    2,933 results found in 1ms
    1. The Unpardonable Sin

      The Unpardonable Sin (Blasphemy Against the Holy Ghost) I. There are three portions of Scripture where this subject is related. MAT 12:31-32; MAR 3:28-30; LUK 11:14-12:10. II. Seldom is all the information on any given topic in one place in the Scripture
    2. 2 Timothy 2:14-19

      2 Timothy 2:14-19 A. Paul here warns against unprofitable words and their effects which undo men but not God. B. “These things” (v. 14) could include all things which Paul had taught Timothy (v. 2) and specifically the faithful saying of the faithful God in vs. 11
    3. The Harmless Lord Jesus Christ

      The Harmless Lord Jesus Christ I. Definitions. A. harm: Evil (physical or otherwise) as done to or suffered by some person or thing; hurt, injury, damage, mischief. Often in the set phrase ‘to do more harm than good’. B. harmlessness: The state or quality of being harmless; inoffensiveness. C
    4. Life From The Dead

      Life From The Dead I. The theme of salvation is God’s will and power to miraculously make alive that which has not life. A. God made man out of non-living dust and breathed life into him. GEN 2:7. 1. Because God in power made Adam from
    5. Distinctions Between Sexes

      Distinctions Between Sexes I. This message is a summarized review of previous detailed messages preached on the topics. II. A major area where necessary distinctions are challenged is that of the sexes. A. sex: Either of the two divisions of organic beings distinguished as male and female respectively; the
    6. Saul, Samuel and the Witch

      Saul, Samuel and the Witch (1 Samuel 28) A. Samuel was a great prophet and well-noted in Scripture. PSA 99:6; JER 15:1. 1. He was the last of the judges of Israel before they had a king. 1SAM 7:15; ACT 13:20. 2. He anointed
    7. Death Part 3

      X. This section addresses the afterlife experienced between the death of the body and its resurrection. A. In PHIL 1:20-26 Paul expounds what life and death were for him. 1. For Paul, to live was Christ. a. Paul's life was given and sustained by Christ (GAL 2
    8. Death Part 2

      VI. The entire person of the elect, including his body, is the purchased possession of God. 1CO 6:20; JOB 14:12-15; 19:25-27. A. The inward part of man lives on after the body dies. LUK 16:22-24; REV 6:9-10. B. Cultures and religions
    9. God's Appointments

      God’s Appointments I. Definitions. A. appoint: To determine authoritatively, prescribe, decree, ordain. trans. To determine authoritatively, prescribe, fix (a time, later a place) for any act. B. ordain: To appoint, decree, destine, order. trans. To appoint (a person, etc.) to a charge, duty, or office. Of the Deity
    10. Death Part 1

      Death I. die: intr. To lose life, cease to live, suffer death; to expire. II. Scripture identifies six types of death: A. Spiritual death in trespasses and sin. GEN 2:17; EPH 2:1. B. Separation from fellowship and accord with God. JAM 5:19-20; EPH 5:14
    11. Psalm 130

      Psalm 130 I. This psalm directs us towards the true hope of God's Israel which is redemption from ALL iniquities. vs. 7-8. A. This Israel can only be spiritual Israel: the elect of God out of all nations who are the children of promise. ROM 9:6
    12. The Primacy of Peter?

      The Primacy of Peter? (An Overview) A. Roman Catholicism holds that the Apostle Peter was given primacy (first in order, rank, chief place) by Jesus Christ in the visible church. 1. The church is supposed to be built upon Peter, the vicar of Christ. 2. Peter is supposed to
    13. Our Bible Part 6

      IX. Consider the path of the true Old Testament scriptures. A. Recall that Jesus Christ authenticated the true O.T. as consisting of the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms written in Hebrew, excluding the books of the Apocrypha. MAT 5:18; LUK 24:44. B. apocrypha: A writing or
    14. Rationalizing

      Rationalizing I. rationalize: trans. To render conformable to reason; to explain on a rational basis. b. To clear away by reasoning. c. Psychol. To give plausible reasons for (one's behaviour) that ignore, conceal, or gloss its real motive. A. The truth of God is in accord with sound
    15. Haggai Part 7

      VI. HAG 2:10-19. A. The twenty-fourth day of the month is significant throughout the remainder of the chapter. vs. 10, 18, 20. 1. Haggai delivers two messages: one to the priests and the people to snap them to attention for their good, the other to the governor
    16. Our Bible Part 5

      VII. It has become fashionable in modern Christianity to assume that a bonafide translation is impossible and the truth of God (Scripture) is confined to “original” languages. Consider: A. When someone is desperate to cling to an error which is refuted in the KJV, there is a tendency to appeal
    17. Our Bible Part 4

      V. Here are some “bullet-points” of review and for further investigation concerning the giving and preserving of the written scriptures. A. God writes. EXO 31:18; HEB 8:10. B. God intends differing languages. GEN 11:6-9. C. God intends translation. ACT 2:1-11. D. God intends
    18. Rendering Tribute to God

      Rendering Tribute To God (Mark 12:13-17) A. Definitions. 1. tribute: A tax or impost paid by one prince or state to another in acknowledgement of submission or as the price of peace, security, and protection; rent or homage paid in money or an equivalent by a subject
    19. Haggai Part 6

      H. “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts” (v. 8). 1. They need not be concerned about the relative absence of the gold and silver that were part of the first temple’s glory. 1CH 29:1-5, 14-16. 2. This temple
    20. Our Bible Part 3

      IV. Consider the nature of Scripture. A. It was given by inspiration of God. 2TI 3:16; 2PE 1:21. 1. This inspiration was direct Divine guidance of the person to Whom it was given. 2SAM 23:2; ISA 8:1; JER 36:1-2, 4. 2. This inspiration extends