Quit You Like Men
Quit You Like Men
I. Paul told the church at Corinth, “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong” (1CO 16:13).
A. This is paralleled in the charge that the Philistines were given in advance of battle.
1SAM 4:9.
B. Christian living is described in terms of struggle.
1. Consider the work of Christ's ministers.
a. They are to endure hardness as good soldiers of Christ in warfare.
2TI 2:3-4.
b. They are to fight the good fight of faith. 1TI 6:12.
c. They are to raze opposition to ...
V. Scripture enjoins men to be men.
A. The Philistines understood the importance of manliness. 1SAM 4:9.
1. Mind that the Philistines were afraid. 1SAM 4:7.
2. “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear---not absence of fear.” (Mark Twain)
3. If unbelieving, idolatrous Philistines could overcome fear and wax valiant in fight,
how much more should men of faith in the living God do so? HEB 11:34.
a. wax: To change by growth or increase, to become, turn. (Sometimes used
with reference to a sudden o...