On Race

On Race Part 1

I. Definitions. A. race: A group of persons, animals, or plants, connected by common descent or origin. 1. a. The offspring or posterity of a person; a set of children or descendants. Chiefly poet. 2. a. A limited group of persons descended from a common ancestor; a house, family, kindred. b. A tribe, nation, or people, regarded as of common stock. c. A group of several tribes or peoples, regarded as forming a distinct ethnical stock. d. One of the great divisions of mankind, having certain physical peculia...

On Race Part 2

IV. The notion of a superior race in relationship to God’s righteousness has no biblical basis. A. The Jews laid heavy emphasis on descent from Abraham (JOH 8:33, 39) but the Holy Spirit negates such a confidence. MAT 3:9. 1. Paul had pure tribal descent from Benjamin (one of the twelve patriarchs of Israel) but affirmed that such a heritage was an inconsequential relic. PHIL 3:4-7. 2. Paul loved his countrymen dearly but knew their race or national identity were no guarantees of exemption from righteous...

On Race Part 3

D. Much is being made today of “white privilege.” 1. Caution is here needed since the dominance of Western Civilization in the world is at least partially owing to the Spirit of God in directing the gospel of Jesus Christ to regions of light-skinned people. 2. Some of the so-called “privilege” is owing to the effects of the gospel in subduing men’s minds to the love of God and of neighbor. 3. The real issue is not skin but sin. Men will answer to God for their hatred of Jesus Christ, His gospel, His sove...

On Race Part 4

H. Some science has it figured out. 1. Researchers who put together a draft of the entire sequence of the human genome, “...unanimously declared, there is only one race---the human race...If you ask what percentage of your genes is reflected in your external appearance, the basis by which we talk about race, the answer seems to be in the range of .01 percent.” (Natalie Angier, Do Races Differ? Not Really, DNA Shows, NYT 8-22-2000) 2. “The genetic variation within each of the various ethnic groups of Homo...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.