2 Timothy (Part 27)

vs.16-17. 1. These verses set forth the authorship, transmission, utility and sufficiency of the holy scriptures. 2. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God...” A. If something is scripture, it was given by inspiration of God. If something was not given by inspiration of God, it could not be scripture. B. Some modern versions alter this text. (1) The A.S.V. and the R.V. render this phrase, “Every scripture inspired of God...” (2) This wording implies that some scriptures may not be inspired of God. C. Mind that since all scripture is given by inspiration of God, the holy scriptures which Timothy had known from a child (v.15) were inspired of God. (1) As before proven, Timothy must have been reading copies. (2) This shows that inspiration extends to the copying process. 3. Inspire: “To breathe or blow upon or into. fig. To infuse some thought or feeling into (a person, etc.), as if by breathing; to animate or actuate by some mental or spiritual influence. A. In the case of Scripture, God animated men to give His words through moving them by the Holy Ghost. 2PE 1:21. B. The Greek here is theopneustos which means “divinely breathed in.” (1) This equates with the supernatural bestowal of life in man. GEN 2:7. (2) This implies that the prophet was passive in the reception of the message from God and that God wasn't merely “tweaking” what was already in the prophet by nature. C. The method of inspiration was by God speaking to appointed individuals who then related and/or recorded the information. HEB 1:1; NUM 12:6-8; EXO 34:27; ISA 8:1-2; JER 30:1-2; 36:1-4. D. The written word carries the same weight as if God personally were speaking to men as He did with Moses. GEN 12:3 c/w GAL 3:8; EXO 9:16 c/w ROM 9:17; 2SAM 23:1-2; PSA 45:1; 2CO 13:2-3; HEB 4:7. E. Thus, in lieu of a personal conversation with God, man can indeed live by every word that proceeds from His mouth. MAT 4:4. F. Inspiration extends to all Scripture. 2TI 3:16; PSA 119:128. (1) General thoughts or concepts are insufficient to explain the extent of inspiration. Individual words are important. MAT 22:31-32; HEB 2:6-8; 7:21; 8:8-13; 12:26-27. (2) Paul argued doctrine from a single letter. GAL 3:16. (3) Letters and marks of the Hebrew O.T. were inspired. MAT 5:18. (4) Scriptures interlock. To tamper with part is to tamper with the whole. JOH 5:46-47. 4. The giving of all Scripture by the inspiration of God includes the process of translating the sacred text. A. Christ promised the translation of His word. MAT 24:14; ACT 1:8. B. Translation is essential to communicate the word of God in other languages. 1CO 14:10-11. C. If no translation is given by inspiration, then no translation is Scripture. D. If no translation is Scripture, then all translations are merely the word of men and are therefore ineffectual. JER 23:32 c/w 1TH 2:13. E. JOB 32:8 allows for inspiration in understanding which could include understanding languages to facilitate translations. 5. Thus, the doctrine of divine inspiration includes the original autographs of Scripture, the copying of the Scriptures, and the translating of the Scriptures! A. Mind that the inspiration is limited to the Scriptures, not apocryphal writings. B. Jesus Christ confirmed a canon of O.T. scripture which did not include the apocrypha. MAT 24:35; LUK 24:44-45. 6. Because all scripture is inspired, all scripture is profitable. A. Paul could thus say that by declaring ALL the counsel of God, he kept back NOTHING that was profitable. ACT 20:20, 27. B. The Old Testament provides learning, patience and comfort. ROM 15:4. C. The New Testament is a more sure word written in plainness. 2PE 1:19; 2CO 3:12. D. If one is not profiting from the Scripture, it could be because: (1) one is not regenerated. 1CO 2:14. (2) one is not convinced it is God's word. 1TH 2:13. (3) one is lacking faith. HEB 4:2. (4) one is overcome by the stuff of life. MAT 13:22. (5) one is not under pastoral instruction. ACT 8:30-31. (6) one is not praying for wisdom and understanding. JAM 1:5. (7) one is not continuing in the word by doing it. JAM 1:25. (8) one is having pleasure in unrighteousness. 2TH 2:10-12. (9) one is not reading it. 7. All scripture is profitable for: A. doctrine: “The action of teaching or instructing; instruction; a piece of instruction, a lesson, precept. 2. That which is taught. a. In the most general sense: Instruction, teaching; a body of instruction or teaching. b. esp. That which is taught or laid down as true concerning a particular subject or department of knowledge, as religion, politics, science, etc.; a belief, theoretical opinion; a dogma, tenet. (1) Both testaments are profitable for doctrine but the New Testament exceeds the glory of the Old Testament. 2CO 3:6-9; 2PE 1:19. (2) The Book of Job is thus profitable for doctrine. (3) Those who want emotions and entertainments rather than doctrine will not profit from the Scriptures. B. reproof. (1) Reprove: “To reject. 2. To express disapproval of (conduct, actions, beliefs, etc.); to censure, condemn. (2) The Scriptures are a sufficient set of reproofs for the man of God and for those he teaches. Beyond that is human opinion and Pharisaism. (3) Reproofs of instruction are the way of life. PRO 6:23. (4) Those who despise reproofs will not profit from the Scriptures. C. correction: “The action of correcting or setting right; substitution of what is right for what is erroneous in (a book, etc.); amendment. Hence, loosely, pointing out or marking of errors (in order to their removal).” (1) The Scriptures are profitable to the man of God in that they correct him doctrinally where necessary. (2) The Scriptures are profitable to the man of God in that they provide the needed authority for him to correct others with them. TIT 2:15. (3) Those who despise correction will not profit from the Scriptures. PRO 15:10. D. instruction in righteousness. (1) Righteousness: “Justice, uprightness, rectitude; conformity of life to the requirements of the divine or moral law; virtue, integrity.” (2) Mind that righteousness is a standard that must be taught and the Scriptures establish that standard for the minister and the church. (3) The wrath of God awaits those who hold the truth in unrighteousness (ROM 1:18), a fearful incentive for the man of God. PSA 50:16-17. (4) Those who refuse instruction will not profit from the Scriptures. (5) Those who have pleasure in unrighteousness are not going to profit from the Scriptures which are profitable for instruction in righteousness. 2TH 2:12. 8. The phrase “man of God” (v.17) refers to the preacher of the word. 1TI 6:11. A. The Scriptures are the preacher's manual to perfect him and to throughly furnish him “unto all good works.” B. The O.T. priest's ministry was replete with many articles of furniture for the performance of his work but a N.T. minister has one piece sufficient for all good works incumbent upon him: Scripture. C. How are you going to improve upon that which perfects? D. All that a ministry needs is given in the Scriptures. E. One man of God well-instructed in and instructing with the Scriptures can do all that God requires of him. F. The Scriptures are the best antidote to the evil men and seducers that resist the truth.
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