Processing Turmoil in a Godly Way

Processing Turmoil in a Godly Way Part 1

I. Society is going through a period of great challenge: pandemic fears, civil unrest, violent protests, iconoclasm, erasure of history, abrogation of law and order, popularizing of anti-liberty politics, etc. A. This is to be expected when society abandons the fear of God. PSA 9:17. 1. The effects of godlessness are very tangible. ISA 59:9-15; 2CH 15:3-6. 2. True religion’s operations are very essential. B. The church is a kingdom/nation not of this world which dare not follow suit. JOH 18:36; ROM 14:17;...

Processing Turmoil in a Godly Way Part 2

V. As bleak as the civil forecast was in His day, Jesus also gave clear instruction to believers how to process it and all other trials. A. He commanded, “Let not your heart be troubled...” (JOH 14:1). 1. Christ would not have said this if it were impossible to do. 2. The heart must be guided and kept. PRO 23:19; 4:23. 3. Unfettered emotion is the character of madding crowds that would “cancel” the just for the sake of their manipulators (ACT 19:28-32) but believers should not be so manipulate...

© 2024 Cincinnati Church

The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.