Seeking A Mate

Seeking A Mate

1. This study is primarily for the benefit of single, available adult Christians. 2. Have questions or issues like this crossed your mind?: A. Am I doomed to life-long single-living and celibacy? B. Is there a God-ordained special someone for everyone? C. How do I go about getting a mate? D. How do I attract a mate? E. What constitutes godly decorum in pre-marital relationships? F. Should I have to sacrifice any of my ideals in order to be married? G. Is marriage even for me? H. The "pickin...

Seeking A Mate (Part 2)

1. This study is primarily for the benefit of single, available adult Christians. 2. Have questions or issues like this crossed your mind?: A. Am I doomed to life-long single-living and celibacy? B. Is there a God-ordained special someone for everyone? C. How do I go about getting a mate? D. How do I attract a mate? E. What constitutes godly decorum in pre-marital relationships? F. Should I have to sacrifice any of my ideals in order to be married? G. Is marriage even for me? H. The "pick...

Seeking A Mate (Part 3)

1. This study is primarily for the benefit of single, available adult Christians. 2. Have questions or issues like this crossed your mind?: A. Am I doomed to life-long single-living and celibacy? B. Is there a God-ordained special someone for everyone? C. How do I go about getting a mate? D. How do I attract a mate? E. What constitutes godly decorum in pre-marital relationships? F. Should I have to sacrifice any of my ideals in order to be married? G. Is marriage even for me? H. The "pick...

Seeking A Mate (Part 6)

This is the last message in the series on Seeking A Mate. It contains Biblical teaching on important issues affecting everyone, especially young adults, that is seldom found but often needed. Walking Purely and Chastely 1. A study like this would be incomplete without addressing the sexual aspect. A. Next to the instinct for survival, the sex drive is the most powerful force of human nature. It is part of life with which Christians must deal and it is best that they do so from a Biblical persp...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.