Conspiracy of the Ages

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 2)

VI. ISA 14:14 shows that Lucifer (Satan) desires to be “like the most High.” A survey of some of the attributes of God sheds light on that to which Satan aspires. A. God owns and distributes all wealth at His pleasure. 1CH 29:11-12. B. God is the only Potentate (a person endowed with independent power) and Distributer of power. 1TI 6:14-15; 1CH 29:12. C. God's will is always done in heaven and earth. DAN 4:35; 2CH 20:6. D. God requires unique and universal worship. MAT 4:10; ISA 45:22-...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 3)

C. REV 20 is describing a time when the devil would be bound for a period referred to as a “thousand years.” 1. This binding would put a stop to his on-going deceptive tactics with the nations for the duration of the thousand years. 2. After the thousand years expires, the devil would be loosed to revive his game plan, deceiving the nations once more to ultimately destroy all opposition to his government. 3. NOTE: If the devil were able to eradicate the churches of God (of which the m...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 4)

J. Satan's dilemma: The key to world government is the elimination of God's word which declares his defeat and exposes his agenda, supplanting his own doctrine in its place. But God has promised to preserve His words forever. PSA 12:6-7; 119:152, 160; MAT 24:35. 1. Remember that the only people for whom the word of God has a beneficial and effectual working are God's children who receive it in faith as God's word. 1CO 1:18; 2:14; 1TH 2:13. 2. Believers are the salt of the earth by which i...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 6)

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 6) THE CONSPIRACY OF THE AGES Conspire: “To combine privily for an evil or unlawful purpose; to agree together to do something criminal, illegal, or reprehensible." (All English word definitions in this study taken from the Oxford English Dictionary) I. Theories about conspiracy relative to human government are many and varied. A. Of particular interest to many theorists is the specter of a world government that renders national boundaries irrelevant. B. This study ass...

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 8)

Conspiracy of the Ages (Part 8) THE CONSPIRACY OF THE AGES Conspire: “To combine privily for an evil or unlawful purpose; to agree together to do something criminal, illegal, or reprehensible." (All English word definitions in this study taken from the Oxford English Dictionary) I. Theories about conspiracy relative to human government are many and varied. A. Of particular interest to many theorists is the specter of a world government that renders national boundaries irrelevant. B. Th...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.