Sermons from 2007

Submission & Resistance (Part 2)

1.  In order to resist the devil, we must first deny self and submit self to God.   

      MAT 16:24; JAM 4:5-7.

      A. Deny:  "(To say 'no' to the claims of)  To refuse to recognize or acknowledge   (a person or thing) as having a certain character or certain claims; to disown,


When Faith Foiled Fire (Daniel 3)

WHEN FAITH FOILED FIRE (Daniel 3) v.1. A. Nebuchadnezzar had just been shown a vision of a great image, in which he and his kingdom were depicted by a head of gold. DAN 2:32, 38. B. As if that were a cue, he here erected a monstrous golden image of worship. C. Ironically, the vision he had seen spoke of the overthrow of idol empires. D. Consider the vain responses and conclusions carnal men arrive at from superficial exposure to true religion. ACT 8:18-20; 19:11-16. E. It was th...

Putting On Christ (Part 2)

PUTTING ON CHRIST (Galatians 3:27) I. Scripture clearly affirms that the eternal salvation of sinners is entirely of God, independent of the will and work of man. This is true grace. ROM 5:19; 9:15-16; 2TIM 1:9; TIT 3:5; 1PE 5:10-12. II. Grace, however, demands that the child of God should pursue personal holiness and righteousness in practice. TIT 2:11-13. A. The elective purpose of God and the sacrificial atonement of Christ are not only for the deliverance of the elect from the penalty o...

The Mystery of Godliness

THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS (1 Timothy 3:16) 1. 1TI 3:16 And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, received up into glory. A. Paul is here setting forth the essence of Christian religion which sets it apart from all other religious systems or philosophies: God became man. B. All false systems ultimately teach that man becomes God throug...

Nehemiah: Lessons in Building (Part 10)

Nehemiah 10

vs.1-31.  The people in accord with their leaders covenanted to obey the law of God.
A.	The leaders (Nehemiah being first mentioned, v.1) set the tone and example for the people by sealing this covenant.  
		1.	Church teachers must also be church leaders and examples.
			1PE 5:3 c/w 1TI 4:12.
2.	Forwardness in church leaders inspires confidence and godly conduct in church members.  PHIL 1:12-14.
		3.	Both leaders and people bound themselves to the same law.  There was 
			not a d...

The Heart and Emotions


1.	The heart of man is by nature corrupt and evil.  GEN 6:5; 8:21; ECC 9:3.
2.	It is deceivable, deceitful and desperately wicked.  ISA 44:20; JER 17:9.
3.	It is a fool that trusts his heart over against wisdom.  PRO 28:26.
4.	heart -  As the seat of feeling, understanding, and thought. = MIND, in the widest
	sense, including the function of feeling, volition, and intellect.  The seat of one's 
	inmost thoughts and secret feelings; one's inmost being; the depths of the ...


Peace- I. 1. Freedom from, or cessation of, war or hostilities; that condition of a nation or community in which it is not at war with another. 4. Freedom from quarrels or dissention between individuals; a state of friendliness, concord, amity (Eph 4:3). 4b. trans. An author or maintainer of concord (Eph 2:14). 5. Freedom form mental or spiritual disturbance or conflict arising from passion, sense of guilt, etc.; peace of mind, soul, or conscience (Phi 4:7). I. The origin if true peace. 1. Our God...

The End of Faith Without Sight

THE END OF FAITH WITHOUT SIGHT (1 Peter 1:8-12) v.8. A. Believers do not now see Christ in this world. 2CO 5:7. 1. Note the verb tenses: "having not seen..." and "now ye see him not." a. These believers had never personally seen Christ. b. They would not have been of those whom Peter elsewhere described as "these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us" (ACT 1:21). c. Paul said, "And last of all he wa...

Nehemiah: Lessons in Building (Part 11)

Nehemiah 11 vs.1-19. These verses set forth a lottery for the inhabiting of Jerusalem and a honorable record of those who did so. A. It was noted (v.1) that "...the rulers of the people dwelt at Jerusalem." 1. This was appropriate since God had ordained thrones of judgment to be set in Jerusalem. PSA 122:5. 2. The "holy city" on earth in the N.T. is the gospel church and it is likewise the place where the rulers of the people of God should dwell. a. N.T. rule is entrusted to th...

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

THE PARABLE OF THE TEN VIRGINS (Matthew 25:1-13) I. Like the statements of Christ which precede it, the parable of the ten virgins teaches us to watch and be ready for Christ's coming which will catch the foolish unawares and undo them. MAT 24:42-51. A. This is another parable describing the nature of the kingdom of heaven, the church. The bridegroom is obviously Christ. MAT 9:15. B. In the church there is a mixture of wise and foolish to be divided at the coming of Chris...


BUT I. All men are infected with Adam's sin. ROM 5:12; 3:9, 23. A. All are by nature spiritually dead and under God's wrath against sin. EPH 2:1-3; GEN 8:21; PSA 51:5. B. All are by nature worthless before God's holy law: 1. individually. PSA 39:5. 2. collectively. ISA 40:17; ROM 3:9. II. Any recovery scheme which hinges on man's resolve or action is futile. A. Perhaps if his good works outweigh his bad works on God's scale, man can recover himself from condemnatio...

The Unruly Evil

THE UNRULY EVIL I. Man's tongue is his glory. PSA 30:12; 16:8-9 c/w ACT 2:25-26. A. Man is distinguished from the brute creation by his faculty of diverse and complex oral communication. 1. Man has the capacity to think concretely and abstractly and to communicate both orally to others. 2. When was the last time anyone heard a chimpanzee explain a reasoned process to his neighbor or paint a touching word picture of his love for his mate or tell a fairy tale? B. Man was m...

Christian Relationships & Trends

In celebration of the eighth year anniversary of the Cincinnati Church, we invited Pastor Conrad Jarrell of the Las Vegas Church to visit. It was only fitting that he should be invited since he was one of the ministers involved in the evangelism that resulted in the establishment of this church. Pastor Jarrell spoke concerning the nature of Christian Relationships from a biblical standpoint and then discussed a recent study of significant trends in Christianity today. He noted, among other things, that...

Olivet Discourse

THE OLIVET DISCOURSE A. The Olivet Discourse treats of two separate events. 1. The time of one event (the destruction of the temple and great tribulation in Judea) could be known and thus escape was possible. 2. The time of the other event (the coming of Christ and the end of the world) would be unknown and inescapable, thus demanding continual vigilance. 3. These two events are separated by a period referred to in LUK 21:24 as "...the times of the Gentiles..." 4. This is one p...

Separation and Withdrawal

SEPARATION AND WITHDRAWAL I. Separation from acquaintances whose conversation or doctrine opposes Scripture is not optional. A. There is a moral aspect to this. 1PE 4:1-4. B. There is a doctrinal/theological aspect to this. ROM 16:17; 2TH 3:6, 14-15; 1TI 6:3-5; 2TI 3:5. II. The gospel calls God's people from diverse errors to singularity of purpose and unity of belief. MAR 1:15; ACT 17:30; 2CO 10:3-5. A. No project or program accomplishes much where there are internal opposing ...

The First Destruction of Jerusalem (Part 1)

THE FIRST DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM I. The cup of Judah's iniquity was full. They had disregarded the conditions of the covenant which God had given them for the possession of the land. They had neglected His warnings which had come via His lesser judgments and the rebukes of the prophets. They had gone too far and there was now no remedy from the judgment which would befall them. 2CH 36:14-16. A. Where God makes a conditional promise, He reserves the right to break His part of the agre...

The Christian's Responsibility to Moses' Law

THE CHRISTIAN'S RELATIONSHIP TO MOSES' LAW I. The question is sometimes asked, "How much of the Old Testament (O.T.) is still binding upon Christians today?" A. Is all of the O.T. still binding? B. Is any of the O.T. still binding? C. Is everything not specifically excluded in the New Testament (N.T.) still binding? D. Is only that portion of the O.T. which is specifically identified as N.T. law still in effect? II. When we speak of "the Old Testament," we sometimes call all ...

The First Destruction of Jerusalem (Part 2)

THE FIRST DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM I. The cup of Judah's iniquity was full. They had disregarded the conditions of the covenant which God had given them for the possession of the land. They had neglected His warnings which had come via His lesser judgments and the rebukes of the prophets. They had gone too far and there was now no remedy from the judgment which would befall them. 2CH 36:14-16. A. Where God makes a conditional promise, He reserves the right to break His part of the agreement if the oth...

Sparks in the Home (Part 1)

SPARKS IN THE HOME I. Married couples may expect to undergo trying times in their relationships. 1CO 7:28. A. Trials that come against a couple from outside sources tend to bring the couple closer together. B. It is the trial that develops in the battle of wills within the marriage that drives couples apart. II. Marital conflict can be a useful tool in maintaining mutual respect and enforcing mutual accountability. PRO 27:17. A. Virtually noone respects a pushover. B. C...

Sparks in the Home (Part 2)

SPARKS IN THE HOME I. Married couples may expect to undergo trying times in their relationships. 1CO 7:28. A. Trials that come against a couple from outside sources tend to bring the couple closer together. B. It is the trial that develops in the battle of wills within the marriage that drives couples apart. II. Marital conflict can be a useful tool in maintaining mutual respect and enforcing mutual accountability. PRO 27:17. A. Virtually noone respects a pushover. B. C...

Togetherness (Part 1)

TOGETHERNESS I. God has ordained that men be in company with others. A. Before sin's entrance, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. GEN 2:18. B. God has thus ordained families, nations, friend and churches. C. The locusts are commended for their wisdom in going forth by bands. PRO 30:27. D. Jesus sent His disciples out by twos. MAR 6:7. E. Paul emphasized the importance to him of his companions. ROM 16:1-4, 6, 9; PHIL 2:25; COL 4:11; 2TI 1:16; PHM 1:20. F. Mark the f...

Togetherness (Part 2)

TOGETHERNESS I. God has ordained that men be in company with others. A. Before sin's entrance, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. GEN 2:18. B. God has thus ordained families, nations, friend and churches. C. The locusts are commended for their wisdom in going forth by bands. PRO 30:27. D. Jesus sent His disciples out by twos. MAR 6:7. E. Paul emphasized the importance to him of his companions. ROM 16:1-4, 6, 9; PHIL 2:25; COL 4:11; 2TI 1:16; PHM 1:20. F. Mark the f...

Nehemiah: Lessons in Building (Part 12)

Nehemiah 12 vs.1-26. Record is here given of the priests and the Levites. A. The Spirit is careful to note not only the number but the names of the righteous who put their hand to the work of God. c/w ROM 16:3-15. 1. God knows the number of His saints (REV 7:9) but is pleased to know us also intimately by names which He carefully has recorded in a book. JOH 10:3 c/w PHIL 4:3. 2. A good name gotten by good character is worth noting. PRO 22:1; PSA 112:6 c/w PRO 10:7. B. There w...

Togetherness (Part 3)

TOGETHERNESS I. God has ordained that men be in company with others. A. Before sin's entrance, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. GEN 2:18. B. God has thus ordained families, nations, friend and churches. C. The locusts are commended for their wisdom in going forth by bands. PRO 30:27. D. Jesus sent His disciples out by twos. MAR 6:7. E. Paul emphasized the importance to him of his companions. ROM 16:1-4, 6, 9; PHIL 2:25; COL 4:11; 2TI 1:16; PHM 1:20. F. Mark the f...

Friends or Lovers? (Our Relationship to the Mammon of Unrighteousness)

FRIENDS OR LOVERS? (Our Relationship to the Mammon of Unrighteousness) I. The Lord Jesus Christ instructed His disciples about a necessary balance of faithfulness in both righteous things and unrighteous things. LUK 16:1-13. II. Some have interpretted Christ's lesson from the unjust steward as a license for questionable or shady business dealings where practicality or profit may override principle. A. Purloining (pilfering, misappropriation of resources, especially where there is a...

Nehemiah: Lessons in Building (Part 13)

Nehemiah 13 vs.1-3. The mixed multitude was separated from the people in compliance with the law read on that day. A. This is the essence of true revival and rebuilding: a submissive return to the precepts and commandments of the word of God. REV 2:5; 1CO 11:1-2. 1. There is no peace where the order of the law is abandoned. 2CH 15:3-5 ct/w PHIL 4:9. 2. Is the church in disrepair or disorder and wondering how to make sense of its own confusion? Go back to the Scripture and obey...

What the Gospel is For

WHAT THE GOSPEL IS FOR I. Scripture shows that "gospel" means "glad tidings" or "good news." ISA 61:1 c/w LUK 4:18-19; ISA 52:7 c/w ROM 10:15. A. The word "tidings" in ISA 61:1 and ISA 52:7 is from the Hebrew "basar" (SRN #1319), which means "to bear news, bear tidings, publish, preach, show forth." B. Therefore the gospel is the glad tidings or good news of something. It is the declaration of some fact or event that should be a cause for rejoicing. It is not the thing itself. ...

The Resurrection (Part 1)

THE RESURRECTION I. Physical death and the grave are, to the natural eye, the culmination of the wages of sin. ROM 6:23. A. This is the appointment that Adam made for every man. 1CO 15:21-22 c/w HEB 9:27. B. This is man's home. JOB 17:13; ECC 12:5. C. It is the last enemy that shall be destroyed. 1CO 15:26. II. Mind the consistency of Biblical truth. Death by sin was realized in three distinct stages and the remedial saving calls were accordingly ordered in three stages. A. F...

The Resurrection (part 2)

THE RESURRECTION I. Physical death and the grave are, to the natural eye, the culmination of the wages of sin. ROM 6:23. A. This is the appointment that Adam made for every man. 1CO 15:21-22 c/w HEB 9:27. B. This is man's home. JOB 17:13; ECC 12:5. C. It is the last enemy that shall be destroyed. 1CO 15:26. II. Mind the consistency of Biblical truth. Death by sin was realized in three distinct stages and the remedial saving calls were accordingly ordered in three stages. A. F...

Psalm 41

PSALM 41 1. This is a psalm of David, the "sweet psalmist of Israel" (2SA 23:1). 2. As with other psalms, there is a prophetic perspective that applies to Jesus Christ. v.9 c/w JOH 13:18; PSA 40:6-8 c/w HEB 10:5-7. A. Some things in such psalms may apply to the psalmist only. v.4. B. Some things in such psalms may apply to Christ only. PSA 16:8-11 c/w ACT 2:25-31. C. Some things in such psalms may apply to both the psalmist and Christ. v.9 c/w 2SA 15:12; JOH 13:18; MAT 26:50. D. Th...

2 Timothy (Part 4)

2 TIMOTHY 1. This is the Apostle Paul's second epistle to Timothy, his "son" in conversion and ordination. A. Paul had begotten Timothy unto his (Paul's) ways in Christ. ACT 16:1-3 c/w 1CO 4:14-17. B. Paul had ordained Timothy into the office of the ministry. 2TI 1:6. C. Paul had charged Timothy with the oversight of the church at Ephesus. 1TI 1:3. D. This epistle follows up on the fatherly guidance and order of the first epistle relative to ministerial rule in the church. 1TI 3:1...

Education (Part 1)

EDUCATION I. Education: "The systematic instruction, schooling or training system given to the young in preparation for the work of life; by extension, similar instruction or training obtained in adult age. Also, the whole course of scholastic instruction which a person has received." II. This study is relevant to disciples of Christ. A. Disciple: "One who follows or attends upon another for the purpose of learning from him; a pupil, scholar." See LUK 14:26-27. B. Discipleship is a...

2 Timothy (Part 5)

v.5. 1. Timothy possessed an unfeigned faith. A. Unfeigned: "Not feigned, pretended, or simulated; sincere, genuine, true, real." B. Timothy's faith was not "form only" (c/w 2TI 3:5), an outward shew of piety with no basis in the heart. c/w MAR 7:6. C. Timothy's faith was not devoid of good works. JAM 2:17 c/w TIT 1:15-16. D. Timothy's faith was not a sham pretext for gaining influence amongst the saints. ACT 15:5 c/w GAL 2:4. E. Timothy's faith was obviously based upon conviction of...

2 Timothy (Part 6)

v.7. 1. Having exhorted Timothy to stir up the gift of God, Paul points to the resource of the indwelling Holy Spirit to perform this duty. c/w v.14. 2. The spirit of fear generates bondage. ROM 8:15; HEB 2:15. 3. The Spirit of God produces power, which is "the ability to do or effect something or anything, or to act upon a person or thing." ACT 1:8. A. This power stands in contrast to the spirit of fear. (1) Fear debilitates a man in that it causes faintness and cowardice. D...

2 Timothy (Part 7)

v.8. 1. Because Timothy had the spirit of power and not of fear (v.7), Paul exhorts him "therefore" to not be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord. A. Testimony: "Personal or documentary evidence or attestation in support of a fact or statement; hence, any form of evidence or proof." B. Those who saw Jesus Christ gave the personal evidence of Him and His claims. ACT 10:37-43; 1CO 15:5-8; 1JO 1:1-4. C. The Scriptures are the documentary evidence of Jesus Christ. REV 19:10; 2P...

2 Timothy (Part 8)

v.10. 1. At His appearing, Christ executed that which God planned before the world began. 2. Jesus Christ is designated Saviour; He is the God Who hath saved us. ISA 43:11. 3. Jesus Christ HATH abolished death. A. He overcame death Himself; it has no power over Him. ROM 6:9. B. He has removed the sting of death. 1CO 15:55-57. C. He destroyed him that had the power of death (the devil). HEB 2:14. 4. Immortality is the condition of not being subject to death. A. Being raised fr...

2 Timothy (Part 9)

v.12. 1. Paul suffered for the cause of the gospel. 2. Paul's sufferings did not make him ashamed of the gospel. He set a good example for Timothy in light of the exhortation of v.8. A. There is cause for shame owing to ignorance of the gospel when its information is readily available. ACT 2:37-38; 3:17 c/w 1CO 15:34. B. There is cause for shame owing to lack of study of the gospel for its defense. 1PE 3:15; 2TI 2:15; HEB 5:12. C. There is cause for shame when a lack of application of th...

1 John 2:12-14

A. John's first epistle was written that believers' joy might be full. 1JO 1:3-4. 1. The epistle emphasizes the Person of Christ and true Christian love while giving much warning against deception and apostasy. 2. Jesus equated fulness of joy with abiding in His love, which is keeping His commandments. JOH 15:10-11. 3. Therefore to be deceived so as to break His commandments or to apostatize from His commandments would be antithetical to full joy. 4. The comprehended reception of the l...

Sin Unto Death

1. Having dealt with the subject of prayer (vs. 14-15), John gives direction in prayer in reference to the sins of others. vs. 16-17. 2. John treats here of a sin not unto death and a sin that is unto death. 3. By definition, a sin unto death is a sin that results in death whereas a sin not unto death does not result in death. A. Death is the result of sin, any sin. ROM 6:23; JAM 1:15. B. In general, then, we all die because of sin. C. This passage is dealing with death that is visited upon u...

Communion and Fellowship

Communion: "Sharing or holding in common with others; participation; the condition of things so held, community, combination, union." Fellowship: "Partnership; membership of a society. Participation, sharing (in an action, condition, etc.); 'something in common', community of interest, sentiment, nature, etc." I. Believers can and should have fellowship with Christ and other believers. A. Through the Holy Spirit we have fellowship with the Father and with Jesus Christ. 1JO 1:3 c/w JOH 14:1...

Seeking A Mate

1. This study is primarily for the benefit of single, available adult Christians. 2. Have questions or issues like this crossed your mind?: A. Am I doomed to life-long single-living and celibacy? B. Is there a God-ordained special someone for everyone? C. How do I go about getting a mate? D. How do I attract a mate? E. What constitutes godly decorum in pre-marital relationships? F. Should I have to sacrifice any of my ideals in order to be married? G. Is marriage even for me? H. The "pickin...