The Importance of a Harmonious Bible to Profitable Study (Part 3)
By Pastor Boffey on Sunday, November 10, 2013.. Example: Comparative analysis shows that the world of JOH 3:16 is the world of those chosen in Christ. EPH 1:4; JOH 17:2.
a. b.
c. d.
The ruined race of the present heaven and earth under the headship of the first Adam are called “the world” in ROM 3:19.
The redeemed race under the headship of the last Adam (1CO 15:22, 45) are the heirs of a new heaven and a new earth (REV 21:1) which is called “that world” (LUK 20:34-35).
Why should it be thought a thing incredible that they (the elect) should be called “the world”?
Many approach the Scripture seeing only the present world under the first Adam. They see only that which can be seen naturally. They see only what humanists see.
(1) They do not see Christ and God's purpose in Him.
(2) They do not see that separate order chosen out of the world and
redeemed from the world. JOH 15:19; GAL 1:4.
(3) No wonder John says of false teachers, “They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them”
(1JO 4:5).
What JOH 3:16 proves:
(1) God's existence.
(2) God's love of the world.
(3) God has an only begotten Son.
(4) God gave His Son because of His love for the world.
(5) Believers in the Son have everlasting life.
(6) Believers have everlasting life because God gave His Son.
What JOH 3:16 does not prove:
(1) The identity of the world.
(2) That the sinner's belief is the cause of his everlasting life.
(3) That all unbelievers perish without everlasting life.
JOH 3:16 fits perfectly with JOH 10:11, 26 and ROM 9:13 without holding to two irreconcilable positions: there are no contradictions in the Bible.
F. Heed the
1. Simply stated, “What the Bible does not teach, it does not teach.”
argument from silence. HEB 7:13-14.
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2. The Savior upheld this principle in MAT 12:1-4.
a. God had expressly stated that the shewbread was for Aaron and his sons (the
priests). LEV24:9.
b. God didn't even say the shewbread was only for the priests.
c. But since there is no mention of anyone else having a right to the
shewbread, it could be said that it was only for the priests, even as Christ
concluded in MAT 12:4.
3. This rule is also based on the “no contradictions in the Bible” rule. Comparative
study is needed to discern what the Bible has to say on a given subject versus what
it does not say on a given subject.
4. Example: Some try to argue that the Ethiopian eunuch (ACT 8:26-40) was not
added to a church when he was baptized because the passage says nothing about his being added to a church.
a. This ignores what Scripture elsewhere says about the result of baptism.
ACT 2:38-47.
b. This is a case of using the rule of silence to the neglect of the rule that “no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation.”
V. The fact that each part of Scripture must be weighed in its relation to the rest of Scripture requires reading and study. NEH 8:8; EPH 3:4; 1TI 4:13; ACT 17:11; 2TI 2:15.
A. God wrote His book in such a way that it must be approached on His terms if it is to be
understood. It is written to conceal truth from those who do not approach it on God's terms and to reveal it to those who do. ISA 28:9-16.
1. The person who approaches God's word trusting that it is truly God's word will reap
much benefit from it. 1TH 2:13.
2. The person who approaches God's word as if it were only the words of men:
a. will not derive the profit from it he should. HEB 4:2.
b. will get tripped up by it. 1PE 2:7-8.
3. The person who is deceived into believing the lies of a corrupt Bible will not profit.
JER 7:8.
B. Because each part of Scripture must be compared with the whole, no part of Scripture should be treated indifferently. PSA 119:128.
1. Remember, ALL scripture is profitable. 2TI 3:16.
2. Paul excluded no part of Scripture as irrelevant or worthless. ACT 20:20, 26-27.
C. One must be willing to forsake his own will, his own ways and his own thoughts in order to understand God's word.
1. (JOH 7:17) If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
a. If one's interest is only the pursuit of his own desires, then the Bible will be
very uninteresting.
b. God did not write the Book so as to make it interesting to those with the
wrong interests. Only those whose wills are bent to doing the will of God
will know the doctrine. PSA 111:10.
2. (PRO 18:2) A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may
discover itself.
a. The fool is only concerned with discovering his own heart. His own thoughts and feelings are his only concern.
b. Hence, he will not understand the Bible. PRO 10:21.
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c. He will read the Bible with preconceived notions of what he thinks it should teach and even manufacture non-existent contradictions, as did the Sadducees. MAR 12:18-27.
d. Peter describes such as wresting the Scripture unto their own destruction. 2PE 3:16.
3. One must forsake his worldly wisdom in order to understand the wisdom of God.
1CO 3:18-19; 1:21-24; 1TI 6:20.
D. One must forsake his pride in order to understand the word. PRO 1:7; 8:13.
1. If one thinks himself to good to ever be deceived, he will surely be deceived.
1JO 1:8.
2. In fact, he is already deceived!
E. One must forsake his sins in order to understand the word. 1PE 2:1-2; JAM 1:21.
1. Unjustifiable hatred, for example, blinds one. 1JO 2:10-11.
2. Lust-led sinners may be ever so attentive to instruction but unable to properly profit
from it. 2TI 3:6-7.
F. One indeed must apply himself in order to find the knowledge of God. PRO 2:2-5.
1. God rewards them who DILIGENTLY seek him. HEB 11:6.
2. It takes effort to study God's word and neither create contradictions nor lazily
default to holding contradictions as equally valid and true.
3. No wonder the slothful is equated with a man “void of understanding”
(PRO 24:30).
G. One must attend to God's ministry to maximize his profit from the word. ACT 8:30-31.
1. Ministers are given for the perfecting of saints. EPH 4:11-12.
2. Paul's epistle to the Thessalonians was only one necessary part of their spiritual
development. 1TH 3:10.
3. One will gain more profit from a teacher whose personal profit is obvious.
1TI 4:13-16.
4. But if the blind follow the blind, both fall. MAT 15:14.
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