God's Chastenings Part 3

  1. L. Those who love the Lord do not rationalize evil.

    1. They hate evil. PSA 97:10.

    2. They eschew (avoid, shun, keep clear of) evil. 1PE 3:11.

    3. They delude not themselves of divine indifference or blindness of evil. PSA 94:6-10; ISA 29:15.

    4. They delude not themselves of divine approval of evil. ROM 3:8.

    5. They do not assume that they can always repent tomorrow. PRO 27:1; 29:1.

  2. M. Also avoid thinking that your good record will exempt you from judgment. EZE 18:24.

    1. Remember Moses. NUM 20:11-12.

    2. Paul was not beyond being made a castaway. 1CO 9:27.

  3. VII. One of the vainest assumptions is that because one is part of the true church in this world, there is some kind of exemption from judgment. ROM 2:3, 17, 27.

    1. First, one should be sure that he is even part of the true church in this world. Not everything that calls itself a church is God’s genuine church. ACT 19:37

      1. Churches that start out genuine but cease to build by adding of qualified believers being properly baptized by immersion in time also cease to be true churches since they consist of unbaptized congregants.

      2. Churches which were genuine but sinned away their candlestick have a body without the Spirit: dead (JAM 2:26), Samsonite churches (JDG 16:20), as when God departed Israel, turning her into an organ donor body harvested by the apostles before she was consumed

      3. Churches that are born from a false “church” are but spiritual daughters of an ecclesial whore. REV 17:1, 5 c/w JOB 14:4.

      4. Churches that newly spring up without apostolic ministerial succession may be well intentioned but good intentions cannot overrule God’s order for building. ACT 19:1-5

      5. God’s children abiding in such situations should avoid His rod by coming out of them to Christ in His true church. REV 18:4 c/w 1PE 2:4-5; 3:20-21.

    2. If one is actually a member of a true church, that is the first place He looks in judgment! AMO 3:2; 1PE 4:17.

  4. VIII. A particularly dangerous form of imagined exemption is that one has some kind of special arrangement or indulgence which insulates him from judgment (and therefore from chastisement).

    1. It may be a lineage or ancient heritage. MAT 3:7-10.

    2. It may be riches. MIC 3:11-12; ZEC 11:4-6.

    3. It may be a pact with death. ISA 28:15-18.

    4. It may be high office. ct/w JAM 3:1.

  5. IX. God’s chastenings of His people are purposeful and of varied forms.

    1. They may be His houghings of our frame to forbid us from our own pride.

      1. Jacob wrestled with God and won but was left with a limp. GEN 32:24-32.

      2. Samson needed to learn not to crow. JDG 15:16-19.

      3. Paul had great revelations and a thorn to temper him. 2CO 12:7.

      4. If we had flawless, pain-free bodies in all seasons, we would have less appreciation for spiritual things or the resurrection body fitted for eternal glory. ROM 8:22-23.

    2. They may be His direct punishments for our folly wherein He afflicts our bodies or interests.

      1. Miriam spoke against Moses and received leprosy. NUM 12:1, 9-10.

      2. David sinned and was forgiven but chastened with grief. 2SAM 12:13-14.

    3. They may be His giving us over to our own sinfulness, making repentance all the more problematic and blessings forfeited. PSA 81:10-16; 1PE 3:12.

      1. Such may occur privately, personally. We grieve the Spirit by sin which, though unknown by others, is known to God Who judges the impenitent. ROM 2:3-4; PRO 28:13.

      2. Such may occur judicially wherein God brings sin to light and judgment, causing separation from His Spirit-indwelt body, the church. 1CO 5:4-5.

      3. Such lose the fellowship of the Spirit. PHIL 2:1 c/w 2CO 13:14.

      4. Such lose the communion service of Christ. 1CO 5:11.

    4. They may be a sensed alienation from God wherein hope and confidence are in question. PSA 88:14-16; 1JO 2:28; 3:21; 5:14-15.

      1. There is a burdened conscience anticipating wrath to drive us to confession. PSA 32:3-5.

      2. Indeed, “...while I suffer thy terrors I am distracted” (PSA 88:15).

  6. X. God’s chastenings of His children are restricted to this life.

    1. The righteous upon death enter into rest. ISA 57:1-2; LUK 16:22; REV 14:13.

    2. Christ’s inward sufferings ended with death. ACT 2:27; LUK 23:43, 46.

  7. XI. Remember that God’s chastenings are for our profit to produce holiness and righteousness in us. HEB 12:10-11.

    1. The chastenings are part of His covenant of salvation, a blessing. PSA 89:30-33; 94:12-14.

    2. They are proofs of His love. REV 3:19.

    3. They are meant to turn us unto Him in humility and repentance. JER 31:18-19.

    4. We should be thankful for such a faithful Father Who would thus instruct us. PSA 119:71, 75; JOB 34:31-32.

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.