Zeal for God's House
Zeal for God's House
I. It was said that zeal for God's house consumed our Lord Jesus Christ. JOH 2:17.
A. David penned those words which the N.T. applies to Christ. PSA 69:9 c/w ROM 15:3.
B. The Holy Spirit thus encourages us to consider David's attitude towards God's house.
C. What David did for God's house was done with all his might. 1CH 29:2; PSA 132:3-5.
II. The gospel church is God's house. 1TI 3:15; EPH 2:19-22; 1PE 2:5.
A. It is God's kingdom on earth. MAT 16:18-19; LUK 22:29-30 c/w 1CO 10 & ...