Jesus Christ The Cure For Sin

Jesus Christ, The Cure For Sin I. We often have noted that sinful man is totally depraved, unwilling and unable to produce good unto eternal salvation. ROM 3:9-19; PSA 39:5. A. Sin is present in conception and gestation. PSA 51:5. B. Sin is present at birth. PSA 58:3. C. Sin is present in youth. GEN 8:21. D. Sin is present in all. ECC 7:20; 1JO 1:8. E. Sin is the reigning principle of Adamic man and yields death. ROM 5:21. II. The problem is two-fold: Sin and sins. A. There is the Sin principle of spiritual death which all inherit from Adam: our nature. ROM 5:12, 19; EPH 2:1-3. B. There are sins which are the fruit of the corrupt tree of our nature. JOB 14:4; MAT 7:18; MAR 7:20-23. 1. There are sins of commission. 1JO 3:4. 2. There are sins of omission. JAM 4:17. 3. There are sins of ignorance. LEV 5:14-19. C. Any plan of salvation must cure both Sin and sins. 1. It is not enough to cure only Sin. What about past sins? The curing of man’s nature does not dismiss the righteous justice of a holy God against sins. NAH 1:3. 2. It is not enough to cure only sins. What about Sin, which will only produce more sins? Forgiven sins do not infallibly prevent future sins erupting from the still corrupt Sin nature. JOH 8:11. 3. A “best case scenario” of someone dying before ever committing evil does not alter the nature of sin which still condemns him (ROM 9:11-13) and if this were not the case, then the cure is not Atonement but Abortion. III. There is no Works System that can change human nature. A. The corrupt nature will do according to its nature. 2PE 2:22. B. Sin is an inherited, immutable characteristic that cannot be overcome by will. JER 13:23. C. Our works by nature are dead works. HEB 9:14; ISA 64:6. D. Our good works contrary to nature are still polluted by our nature. ROM 7:21. E. Natural man cannot please God. ROM 8:7-8. F. Hence, the cure can not be caused by our works. 2TI 1:9; TIT 3:5; EPH 2:8-10. G. Hence, God’s election of sinners unto salvation is not according to our will or works, but God’s will, God’s work, God’s mercy. ROM 9:11-16. IV. Any plan of salvation must provide a) expiation for sins, and b) a new nature. A. We cannot alter our natural genetics, let alone our spiritual genetics. LUK 12:25-26. B. Sacrifices of things under the bondage of corruption perfected nobody. HEB 10:1-4. C. As there is a natural generation and birth from Adam tainted with sin, there must be a spiritual generation and birth from God with no taint of sin. JOH 3:3-8 c/w EPH 2:10 c/w 1JO 3:9. V. Jesus Christ is the cure for both Sin and sins. A. Here is how He cures sins. 1. He bare our sins in His body to heal us as the Father had ordered. 1PE 2:24; ISA 53:5-6, 11. Jesus Christ, The Cure For Sin 6-30-24 Page 1 2. He by Himself purged our sins by blood redemption/remission. HEB 1:3; 9:12. 3. All this was according to God’s will. HEB 10:9-18. B. Here is how He cures Sin. 1. He was made to be Sin for us. 2CO 5:21. 2. The Sin Principle was imputed to Him, and killed in Him. ROM 8:3; 6:6-11. VI. The two-fold nature of Christ is the key to understanding salvation. A. The Hypostatic Union is mankind’s only hope for salvation, and it is perfectly effective. JOB 9:32-33. 1. As MAN, Jesus could suffer and die under imputed Sin and for imputed sins. 2. As GOD, Jesus could provide infinite perfection and satisfaction: a just man could save only one, and not even himself if he gave himself for another. 3. As GOD-MAN, He is equal to both God and Man, so He can be the Daysman, the one and only Mediator. 1TI 3:16; 2:5. B. Salvation is not by Jesus AND, but by Jesus ONLY. ACT 4:12; ISA 63:5; 59:16; 43:11-12; HEB 1:1-3. C. That salvation is all of God by Jesus Christ excludes any and all boasting by sinners. ROM 2:17; 3:27; 4:2; EPH 2:8-9. D. The word, not the power, of sinners’ reconciliation to God by Jesus Christ is committed to gospel ministers. 2CO 5:18-21. E. Jesus Christ, the God-Man, “ the word which by the gospel is preached unto you” (1PE 1:23-25), the Word of God made flesh to save sinners from Sin and sins. JOH 1:1-3, 14; 1TI 3:16; REV 19:11-13. F. Salvation is of GRACE: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Jesus Christ, The Cure For Sin 6-30-24 Page 2

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