Transgenderism (Part 1)
By Pastor Boffey on Sunday, September 11, 2016.1.
2. 3.
The New Oxford American Dictionary defines transsexual: “a person born with the physical characteristics of one sex who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex.”
The use of transsexual or transgender to describe essentially the same group is somewhat controversial within that group.
“Distinctions between the terms transgender and transsexual are commonly based on distinctions between gender (psychological, social) and sex (physical).[34][35] Hence, transsexuality may be said to deal more with material aspects of one's sex, while transgender considerations deal more with one's internal gender disposition or predisposition, as well as the related social expectations that may accompany a given gender role.[36] Many transgender people prefer the designation transgender and reject transsexual [37][38][39]” (Wikipedia art. Transgender)
I. The terms associated with this topic are many and are often invented outgrowths of the basic issue. This study will focus on basics.
A. “Transgender” is itself a relatively novel term. It does not appear in my hardcover OED
(1971 edition).
1. A newer CD-ROM version of OED defines transgender: “adj. Of, relating to, or
designating a person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender, but combines or moves between these; transgendered.”
2. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines transgender: “adj. identified with a gender other than the biological one.”
B. An earlier term was/is transsexual: “adj. 1. Of or pertaining to transsexualism; having physical characteristics of one sex and psychological characteristics of the other...Also, one whose sex has been changed by surgery.” (OED CD-ROM version)
C. gender: Kind, sort, class; also, genus as opposed to species. (OED)
D. sex: Either of the two divisions of organic beings distinguished as male and female
respectively; the males or females (of a species, etc., esp. of the human race) viewed
collectively. (OED)
E. Mind that gender does not clearly specify a distinction between male and female.
1. It is not unusual for cultural morality shifts to either begin with or be accompanied by alteration of terms which alter people's perceptions.
2. Consider that “gay” used to mean “full of joy or mirth” and what used to be called sodomy (a value-negative term) is now called homosexuality (a value-neutral term).
3. Incest (a value-negative term) is now called genetic sexual attraction (a value- neutral term) and the road is thus being paved for its normalization.
4. The American Psychiatric Association has had to backpedal from altering in its DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, ver. 5) the classification of pedophilia from a “disorder” to a “sexual orientation.” Mind that “sexual orientations” are protected classes according to current anti-discrimination laws.
a. The APA, under pressure of public outcry, has basically said, “Wait, that's not what we meant---we'll get that cleared up soon.” However, the APA is not the only voice that is bending values in this area. Consider the following quote.
b. “Pedophilia emerges before or during puberty, and is stable over time.[25] It is self-discovered, not chosen.[6] For these reasons, pedophilia has been
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described as a disorder of sexual preference, phenomenologically similar to a heterosexual or homosexual sexual orientation.[25]”
(Wikipedia art. Pedophilia)
5. Relative to this study, the desire to identify oneself as the opposite sex in defiance of one's own biological make-up (even to the point of undergoing sex hormone therapy and radical bodily-mutilating surgery) has been de-pathologized by the APA.
a. For decades this was deemed a mental illness called “gender identity disorder” but is now called “gender dysphoria.”
b. This means that “...the condition itself is no longer considered abnormal or 'disordered' at all, but only the anxiety one may feel over it---anxiety that LGBT apologists blame largely on public ignorance and intolerance.” (David Kupelian, The Snapping of the American Mind, p. 157)
6. Holding fast the form of sound words (2TI 1:13) is a broadly important principle. See also ISA 5:20; MAL 3:15.
F. Ancillary to transgenderism is the behavior transvestitism (cross-dressing, typically men who derive pleasure from dressing in women's clothes).
1. Transvestitism may be an “entry level” form of transgenderism but not necessarily.
2. Strongly heterosexual males have been known to cross-dress for personal pleasure.
3. Transvestitism may also be nothing more than deliberate rebellion against
established norms or an attention-getting gambit.
4. This study focuses rather on the extreme disorder which inclines one to become
physically altered (Gender Reassignment Surgery/GRS) and/or hormonally altered.
II. Another distinction to be made is the special category of genuine biological anomalies where someone is born with exceptional anatomy which defies simple classification as male or female.
A. Formerly termed hermaphrodites, this category is currently termed intersex.
B. In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46.
Twenty-two of these pairs, called autosomes, look the same in both males and females. The 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, differ between males and females. Females have two copies of the X chromosome, while males have one X and one Y chromosome. Though rare, sometimes this number of chromosomes and/or the X and Y make-up deviates from the norm.
C. “Intersex, in humans and other animals, describes variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 'do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies'.[1] Such variations may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[2][3] Intersex people were previously referred to as hermaphrodites, but the term has fallen out of favor as it is considered to be misleading, stigmatizing, and scientifically specious.[4]” (Wikipedia art. Intersex)
D. “According to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights:
Intersex people are born with sex characteristics (including genitals, gonads and chromosome patterns) that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies. Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of natural bodily variations. In some cases, intersex traits are visible at birth while in others, they are not apparent until puberty. Some chromosomal intersex variations may not be physically apparent at all.[1]” (Ibid.)
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E. Jesus spoke of congenital sexual anomalies. MAT 19:12.
F. “A pastor friend was removed from being a pastor due to the nature of his birth (intersexed)
in having both male and female parts, but condition helped with surgery, now married with children.
I am at the foundational level of intersexed in being an XXY male, was 53 before
learning of my condition, but had gone through the change of life and also excessive breast tissue for a male.
I am always offended when we as intersexed people are spoken of in the same breath with homosexuals or added to their agenda when those of us who follow Jesus are as much opposed to the gay lifestyle as any other who will not compromise God’s Word to validate sin or lust. I also believe that a true Eunuch is one who is unmarried and celibate which is only for those with the gift to remain that way.
To this day I have never heard a sermon or teaching regarding hermaphrodites in the church– covered by the same grace but forced into the basement due to ignorance and an imposed shame for being 'so born from our mother’s womb,' something we had no choice about, unlike those acting on their homosexual feelings or those with a mental condition rather than a genetic defect which is temporary.
Your article about 'transgendered' was interesting but I am more concerned about attitudes we encounter for being who we are which to me is just unique. Scars today only say that healing happened and no more open wounds...Just as Jesus is proud of His scars that say healing happened.
To me there is just the Natural man, Spiritual man and the carnal Christian, only three kinds of people on the planet with a variety of physical and mental differences. But attitudes we encounter as intersexed people would lead folks to think maybe there is an additional 'type' who doesn’t fit any mold or classification or addressed in scripture. But again the only problem I see is attitudes springing from ignorance; one can not love God without loving all the people of God, yet the subject is rarely if ever addressed completely to make us at least feel as if we fully belong among other people more normal than we are and that we are not freaks. The real us is spirit!” (Response to a Probe Ministries article, What is a Biblical View of Transgendered People and Hermaphrodites?)
G. “There is a third category that appears as XY = Female. This occurs due to a hormone receptor deformity that renders the fetus insensitive to androgen hormones. The degree of sexual formation differs between females with v----- and partially formed males – though nor [sic] hermaphrodite. This category is considered Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (PAIS) and Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS). To your point, these children are fully female (perhaps extremely so) and there is no confusion regarding their design. Genetically, they test as XY, but physiologically they are female from birth. I should note that they are all sterile and many require a Y-V vanginoplasty to create a v------ opening and open the musculature for the v----- itself. They also require hormone therapy to complete the appearance of a female (breasts), but remain without follicular body hair with the exception of their head. Most often, whatever gonads they possess are removed early due to the tendency to rapidly convert to cancerous tissue.” (Ibid.)
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H. Such conditions as these are congenital problems: one is indeed born that way. Transgenderism, by contrast, is a spiritual/emotional/psychological problem.
1. Genetic abnormalities or defects are part of the painful bondage of corruption
under which mankind must labor until the resurrection. ROM 8:21-22.
2. Mind that the biological exceptions to the norm are just that: exceptions.
a. Special treatment or surgery that may be needed for an intersex birth is not the same as, nor justification for, GRS for someone who is chromosomally male or female but struggling with emotional ambiguities.
b. Be wary of making exceptions to the rule into the rule, as did Satan in Eden.
GEN 2:16-17 c/w GEN 3:1.
3. One may even be born with a genetic predisposition to a particular mental or emotional weakness. But what is inborn is not necessarily God-ordained because human nature is tainted by original sin.
4. All are born with a spiritual weakness which interferes with submission to God.
PSA 51:5.
5. Regardless of how one is born, all are responsible to submit to the will of God Who is Sovereign over mind and body, and Who gives grace to those who seek it.
EXO 4:10-12; HEB 11:6; 2CO 12:7-9.
6. Giving in to an inherent weakness in defiance of God is the way of the unregenerate reprobate. EPH 2:3.
III. Following are some history and facts about the transgender movement.
A. The transgender movement began in the minds of three men with a common bond: they
were all pedophilia activists: Dr. Alfred Kinsey (infamous sexologist), Dr. Harry Benjamin (endocrinologist who was early fascinated by transvestitism) and Dr. John Money (psychologist, disciple of Kinsey and member of a transsexual research team headed by Benjamin).
B. Dr. Money exploited the distraught parents of a twin boy who had a botched circumcision, persuading them that it was best that “David” be made into “Brenda” and then concocted false glowing medical reports about the results. Years later in conflict, David and his twin brother committed suicide within months of each other.
C. This trio's “research” was largely responsible for transgender surgery departments in university-based clinics in the U.S., starting in the 1950's and continuing through the 1970's until evaluation showed no objective evidence of benefit and certain evidence of harm. Private practitioners have since taken over the discredited practice of sex-change hormone therapy (SHT) and GRS.
D. For a candid and provocative insight into the tragic consequences of SHT and GRS, check out Walt Heyer's personal story and info at and wherein his experience at the hands of Paul Walker, PhD (a homosexual and transgender activist) may be found. Heyer's story can be found in novel form, Kid Dakota and The Secret at Grandma's House, and in his autobiography, A Transgender's Faith. His other books include Paper Genders and Gender, Lies and Suicide.
E. The American Psychiatric Association, under pressure from gay rights activists, declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 and the American Psychological Association followed suit two years later.
1. “Stunningly, the former president of the American Psychological Association---
indeed, the man who actually introduced the motion to declassify homosexuality as Transgenderism 9-11-16 Page 4
a mental illness in 1975---is now sounding the alarm. Dr. Nicholas Cummings says the psychologists' organization has become dominated by 'ultraliberals' under the thumb of the 'gay rights movement.' Since the mid-1990's, warns Cummings, the group's positions have become based on 'political stances' that 'seemed to override any scientific results,' adding, 'Cherry-picking results became the mode. The gay rights movement sort of captured the APA.”
(David Kupelian, The Snapping of the American Mind, pp. 160-161)
2. The same modus operandi has evidently led such experts to de-pathologize gender
identity disorder to gender dysphoria and reclassify pedophilia from a disorder to a sexual orientation.
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