Sermons By Pastor Wagner
Pastor Chad Wagner
I. Definitions
1. Communication n. – 1. The action of communicating or imparting. Now rare of things
material, except as the vehicles of information: e.g. of a letter, a paper to a society, an
article to a magazine, etc. 2. spec. The imparting, conveying, or exchange of ideas,
Isaiah 53
Pastor Chad Wagner
I. Isaiah 53 is arguably the greatest and most vivid prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ in the entire
1. With the light of the New Testament (2Pe 1:19), this prophecy, along with others, provides
us with inestimable insight into the sufferings and work of Christ (1Pe 1:10-11).
I. Difficult people are referred to as froward in the Bible.
1. Froward adj. - 1. Disposed to go counter to what is demanded or what is reasonable; perverse, difficult to deal with, hard to please; refractory, ungovernable; also, in a wider sense, bad, evilly-disposed, ‘naughty’. (The opposite of toward.)
2. People that are difficult to deal with are evil (Pro 2:12, 14-15; Pro 6:12).
3. God hates froward people (Pro 3:32; Pro 8:13; Pro 11:20).
A. Abomination n. - 1. The feeling or st...
This is a small extract of a larger series on deception. The
complete series by Pastor Wagner on Deception is also available.
I. Self-deception
1. Deceive v. - 1. trans. To ensnare; to take unawares by craft or guile; to overcome, overreach, or get the better of by trickery; to beguile or betray into mischief or sin; to mislead. Obs. (or arch.) 2. To cause to believe what is false; to mislead as to a matter of fact, lead into error, impose ...
Take Advantage of Your Pastor
I. Your pastor is a gift from God to your church (Eph 4:8,11).
1. God gave you a pastor after His own heart to feed you (Jer 3:15).
2. Your pastor is God's ambassador that He sent to you with a message (2Co 5:20).
A. In Biblical times God delivered His word through His prophets (Heb 1:1; 2Pe 1:21).
B. Today God manifests His word through preaching (Tit 1:3).
3. You should receive your pastor as an angel of God (a messenger from God) (Gal 4:14).
4. Your pastor is a "man...
I. Christians are commanded to "be not conformed to this world" (Rom 12:2).
1. The Lord instructs us to be nonconformists.
A. Conform v. -1. trans. To form, shape, or fashion according to some pattern, model, or instruction; to make of the same form or character, to make like.
B. We are therefore not to pattern our thoughts and behavior after the way of this world.
C. We should not look, act, and think like the people of this world.
2. We are in the world, but we must not be of the world (Joh 17:11 c/w Joh ...
The Sermon I Would Preach to a Room Full of Heathen
I. The following facts often cause Christians to wonder how they should go about witnessing to unbelievers:
1. Men enter this world as spiritual stillborns, dead in trespasses and sins (Rom 5:12; Eph 2:1).
A. In this state they cannot hear (Joh 8:43-47), understand (1Co 1:18; 1Co 2:14), nor believe the gospel (Joh 10:26).
B. The majority of people we meet are in this state (Mat 7:13-14).
2. God doesn't love everyone (Psa 5:5; Rom 9:13).
3. Jesus di...
Abortion and Gay Marriage - The Judgment of God
I. A misunderstanding of the judgment of God.
1. Christians often say that God will judge our country for allowing abortion and gay marriage.
2. The truth is that God has judged our country by allowing abortion and gay marriage.
II. An effective method of deception is to use euphemisms.
1. "When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom." - Confucius
2. Abortion and gay marriage are both euphemisms.
3. Euphemism n. - 1. Rhet. That figure o...
Appreciate Your Pastor
I. The blessing of a pastor
1. A pastor is a gift to the church from Jesus Christ (Eph 4:8,11).
2. As God sets members in the church as it pleases Him (1Co 12:18), so he gives ministers to
the church (1Co 3:5).
3. God gives pastors after His own heart to feed His churches with knowledge and
understanding (Jer 3:15).
4. God gives the church a pastor for several reasons:
A. For the perfecting of the saints (Eph 4:12).
i. Perfect v. - 1. a. trans. To bring to completion; to comp...
Nonintervention Foreign Policy
I. We have discarded and forgotten the biblical position of nonintervention and nonaggression which this nation was founded upon.
1. Proponents of an interventionist and imperialist foreign policy will cite O.T. examples of where God commanded Israel to utterly destroy wicked nations and possess them as justification for their position (Jos 6:17,20-21; 1Sa 15:2-3).
A. They will say that God hasn't changed (Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8) and therefore a Christian nation such as the USA ...