2 Peter 1:16-18 -- The Majesty of Jesus

2 PETER 1:16-18 -- THE MAJESTY OF JESUS A. Peter here defends the basis of the faith he declares. "We have not followed cunningly devised fables...." (v.16). 1. Fable: "A fictitious narrative or statement; a story not founded on fact. b. esp. A fictitious story relating to supernatural or extraordinary persons or incidents, and more or less current in popular belief; a myth or legend." 2. Mark the various warnings in Scripture about fables. 1TI 1:4; 4:7; 2TI 4:4; TIT 1:14. 3. The Christian faith is unlike the mystery religions which presume to teach morals and principles based on fables. 4. The Christian faith is based on fact, preeminently the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ without which that faith is a hopeless hoax. 1CO 15:13-19. B. The thing which Peter here specifically affirms is no fable is "the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (v.16). 1. Jesus Christ is coming again to this earth. JOH 14:3; ACT 1:11; HEB 9:28. 2. He will not be coming meekly to a manger this time, nor to be humiliated and crucified through weakness (2CO 13:4). It will be in power. MAT 24:30. 3. The delay between His advents is no legitimate basis for scoffing the Second Coming and categorizing it with fables. 2PE 3:3-4. C. Peter's adamancy about the coming of the Lord was based on the fact that he was an eyewitness of that event in preview on the Mount of Transfiguration when James, John and Peter saw Jesus appear in glory. vs.16-18 c/w LUK 9:31-32. 1. Majesty: "The dignity or greatness of a Sovereign, sovereign power, sovereignty." 2. Sovereign: "One who has supremacy or rank above, or authority over others; a superior, a ruler, governor, lord or master." 3. Honour: "High respect, esteem or reverence, accorded to exalted worth or rank; deferential admiration or approbation." 4. Glory: "A state of exaltation and splendour. In one's glory: In one's highest state of magnificence or prosperity; also colloq. in a state of unbounded gratification or enjoyment." D. The account of the Transfiguration of Christ is in MAT 17:1-9; MAR 9:1-10; LUK 9:28-36. 1. Transfiguration: "The action of transfiguring or state of being transfigured; metamorphosis." 2. Transfigure: "To alter the figure or appearance of; to change in outward appearance; to transform." E. Prior to that event, Jesus had promised that some of His disciples would see Him coming in His kingdom with power. MAT 16:28; MAR 9:1. 1. Kingdom: "Kingly function, authority or power, sovereignty, supreme rule, the position or rank of a king; kingship." 2. Power: "I. As a quality or property. 1. Ability to do or effect something or anything, or to act upon a person or thing." 3. Power: "II. As a person, body or thing. 6. One who or that which is possessed of or exercises power, influence, or government; an influential or governing person, body or thing; in early use, one in authority, a ruler, governor." F. What the disciples saw on the mount stood in stark contrast to the form of the Savior with which they were familiar. ISA 53:3; PHIL 2:7-8. G. John wrote of beholding His glory (exaltation and splendour). JOH 1:14. H. After His passion, death, burial and His resurrection, Jesus entered into that royal estate which the three disciples had seen on the mount. MAT 28:18; HEB 2:8-9. I. Compare the bright appearance of Christ in REV 1:13-16 with what the disciples saw on the mount. J. Peter, James and John were given an advance glimpse of the Savior in His glory and kingdom. 1. Unseen to the natural eye is His realm of unearthly power and glory which was occasionally manifested to this world. 2. At such times, it was appropriately said, "the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you." LUK 10:9-11. 3. This glorious, miraculous power is still working in the salvation of sinners. EPH 1:19-21. K. Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus in glory on the mount and "spake of His decease which He should accomplish at Jerusalem." LUK 9:31. 1. Moses recorded the law; Elijah was a prophet. The law and the prophets have always spoken of the sufferings of Christ. LUK 24:25-27; ACT 26:22-23; 1PE 1:10-11. 2. Moses had died and was buried, but Elijah was translated alive into heaven. DEU 34:5-6; 2KI 2:11. 3. Moses and Elijah beautifully figure the children of the resurrection. 1TH 4:16-17. L. The voice of Almighty God spoke from "the excellent glory" while Peter was on the mount. v.17. 1. Mind that Peter was an apostle to the circumcision (the Jews), a people nourished up in the greatness of Moses and the Law given at Sinai. 2. When Mediator Moses (GAL 3:19) was on Mt. Sinai, the voice of God spoke on earth and shook the earth. HEB 12:25-26a. 3. When Mediator Jesus (HEB 9:15) was on the Mount of Transfiguration, the voice of God spoke from glory of Christ's glorious kingdom which involves a greater shaking. HEB 12:26-27. a. The overthrow of thrones and dominions is a shaking of the heavens and earth. ISA 13:13; HAB 2:21-22. b. The receiving of the gospel kingdom was the shake-up and subversion of the kingdoms of this world. DAN 2:44 c/w HEB 12:28. c. This language is borrowed from the future judgmental shaking of the heaven and the earth that ends all opposition at Christ's coming. 1CO 15:23-24 c/w 2PE 3:7. 4. The O.T., which had a glory of its own and culminated in the First Advent of Christ witnessed God speaking to the mediator of the First Covenant on earth. 5. The N.T., which has a greater glory and shall culminate in the Second Coming of Christ in His kingdom and power witnesses God speaking to the Mediator of the New Covenant from heaven, the "excellent glory." a. The N.T. is a "more sure word of prophecy" (2PE 1:19). b. The Law spoke of Justice Offended; the N.T. speaks of Justice Satisfied. c. The Law was a ministration of death and condemnation; the N.T. is the ministration of the spirit and righteousness. 2CO 3:6-11. (1) Its administration is from heaven, "the excellent glory" (v.17). (2) It is appropriately "the glory that excelleth" (2CO 3:10). 6. The voice which Peter heard said of Christ, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (v.17). God spake not so of Moses on Mt. Sinai. HEB 3:3-6.
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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.