The Ark of the Covenant
The Ark of the Covenant (Part 1)
I. Ark: “A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle; esp. a. in north. dial. a large
wooden bin or hutch for storing meal, bread, fruit, etc. 2. spec. in Jew. Hist. The wooden coffer
containing the tables of the law, kept in the Holiest Place of the Tabernacle. Also called Ark of the
Covenant, Ark of Testimony.
II. Principal passages that treat of the ark of the covenant are EXO 25:10-22; 37:1-9; DEU 10:1-5;
HEB 9:4-5.
III. The ark of the cov...
The Ark of the Covenant (Part 2)
The Ark of the Covenant
I. Ark: “A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle; esp. a. in north. dial. a large
wooden bin or hutch for storing meal, bread, fruit, etc. 2. spec. in Jew. Hist. The wooden coffer
containing the tables of the law, kept in the Holiest Place of the Tabernacle. Also called Ark of the
Covenant, Ark of Testimony.
II. Principal passages that treat of the ark of the covenant are EXO 25:10-22; 37:1-9; DEU 10:1-5;
HEB 9:4-5.
III. Th...
The Ark of the Covenant (Part 3)
The Ark of the Covenant
I. Ark: “A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle; esp. a. in north. dial. a large
wooden bin or hutch for storing meal, bread, fruit, etc. 2. spec. in Jew. Hist. The wooden coffer
containing the tables of the law, kept in the Holiest Place of the Tabernacle. Also called Ark of the
Covenant, Ark of Testimony.
II. Principal passages that treat of the ark of the covenant are EXO 25:10-22; 37:1-9; DEU 10:1-5;
HEB 9:4-5.
III. Th...
The Ark of the Covenant (Part 4)
The Ark of the Covenant
I. Ark: “A chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle; esp. a. in north. dial. a large
wooden bin or hutch for storing meal, bread, fruit, etc. 2. spec. in Jew. Hist. The wooden coffer
containing the tables of the law, kept in the Holiest Place of the Tabernacle. Also called Ark of the
Covenant, Ark of Testimony.
II. Principal passages that treat of the ark of the covenant are EXO 25:10-22; 37:1-9; DEU 10:1-5;
HEB 9:4-5.
III. Th...