The Doctrine of Preaching
By Stephen Pham on Saturday, December 7, 2024.Bible Preaching Done Right I. Cause for this Lesson 1. This lesson will lay things down in the right, scriptural perspective when it comes to the preaching of the gospel. Gospel baptism requires the right mode, the right faith, the right administrator, the right recipient, and the right result; gospel preaching consists of these same elements as well. However, gospel preaching is different in that it is administered to both the righteous AND to sinners (Mark 16:15; Acts 17:30; 1 Corinthians 14:23-25); and though there is one main administrator, certain others can do it too. So why does there have to be a proper order for baptism and preaching? Luke 1:1-4. If there is a proper order for baptism, SO MUCH MORE must there be a proper order for preaching; for without PREACHING there is no provoking unto repentance which leads to baptism (Acts 2:37-41; 1 Corinthians 1:17, 21). a. Gospel preaching is not limited to persuading sinners to believe 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; it also refers to the body of revelation delivered by the apostles (Romans 16:25). 2. The intended goal of this lesson is to distinguish between the “old paths”, God- ordered, method of preaching; and what the religious world calls “preaching” (Jeremiah 6:16; Ezekiel 22:26; 44:23). II. Proper Mode 1. It is a common saying among KJV fundamentalists that “good preaching does not always make good doctrine (teaching); and good doctrine (teaching) does not always make good preaching”. (Matthew 5 – Jesus critiqued shallow interpretations of the law; Mark 7:13). This is why you have Baptist Sunday Schools where folks tend to flip pages in their bibles more often than they do in the “main service” where you either get a 30-50 minute “pep talk” or “hobby horse” rant that stirs you up. The King James Bible way is that “good preaching MUST always be good doctrine; and good doctrine ALWAYS makes good preaching.” (Proverbs 4:1-2 c/w Ecclesiastes 1:1 – Solomon is called “THE PREACHER”). 2. Preaching is NOT reading a particular text and then going on with a bunch of stories, cute devotional thoughts, or illustrations to guilt trip hearers into filling the offering plate or “going to the altar”. Furthermore, it is NOT a scripture-scarce lecture where you’re chasing rabbits and spoiling the flock with theories or philosophy for two hours (Galatians 1:10; Colossians 2:8). Sadly, most seminary-educated preachers are just a bunch of jokers where only every now and then you get a nugget of truth (Jeremiah 23:32; 2 Corinthians 1:17, 20). So much for “Reverend” or “Master of Theology”, eh? 3. True God-honored, old-fashioned, idol-busting, sin-stomping, Bible preaching involves reading and breaking down a text by its grammatical construction, and defining words by PRIMARY MEANING (Nehemiah 8:8; 2 Timothy 1:13). To the OLD WRETCHED MAN, this is boring, dry, heavy, and burns the lazy brain (Romans 7:24; Ephesians 4:22); but to the NEW INWARD MAN (Romans 7:22; Ephesians 4:24) it is sweeter than honey to the mouth (Psalm 119:103) and causes a bunch of Campus Crusaders to say, “WOW, I don’t know what I just heard, but it’s AMAZING!.” (Matthew 7:28; 13:54; Mark 1:22). a. Astonished – to stun or strike dumb with sudden fear, terror, surprise or wonder; to amaze, to confound with some sudden passion (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary). b. Preach – “To proclaim, to publish in religious discourses.” Publish – To discover or make known to mankind or to people in general what before was private or unknown; to divulge; as a private transaction; to promulgate or proclaim, as a law or edict.” (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary). c. Preaching is MORE than just “giving a talk” or “lecture” that must be endured for an hour; so afterward we can chit chat with brethren about work, carnal pleasures, sports, politics, or whatever else (The flesh doesn’t like to dwell on spiritual thoughts - Galatians 5:17). It is NOT the feeding of some FYI set of facts to puff up the intellect. Preaching is CHRIST’S PLEA to RECONCILE from false ideas, vanity, wickedness, and idols; unto greater love and zeal for truth with increased knowledge thereof; fear of God, charity, and godliness with contentment (Philippians 1:9; 2 Corinthians 5:20). It is PREPARATION for glory and the ARMING of saints for combat against the world, the flesh, and the Devil (1 Peter 4:1-2; Ephesians 6:11-12; 1 John 2:15-16, 3:2-3). It’s HIGH TIME that God’s people AWAKE and CRY for “THUS SAITH THE LORD” in the midst of this vain, seductive, antichrist culture (Psalm 119:131; Romans 13:11). d. Preaching involves a considerable amount of time and effort to “flesh out” a particular doctrine; by comparing spiritual things with spiritual (Luke 24:27; Acts 28:23; 1 Corinthians 2:13). Unfortunately, in the era of short attention spans and flesh-feeding distractions, 1-1 ½ hour of instruction would be the bare minimum to nourish souls (Hebrews 5:11 – “dull” primarily means you’re slow). Though there is no fixed decree from the Lord and his apostles as to how long preaching ought to be; remember that Paul preached until midnight one time (Acts 20:7). If ANYBODY had a reason to cry, “TORTURE”, over a long sermon, it would have been Paul’s hearers…but they DIDN’T. e. True King James Bible preaching SKINS and EXCITES the hearers (Hosea 6:5; Acts 5:33; 2 Timothy 4:2). i. Reprove – To blame; to censure ii. Rebuke – To repulse or drive back iii. Exhort – To excite or to give strength, spirit, or courage III. Proper Faith 1. Preaching involves a proper faith. Faith in what? Faith in the fact that God DID speak; and that he spoke to mankind; and that we can HAVE in our hands and in our hearts what God ACTUALLY said (Genesis 1:3; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; Romans 10:17; 2 Timothy 3:15-16; Hebrews 1:1-2). THAT’s what you call a BIBLE-BELIEVER! If a preacher only has what’s closest to what might have been said, he’s preaching doubt and the traditions of men (1 Corinthians 14:8; Colossians 2:8). In that case, he compromises by distracting believers with ministries and programs that aren’t in the scripture; and entertains them. If he is a “conservative” or “fundamental” theologian, he will preach seminary doctrine, written creeds, and confessions of faith as his final authority. True, old-fashioned, Bible preaching comes from BIBLE BELIEVERS. We are Bible-believers FIRST, Baptists second: meaning if a doctrine held by certain Baptists go against the Book, the Baptists can take a hike (Romans 3:4). 2. Preaching comes from faith in a PERFECT Book. Pay attention to what the scriptures say about itself (Psalm 19:7; Psalm 12:6-7). My King James Bible meets the scriptural qualifications of what is called SCRIPTURE. I’ve got Moses and the prophets, and the words of the apostles in one volume (Psalm 40:7; Luke 24:44; 1 John 4:6; 2 Peter 3:15-16); and it’s a COMPLETE and WHOLE TEXT. A child of God with a Bible-believing mindset that is ignorant of the Bible Version issue, and picks up an ESV, will not keep the ESV for long…because it is a text of DOUBT (Romans 14:23). 3. Preaching comes from expounding scripture in the tongue of the COMMON PEOPLE (Mark 12:37; II Corinthians 3:12). Exalting languages not commonly spoken by folk (Hebrew and Koine Greek) by going to lexicons to explain scripture DOESN’T edify; therefore the words of the living God MUST be translated PERFECTLY in the common tongue (Acts 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 14:9-11). Sinners are more intimidated by the plain, sin-slicing, words of the English Bible than they are your Greek/Hebrew wisdom (Acts 24:25). IV. Proper Administrator 1. In the context of the assembly, the ordained elder/bishop is the MAIN (doesn’t have to be the only) administrator of the preaching (2 Timothy 2:15; 2 Timothy 4:1-4). Here’s a hard pill for folks to swallow – the Bible is an ordained Preacher’s Book primarily, because it is HIS craft (2 Timothy 3:17). This means UNORDAINED men (or unordainable women) who work a part time job (or no job) and spend the rest of their time “studying the Bible” to show themselves approved unto God AREN’T approved of him (1 Thessalonians 4:11). In other words, studying the Bible to where necessary duties are neglected is disgraceful! a. On gospel baptism – the ordained elder is the ONLY administrator of baptism: NO ONE ELSE. (Matthew 28:19-20). 2. In the context of the assembly, faithful men (even those who don’t want the bishoprick) who have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil may assist the elder by preaching occasionally (2 Timothy 2:2; Hebrews 5:12-14). This is ALSO how men who desire the ministry may be proven (1 Timothy 3:10). 3. Outside of the assembly, studious women may “prophesy”/preach the gospel to those who ask them a reason of the hope that is in them with meekness and fear. This applies to the guys as well (Proverbs 15:28; Acts 21:9; Acts 18:26; 1 Peter 3:15). V. Proper Recipient 1. The proper recipient is simply one who is of a ready mind to search the scriptures, whether the things that are taught are so. This applies to those within and without the body of Christ (Isaiah 34:16; Acts 17:10-12; John 5:39). 2. The hearer must be of circumcised heart and ears in order to receive the doctrine and to be able to sit down for as long as necessary to listen (Acts 7:51). If the faithful hearer struggles with bearing through a longer message, he ought to pray for grace to help in order to strengthen the attention span (he should also lay off with the Netflix and “smartphone”) Matthew 26:41; Hebrews 4:16. A proper attitude when hearing a longer message shows respect to the preacher AND to the Book (Ecclesiastes 9:17; is your mind/heart as quiet as your mouth in church?). It ought not seem like a burdensome routine to endure (Jeremiah 23:34-36). 3. Preaching will not be received by wicked and unreasonable men. In fact, preachers ought to pray to be delivered from such (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2). VI. Proper Result 1. The disciple responds to the preaching by getting right with God when his sins or doctrinal ideas are squashed by the plain, hard, scripture (Job 42:1-6; Isaiah 66:2; 2 Corinthians 7:11). Furthermore, the saint ought to rejoice because the wholesome words of his Lord were declared unto him. When the service is over, he makes merry with his zealous brethren about the insights he’s received from the message (with a little “small talk and stuff”). Nehemiah 8:12. 2. The wrong way of responding to the preaching is backbiting and whispering about how the preacher hurt their feelings; didn’t meet their expectations; or kicked their cherished idols (Psalm 106:24-25; John 6:61; 1 Corinthians 10:10). If there is a legitimate problem with the preaching, the saint will address it privately with the preacher and have plain Bible to back it up (1 Timothy 5:1). a. Backbite: To censure; slander; reproach; or speak evil of the absent. (Psalm 15:1-3) i. Proverbs 25:23 is a method of fighting this sin, besides just kicking the offender out. b. Whisper: To speak with a low hissing or sibilant voice. It is ill manners to whisper in company (3rd definition in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines it as, “to plot secretly”). c. Murmur: To grumble; to complain; to utter complaints in a low, half-articulated voice; to utter sullen discontent; with at, before the thing which is the cause of discontent. VII. Final Thoughts 1. Preaching was, is, and shall ever be the MAIN event of a new testament church in good standing with the Lord: NOT children, jokes, chit chat, friends, family, or food (these become idols when they are delighted in more than God and his service). Isaiah 58:13-14; Acts 2:42; 2 Timothy 3:4; Ephesians 4:11-15.
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