
Envy Part 1

I. Definitions. A. envy: trans. To feel displeasure and ill-will at the superiority of (another person) in happiness, success, reputation, or the possession of anything desirable; to regard with discontent another's possession of (some superior advantage which one would like to have for oneself). B. covetousness: 1. Strong or inordinate desire (of). Obs. 2. Inordinate and culpable desire of possessing that which belongs to another or to which one has no right. C. emulate: 1. trans. Of persons: To strive ...

Envy Part 2

V. Beware the evil eye of envy that sees the advantage of another and cannot abide by it. MAT 6:23; 20:15. A. Saul’s envy was noted by, “...And Saul eyed David...” (1SAM 18:8-9). B. “Envy is the devil’s eye, as hypocrisy is the devil’s cloven foot.” (Unknown) C. Beware of the “unfair” claim when it comes to God’s expectations or favor. JOH 21:20-22. D. Envy of the valid advantage of another (the favor of God, success by merit, inheritance, etc.) is one thing. But it is especially vain to be envious ...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.