Cincinnati Church

What saith the scriptures?
About the Cincinnati Church
We are an historic baptist church that believes in the Divine inspiration and authority of the King James Bible as the word of God in English which is the only standard of our beliefs and practices. As the scriptures teach, we believe that only believers in the Lord Jesus Christ may be baptized, and that baptism is necessary for membership in a local church. The local church was meant to be a vessel for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ; the expression on earth of His divine government of the kingdom of heaven; a cote into which His sheep should obediently press for safety, comfort, instruction, improvement of faith and all attendant blessings of the Holy Spirit Who indwells it. For more information on our beliefs and practices, please read our Statement of Beliefs.

For information about when and where we meet for worship, please contact us.

For some food for thought see the Thought for the Day normally authored by Pastor Tim Boffey and occasionally authored by other church members.

We also have a large library of digital sermons for your edification. We urge all who use this online ministry to not make it a substitute for gospel obedience in repenting of sin, believing Jesus Christ and His written word, and being properly baptized into a genuine local church that is walking in the truth so as to assemble with them for corporate praise of Almighty God (MAR 1:15; ACT 2:38-47; ACT 8:12; ACT 26:20; EPH 3:20-21; HEB 10:25).

Latest Sermons and Bible Studies

This is just the 25 most recent sermons and Bible studies. You may find these and more in our complete list of sermons and Bible studies.


Rationalizing I. rationalize: trans. To render conformable to reason; to explain on a rational basis. b. To clear away by reasoning. c. Psychol. To give plausible reasons for (one's behaviour) that ignore, conceal, or gloss its real motive. A. The truth of God is in accord with sound reasoning. We subscribe to a rational faith that can be declared. ACT 17:1-3; 1PE 3:15. B. Sinfulness, though, reaso...

Haggai Part 7

VI. HAG 2:10-19. A. The twenty-fourth day of the month is significant throughout the remainder of the chapter. vs. 10, 18, 20. 1. Haggai delivers two messages: one to the priests and the people to snap them to attention for their good, the other to the governor to encourage and bless him with promises for he had been good. 2. Christian experience is marked by significant days also: not by high days which ...

Our Bible Part 5

VII. It has become fashionable in modern Christianity to assume that a bonafide translation is impossible and the truth of God (Scripture) is confined to “original” languages. Consider: A. When someone is desperate to cling to an error which is refuted in the KJV, there is a tendency to appeal to the “original” Greek as found in an ancient manuscript. 1. Which Greek? There are two lines of Greek texts. a. One comes from...

Our Bible Part 4

V. Here are some “bullet-points” of review and for further investigation concerning the giving and preserving of the written scriptures. A. God writes. EXO 31:18; HEB 8:10. B. God intends differing languages. GEN 11:6-9. C. God intends translation. ACT 2:1-11. D. God intends copies. DEU 17:18-20. E. God inspires originals, copies and translations. 2TI 3:15-16. F. God inspires flawed men to deliver His words: prophets, apostles, scribes, even tr...

Rendering Tribute to God

Rendering Tribute To God (Mark 12:13-17) A. Definitions. 1. tribute: A tax or impost paid by one prince or state to another in acknowledgement of submission or as the price of peace, security, and protection; rent or homage paid in money or an equivalent by a subject to his sovereign or a vassal to his lord. 2. transf. and fig. a. Something paid or contributed as by a subordina...

Haggai Part 6

H. “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts” (v. 8). 1. They need not be concerned about the relative absence of the gold and silver that were part of the first temple’s glory. 1CH 29:1-5, 14-16. 2. This temple would one day be graced by the Messiah Whose salvation and gospel were richer than silver and gold. 1PE 1:18-19; ACT 3:6-11. 3. Christ is greater than the temple (MAT 12:5-6). Compare “in this place” with HA...

Our Bible Part 3

IV. Consider the nature of Scripture. A. It was given by inspiration of God. 2TI 3:16; 2PE 1:21. 1. This inspiration was direct Divine guidance of the person to Whom it was given. 2SAM 23:2; ISA 8:1; JER 36:1-2, 4. 2. This inspiration extends beyond mere general concepts to words, grammar and even diacritics. GAL 3:16, 29; MAT 5:18; 22:31-32. Our Bible 12-1-24 ...

Our Bible Part 2

F. The major events of the N.T. are: 1. The conception of Jesus Christ in the virgin Mary's womb which was God becoming a man who was the Son of God. MAT 1:23; LUK 1:35. 2. The ministry of John the Baptist who prepared Israel for Christ's public ministry and who baptized Jesus Christ. MAR 1:1-11. 3. The sinless life and public ministry of Jesus Christ which was rejected by His own people and which culminated in His crucifixion death. ACT ...

The Doctrine of Preaching

Bible Preaching Done Right I. Cause for this Lesson 1. This lesson will lay things down in the right, scriptural perspective when it comes to the preaching of the gospel. Gospel baptism requires the right mode, the right faith, the right administrator, the right recipient, and the right result; gospel preaching consists of these same elements as well. However, gospel preaching is different in that it is administered to both the r...

Our Bible Part 1

Our Bible I. Bible: The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. II. A collection of books; a library. II. Introductory thoughts. A. Imagine a society without a standardized code of law to which all can repair and to which all are accountable: a society where every man does what is right in his own eyes. B. Imagine a society where the code of law is continually subject to change by that society’s leaders ...


Thanksgiving A. Definitions. 1. thanksgiving: The giving of thanks; the expression of thankfulness or gratitude; esp. the act of giving thanks to God. 2. thank: v. trans. To give thanks to; to express gratitude or obligation to. 3. thank: sb. Favourable thought or feeling, good will. 3. Kindly thought or feeling entertained towards any one for favour or services received; grateful thought, gratitude. 4. ...

Haggai Part 5

G. “...the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory...” (v. 7). 1. The rebuilt temple would have a greater glory than the former one. v. 9. 2. This pertained to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. MAL 3:1. a. Christ is God's glory. ISA 40:5 c/w JOH 1:14. b. Christ is Israel's glory. LUK 2:32. c. Christ is the Gentiles' glory. ISA 11:10 c/w COL 1:27. 3. Immanuel graced th...

God's Pattern For Faithfulness In Ministry Part 2

E. If a minister wants his words and the form of them to be sound: he must go to Paul. 2TI 1:13. 1. sound: In full accordance with fact, reason, or good sense; founded on true or well-established grounds; free from error, fallacy, or logical defect; good, strong, valid. 2. If a minister wants his gospel to be the true gospel, he need only preach the gospel Paul preached because Paul got it directly from Christ. GAL 1:6-12. 3. Tha...

God's Pattern For Faithfulness in Ministry Part 1

God’s Pattern For Faithfulness In Ministry faithful: 1. Of persons, their actions, etc. : Full of or characterized by faith; believing. 2. Firm in fidelity or allegiance to a person to whom one is bound by any tie; constant, loyal, true. faithfulness: The quality of being faithful; a. Fidelity, loyalty [to a superior or friend]; trustworthiness, conscientiousness. b. Strict adherence to one’s pledged word; honesty, sincerity. I. To what or whom are ministers to be f...

Haggai Part 4

V. HAG 2:1-9. A. All the prophets gave witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and the days of the setting up of His spiritual kingdom. ACT 10:43; 3:24. B. Haggai here points the Jews to Messiah's coming and a superior glory for the house of God in order to console and animate them in their work. C. v. 2 c/w HAG 1:12. “The encouragements here are sent to the same persons to whom the reproofs in the foregoing chapter are directed; for those that are wounde...

The Church Part 11

K. With the bestowal of the office comes the right and responsibility to make specific requirements of a church. ROM 16:17; 1CO 5:11-13; 11:2; 14:40; 2CO 2:6-7; 1TI 1:3; 4:11; 5:7; 6:17; 2TI 2:14; 4:1-2. 1. A minister must command the keeping of apostolic order. 2TH 3:6-10. 2. An example of this is the command to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together (HEB 10:25). Thus, a minister has the authority and duty to regulate and enforce this issue...

Haggai Part 3

IV. HAG 1:12-15. A. Haggai's rebuke was met with a proper response: church leaders and church members united against error because they believed the rebuke was from God. v. 12 c/w 1TH 2:13-14. 1. Rebukes from God should yield our rebuke of our lusts and sins. JOB 34:31-32; 42:6 c/w ROM 6:21. 2. As God promised the remnant who would repent that He would in turn “...rebuke the devourer for your sakes.....

Matthew 7:1-5

Matthew 7:1-5 A. Jesus here gives instruction concerning judgment. 1. judge: To form an opinion about; to pronounce an opinion upon, to criticize; esp. to pronounce an adverse opinion upon, to condemn. See LUK 6:37. 2. This portion of Scripture is often wrested to mean that it is never proper to judge (criticize, condemn) another's doctrine, practice or conduct. 3. If the Lord Jesus is here teaching that cri...

The Church Part 10

G. The authority which God gives to rulers of churches is not to be used to destroy the churches, but build them up. 2CO 10:8; 13:10. 1. Ministerial authority may be abused by forbidding scrutiny or challenge. JOH 9:34; ACT 4:17-18 ct/w ACT 17:11; NUM 16:5. 2. Ministerial authority may be abused by taking away the key of knowledge by dereliction of duty, faulty hermeneutic, substituting traditions of men for the word of God, or casting doubt on...

Haggai Part 2

3. When the heart by penitent conversion becomes an active temple unto God, it is a festive moment in earth and heaven. ACT 8:35-39; 16:34; LUK 15:10, 32. a. The body of a saint is God’s temple to be kept clean. 1CO 6:18-20. b. Conversion begins with belief in the heart. ACT 8:37; ROM 10:9-10. c. Obedience should be from the heart. ROM 6:17; EPH 6:6. d. Christ dwe...

Our God

Our God I. Consider some philosophical arguments for the existence of God. A. The argument from motion. 1. Anything that is moved is moved by some other thing. 2. To move is nothing else but drawing something from potentiality to actuality. 3. Nothing can be brought from potentiality into actuality except by something that is itself in actuality. 4. It is impossible that ...

Haggai Part 1

Haggai I. Haggai is a small book of a minor prophet but “...who hath despised the day of small things?” (ZEC 4:10). c/w MIC 5:2; LUK 12:32. A. Even jots, tittles and least commandments are important. MAT 5:18-19. B. This small scripture is for our learning, patience, comfort and hope. ROM 15:4. C. Haggai did have a tag-team partner since sometimes two are better than one. EZR 5:1; EXO 4:14-15; ECC 4:9-11; MAR...

The Trinity

The Trinity trinity: The state of being threefold, threefoldness, threeness. Specifically in theological use: applied to the existence of one God in three persons. I. The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that there is only one Supreme Being or God, Who exists in three Persons in undivided essence. Each of the three Persons: the Father, the Word/Son, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit is equally and wholly the one and only God. II. Some believe...

Matthew 6:10

Matthew 6:10 A. Jesus taught us to pray that the Father’s kingdom come. c/w v. 9. 1. kingdom: Kingly function, authority, or power; sovereignty, supreme rule; the position or rank of a king, kingship. trans. and fig. The spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ, or the sphere over which this extends, in heaven or on earth; the spiritual state of which God is the head. 2. This involves the concept of Go...

The Church Part 9

IX. The local church is basically part of a monarchy, but no man on earth is its king. The Head or King of the church is Jesus Christ, who rules from a throne in heaven. A. Christ is the head of the church which is His kingdom. Head = king. EPH 1:22 c/w 1SAM 15:17. 1. His royal sceptre is righteousness. HEB 1:8. 2. His crown is glory and honor. HEB 2:9. 3. His throne is of grace. HEB 4:16. 4. His author...

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© 2024 Cincinnati Church

The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.