Temporal Salvation
I. Temporal: “Lasting or existing only for a time; passing, temporary. Of or pertaining to time as the
sphere of human life; terrestrial as opposed to heavenly; of man's present life as distinguished
from a future existence; concerning or involving merely the material interests of this world;
worldly, earthly. (Opp. to eternal or spiritual).” See 2CO 4:18.
II. The question is often asked, “Are you saved?”
A. A legitimate answer to the question is “From what?” Salvation mus...
Temporal Salvation
I. This study highlights the distinction between eternal salvation which delivers from the penalty of sin and establishes life and relationship with God; and temporal salvation which delivers from the power of sin and establishes active fellowship with God by hearing, belief and obedience of the gospel.
A. “Word of God” refers not only to the written/preached Scripture. It may also refer to:
1. the Divine Person of Jesus Christ. 1JO 5:7; REV 19:13.
2. Christ’s effectual voice which ha...