

Self-Esteem I. The following definitions are relevant to this study. A. self-esteem: Favourable appreciation or opinion of oneself. B. esteem: (v) To estimate the value of, assign (a value) to; to value, assess, appraise. In favourable sense: To regard as valuable; to think highly of; to feel regard for, respect. C. esteem: (n) Estimate, valuation, in phr. to make an esteem. b. Estimated value, valuation. c. to put, set (an) esteem, a high, low esteem upon: to set a value upon, cause to be esteemed (...

Self-Esteem (Part 2)

VII. If low self-esteem is as important as the world says it is, where is the emphasis on it in Scripture? A. Scripture is void of commanding or recommending self-esteem. B. Scripture does, however, teach that we should esteem: 1. God highly. DEU 32:15. 2. God's word. JOB 23:12; PSA 119:128; 138:2. 3. others better than ourselves. PHIL 2:3. 4. pastors. 1TH 5:13. 5. the reproach of Christ. HEB 11:26; ACT 5:41. C. Consider LUK 16:15. 1. This was spoken to the Pharisees. LUK 16:14. 2. They had all th...

Self-Esteem (Part 3)

IX. The first characteristic of the perilous times of the last days is love of self. 2TI 3:1-5. A. The love of self is the basis of the other sins listed here. B. People who are driven by self-love will trample on whatever gets in the way of their own desires. C. The end (satisfaction of one's own desires) will justify the means. D. Consider how self-love relates to the other sins. 1. Covetousness is when you can't stand not having the possessions, looks or attainments that another has because you mea...

Self-Esteem (Part 4)

X. A major current cultural example of the love of self and the bad psychology of self-esteem is the media-driven Hydra of the cult of celebrity. A. Consider some of the current benchmarks for entertainment like American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, reality shows, etc., etc., etc. What is the driving force behind the desire for celebrity (the condition of being much extolled or talked about; famousness, notoriety)? 1. “The short answer is ego. Insatiable ego....The desire to become a star requires an i...

Self-Esteem (Part 5)

XII. As seen earlier, Scripture assumes that men have an inherent love of self and thus a favorable or superior opinion of themselves. EPH 5:28-29; PRO 20:6; 21:2. A. However, one's opinion of oneself can be a complete delusion. PRO 30:12; GAL 6:3. B. A good man may even by score-keeping himself for his own goodness come to this conclusion. JOB 33:9. C. Remember that the Pharisees were big on self-esteem / self-righteousness. LUK 18:9. 1. But they were blind to the fact of their own corruption and hypo...

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