
Thanksgiving 1. Definitions. A. thank: v. To give thanks to; to express gratitude or obligation to. B. thank: sb. 1. Thought. 2. Favourable thought or feeling, good will. 3. Kindly thought or feeling entertained towards any one for favour or services received; grateful thought, gratitude. 4. The expression of gratitude; the grateful acknowledgement of a benefit or favour. C. gratitude: The quality or condition of being grateful; a warm sense of appreciation of kindness received, involving a feeling of goodwill towards the benefactor and a desire to something in return; gratefulness. D. appreciate: v. 1. To make or form an estimate of worth, quality, or amount. 2. To estimate aright, to perceive the full force of. 3. To esteem adequately or highly; to recognize as valuable or excellent; to find worth or excellence in. E. bless: II. To hold or call holy; to extoll as holy, divine, gracious. III. To declare to be supernaturally favoured; to pronounce or make happy. 7. To confer well-being upon; 'to make happy: to prosper, to make successful.' To make happy with some gift. 2. Thanksgiving is a good thing to do. PSA 92:1-2. 3. Thanksgiving is commanded for all times and in all circumstances. EPH 5:20; 1TH 5:18. A. It is the will of God and thus a matter of obedience. B. This is a commandment for those who are in Christ. Those outside of Christ cannot keep this commandment. C. Only in Christ Jesus can this obedience be acceptably rendered. EPH 1:6; 1PE 2:5. 4. Thanksgiving is an essential part of doing all in the name of (by the authority of) Jesus Christ. COL 3:17. 5. Thanksgiving is a sacrifice of praise we offer to God. HEB 13:15; PSA 107:21-22. A. God creates this fruit of the lips. ISA 57:19. B. Thanksgiving is to be done with our lips as part of our living sacrifice. ROM 12:1. C. Under the O.T., this sacrifice was more pleasing to God than the animal sacrifices. PSA 69:30-31. 6. God's creatures are to be received with thanksgiving. 1TI 4:3-4. 7. Thanksgiving is a necessary ingredient in prayer. PHIL 4:6-7; COL 4:2; 1TI 2:1. A. Praise is the antidote to heaviness brought on by carefulness. ISA 61:3. B. Learn to be thankful for your trials, which bring on carefulness. PSA 119:71. C. Thanksgiving prepares your heart to accept whatever God's solution is for your problem. 8. Thanksgiving connects with the peace of God ruling in our hearts and harmony within the body of Christ. COL3:15. 9. Thanksgiving demonstrates spiritual strength. COL 1:11-12. Thanksgiving 11-29-15 Page 1 of 2 10. Thanksgiving is an ingredient in abounding faith. COL 2:6-7. 11. Thanksgiving is an evidence that one is filled with the Spirit of God. EPH 5:18-21. 12. Consider the examples of our Lord and of Paul. JOH 6:11, 23; LUK 10:21; 22:19-20; ACT 27:34-35; ROM 1:8; 1CO 1:4, 14; 15:57; 2CO 2:14; EPH 1:15-16; PHIL 1:3-5; COL 1:3-5; 1TH 1:2-3; 2TH 1:3; 2:13; 1TI 1:12; 2TI 1:3-5; PHM 1:4-5. A. Paul is our example. 1CO 11:1-2. B. Following Paul's example, we shall have the God of peace with us. PHIL 4:9. 13. Thanksgiving is the activity of heaven (REV 7:9-12). Why not let heaven begin now? 14. The neglect of thanksgiving breeds moral corruption. ROM 1:20-25; 2TI 3:1-2. Thanksgiving 11-29-15 Page 2 of 2
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