Cincinnati Church

What saith the scriptures?
About the Cincinnati Church
We are an historic baptist church that believes in the Divine inspiration and authority of the King James Bible as the word of God in English which is the only standard of our beliefs and practices. As the scriptures teach, we believe that only believers in the Lord Jesus Christ may be baptized, and that baptism is necessary for membership in a local church. The local church was meant to be a vessel for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ; the expression on earth of His divine government of the kingdom of heaven; a cote into which His sheep should obediently press for safety, comfort, instruction, improvement of faith and all attendant blessings of the Holy Spirit Who indwells it. For more information on our beliefs and practices, please read our Statement of Beliefs.

For information about when and where we meet for worship, please contact us.

For some food for thought see the Thought for the Day normally authored by Pastor Tim Boffey and occasionally authored by other church members.

We also have a large library of digital sermons for your edification. We urge all who use this online ministry to not make it a substitute for gospel obedience in repenting of sin, believing Jesus Christ and His written word, and being properly baptized into a genuine local church that is walking in the truth so as to assemble with them for corporate praise of Almighty God (MAR 1:15; ACT 2:38-47; ACT 8:12; ACT 26:20; EPH 3:20-21; HEB 10:25).

Latest Sermons and Bible Studies

This is just the 25 most recent sermons and Bible studies. You may find these and more in our complete list of sermons and Bible studies.

The Church Part 4

K. The local church is the body of Christ into which one is baptized by the Spirit. 1CO 12:13, 27. 1. Each local church is the body and there are many churches, thus, many bodies. 2. This is not contradicted by EPH 4:4 which refers to one in kind, not in number. a. Paul is emphasizing that there are not diverse camps for Jew and Gentile. EPH 4:4-6; 2:14-16 c/w 1CO 12:13. b. ...

The 144,000 Part 2

B. The 144,000 are sealed in their foreheads with the Father's name. REV 14:1; 22:3-4. C. The 144,000 are sealed of all the tribes of Israel. REV 7:4-8. 1. In this enumeration of the tribes, the tribes of Dan and Ephraim are missing. a. The enumeration of twelve is made up by adding the tribe of Levi and the tribe of Joseph, the father of Manasseh. b. This is not an historical ...

The 144,000 Part 1

The 144,000 (Revelation 7) I. The content of this chapter is to be understood in connection with the sixth seal which had just been opened. REV 6:12-17. II. This chapter is a description of the redeemed in glory, the full gathering/assembly of the elect. A. The language is in the style of prophecy: terms which are a sign or symbol of something. c/w REV 1:1. ...

The Church Part 3

J. Intimately connected with church discipline is the keeping of the Lord's Supper or communion. Notice that in the instructions for discipline in the church is also a warning against eating a particular feast until a known offender has been purged out (1CO 5:6-11). This feast is of course the N.T. passover kept in commemoration of the sacrifice of Christ which delivered His people, not out of Egypt but out of hell (v. 7), which later in the same epistle is dealt with ...

Jesus Christ The Cure For Sin

Jesus Christ, The Cure For Sin I. We often have noted that sinful man is totally depraved, unwilling and unable to produce good unto eternal salvation. ROM 3:9-19; PSA 39:5. A. Sin is present in conception and gestation. PSA 51:5. B. Sin is present at birth. PSA 58:3. C. Sin is present in youth. GEN 8:21. D. Sin is present in all. ECC 7:20; 1JO 1:8. E. Sin is the reigning principle of Adamic man...


Communication Pastor Chad Wagner I. Definitions 1. Communication n. – 1. The action of communicating or imparting. Now rare of things material, except as the vehicles of information: e.g. of a letter, a paper to a society, an article to a magazine, etc. 2. spec. The imparting, conveying, or exchange of ideas, ...

King Hezekiah

King Hezekiah A. King Hezekiah’s record is in 2KI 18-20; 2CH 29-32; ISA 36-39. B. Because of the apostasy of Judah and their wicked king, Ahaz, God would allow the Assyrians to oppress the land. ISA 7:17-20. C. Fortunately for Judah, a righteous king (Hezekiah) succeeded Ahaz. 1. Hezekiah's priorities were ordered correctly. He viewed sin as the nation’s ruin and repentance and true religion as its salv...

The Church Part 2

5. A disciple must be willing to submit to the judgment of the church when it acts within the framework of its delegated authority. MAT 18:15-18. a. MAT 18:15-18 is Christ’s directive for dealing with perceived faults between brethren. It is not a formula for dealing with crimes against the law of God which demand separation from the offender even if he concedes or admits his error. ct/w 1CO 5:9-13. b. This responsibility of godly ju...

The Church Part 1

The Church I. This study sets forth what Scripture declares about “the church” and considers such things as: A. What is the church? B. What is its origin? C. What is its purpose? D. Is it a unique entity or merely another organization or association? E. How is it constructed? F. How is it governed? G. What are its responsibilities? H. What is its f...

Guidance For Young Ladies

Guidance For Young Ladies I. This message is for the encouragement and direction of young ladies, particularly believers. A. Some of this information will have relevance to young men also, particularly believers. B. This should also benefit parents in guiding their maturing children to good decisions. II. As the minister of Jesus Christ, I am mindful of the fact that He ministered to young and old, male and female. MAT 19:13...

Proof For The Canon

Proof For The Canon I. The ultimate authority which validates Scripture is the Scripture itself. A. The internal consistency of its component parts and its grand message, Jesus Christ, are undeniable. A single spirit prevails throughout. REV 19:10. B. Scripture bears the character and qualities of the God it reveals: majesty, power, wisdom, knowledge beyond our ability to comprehend, holiness, purity, beauty, ...

The Worth of Christ And His Kingdom

The Worth Of Christ And His Kingdom I. worth: The relative value of a thing in respect of its qualities or of the estimation in which it is held. II. Some thoughts on worth: A. It is subjective, according to the individual’s value system. B. The subjective nature of high worth is a “tell” of one’s heart. MAT 6:21. C. Something may have universal high worth, like life or health. JOB 2:4. D. Whatever one trades...

God's Mighty Power To Us

God’s Mighty Power To Us A. Paul prayed that believers might know the exceeding greatness of the power that is available to them. EPH 1:16-20. 1. This will assure us that we are on the winning side. 2. This will counter a defeatist attitude and a victim mentality. 3. This will breed the mindset needed to withstand Satan's attacks and to obey God. EPH 6:10-11; PHIL 4:13. 4. This power exceeds the p...

22: The Caliber of Canon

22: The Caliber of Canon A. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew which has a 22-letter alphabet. Note the sections of PSA 119. B. The Hebrew alphabet morphed into the Phoenician alphabet which morphed into the Greek alphabet which morphed into the Latin alphabet which is essentially what we use in English. C. The O.T. tabernacle was illuminated with a candlestick that consisted of seven lamps fixed on six branches and a central shaft....

Galatians Part 36 - Galatians 6:11-18

vs. 11-18. 1. Paul here sums up his letter with doctrinal and personal details. A. He notes two personal details which served to validate his ministry and gospel: he wrote the letter himself and bore the marks of suffering for what it represented. vs. 11, 17. B. In this he was as his Lord Jesus Who is validated by His writings and sufferings. LUK 24:39-48 c/w REV 19:10. 2. “Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own ha...

Galatians Part 35 - Galatians 6:6-10

vs. 6-10. 1. From “...every man shall bear his own burden” (v. 5), Paul notes an aspect of ministry in v. 6. A. Gospel ministers are burdened with the word of the Lord Who expects them to bear it or else. MAL 1:1 c/w 1CO 9:16-17. (1) Preachers are to heed their own ministry they have received of the Lord. COL 4:17 c/w 2CO 10:13-16; ROM 15:15-21. (2) Paul (and Barnabas) was particularly called to the Gentil...


Homosexuality I. homosexual: Pertaining to or characterized by sexual propensity for one's own sex. Also, sb. one who has such a propensity. II. Observations. A. Same-sex intercourse is practically as old as the human race. B. Certain cultures throughout history have glorified it. C. In Western culture, homosexuality has historically been viewed as aberrant or deviant behavior. ...

Law to Gospel

Law To Gospel 1. The Law, though good, could not save us. It could direct our motions but could not cure our corrupted nature of spiritual death. ROM 7:14; GAL 3:21. 2. “ the law is the knowledge of sin” (ROM 3:20). 3. The Old Testament, the law, precedes the New Testament, the gospel. 4. The order of Romans is to first reveal the wrath of God against the sin of man before expounding in detail God's grace. 5. It is...

The Four Classes of Israel of Romans 9-11

The Four Classes of Israel of Romans 9-11 A. In ROM 11:26, Paul says, “And so all Israel shall be saved...” Compare this with ISA 45:17, 25. 1. Some have concluded that the totality of the nation of Israel, or the totality of the posterity of Abraham will be unfailingly everlastingly saved. 2. Based upon texts like ISA 45:17, 25 the statements of Jesus of Nazareth would have been quite offensive to the Jews of His day...

Galatians Part 34 - Galatians 6:1-5

Chapter 6. vs. 1-5. 1. Paul gives further instruction about Christian living as members of the church. A. He still calls them brethren. v. 1 c/w GAL 1:11; 3:15; 4:12, 28, 31; 5:11, 13; 6:18. B. Some were spiritual (v. 1) and were accordingly tasked with restoring someone in a fault. (1) The spiritually-minded will do this moreso than the carnally-minded whose judgment is lacking. Carnal minds will not readily concede the Holy S...

Hebrews 5:1-9

Hebrews 5:1-9 A. As Paul was setting forth the superiority of Jesus Christ over all things in heaven and earth, he had impressed upon the Hebrew Christians “...the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus” (HEB 3:1). 1. He is a great high priest Who intercedes in heaven, not on earth. HEB 4:14. 2. He is the Son of God, not a son of Aaron. HEB 4:14. 3. He was without sin (HEB 4:15), and having borne o...

Galatians Part 33 - Galatians 5:19-26

vs. 19-26. 1. Paul continues his theme of “spirit v. flesh” by laying out plainly things which are the works of the flesh and things which are the fruit of the Spirit. A. These details highlight the fact that Christ’s kingdom is a spiritual kingdom not of this world. JOH 18:36; LUK 17:20-21. B. The fruit of the Spirit is expected in the kingdom of God and is actually part of the inheritance. (1) They accord...

Forward and Backward

Forward and Backward I. The Christian walk should be positive, forward, drawing closer to conformity to Jesus Christ. This is a charge of the ministry. EPH 4:12-13. A. We are to walk in newness of life. ROM 6:4. B. We should put off the old man and put on the new. COL 3:9-10. C. We should follow light, not darkness. 1TH 5:4-8. D. We should grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. 2PE 3:18; P...


Drawing I. Definitions. A. draw: trans. To cause (anything) to move toward oneself by the application of force; to pull. B. drawn: Moved by traction; dragged, hauled, pulled; attracted; extracted; protracted; strained, stretched, made thin by tension. II. The account of the woman at the well of Samaria provides an insight into God’s saving of sinners unto Himself. JOH 4:1-26. ...


Boundaries I. boundary: That which serves to indicate the bounds or limits of anything whether material or immaterial; also the limit itself. II. Legitimate boundaries are everywhere and to be respected. A. God Himself is bound by His being. 1. He is God in Three Persons, no more nor less. 1JO 5:7. 2. He cannot die, lie or deny Himself. 1TI 1:17; TIT 1:2; 2TI 2:13. B. It was...

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© 2024 Cincinnati Church

The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.