The Creation Week and the Age of the Earth

The Creation Week and the Age of the Earth (Part 1)

The Creation Week and The Age of the Earth I. There are four possibilities to explain the existence of the universe. A. The universe spontaneously emerged from nothing. Nothing does NOT produce anything. B. The universe is eternal. This is refuted by the law of entropy which affirms that all things are wearing out. C. The universe does not exist. This is insanity: the inability to cope with reality. D. A force greater than the universe brought it into existence. In other words, “In the ...

The Creation Week and the Age of the Earth (Part 2)

The Creation Week and The Age of the Earth I. There are four possibilities to explain the existence of the universe. A. The universe spontaneously emerged from nothing. Nothing does NOT produce anything. B. The universe is eternal. This is refuted by the law of entropy which affirms that all things are wearing out. C. The universe does not exist. This is insanity: the inability to cope with reality. D. A force greater than the universe brought it into existence. In other words, “In the ...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.