The 144,000 Part 1

The 144,000 (Revelation 7) I. The content of this chapter is to be understood in connection with the sixth seal which had just been opened. REV 6:12-17. II. This chapter is a description of the redeemed in glory, the full gathering/assembly of the elect. A. The language is in the style of prophecy: terms which are a sign or symbol of something. c/w REV 1:1. B. signify: trans. To be a sign or symbol of; to represent, betoken, mean. III. vs. 1-3. John saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth. A. The four winds cover the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. MAR 13:27. B. These angels were restraining the wind from blowing on the earth, the sea and the trees. 1. It was given to these angels to hurt the earth, the sea, and the trees. 2. Having the four winds, these angels had in their power to inflict damage upon all the earth, to its uttermost parts. a. These four winds under their control are not the favorable winds which facilitate evaporation, cloud movement, temperature moderation, spread of seed, etc., things which even the ungodly and heathen desire. b. These four winds are destructive winds that overwhelm and undo the favorable conditions. c/w 1TH 5:2-3. 3. Damage to the trees would be very damaging to mankind since men live by trees. DEU 20:19. C. An angel ascended from the east having the seal of the living God. v. 2. D. The angel from the east commanded the four angels not to hurt the earth, the sea, or the trees until they had sealed the servants of God in their foreheads. E. Wind is used in Scripture to symbolize judgment. JOB 30:21-22; JER 4:11-12; 18:17; 49:34-37; 51:1. F. This judgment does not fall until God's servants are sealed in their foreheads. 1. God's grace makes servants of God out of those who were servants of sin. ROM 6:18-22. 2. seal: v. To attest by a seal. To place a seal upon (a document) as evidence of genuineness, or as a mark of authoritative ratification or approval. 3. This is a distinguishing mark in their foreheads. 4. Compare this sealing in the forehead with EZE 9:1-4. a. A mark was placed on the foreheads of all who grieved over the abominations being done in Jerusalem. b. When the men with the destroying weapons were commanded to slaughter the inhabitants of the city, they were forbidden to come near any man upon whom was the mark. c. This compares with REV 9:4 where the locusts out of the bottomless pit are permitted to hurt only those men who have NOT the seal of God in their foreheads. d. This mark secures God's people from judgment. 5. The seal is the Father's name. REV 14:1. G. The Lord will not destroy this earth until He has secured a people for His name. c/w LUK 17:26-30. H. The sixth seal announces that the day of the wrath of the Lamb has come. REV 6:17. I. In this vision we see that God has provided for the protection of His people in that day. He Who shall come to judge shall also remember His saints. 2TH 1:7-10; HEB 9:27-28. IV. vs. 4-8. John HEARD the number of the sealing of the 144,000. A. These 144,000 are plainly identified in REV 14:1-5. 1. They are with the Lamb on Mt. Sion. a. Jerusalem is in Sion. PSA 135:21; ISA 30:19. b. There is an earthly Sion and a heavenly Sion. GAL 4:25-26; HEB 12:22-23. c. Christ is situated in the heavenly Sion. PSA 2:1-6; 1PE 2:6-7. (1) Christ is even now set as the chief cornerstone. ACT 4:11. (2) The earthly Sion has been cast out. GAL 4:30. (3) Christ is set as the head of the corner in heaven. EPH 1:20-22. d. The 144,000 are in heaven with Christ. 2. The 144,000 are the redeemed from among men, the elect of God. EPH 1:4-7 c/w 1PE 1:2. a. They are harping upon harps as the redeemed are doing in REV 5:8. b. They sing the new song of the redeemed. REV 5:9. c. All those who are numbered are ransomed. EXO 30:11-15. 3. Their condition in heaven is described. a. They are virgins; they appear without evidence of their spiritual defilement. EPH 5:25-27. b. They follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth, and He leads well. JOH 10:27-28; REV 7:17. c. It is because they were redeemed that they are thus before the throne of God without fault. He is well able to present them faultless. JUDE 1:24. 4. They are the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. a. Being firstfruits, they were redeemed FROM AMONG men. b. The firstfruits of Israel's increase were especially set apart for the Lord. EXO 23:19; PRO 3:9. c. God's redeemed, His elect, are especially set apart from among men for Himself. DEU 32:7-9; JOH 15:19; JAM 1:18. (1) The firstfruits were to be set aside from the increase (profit). (2) In the N.T., Paul instructs saints to set aside their offerings on the first day of the week as God has prospered. 1CO 16:2. (3) Having completed His work on the cross and in the grave, Christ raised up on high the first day of the week and set aside/apart His elect according as God had prospered Him. JOH 20:1, 17 c/w ISA 53:10. (4) Christ being Himself the firstfruits of the children of the resurrection guarantees their entire persons set apart for God. 1CO 15:20-23c/w PHIL 3:20-21.

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