Haggai Part 4

V. HAG 2:1-9. A. All the prophets gave witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and the days of the setting up of His spiritual kingdom. ACT 10:43; 3:24. B. Haggai here points the Jews to Messiah's coming and a superior glory for the house of God in order to console and animate them in their work. C. v. 2 c/w HAG 1:12. “The encouragements here are sent to the same persons to whom the reproofs in the foregoing chapter are directed; for those that are wounded by the convictions of the word shall be healed and bound up by its consolations.” (Matthew Henry Commentary) Note ACT 2:36-39. D. At issue here for the construction crew was the pitiful appearance of their efforts compared with the magnificence of Solomon's temple. v. 3 c/w EZR 3:12. 1. Let us not dwell too much on how good things used to be (ECC 7:10), especially if that becomes an excuse to wallow in pity and do nothing. a. Remember this warning if your faith has been tested or troubled. 1CO 10:13; PHIL 4:12-13. b. NOTE: sometimes saints backslide and see their spiritual lives in shambles and consider rebuilding to be a hopeless cause, especially when the world adds its scorn and mockery to their failings (PSA 69:26). Never forget that the God Who first made man out of dust can rebuild man from the broken stones of a once-good temple. 2. Projects for God which seem pathetic are only pathetic if God is not in the matter. JOH 6:9-13; ZEC 4:9-10. a. By contrast, presuming to build for God by conforming efforts to the world or the flesh is truly pathetic. MAT 6:7; ROM 12:1-2. b. “Loaves and fishes” religion which appeals to the flesh is as leaven in the lump: greater size without substance. JOH 6:26, 66-67. 3. Christian faith is not a numbers game and the early N.T. church was as a grain of mustard at the beginning. The religion of Almighty God was rebuilt by a faithful remnant of the former order and it prospered. MAR 4:30-32; ACT 17:6; 21:20; ROM 16:25-26. 4. The apostolic writings (the N.T.) pale in comparison by volume to the writings of Moses and the prophets, yet they are the more excellent glory. 2CO 3:7-11. E. As an encouragement to the work, Haggai reassures Zerubbabel, Joshua and the people that the Lord is with them. His spirit remained among them. vs. 4-5. 1. Though Israel had oft grieved and vexed His Spirit (ISA 63:10), yet He remained there. God’s longsuffering with Israel was amazing both for His patience to save them and for their historic indifference to it. ROM 2:3-5; 10:19-21. a. The Spirit continued with Israel until they murdered Christ, at which time He abandoned the nation to indwell the N.T. church as surely as He once abandoned King Saul to abide with David. 1SAM 16:14; 18:12 c/w MAT 21:42-43; ACT 2:1-4; ROM 11:25. b. God has promised His Spirit's presence to ever be with His church, but His church may not always be the same group. Faith will be preserved in the earth, but where? The local churches noted in the Bible all became so many “Ichabod churches” (the glory is departed). c/w 1SAM 4:19-22. c. As long as God's spirit remains, there is hope for even the deadest of churches. REV 3:1-4. d. NOTE: Saints should take heed of the warnings against vexing, grieving, quenching the spirit of God to the point that God turns them over to their Haggai 10-12-24 Page 6 own devices and withholds repentance from them. EPH 4:30; 1TH 5:19; 2TH 2:10-12; 2TI 2:24-26. (1) Remember King Saul whom God had given another heart yet he sinned away the Spirit and was left in distress. 1SAM 10:9; 28:6. (2) Sin should be answered with prompt repentance to avoid this condition. PSA 51:8-12. (3) The theme of the Book of Haggai is rebuilding. Let us be cautious to only rebuild that which is good, not that which is evil. GAL 2:18. 2. That His spirit remained with Zerubbabel and Co. was the underlying reason for a successful venture. ZEC 4:6 c/w JOH 15:5. 3. This rebuilt temple would enjoy a greater glory than Solomon's temple. vs.7, 9. F. This remnant of Israel was only a shadow of the Israel that was, yet their hands would be used for a greater glory. God is pleased to glorify Himself through things of little worth and account. LUK 12:32; 1CO 1:27-31. 1. What a comfort this is to a church that has suffered loss or strayed from the good old paths. God can yet be glorified in such if they repent. JER 6:16; REV 2:4-5. 2. Solomon's temple was renowned for its construction details and wealth but what are those to the Mighty Creator? v. 8 c/w PSA 24:1. 3. Solomon's temple was also glorious for the service which God gave it to perform but something more glorious was in store. Haggai 10-12-24 Page 7

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