
Giving (Part 1)

Giving (Part 1) GIVING I. The way a Christian conducts his affairs in the area of finances says much about his character. LUK 16:10-12. II. Everything that we possess should be viewed as ultimately belonging to God, Who created wealth and the ability to acquire it. PSA 24:1; ACT 17:24-25; JOB 1:21; DEU 8:17-18. A. As such, God reserves the right to regulate the use of His resources which He has entrusted to His creatures. B. Giving for righteous causes should be looked upon as a return of prop...

Giving (Part 2)

Giving (Part 2) GIVING I. The way a Christian conducts his affairs in the area of finances says much about his character. LUK 16:10-12. II. Everything that we possess should be viewed as ultimately belonging to God, Who created wealth and the ability to acquire it. PSA 24:1; ACT 17:24-25; JOB 1:21; DEU 8:17-18. A. As such, God reserves the right to regulate the use of His resources which He has entrusted to His creatures. B. Giving for righteous causes should be looked upon as a return of prop...

Giving (Part 3)

Giving (Part 3) GIVING I. The way a Christian conducts his affairs in the area of finances says much about his character. LUK 16:10-12. II. Everything that we possess should be viewed as ultimately belonging to God, Who created wealth and the ability to acquire it. PSA 24:1; ACT 17:24-25; JOB 1:21; DEU 8:17-18. A. As such, God reserves the right to regulate the use of His resources which He has entrusted to His creatures. B. Giving for righteous causes should be looked upon as a return of prop...


Giving I. The way a Christian conducts his affairs in the area of mammon says much about his character. LUK 16:10-14. II. Giving A. Our giving rests upon the foundation of Christ's gift. 2CO 8:9. B. Under the law, a specific amount was commanded to be set aside for God. 1. There was a tithe each year for the Levite. NUM 18:21. 2. There was also an annual tithe for feasts of worship. DEU 14:22-27. 3. There was also a tithe every third year for the Levite and the poor. DEU 14:28-29. 4. Israel was obl...

© 2024 Cincinnati Church

The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.