Psalm 41
1. This is a psalm of David, the "sweet psalmist of Israel" (2SA 23:1).
2. As with other psalms, there is a prophetic perspective that applies to Jesus Christ.
v.9 c/w JOH 13:18; PSA 40:6-8 c/w HEB 10:5-7.
A. Some things in such psalms may apply to the psalmist only. v.4.
B. Some things in such psalms may apply to Christ only.
PSA 16:8-11 c/w ACT 2:25-31.
C. Some things in such psalms may apply to both the psalmist and Christ.
v.9 c/w 2SA 15:12; JOH 13:18; MAT 26:50.
D. Th...