King Hezekiah

King Hezekiah A. King Hezekiah’s record is in 2KI 18-20; 2CH 29-32; ISA 36-39. B. Because of the apostasy of Judah and their wicked king, Ahaz, God would allow the Assyrians to oppress the land. ISA 7:17-20. C. Fortunately for Judah, a righteous king (Hezekiah) succeeded Ahaz. 1. Hezekiah's priorities were ordered correctly. He viewed sin as the nation’s ruin and repentance and true religion as its salvation. 2. Contrast him with Ahaz. 2CH 28:22-23 ct/w 2CH 29:3-11. 3. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” (John Adams) 4. “And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” (George Washington, 1796 Farewell Address) D. Hezekiah destroyed Moses' brasen serpent, a reminder to us of the corrupting nature of images. 2KI 18:4. E. Hezekiah implemented a great restoration of the temple (which he later stripped and sold), and refreshed the ordinances of God. 2CH 29:3-36. 1. “...and carry forth the filthiness out of the holy place...” (v. 5), a call for purification. c/w JAM 4:8; 1CO 5:13. 2. “...So the service of the house of the LORD was set in order...” (v. 35). c/w 1CO 11:2, 34; 14:40. F. Hezekiah extended invitation to all Israel and Judah to keep the Lord's passover (2CH 30:1), a foreshadowing of the Samaritans being rejoined to God through Christ. ACT 1:8; 8:5. G. Most, but not all, of Israel refused the invitation. 2CH 30:10-11. H. A great purge of idols and their elements resulted from his efforts. 2CH 30:14; 31:1. 1. God honored the zeal of Hezekiah for the house of God by promising to defend Jerusalem. 2CH 31:20-21 c/w ISA 31:5-9. 2. Restoring the house of God to His foundational principles is a good place to begin the path of national exaltation. 1PE 4:17; PRO 14:34. 3. The gospel church is a nation which too often strays from its foundation of Jesus Christ and His righteousness, demanding repentance. 1PE 2:9 c/w ROM 14:17; REV 2:5. I. Hezekiah initially resisted the king of Assyria. 2KI 18:7. J. Eight years after the fall of Samaria, the Assyrians, under Sennacherib, besieged some of the cities of Judah. 1. Hezekiah tried to buy off the Assyrians with the treasures of his own house and the temple, but to little avail; the judgment was of the Lord. 2KI 18:13-16; ISA 10:5-12. 2. Good church leaders know better than to try to appease the powers that be by surrendering the church’s chief assets but rather by holding them fast. 1TI 4:16; ACT 4:18-21. ISA 36:1-20. Sennacherib sent Rabshakeh to demoralize the people of Jerusalem. NAH 1:11. 1. vs. 10-20. The Tokyo Rose tactic. Satan will try this on you to discourage you in times of personal trial or failure to con you into thinking that it’s futile to resist. But submit and resist in the faith. JAM 4:7; 1PE 5:8-9. 2. v. 21. Sometimes the best answer to the wicked is no answer, especially when the wicked is looking for an unguarded reply by his provocation. LUK 11:53-54; MAT 21:23-27. King Hezekiah 6-23-24 Page 1 of 2 ISA 37:1-2. Hezekiah knew the true source of Jerusalem's strength. 2KI 2:12; PSA 20; ACT 4:29-31. 1. vs. 3-4. Hezekiah's humility evident. God may intervene for His name’s sake and His mercies. c/w DAN 9:17-19. 2. vs. 6-14. Rabshakeh didn't give up easily. Be careful when deliverance is promised that your guard is not let down. 1CO 15:57-58. 3. vs. 15-20. Hezekiah's first concern is the honor of God. 4. vs. 21-25. God's enmity against human pride remembered. PRO 6:16-19; 16:18. 5. vs. 26-27. God takes credit for the overthrow of other peoples. So Christ. PSA 2:9. 6. vs. 28-29. The wicked can do no more than God allows. PSA 76:10; 1CO 10:13. ISA 38:1-8. Hezekiah fell sick at this crucial time, but God had mercy on him and added fifteen years to his life, promising also to deliver Jerusalem. Times of our weakness are not necessarily signs of destruction but of opportunities for God’s grace to shine brightly for victory. 2CO 12:9-10. ISA 37:33-36. God Himself would take care of the Assyrian. c/w ISA 30:31; 1TH 4:16-17; REV 20:9. 1. God saves the greatest victories for Himself. EXO 14:13-14; ISA 63:3-5; HOS 13:14. 2. There is an archeaological artifact (Sennacherib’s column) which details his conquests until he was stopped at Jerusalem. 3. vs. 37-38. All religions are not equal! ISA 39:1-8 c/w 2CH 32:25-26. Hezekiah got proud and careless after having been shown great mercy, but humbled himself and delayed the wrath of God. King Hezekiah 6-23-24 Page 2 of 2

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