Seven Spirits

Seven Spirits Part 1

Seven Spirits I. Scripture speaks of seven Spirits of God. REV 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6. A. There is literally only one Spirit of God. 1. He is the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Godhead. 1JO 5:7. 2. He is also known as the Holy Spirit, Comforter and Spirit of truth. JOH 14:15-17, 26. B. The “seven Spirits of God” in Revelation refers to the sevenfold ministry of the Spi...

Seven Spirits Part 2

D. The parable of the pounds accords with Gill’s analysis. LUK 19:12-14. 1. Christ came unto His own nation but they rejected Him. JOH 1:11. 2. He went to heaven to secure a kingdom for Himself. REV 12:5-10. 3. He left His servants/ministers with gifts and orders. EPH 4:8-12. 4. His own nation continued their vitriol against Him by their rejection and persecution of His ministers of His ...

Seven Spirits Part 3

V. There was an overarching spirit in Israel which animated it against Christ, the apostles, and the church: the spirit of unbelief which accorded with death in sins. JOH 8:24. A. The spirit of deep sleep/slumber accords with blindness as does unbelief. ISA 29:10 c/w ROM 11:7-8; 2CO 4:3-4. B. This stood in contrast to the “...spirit of faith...” (2CO 4:13). C. Unbelief forbade them from recognizing Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah and Son of God ...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.