Our Bible

Our Bible Part 1

Our Bible I. Bible: The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. II. A collection of books; a library. II. Introductory thoughts. A. Imagine a society without a standardized code of law to which all can repair and to which all are accountable: a society where every man does what is right in his own eyes. B. Imagine a society where the code of law is continually subject to change by that society’s leaders ...

Our Bible Part 2

F. The major events of the N.T. are: 1. The conception of Jesus Christ in the virgin Mary's womb which was God becoming a man who was the Son of God. MAT 1:23; LUK 1:35. 2. The ministry of John the Baptist who prepared Israel for Christ's public ministry and who baptized Jesus Christ. MAR 1:1-11. 3. The sinless life and public ministry of Jesus Christ which was rejected by His own people and which culminated in His crucifixion death. ACT ...

Our Bible Part 3

IV. Consider the nature of Scripture. A. It was given by inspiration of God. 2TI 3:16; 2PE 1:21. 1. This inspiration was direct Divine guidance of the person to Whom it was given. 2SAM 23:2; ISA 8:1; JER 36:1-2, 4. 2. This inspiration extends beyond mere general concepts to words, grammar and even diacritics. GAL 3:16, 29; MAT 5:18; 22:31-32. Our Bible 12-1-24 ...

Our Bible Part 4

V. Here are some “bullet-points” of review and for further investigation concerning the giving and preserving of the written scriptures. A. God writes. EXO 31:18; HEB 8:10. B. God intends differing languages. GEN 11:6-9. C. God intends translation. ACT 2:1-11. D. God intends copies. DEU 17:18-20. E. God inspires originals, copies and translations. 2TI 3:15-16. F. God inspires flawed men to deliver His words: prophets, apostles, scribes, even tr...

Our Bible Part 5

VII. It has become fashionable in modern Christianity to assume that a bonafide translation is impossible and the truth of God (Scripture) is confined to “original” languages. Consider: A. When someone is desperate to cling to an error which is refuted in the KJV, there is a tendency to appeal to the “original” Greek as found in an ancient manuscript. 1. Which Greek? There are two lines of Greek texts. a. One comes from...

Our Bible Part 6

IX. Consider the path of the true Old Testament scriptures. A. Recall that Jesus Christ authenticated the true O.T. as consisting of the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms written in Hebrew, excluding the books of the Apocrypha. MAT 5:18; LUK 24:44. B. apocrypha: A writing or statement of doubtful authorship or authenticity; spec. those books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate versions of the Old Testament, which were not originally wr...

© 2024 Cincinnati Church

The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.