Our Bible

Our Bible Part 1

Our Bible I. Bible: The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. II. A collection of books; a library. II. Introductory thoughts. A. Imagine a society without a standardized code of law to which all can repair and to which all are accountable: a society where every man does what is right in his own eyes. B. Imagine a society where the code of law is continually subject to change by that society’s leaders ...

Our Bible Part 2

F. The major events of the N.T. are: 1. The conception of Jesus Christ in the virgin Mary's womb which was God becoming a man who was the Son of God. MAT 1:23; LUK 1:35. 2. The ministry of John the Baptist who prepared Israel for Christ's public ministry and who baptized Jesus Christ. MAR 1:1-11. 3. The sinless life and public ministry of Jesus Christ which was rejected by His own people and which culminated in His crucifixion death. ACT ...

Our Bible Part 3

IV. Consider the nature of Scripture. A. It was given by inspiration of God. 2TI 3:16; 2PE 1:21. 1. This inspiration was direct Divine guidance of the person to Whom it was given. 2SAM 23:2; ISA 8:1; JER 36:1-2, 4. 2. This inspiration extends beyond mere general concepts to words, grammar and even diacritics. GAL 3:16, 29; MAT 5:18; 22:31-32. Our Bible 12-1-24 ...

© 2024 Cincinnati Church

The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.