The Argument from Silence

The Argument from Silence (Part 1)

The Argument From Silence I. The argument from silence may basically be stated: Where the Scripture speaks to direct, it also speaks to forbid conclusions other than its direction. II. That the Scripture argues from silence can be seen from HEB 7:12-14. A. Moses said nothing about Judah concerning priesthood. 1. From this, Paul reasoned that no man from that tribe gave attendance at the altar. 2. Mind that the fact that God gave the priesthood to the tribe of Levi without stating that Ju...

The Argument from Silence (Part 2)

The Argument From Silence I. The argument from silence may basically be stated: Where the Scripture speaks to direct, it also speaks to forbid conclusions other than its direction. II. That the Scripture argues from silence can be seen from HEB 7:12-14. A. Moses said nothing about Judah concerning priesthood. 1. From this, Paul reasoned that no man from that tribe gave attendance at the altar. 2. Mind that the fact that God gave the priesthood to the tribe of Levi without stating that Ju...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.