Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do?

Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do? (Part 1)

Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do? A. Paul’s primary conversion experience is recorded for us in ACT 9:1-9. 1. conversion: I. Turning in position, direction, destination. II. Change in character, nature, form, or function. The bringing of any one over to a specified religious faith, profession, or party, esp. to one regarded as true, from what is regarded as falsehood or error. Theol. The turning of sinners to God; a spiritual change from sinfulness, ungodliness or worldliness to love of God and pursu...

Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do? (Part 2)

4. The gospel of Jesus, which gives us the basic knowledge of Jesus (that He is the Son of God who died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures), is described as a light shining in our hearts. 2CO 4:4-6. a. This gospel was first shined into the hearts of the apostles by the Holy Ghost directly. JOH 14:26; 2PE 1:19. b. They in turn gave that light to others through preaching. 1PE 1:12; TIT 1:3. c. This is the gospel ministry, manifesting the truth about Jesus to...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.