
Jonah (Part 2)

Chapter 1 vs. 1-3. A. Jonah was clearly called to cry against Nineveh. v. 2. 1. cry: To entreat, beg, beseech, implore, in a loud and emoved or excited voice. 2. Rebuking prophets were to “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet...” (ISA 58:1). 3. N.T. ministers are similarly called to rebuke sinners. 2TI 4:2. a. rebuke: To beat down or force back; to repress or check (a person); to repulse. 2. To reprove, reprimand, chide severely. b. chide: To give loud or impassioned utterance to a...

Jonah (Part 3)

v. 17. A. God prepared a great fish to receive Jonah, even as He later prepared a grave for Christ. JOH 19:41. 1. 2. 3. B. This is 1. MAT 12:39-40; 1PE 1:3-4; ROM 4:25. 1. Mind that the whale was a tomb for Jonah yet also a place of salvation. 2. As the whale's belly could not consume nor continually hold Jonah, so the grave could not corrupt nor hold Jesus Christ. ACT 2:24-27. 3. Jonah's being cast into the sea should have been his death but that a prepared whale's mouth and belly received him f...

Jonah (Part 4)

Chapter 3 vs. 1-4. Jonah 9-7-13 Page 6 A. Jonah's duty still awaited him. NOTE: 1. Rebellion against known duty does not excuse us from that duty nor from chastening but only from blessings. JAM 4:17 c/w LUK 12:47. 2. Punishment for rebellion against known duty does not excuse us from that duty. 3. Deliverance from punishment for rebellion against known duty does not excuse us from that duty. 4. If God be reconciled to the wayward who failed in duty and they, like Peter, be given a second chance, l...

Jonah (Part 5)

Chapter 4 vs. 1-9. A. Apostles (ACT 14:15) and prophets (JAM 5:17) were men of passions as other men; they were not supermen. 1. passion: Any kind of feeling by which the mind is powerfully affected or moved; a vehement, commanding or overpowering emotion. 2. Jonah was particularly driven by passion: displeased exceedingly, very angry (v. 1); despondent (v. 3); exceeding glad (v. 6); despondent, angry (v. 9). 3. His emotionalism put him in a position not unlike that which he seems to have hoped wou...

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The Cincinnati Church is an historic baptist church located in Cincinnati, OH.