God's Pattern For Faithfulness In Ministry

God's Pattern For Faithfulness in Ministry Part 1

God’s Pattern For Faithfulness In Ministry faithful: 1. Of persons, their actions, etc. : Full of or characterized by faith; believing. 2. Firm in fidelity or allegiance to a person to whom one is bound by any tie; constant, loyal, true. faithfulness: The quality of being faithful; a. Fidelity, loyalty [to a superior or friend]; trustworthiness, conscientiousness. b. Strict adherence to one’s pledged word; honesty, sincerity. I. To what or whom are ministers to be f...

God's Pattern For Faithfulness In Ministry Part 2

E. If a minister wants his words and the form of them to be sound: he must go to Paul. 2TI 1:13. 1. sound: In full accordance with fact, reason, or good sense; founded on true or well-established grounds; free from error, fallacy, or logical defect; good, strong, valid. 2. If a minister wants his gospel to be the true gospel, he need only preach the gospel Paul preached because Paul got it directly from Christ. GAL 1:6-12. 3. Tha...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.