeanor, behavior or conduct). PRO 27:17. II. Church fellowship is a mutual fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. ACT 2:42; 1JO 1:3. A. Fellowship is "partnership; membership of a society; participation, sharing (in an action, condition, etc.); something in common, community of interest, sentiment, nature, etc." B. We enjoy something together that cannot be shared with those in the family or community who are not Christians. 2CO 6:14-18. C. Therefore, we are to be kindly affectioned (disposed, inclined) one toward another with brotherly love. ROM 12:10. 1. Are we inclined toward our brethren or away from our brethren? 2. Do we view each other as brothers or as strangers? 3. Do we prefer Christians? Do we make friends of them? PSA 1:1 c/w PSA 119:63. III. Church members help one another by the ministry they have one to another. A. We show that we are Christ's disciples by loving one another. JOH 13:35. 1. There needs to be a personal demonstration of love one to another. 2. Our love for one another must be expressed in deeds. 1JO 3:17-19. B. We are to care one for another as members of the same body. 1CO 12:12-27. 1. Church members are one body in Christ. 2. As members of the same body, church members NEED each other. 3. Unity is expressed by our care and compassion for one another. PHIL 2:1-4; 1PE 3:8-9; 1CO 12:20-27; ROM 12:15-16; HEB 13:3. 4. If we truly love one another, we will seek each other's good which in turn will bind us together. 1CO 13:4-7 c/w COL 3:14. 5. We are to be knit (closely and firmly united) together in love. COL 2:2. a. Our hearts are comforted as we are thus knit together. b. The benefit of the body is hindered without unity. AMO 3:3. c. Unity is a directive from Jesus Christ. 1CO 1:10. C. We are to admonish one another, i.e., to put one another in mind of duties; to counsel against wrong practices; to exhort one another. ROM 15:14; HEB 3:13; 10:23-25; LEV 19:17. D. We are to confess our faults one to another and pray one for another for healing. JAM 5:16. 1. Christians cannot help one another to overcome weaknesses by pretending that none exist. 2. We will come nearer dealing seriously with our faults if we handle them according to JAM 5:16. E. Christians are to comfort one another, i.e., to strengthen; to encourage, to hearten; to support, and assist one another. 1TH 5:11. 1. Note that this ministry requires that Christians be together! 2. This is a ministry of edification, of building one another up instead of tearing one another down. 3. Consider how Job comforted others and do likewise. JOB 4:3-4; HEB 12:12-13. 4. Be a comfort to others. Nobody likes to be around a perpetual drag. F. We are to bear one another's burdens. GAL 6:2. 1. This does not mean that we fulfill each other's responsibility. GAL 6:4-5. 2. It means that we support each other through prayer, compassion, forbearance (ROM 15:1; EPH 4:2), exhortation, comfort, and needed assistance. ROM 12:13. G. We are to use hospitality one to another without grudging. 1PE 4:9; ROM 12:13. 1. Hospitality: "The reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, with liberality and goodwill." 2. Entertain: "To find room for; to give reception to. To admit and contain; to 'accommodate.'" 3. Guest: "One who is entertained at the house or table of another." LUK 19:5-7. 4. Remember the story of Mary and Martha: do not burden yourself with overdoing the entertainment. LUK 10:38-42. IV. There is more to church membership than simply sitting through the service on Sunday. A. Scripture sets forth daily interaction among believers. ACT 2:46-47; HEB 3:13. 1. Daily: "adv. Every day, day by day. Often in a looser sense: Constantly, always, habitually." 2. The sense here is one of faithful, habitual and continual interaction (especially as situations would demand it) moreso than a rigorous "must interact with other members every single day or else" command. 3. By parallel, we are told "Continue in prayer..." (COL 4:2), "...Praying always..." (EPH 6:18), "Pray without ceasing" (1TH 5:17). a. Yet there is a time for prayer to cease. LUK 11:1. b. The concept is that believers should be forward, not fainting in prayer. LUK 18:1. c. At some point, daily interaction must be limited by the warnings against being busybodies. 2TH 3:11-12; 1PE 4:15. 4. Are we forward, willing, constant and habitual about our interaction with each other, especially where circumstances would require it? 5. Who are our favorite companions? B. As the members minister to one another, their spiritual potential is maximized. EPH 4:16; COL 2:19. 1. The members are edified. 2. The members are nourished. 3. The members together increase. C. None are exempt from this mutual ministry. 1. The church is compacted (firmly and closely joined together) by that which every joint/member supplies. 2. All the members are needed. 1CO 12:18-22. D. The church is a body in which each member works together with the other members to edify itself for the glory of God. EPH 2:21; 3:21. 1. The church is not a building for public and private worship without the interaction of the worshippers with one another. 2. The church is not a theater in which the worshippers simply watch the pastor perform. 3. The church is not a country club or social club for carnal pleasures.
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© 2024 Cincinnati Church

The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.