22: The Caliber of Canon

22: The Caliber of Canon A. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew which has a 22-letter alphabet. Note the sections of PSA 119. B. The Hebrew alphabet morphed into the Phoenician alphabet which morphed into the Greek alphabet which morphed into the Latin alphabet which is essentially what we use in English. C. The O.T. tabernacle was illuminated with a candlestick that consisted of seven lamps fixed on six branches and a central shaft. 1. The word translated lamps in EXO 25:31-40 (SRN H5216) is rendered lamp in PSA 119:105 and PRO 6:23 which both refer to the written word of God then constructed out of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. 2. In the branches and the shaft were 22 “...bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop, and a flower...” (EXO 25:33-34). Something that pictures the word of God has these 22 things in its make-up. D. The Bible consists of 66 books, which is 22 X 3. 1. In these 66 books is revealed the Triune God. Hence, 22 X 3. 2. The Trinity is set forward in the O.T. a. The Hebrew name of God Elohim is plural and means at least three Mighty Ones. b. The singular God refers to Himself with plural pronouns in GEN 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; ISA 6:8. c. ISA 48:12-17 sets forth the interaction between the three Persons of Trinity in that “...the LORD God and his Spirit” send “thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.” d. There was one ark with three stories. GEN 6:16. e. There was one tabernacle/temple with three compartments: the outer court, the holy place and the Holy of Holies. f. The interplay of Abraham, Isaac and Abraham’s eldest servant in GEN 24 set forth the interaction of the Trinity in that the Father arranges a bride for His only begotten Son, which bride is sought out and brought to Him by the Holy Spirit. 3. The O.T. is made up of 39 books, which is 13 X 3. a. The number 13 is associated (though not exclusively) with separation, deceit and rebellion. GEN 14:4; EST 3:13. b. The last word of the O.T. is curse. This is the Triune God’s final word. 4. The N.T. is made up of 27 books, which is 9 X 3 or 3 X 3 X 3. a. In the 3 X 3 X 3 N.T., the Trinity is most clearly revealed in Jesus Christ. JOH 1:1-3, 14, 18; MAT 28:19; 1JO 5:7; 2CO 13:14. b. The last verse of the N.T. has grace, which is the opposite of the curse. REV 22:21. c. Jesus Christ in His death on the cross by the grace of God has lifted the curse. HEB 2:9; GAL 3:13. E. The Book of Isaiah provides internal evidence for the canon of our Bible. 1. Isaiah has 66 chapters corresponding to the 66 books of the Bible. 2. Those 66 chapters contain a compendium of the entire story of the 66 books of the Bible from start to finish. a. Isaiah begins with mention of the heavens and the earth (ISA 1:2) as the Bible opens in GEN 1:1. b. Isaiah closes with mention of the new heavens and new earth (ISA 66:22) even as the Bible closes with the new heaven and new earth. REV 21-22. c. The original creation is referred to repeatedly in Isaiah. d. The fall of Lucifer and his agenda are described. ISA 14. 22: The Caliber of Canon 5-16-24 Page 1 of 2 e. The history of the nation of Israel from their origin to their end is set forth. ISA 65:17. f. The first coming of Christ and His redemptive work are prophesied copiously, sometimes in great detail, as in ISA 9, 53. g. It prophesies of the rejection of the gospel by the Jews and its reception by the Gentiles. ISA 65:1-2 c/w ROM 10:20. h. The second coming of Christ and related events are prophesied. i. The final destruction of Satan is also foretold. j. Isaiah gives us a glimpse into the horrors of hell and the glories of heaven. 3. Isaiah so clearly prophesies of the Lord Jesus Christ that he has been called the evangelical prophet. He conspicuously sets forth the Deity of Christ. ISA 7:14; 9:6; 40:3-5. 4. The break between the first 39 chapters and the last 27 chapters corresponds to the break between the 39 books of the O.T. and the 27 books of the N.T. a. ISA 40 opens with a prophecy of the ministry of John the Baptist. This prophecy is cited in all four gospels. b. The ministry of John the Baptist is the beginning of the gospel according to MAR 1:1-4. 5. The dominant themes of Isaiah are judgment and salvation. a. The first 39 chapters deal predominantly with judgment, which corresponds to the O.T. which is a ministration of condemnation. 2CO 3:6-9. b. The last 27 chapters deal predominantly with salvation, which corresponds to the N.T. which is the ministration of righteousness. 2CO 3:6-9. 6. Isaiah means “Jehovah has saved.” The salvation of God’s people from judgment by Jehovah is the overriding theme of the book. F. The Book of Lamentations, consisting of five chapters, also bears internal evidence of the canon. 1. The first two chapters and last two chapters contain 22 verses each. 2. The third chapter contains 66 verses, 22 X 3, corresponding to the 66 books of the Bible. 3. In the third chapter, Jeremiah identifies with the people of Judah and Jerusalem undergoing the wrath of God for their sins. a. In this he is like our Savior Who endured the wrath of God by bearing our sins in His own body. b. Jesus, of all men in history, could say, “I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath” (LAM 3:1). c. Jeremiah goes down to emptiness and is then restored to hope, pointing to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. LAM 3:17-24, 58 c/w ACT 2:25-28. d. v. 40, which begins the next 27 verses, calls men to turn again unto the LORD, which corresponds (as Isaiah’s layout) with the ministry of John the Baptist, the beginning of the gospel. LUK 1:16. e. The chapter concludes with the judgments of Jeremiah’s enemies (LAM 3:64-66) as the Bible concludes with the judgment of the enemies of Jesus Christ. G. The Book of Revelation which marks the close and conclusion of the divine revelation has 22 chapters and the shutting of the book is particularly noted in the 22nd chapter. vs. 18-19. 1. The only revelation to follow the close of the book of prophecy is that of the Person of Jesus Christ at the Second Coming. v. 20. 2. Until then, His grace sustains us. v. 21. 22: The Caliber of Canon 5-16-24 Page 2 of 2

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