The Church Part 4

K. The local church is the body of Christ into which one is baptized by the Spirit. 1CO 12:13, 27. 1. Each local church is the body and there are many churches, thus, many bodies. 2. This is not contradicted by EPH 4:4 which refers to one in kind, not in number. a. Paul is emphasizing that there are not diverse camps for Jew and Gentile. EPH 4:4-6; 2:14-16 c/w 1CO 12:13. b. All baptized believers share in the common faith of a common salvation. TIT 1:4; JUDE 1:3; GAL 3:27-29. 3. Scripture does not authorize “denominations” of local churches whereby different congregations teach and practice different doctrines. a. denomination: A collection of individuals classed together under the same name; now almost always spec. a religious sect or body having a common faith and organization, and designated by a distinctive name. b. Though we can see in Scripture that a church may have errors within it and still be called by the Holy Spirit a church, this is no license to strive for diversity of beliefs based on the doctrines and whims of men contrary to the words of Christ and His apostles. Such a presumption is the basis for God fighting against or no longer recognizing a church. REV 2:15-16. c. Denominational churches generally develop from poor Bible hermeneutics in which there is either a deficiency in trust in or a denial of a preserved Bible, and/or an errant way of interpreting it. d. There is one faith that was once delivered unto the saints. JUDE 1:3. (1) This argues against novel faith systems springing up. (2) This argues against post-apostolic revelation. e. The scriptural order is for uniformity of belief and practice and it is an honorable goal for which God’s people should strive together (1CO 1:10; PHIL 1:27) in sincere search for light more than heat to bring them closer to the ideal of EPH 4:13-14. f. The Apostle Paul taught uniform doctrine and example in all the churches. 1CO 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:33; 16:1. g. Far from promoting schisms and denominations, Paul commanded the saints to resist departures from his gospel which was the standard. ROM 16:17; GAL 1:8-9; 1TI 1:3; 4:1; 2TI 2:16-18. V. The doctrine and importance of the local church (i.e., an independent congregation of baptized believers having membership in that body) is something that has been commonly maligned or trivialized. It is generally assumed that God's true program for His children in this life is fulfilled somewhere other than local churches. The notion that true fellowship with God can be enjoyed without local church membership is a common one. A. “Whenever a few Christians assembled together it was called A church, such as for instance the Church of Corinth, or Ephesus or the church which is in Thessalonica. It was merely a name to designate them and distinguish them from Christians who might be The Church 6-9-24 Page 7 meeting in other cities such as Rome or Colosse or in Galatia. In these assemblies were members of the one true body, the one Church of Christ, but THE church refers to something else... The true church, the Body of Christ transcends all local gatherings.” (The One True Church, M.R. DeHaan; pp. 3, 15) 1. Yet the Holy Ghost calls a single congregation of organized converts under the oversight of a pastor/elder/bishop THE church. 1TI 3:5, 15; 5:16. 2. As already seen, a local church is called THE body of Christ. 1CO 12:27. 3. Paul refers to the local church at Ephesus under its ordained elders as “...the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood” (ACT 20:28). B. “Church (visible), Summary: The passages under this head (1 Co.10:32; 1 Ti.3:15) refer to the visible body of professed believers called, collectively, 'the Church,' of which history takes account as such, though it exists under many names and divisions based upon differences in doctrine or in government. Within, for the most part, this historical 'Church' has existed the true Church, 'which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all,' like the believing Remnant within Israel... Church (true), Summary: The true church, composed of the whole number of regenerate persons from Pentecost to the first resurrection, united together and to Christ by the baptism with the Holy Spirit, is the body of Christ of which He is the Head.” (The Scofield Reference Bible, pp. 1276, 1304) 1. Would the Holy Spirit call something a church of God (1TI 3:5) and in God (1TH 1:1) if it was not the true church? 2. As already seen, the Scriptural order opposes the concept of divisions and denominations. C. Faulty ideas concerning the purpose of the church have been at the root of some erroneous teaching concerning it: 1. Example: “The purpose of the local church is the synergistic strength found in a society of individuals... Therefore, a local church is a group of Christ's disciples voluntarily joined together practically for mutual strength and encouragement in gospel duties. It is not a mysterious body of spiritual union apart from or superior to this practical union.” (Baptism and Church Membership, J.R. Crosby; sermon outline of 4/90, p. 2) 2. This assumption changes the local church from being a Christ-centered spiritual organism to a man-centered organization like Alcoholics Anonymous which is a group “voluntarily joined together practically for mutual strength and encouragement.” Baptized saints could even voluntarily form a club or organization by mutual agreement for mutual benefit yet that would not be a church. 3. Mind that Scripture calls a local church “...the body of Christ...” (1CO 12:27) into which one is baptized by the Spirit (1CO 12:12-13), “...a spiritual house...” (1PE 2:5) and converts are “...baptized into Christ...” (GAL 3:27). How is this not a spiritual union? 4. The primary purpose of the local church is for the glory and promotion of its Creator and Savior. EPH 3:21; 1TI 3:15. a. Christ builds it and preserves it. MAT 16:18. b. Christ is its chief cornerstone. EPH 2:20. c. Christ purchased it. ACT 20:28. d. Christ is proclaimed its King/Head. EPH 1:22-23. e. Christ’s law governs it. MAT 28:18-20. f. Christ instructs angels by it. EPH 3:9-10 c/w 1PE 1:12. 5. Even the redemptive work of Christ is primarily for His glory. The Church 6-9-24 Page 8 EPH 1:3-6; 5:25-27. 6. All of God's creations are for Himself and His pleasure. PRO 16:4; REV 4:11. 7. The accordant benefits of church membership are the result of this greater purpose; they are not the primary purpose. D. “All societies or organizations require the mutual assent of the body and the applicant. Marriages, nations, and businesses among other organizations require such assent: spouses, citizens, and employees all enter and participate in these relationships by voluntary submission.” (Ibid, p. 3; premise for opposing baptismal church membership) 1. The local church is the kingdom of God in this world (MAT 16:18-19; LUK 22:29-30 c/w 1CO 10 & 11) but it “ not of this world...” (JOH 18:36). Hence, the analogy drawn from things of this world may not necessarily apply. 2. Whereas mutual agreement may be necessary for the maintenance and health of a relationship in a society, it may not be necessary for induction into that society: a. Citizenship in a country is generally granted without the knowledge of the majority of populace. A potential candidate for citizenry is generally interviewed and examined by an acknowledged representative of that country who has authority to grant or deny citizenship in that country. This is essentially the same as when a pastor baptizes a qualified candidate on behalf of a local church comprised of citizens. EPH 2:19. b. Employees don't enter into relationship with co-workers in a corporation based on mutual agreement with them. Rather, their status as an employee is granted by the appointed personnel officer of the corporation, who reviews the applicant. An employer who deemed a job applicant as suitable would hire him regardless of whether the rest of workpool all knew about it or consented. If another employee found this set-up to be unbearable, he could always leave. If he causes trouble because of the new qualified co- worker, he may have to be fired. Again, this bears similarity to an obstinate church which wouldn't tolerate co-existence with someone that their pastor, on behalf of the church, had judged worthy of baptism and church membership. 3. Verses like AMO 3:3 are obviously dealing with the maintenance of relationships, not the formation. The Church 6-9-24 Page 9

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.