Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 1

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance I. O.E.D. definitions. A. tolerate: To allow to exist or to be done or practised without authoritative interference or molestation; also gen. to allow, permit. B. charity: Christian love: a word representing caritas of the Vulgate, as a frequent rendering of ἀγάπη in N.T. Greek. With various applications: as a. God's love to man. (By early writers often i...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 2

IV. Christ’s perfect model of brotherly relating before a pure and holy God helps us in ministry and in Christian life. A. Although Paul would not compromise truth and its implications, he modeled his ministry after Christ’s dealings with His fellows. 2CO 10:1; 1TH 2:4-8. B. As brethren, Christ’s model regulates our tempers and sense of justice in consideration of the foibles of human frailty. ROM 12:10; EPH 4:2, 32; COL 3:12; GAL 6:1. V. ...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 3

VI. The law of Christ which governs thought and conduct in His kingdom, the church, establishes the supreme order of what should be tolerated for community fellowship. A. An ungodly world may or may not agree with these principles. 1. 1CO 5:1 is an example of a moral infraction which even the heathen rejected. 2. The world will generally separate from murderers. 1PE 4:15. 3. But an unbiblical culture will permit, condone, even cele...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 4

VII. Tolerance may be virtuous or not virtuous. It must be qualified by distinctions of good and evil. A. Consider these wise axioms: 1. “If we continue to teach about tolerance and intolerance instead of good and evil, Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance 4-23-23 Page 5 we will end up with tolerance of evil.” (Dennis Prager) 2. “You will be ruled by what you tolerate... If you tolerate co...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 5

E. Never underestimate the power of false love since whatever you love you give power to over yourself to some degree. The greater your love for someone or something, the greater the power he/she/that has over you. 1. There is the false love of self which idolizes oneself. 2TI 3:2. 2. There is the false love of pleasure which substitutes for love of truth. 2TH 2:10-12. 3. There is the false love of money. 1TI 6:10. 4. There is the false love of the wo...

Tolerance, Charity, Compassion, Forbearance Part 6

IX. A fundamental error is when personal desire, need, weakness, pain, struggle, poor self-image, deficiency, poverty, etc. is not processed through a biblical grid. A. God may not even be a consideration, an awful harbinger. JOB 22:15-17. B. One may have improperly set affections which disorder the heart, the seat of thoughts and emotions. MAT 6:19-21; COL 3:1-2. C. One may reverse the order of MAT 6:31-33, a very common disorder. D. One...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.