The 144,000 Part 2

B. The 144,000 are sealed in their foreheads with the Father's name. REV 14:1; 22:3-4. C. The 144,000 are sealed of all the tribes of Israel. REV 7:4-8. 1. In this enumeration of the tribes, the tribes of Dan and Ephraim are missing. a. The enumeration of twelve is made up by adding the tribe of Levi and the tribe of Joseph, the father of Manasseh. b. This is not an historical enumeration of Israel, but a spiritual enumeration. 2. There is no hope outside of the Israel of God. EPH 2:11-12. 3. Elect Gentiles have been made nigh unto Israel. EPH 2:13-17; ROM 9:23-26; 11:16-17. 4. God's Israel consists of those who belong to Christ, be they Jew or Gentile. GAL 3:28-29. 5. 144,000 is arrived at by multiplying 12 X 12 X 1000. a. There are twelve tribes of Israel representing the people of God under the Old Testament. b. There are twelve apostles representing the people of God under the New Testament. c. The number 1000 represents fulness or completeness. PSA 50:10; 105:8. d. Here is a representation of the totality of God's elect in both O.T. and N.T. times. D. The meanings of the tribal names may be applied to God's children. 1. Judah means “praise.” EPH 1:6; ROM 2:29. 2. Reuben means “behold a son.” HEB 2:13. 3. Gad means “that troop.” HEB 2:10. 4. Aser means “happy.” DEU 33:29; PSA 144:15; 146:5; 1PE 4:14. 5. Nepthalim means “my wrestling.” GEN 32:24-30; ROM 7:21-23; EPH 6:12. 6. Manasses means “causing to forget.” ISA 65:17; HEB 8:12; PHIL 3:13. 7. Simeon means “hearing.” JOH 17:1-2 c/w 11:42; 1JO 5:14-15. 8. Levi means “joined.” 1CO 6:17; EPH 5:30-32. 9. Issachar means “bearing hire, reward.” 1CO 6:19-20; COL 3:24. 10. Zabulon means “dwelling.” 1JO 4:15; ROM 8:11; REV 7:15; 21:3. 11. Joseph means “adding” or “increaser.” JOH 10:16; 15:5; ACT 2:47; 1TH 3:12. 12. Benjamin means “son of the right hand.” MAT 25:33; REV 1:17. V. vs. 9-17. After John HEARD the number of the sealed, he BEHELD a great multitude before the throne and before the Lamb. A. The words “of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues” identify this multitude with the redeemed of REV 5:9. B. God's redeemed are a multitude which no man can number. C. This multitude is before the throne just as the 144,000 are described in REV 14:5. D. They have white robes. 1. The white robes denote purity. 2. Only the pure may dwell in the Mount Sion, the hill of God. PSA 15; 24:3-6. 3. They are undefiled, just as the 144,000 are described. E. They have palms in their hands. 1. In ancient times palm branches were carried in triumphal processions. JOH 12:12-19. 2. This is a victorious multitude. They are “more than conquerors” through Christ. ROM 8:37. F. They ascribe salvation to God upon the throne and to the Lamb. 1. This is fitting since there is no Saviour other than God. ISA 43:11; PSA 3:8. 2. The Lamb is God manifest in the flesh for the salvation of sinners. MAT 1:21-23; 2CO 5:19. G. The hosts of heaven consent to the praises of the multitude and worship God ascribing to Him the same things they ascribed to the Lamb in REV 5:11-13. H. This multitude came out of great tribulation. 1. It is through MUCH (great) tribulation that we enter into the kingdom of God. ACT 14:22. 2. Those who suffer with Christ shall share His glory. ROM 8:17; 2TI 2:12a; 1PE 4:13. I. They are before the throne because their robes are washed in the blood of the Lamb. v. 14. 1. This fact connects this multitude with the redeemed of REV 5:9 who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. 2. It is said that THEY washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. a. However, REV 1:5 teaches that Christ washed us from our sins in His blood. b. Christ, BY HIMSELF, without our help, purged our sins. HEB 1:3; 9:12. c. Compare this with passing from death unto life. (1) It is said that the dead hear and shall come forth. JOH 5:28-29. (2) Lazarus came forth from the tomb. JOH 11:43-44. (3) However, it is only by the power of Christ's voice that the dead come forth. (4) The dead are passive in coming forth. d. So, too, the redeemed are passive in washing their robes. J. The glory this multitude inherits is described. vs. 15-17. 1. They are before God's throne. v. 15. 2. They serve God day and night in His temple. v. 15. a. “Day and night” suggests that their service is always or continual. c/w MAR 5:5; LUK 18:1, 7; 2TI 1:3; REV 4:8. b. Compare this with the promise of REV 3:12: “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and HE SHALL GO NO MORE OUT...” c. They will never tire in God's service. 3. God dwells among them. v. 15 c/w REV 21:3. 4. They shall neither hunger nor thirst any more. v. 16 c/w MAT 5:6. 5. Neither the sun nor any heat shall light upon them. v. 16. a. Jesus compares tribulation and persecution to heat. MAT 13:5-6, 20-21. b. There will be no persecution in heaven. 6. The Lamb in the midst of the throne shall feed them. a. The Greek word translated “feed” is “poimano” and means to tend as a shepherd. It is translated “rule” in REV 2:27; 12:5. b. They shall live under the perfect, beneficent government of the Lord Jesus Christ. He shall supply all their needs out of His own pocket, not out of others’ pockets. c/w PHIL 4:19. c. They shall know political oppression no more. 7. They are led of the Lamb just as was said of the 144,000 in REV 14:4. 8. They will be led to living fountains of waters. v. 17 c/w REV 21:6 9. God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. v. 17 c/w REV 21:4. 10. This description matches the one of the new heavens and the new earth in REV 21-22. 11. This description of glory matches the one foretold by the prophets in EZE 34:23-31; ISA 49:10; 25:6-9. K. This great multitude is the same as the 144,000 which is the same as the redeemed of REV 5:9. 1. John HEARD the number of the 144,000 sealed ones. 2. However, when he BEHELD them, they were a multitude that no man could number. 3. Truly, Christ is the firstborn among MANY brethren! ROM 8:29; HEB 2:10-11.

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